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Non Consensual Female

Page 6

by Roget Gaiton

  I released her hands from where I was, then we rested there, with me still on her and inside her until we had both caught our breath. Before I moved I told her that she was an absolute pleasure and that I was very proud of her. She looked very pleased and hugged me as she thanked me. Then just for the briefest instant a look flickered across her face that made me very glad for Ling’s warning.

  We snuggled together in bed for more than half an hour. She was still silent and seemingly content. I speculated on how I would go about killing me if I were in her position. I decided that she wouldn’t use a spreader bar or club type instrument again and she didn’t have access to serious weapons. I figured that her best shot would be to steal a knife from the dining room somehow and try to kill me in my sleep. I pulled her very close and enjoyed her mouth for a while, then gave her permission to speak. She didn’t do so at first, she had nothing she needed to say. I then asked her if she would like to serve me again. In the circumstances the fact that I meant sexually didn’t need to be spoken. She very softly said “yes, Sir. May I use my mouth to give you pleasure?” I realized then that my speculation had been wrong and forced myself not to tense up as I said, “Yes, Slave.”

  She stood for a moment, then defied her combat training by beginning her yell a fraction of a second before she struck. If I had been alert, that small warning might have saved me even without the warning from Ling. Since I had seen it coming I was prepared and caught her hand inches from my throat. She had thrown a serious deathblow but was unprepared with a follow-up should I survive it. In the moment it took her to collect herself for another strike I said simply: “you don’t really want to do that do you, slave?”

  Her answer surprised me; “I have to, Sir.”

  When I asked why she said: “Because if I don’t break free now I really will become a slave.”

  I asked her if that was really such a bad thing and she told me in a very defeated voice that she guessed that she would find out. It was another surrender and an important one but I wanted to deepen it so I asked: “why the warning growl? You knew better than that.” She told me again that she didn’t know. I said that she did know and needed to say it out loud. Tears formed in her eyes and her voice was just barely audible as she said, “Because I didn’t want to kill you.” I just looked the final question and she quivered out “I want to be your slave, Sir.”

  I kissed her and held her for a long wordless time after that then went to sleep in her arms without a qualm.

  We woke in time for dinner. It was enjoyable but uneventful. After dinner I took her to the video room. Several Masters and Slaves were gathered there for a showing of the newest Jackie Chan movie. The general flavor of the room was like a small party we had all brought dates to; in spite of the fact that our dates were mostly naked and tending to our every wish. After the movie two of the Masters ordered their slaves to have sex on the floor in front of us all. The one on the receiving end made her pleasure well known and when they had finished 317 whispered in my ear, “why was she so excited? It didn’t look all that exciting.”

  For an answer I ordered her to get down on the floor and spread her legs “just a bit more than natural.” She shot me a look that fell just short of getting her caned then did as I asked. When she was settled in I ordered her to caress her entire body sensually. She began running her hands over her soft skin in a beautiful display. As I watched I saw her focus and tune the audience out. Once she had done that she began growing mildly excited and the visual aspect improved. I let her go like that for several minutes then ordered her to focus on her pussy and look around the room. She saw 5 men and 4 women watching her intensely. Not just looking, but totally focused on her and being excited by what she was doing. A dynamic formed almost instantly. The audience’s excitement excited her, as she grew more excited her efforts grew more intense and that excited the audience even further. I let it build until her hips were unconsciously grinding and her wetness was visible from my chair. Then I ordered her to orgasm. My command put her over the edge and she came powerfully. The audience wanted more but I called her to me instead. As she sat next to me she smiled softly at me and said: “next time remind me not to growl first.”

  I laughed as she had intended then, after some departing pleasantries, took her back to my room.

  Her public performance had made me want her. Since I wasn’t in the mood for sex as athletic as the afternoons had been I took a different tact and dominated her in quieter and gentler yet still demanding ways. First I had her lay on top of me with her pussy held to my leg and rub it against me. I watched her face as her excitement and her embarrassment grew together then saw the embarrassment vanish and the excitement take off. Once she was close to orgasm I moved her to a position beside me and ordered her to abuse her left nipple. Once it was hard I made her put a clothespin on it, then, when that pain had subsided a little, do the same procedures to the right nipple. She fell into passionate submission quickly under the influence of the clips so it wasn’t long before I spread her legs and began running the tip of my dick up and down between her moist lips. First she asked me to take her then as her sexual need grew begged me to.

  I entered her slowly and began taking her gently, once again amazed at just how well our bodies fit together. I filled her completely but comfortably and the position of my body on top of hers was so natural and comfortable that we could easily have slept that way. Almost immediately she began to grind against my thrusts, seeking more physical stimulation. I ordered her still and continued taking her at my own pace. As she neared orgasm she begged me to thrust harder or faster to put her over the edge. Instead I stopped and lifted my chest from hers and ordered her to remove the clips from her nipples. Our eyes met as she complied and I soaked up her submission to the pain like the finest wine. When I resumed moving inside of her she responded even more vigorously than before. Her own submission had excited her just as it had excited me and in seconds we were both on the verge of release. When I was just on the edge I began thrusting hard and at an angle that put me rubbing directly against her clit. Her body’s reaction to the increase triggered my release and the final hard thrust that went with it triggered hers.

  Day 5

  I forgot to set my alarm so we both overslept in the morning. After just a little snuggle and wake up period I sent 317 off for grooming. Every third morning all the female slaves did that. This time 317 was a participant as well as a recipient and every time I checked the cameras she seemed to be having a wonderful time. My morning was spent in the mundane details of keeping the organization running and solvent. The one laugh of the morning was being in the video room checking on 317 when the girls began wax removal of each other's intimate hair. There were three of us in the room. All Masters of many years experience and all of whom tortured women as a matter of course as well as for entertainment. When we realized that not one of us had the stomach to watch the hair being ripped out we had a laugh at our own expense and went back to work.

  317 and I ate lunch together in my room. I didn’t tell her that I wanted to eat there so that she wouldn’t see 318 being taken to the dining room for the first time. The staff delivered our meal but 317 served it and did so with erotic elegance. As we ate she told me that during the morning’s grooming she had asked about 314 and been told that she was taking her final exam. The nature of final test we give slaves is kept secret from those who haven’t yet passed it. All they know is that it can take from 1 to 10 days and that those who pass it never resist their Masters again. 317 wanted to know how much suffering she would have to endure to pass the test. I could tell that she was afraid and wished I could comfort her. Instead I told her what we always tell slaves in training. That it is a test of submission, not endurance, and that I was confident that she would pass with flying colors. She nodded and, so casually that I almost missed it, asked if she had conditioning this afternoon. I told her that she did just as casually and began an intense internal effort to make eyes grow in the back of
my head.

  When she didn’t try to kill me within a few minutes I realized what her real plan was and watched very closely as she stacked the dishes on the serving cart. When she drew the bread knife back for a hard hacking stroke at her own wrist I caught it and took it away from her without comment. A few minutes later she asked if she had given herself away again. I told her that she had but didn’t elaborate. She was still digesting that when we arrived at the conditioning room.

  Today’s training began by repeating yesterday’s. The whole program is designed like that. We make sure each stage is fully reached before proceeding to the next. Every thirty minutes or so I took a break and checked on her progress via the computer network. As I expected she breezed through level one but then she surprised me by also breezing through levels two and three. Level two dealt with accepting that she didn’t have control of her own body and that it would and should be used for the pleasure of her Master. Level three dealt with her only duty or purpose being to please her Master. Normally each of those steps takes a slave several painful days to complete. Each took 317 less than an hour. When level four began she started getting shocks on every question. I used my code as her trainer to tell the program to stop level four and spend the rest of her session drilling her on the first three levels. Level four deals with the permanence of slavery and I knew exactly what the problem in that area was, so there was no point in needless torture.

  Her rapid progress caused me to have to reschedule the latter part of my day. I finished the one chore that it would have bothered me to leave undone; sending yet another scathing email to my compatriots reminding them to stop all activities that ruin the carpet in the facility. Then I spent the rest of the afternoon creating very special videotape for 317.

  We ate dinner early in the dining room. With no crowd there to distract us the conversation was intense and personal. She wanted to know how I could be so gentle in some ways but so brutal in others. I shared my belief that making a woman work all day every day for forty years is much crueler than forcing her to become extraordinary. Afterwards I took her for a walk around the facility. It really isn’t very large but by showing her some of the details I made it last half an hour. When we arrived at the video room I warned her before we entered that she was about to have a difficult experience. She nodded compliantly and we entered.

  I had 317 stand in front of the screen with her hands behind her head and ordered her to watch without moving a muscle. I then played the video I had made for her. It showed the rescue team that had been sent for her and what we had done to them, beginning with a recap of how we had baited and trapped them. When she saw that she muttered something about understanding now why she hadn’t been questioned. It ended by showing the troops sitting in the cellar, naked, chained together by the testicles and talking about how stupid they had been. When I paused the tape, tears were streaming down. She pulled herself together when I said there was one more part to this and ordered her to stay focused. The only comment she could make was to beg me not to end her hope. I didn’t respond except to order her to remain silent until I gave her permission to speak. The next part of the tape showed her former partner begging to be raped then being raped by several men in a row. I made her watch the first two then left the tape of the rest going as I sat on the couch and ordered her into my arms.

  She was crying for all she was worth. Between sobs she let out phrases like: “here forever”, “monsters” “fucking slut” and “no help.” After a while but long before the tears stopped she attacked me. 317 is skilled and strong but I am stronger and even more skilled so I was able to bring her under control without hurting her and without getting more than a few really bad bruises myself. After the attack failed she poured herself back into my arms and begged forgiveness. She got that and all the comfort I could provide as well. When she had recovered enough I took her back to my room and let her rest while holding her like and we went to sleep pressed against each other. This time I was the one woken in the middle of the night to provide sex. She gave my body the encouragement it needed and I gave her the pleasure and comfort she needed with gentle gusto.

  Day 6

  The next several days passed very pleasantly. 317 served me well and passed levels four and five of the conditioning program with ease. She also did well in all the little training classes we subject our slaves to and grew more beautiful and erotic almost by the minute. The director’s sister arrived and the first thing we did was to have her place a secured call to her brother. They were too at odds to grow close easily but the conversation ended with both wanting to try. We then drugged her and had Dr Ling place a hypnotic command very deep in her subconscious to find a husband and lead as quiet a life as can be led in Israel. According to Dr Ling a command like that which defies what the person consciously wants is useless but in a case like this where it not only strengthens an existing desire but also encourages basic survival, it is virtually always successful. When she woke up she was in London near a working telephone and clueless as to our location.

  Day 10

  On the tenth day of her captivity 317 failed her “care of shoes, saddles and leather toys” class. Actually failed is to strong a word. Did less than perfectly would be more accurate. That evening I took her to the punishment room for her first real performance there. I chose a simple wooden frame to chain her in. It put her in a stretched-out standing position with her legs spread and her ample charms fully displayed facing the crowd. There were several attractive women being abused in the room but between her uncommon beauty and the fact that she had not been seen there before most of the eyes were focused on 317. Seeing everyone watching her made 317 feel naked again in spite of the fact that she had not been clothed in ten days. I wanted to get her punishment out of the way first but, since she had not committed a serious offence, I showed her an odd sort of mercy.

  The first thing I did was to put a set of butterfly clips on her nipples. Butterfly clips are the kind that has a lever mechanism in the clip itself and a chain between them. They are harsh on their own but are designed for even greater cruelty. When the chain is pulled or weighted the lever mechanism amplifies the force and transfers it to the nipple as a greatly increased pinch. By stroking her skin while leaving the butterflies on her for several minutes, I gave her body a chance to produce endorphins, the body’s natural painkiller. Since it was her nipples being abused her body also produced pitosin; a hormone evolved for breast feeding that calms a woman and makes her feel submissive.

  Once the clips had done their magic I pulled a six-foot long single tailed whip from the rack and approached her from the front so that she could see it. She braced herself but made no request for mercy. The first stroke was fairly soft since I wanted to get the motion just right, that sort of whip can tear and scar with ease. 317’s body jumped with the impact but her attitude of submission remained unchanged. I gave her ten more strokes, each of them harder than the first and carefully placed. When I stopped and looked at my work I was doubly proud. She was well welted but not damaged more than a night would cure and she had borne the whipping in proper submissive silence. I put the whip away and slid something nasty into my pocket then went ad stood directly in front of 317. She looked at me passively, waiting to see what came next in a sort of detached fashion. I asked her what should happen when a slave is anything less than perfect. She gave the correct answer without hesitation.

  “She should be punished so harshly that she never even considers doing it again.”

  “Have you been punished to that point, slave?”

  “No, sir.”

  “Should you be?”

  “Yes sir, please.”

  Smiling at her with genuine delight I pulled an eight-ounce weight from my pocket. 317 knew what it was and drew in a whistling breath. I attached it to the center of the chain so that its weight spread evenly between the two nipples. She had to struggle to control herself but 317 was able to manage the pain with dignity. When she had it under
control I hugged her bound body and gave her a gentle kiss then told her honestly that I was proud of her. In spite of the pain she looked delighted. The delighted look vanished quickly when I pulled out a second weight. This one was larger than the first but it was hollow. In other words. designed to terrorize more than hurt. Still when I added its additional six ounces or so the pain in 317s nipples became that much more intense. I thought that she would scream then beg but she summoned up her strength and still bore her torment with dignity. I moved around behind her and put my body against hers then ran my hands gently over her torso. When I was sure she had dealing with the clips fully under control I whispered in her ear that it was now time to finish her punishment. She nodded compliance. Then with careful movements I loosened the clip from her left nipple and held the chain out in front of it with my hand. She let out a low-pitched moan when the blood rushed back into the nipple, which shot the pain up. I whispered in her ear again.

  “Here it comes. slave.”

  Before she had a chance to gather herself I let go of the chain I was holding. That made the full pain of both weights hit her right nipple without warning. She let loose a heartfelt but still controlled scream that varied just a bit as the weights swung in a pendulum fashion for a few seconds. When I took the second clip off she lost control and released a primal scream that actually elicited a small amount of applause from the crowd. As soon as she stopped screaming I tossed the clips aside and began caressing her pussy from behind. The punishment had made her very hot and as I quickly rubbed her to orgasm I reminded her that she was on display. She tried to resist for a moment then surrendered herself and came powerfully in front of the crowd, then when I kept rubbing with one hand as I tweaked her nipple with the other. she came even harder and in conjunction with an animal growl.


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