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Non Consensual Female

Page 7

by Roget Gaiton

  As her second orgasm tapered off she surprised me by asking me to release her hands. We use quick release clamps for both safety and convenience so I was able to release them in just a few seconds. When I did she fell to her knees and used gestures to silently beg me to stand in front of her. I did as she wanted and was rewarded by having her wrap her arms around my legs and saying, “Thank you for punishing me, sir, and thank you for doing it here where everyone could see what a good slave you have made of me.”

  For about a second that was the proudest I had ever been. When she added in a quiet voice; “Now put me back up and do whatever it takes to make them all know that yours is the best, sir,” my new pride made the old seem pale by comparison.

  After that I played with her in pleasurable erotic torture for over an hour. I switched tools and tortures often since I didn’t want to damage my beautiful possession. She responded beautifully and sexually to everything, leaning back into my cane, bending slightly forward to receive the whip, opening her legs the slight amount she could to have her most delicate area cropped and so forth. By the time it was over no one could deny that her submission was complete and utterly erotic. As I had intended, the long experience entertained a good number of onlookers and the total public submission made 317 amazingly hot. When we had finished, I said we deliberately as she was a participant in full, Dr Ling drifted over and pulled me aside for a moment. Once out of earshot he told me that I should give her the final exam tomorrow. I questioned that; no woman had ever been given the final in less than 3 weeks before. In most cases it was a couple of months. As always he took on that soft smile that told you subtly that you were being stupid and said; “if you want all she can possibly give, do it tomorrow. If you want a slave to sell do it in a month.” I knew exactly what he meant and again cursed myself for letting one woman enthrall me.

  I let her recover there in the punishment room for an hour, enjoying the way her fellow slaves treated her with a mixture of sympathy and jealousy. Then I took her back to my room and used her hard, deep into the night. Her passion and desires matched my own and somehow she had grasped one of the finest points of slavery. When your master wants to witness you having intense pleasure, submission comes to mean helping him give you countless endless orgasms. When the slave has been stripped of her inhibitions as she had helping her to cum for your pleasure comes to mean ongoing mild torture and sodomy interspersed with fisting and vaginal sex.

  Day 11

  In spite of going to sleep very late I set the alarm clock for early. When we had wakened and showered I took her to the female slave quarters and announced to the women there as well as 317 that this would be the day of her final exam. They mobbed her and took her inside. Their words were a combination of congratulations that she would now be a full slave and sympathy that she would be facing a terrible ordeal. I left her there for a full hour during which she received a great deal of affection and support. When I claimed her she asked me if I could tell her about the test now. All I could say as I led her to the Curie room where her training had begun was that she would understand soon. Once there I had her lay down on the medical table and pulled out a cloth covered in the modern equivalent of chloroform. I gave her a ninety second kiss and when it was done I put the cloth over her mouth and told her to breathe deeply. Looking frightened but trusting, she complied.

  When she woke up she was alone in a hotel room in Los Angeles. On the table near her there was a purse and wallet containing perfect forgeries of her actual driver’s license and credit cards as well as two thousand dollars in cash. Below the table there was a suitcase containing normal clothing and toiletries and on top of it was there a note taped to a cell phone that read, “You are free now, you may go where you like and do as you wish. If you want to surrender your freedom, call the number programmed into this phone within ten days and I will come and get you.”. It was signed with the name she knew me by.

  I didn’t have her room bugged but I could picture in my mind watching her dress. The cloth would feel harsh after so much time naked. Deciding what she wanted to do first would be difficult and it would take her a day or two to get used to thinking about meals in advance. Though her training had been harsh in many ways, she was also now used to a lot of sexual pleasure, nurturing and luxury. By comparison the outside world would seem harsh and difficult.

  On the ninth day she used the cell phone. Our conversation was short and serious. She wanted to know if she would be allowed to visit her family sometimes and if she would always belong just to me. I told her that I could not promise either. Her acceptance had to be total. I suspect that my tone may have given her more of a positive answer than it should have but I didn’t care. Her last question delighted me. She wanted to know if she could still try to kill me now and then. I told her that I was willing to take my chances. Laughing a bit she asked me to pick her up the next day around three and asked if I would be kind enough to wear a suit. I told her that I would and thanked her for coming back to me. She said I might regret the decision if she ever learned not to growl and hung up.

  The call had originated from her parents’ house in a very small town in Iowa. When I arrived she introduced me as a co-worker and told them that the two of us were going on a very safe but long term undercover assignment. They didn’t believe the part about it being safe so I swore them to secrecy and told them that we were going to be in Paris infiltrating a bank that we believed was financing illegal wool exports. When they asked why on earth we would go to so much trouble for such a petty thing I made a long explanation of how the Third World survived on wool and Angora and how having France break trade treaties could cause starvation and possibly even start a world war. By the time we left their daughter’s importance astounded them but they felt sure that she would be safe even if she were caught. They even told her not to call, that her work was just too important to risk having her endanger her cover.

  On the ride to the airport we had our first and only conversation as equals. She was sexy and sassy and chatty, a real pleasure to be with. When we got to the airport she thanked me for taking time with her parents and presented me with a gift. It was a silver key chain and came with an explanation that she knew that I liked locks. I thanked her with genuine pleasure and told her honestly how pleased I was. We then shared a kiss as equals.

  As soon as we entered the plane 317 removed her clothes and knelt before me. I could tell that she had spent hours on the words as she said: “Sir, I give myself to you and beg you to take me home where I can spend my life serving you.” I answered with my hands and my mouth then soon with my body. Afterwards I allowed her to go to sleep naturally before I drugged her. A few hours later we were home.

  It was about 9 PM at the facility when we arrived. I shook 317 awake to leave the plane. Waiting at the bottom of the stairs were Mey Chun and several female slaves. There was much squealing as we approached and for a time 317 disappeared into a sea of warm arms and soft skin. She reappeared on Mey Chun’s arm and glowing with delight. As they approached me Mey Chun went to her knees and put her head to the ground in front of me in a pose of total supplication. She then asked: "Please Sir, when you are done with this slave tonight may she come and spend some time with me?"

  I never have been able to resist a woman asking like that so I answered: "Yes but it might be late. Proceed with your evening as normal and I will wake you if needed."

  Mey Chun giggled and thanked me as she rose, then kissed 317 quickly but fully on the lips before rejoining the rest of the assembled slaves.

  I had crossed and re-crossed time zones to such an extent that my body had no idea what time it was supposed to be. It did know that it was hungry, though, so I guided 317 towards the dining room. We had just missed dinner and it was deserted. I wanted to be alone with 317 anyway so I took her into the kitchen. The kitchen was closed but not empty as I had expected. John and Tom were standing next to each other in front of the furthest counter. 317 laughed at the sight of them. They
both had their pants and shorts down around their ankles. Each also had a large cooking pot pulled down over his head and best of all their penises were taped to the counter in front of them with medical tape. I would have simply ignored them both but 317 was feeling playful so as I began cooking she strolled over and asked what they had done to be in such a position. His voice muffled by the pot Tom explained that they had both gotten erections when they were ordered not to. Now they had to stand there until Mistress Jane came back without getting hard enough to effect the tape. Sounding slightly amused, 317 asked what would happen if the tape was effected. Tom sounded genuinely fearful as he said, “she promised to stretch our asses until her cat could walk in.”

  By this time I was scrambling eggs and struggling so hard not to laugh that it was difficult. I knew what 317 was going to do but was curious to find out how she would go about it.

  317 sounded sympathetic as she said; “having your ass stretched can be painful.” I thought for a moment that they had a chance but then she continued, “ I remember when the two of you were going to stretch my ass. I was new here and hardly even broken in so it would have been ever so tight.” Both men groaned, knowing that they were doomed. “You were going to put me on the floor and take me like I was a dog. Ramming your dicks in my tight place, doing it with deliberate roughness. Then you were going to make me kneel down in front of you. Totally defeated, so completely submissive that I would lick my own waste off of you.”

  There was a slight tearing sound and Tom moaned. He was fully erect and the tape holding it had pulled far off the table on each side. 317 was giggling and as my bacon fried I decided to join the fun. Trying to sound admonishing I told 317: “you shouldn’t tease them like that. The way Jane does that is brutal.” Naturally she asked how and I continued: “she has this strap on rig with a full set of artificial dildoes, each one just a bit larger than the next. She puts it on and starts raping the slave's ass with one just big enough to stretch him. When he is stretched out enough she moves up a size. The result is amazing. By the time she finishes the slave is too done in to even whimper and you could put a soup can in without touching the sides.” There were several soft tearing sounds one after another. 317 looked and laughed as she reported that there was very little tape still contacting the counter.

  Our eggs and bacon were done so I told both men to be sure and wear a diaper tomorrow and led 317 out to the dining room. We were quietly companionable as we shared our meal. About half way through we heard cursing and clamoring from the kitchen and laughed uproariously. When we were both finished eating she got down on both knees and, putting her face to the floor, asked if she could pleasure me orally. I smiled at the offer but knew what was really happening and asked, “Do you just want to pleasure me or is there a hidden agenda here, slave?”

  Not a bit embarrassed but slightly concerned that I might be displeased she said: “I want to make you content for a while so I can go see Chunie and the other women then come back and make you so hot that you use me for hours.” I was delighted by that answer and told her to go to the female slave quarters now and to bring Mey Chun to my room with her in 30 minutes. A flicker of trepidation crossed her face, sharing my attention was not what she had pictured for the evening, but she trusted me so it passed as swiftly as it came. Rising to her feet, she thanked me verbally, then with her lips on mine before departing. They arrived arm in arm. After a greeting kiss I bound 317 to the bed in a simple X form attached to the bedposts. When I pulled out a blindfold, sound blocking earphones and a vibrator Mey Chun realized my intent then looked at 317 and said, “I envy you, Love.” I put a child’s clicker toy in 317’s hand and said that she was now forbidden to speak. If she needed something she was allowed to give one click and await permission to ask for it. If she was in some form of distress we might not know about she was to click continuously. After getting a nod of understanding I applied the blindfold and the hearing mufflers. 317 was now in a very helpless position, she was unable to move or protect herself and her two main senses as well as her ability to communicate were cut off. Such was her level of trust and submission that she laid there calmly waiting to find out what we were going to do with her.

  Mey Chun asked for and received permission to begin. Then, as I watched, she began running her hands gently over 317’s skin. She touched and felt the helpless woman from top to bottom. The only places she did not caress were her clitoris and the tips of her nipples. Soon 317’s skin was flushing and her breathing rapid. At that point I joined in the touching. Mine was less gentle but still soft and erotic. I did rub the tips of her nipples, taking them between my thumb and index finger and stimulating them strongly. At that point 317’s hips began to grind of their own volition.

  Mey Chun saw it just as I did and asked: “May I, Sir?”

  I gave her permission and continued with 317s nipples as I watched. Mey Chun placed her hand between 317’s legs so that her fingers rested directly on her pussy. She then began rubbing 317’s clit softly with her middle finger. 317’s passions rose swiftly and soon she was just on the edge of orgasm. At that point Mey Chun lifted her finger. 317’s pussy rose, seeking that tiny bit of additional stimulation she needed but even as it was denied, Mey Chun used her other hand to gently press on 317’s tummy in a signal to lower herself back to the bed. 317 obeyed and after a minute or so of recovery time Mey Chun began caressing her clit again. Once more 317 was taken to the edge then denied and again Mey Chun had to guide her back down as her body reflexively sought satisfaction. By this time I had moved my attention from 317s nipples to her full torso and was running my hands in smooth strokes from the top of her pubis to her neck in random patterns.

  The third time Mey Chun began stimulating 317’s clit she turned it into a lesson. Each time 317 moved even a trace the touch was instantly lifted. When she settled back down it was again applied. Soon 317’s frustration turned into acceptance and she obediently held still to accept what pleasure she was given without seeking more. One of the nice things about having a slave unable to hear is that you can discuss them freely without them being able to hear. After the third round of clitoral stimulation I gave Mey Chun permission to make 317 cum. Mey Chun suggested that I clip her nipples first so that she would learn to associate torture with satisfaction. I liked the idea and selected a pair of wire type clothespins, which I attached to each nipple by placing them then releasing the tension in the spring slowly so that she would be able to steel herself against the pain. My rubbing had made her nipples extra sensitive so she had a hard time managing it but thanks to my patience she was able to bear it without losing control.

  Once the clips were set Mey Chun began caressing 317’s clit one more time. Nothing in her touch indicated that this time would be any different from the prior three times. 317 actually tried to keep from getting too excited; she had learned that when she approached orgasm the pleasure would stop. Mey Chun’s touch overcame this resistance with ease and 317 was able to remain motionless until her orgasm burst forth. She settled back down in a matter of seconds and as soon as she did Mey Chun stimulated her rapidly to another climax and then another after that.

  We allowed 317 to rest for a few minutes and recover from what we had done to her. Neither Mey Chun nor I normally smoke but we treated ourselves to a cigarette now and while we smoked them used a sports bottle to give 317 a considerable drink of water, then applied balm to her lips.

  When we were refreshed I had Mey Chun begin stroking 317’s face and hair. I wanted the feminine gentleness to counter point what I was going to do. First I pulled both of the clips off of 317’s nipples at the same time. The sudden pain made her pull hard against her bonds and she almost spoke. As soon as the initial pain had passed I brought it back in full force by tweaking both nipples harshly for a solid twenty seconds. When I released them I was reaching for a powerful vibrator. No sooner had 317’s shoulders returned to the bed than I was stimulating her pussy so powerfully that it was painful. I forced her to a
strong but uncomfortable orgasm that way in only a few seconds. I then dialed the vibrators setting down a little and ordered Mey Chun to kiss her “hard and hot.” 317’s mouth was open and Mey Chun matched her lips and probed her deeply with her tongue well before she had time to react.

  As I desired 317 was confused by all that we were doing and didn’t know how to react or what to anticipate. We kept her in that state for the next twenty minutes by applying powerful stimulus and varying it in both time and intensity. We mixed pain, pleasure and denial together until one excited her as much as the other. By the time we finished she had been pleasured orally by both male and female tongues. Vibrated internally and externally in both her vagina and her ass. Pinched, fingered, fondled, dripped with candle wax, rubbed with baby oil, caressed by a frozen length of chain, rubbed with sheepskin gloves and subjected to at least a dozen other things. She was so far past hot that the English language has no word for the state she was in.

  When 317 was at the very peak of both heat and submission, under my direction and matching her own desire Mey Chun took up a position between 317’s legs and began diligently fingering her. 317 had a powerful orgasm then surprised us both by using her clicker for a single click. I was a little irritated, thinking that she was going to beg to not be fisted so I had Mey Chun continue as I lifted one earphone and commanded 317 to speak. She had to clear her throat and find her voice but when she did she said, “I am so sorry Master but I need to go to the bathroom before she fists me. I think I will pee on her and your bed if I don’t.” My irritation vanished instantly and I reassured her that she had done the right thing, then commanded her to release her bladder when I touched her nose and replaced the earphone.


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