My Redemption Too: a Second Chance series

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My Redemption Too: a Second Chance series Page 3

by S. K. Lessly

  Mrs. Lawry was about seventy years old and very fragile. Her husband, being ten years her junior, took very good care of her. They lived in their house for decades and were one of the original members of this neighborhood. I looked at Sebastian's house and the Lawry's home and hoped that we could get the fire contained. Hell, not just for the Lawry’s home, but for mine as well.

  I searched the crowd again hoping to spot Lauren, but deep down I knew if she were here, she'd be right next to Mrs. Lawry.

  Double Fuck!

  Once I noticed the paramedics coming our way, I stepped down from the neighbor's porch and reached for my phone. I had no clue why Lauren would park her car next door to her house, but I needed to find her. I looked up her number in my phone all the while hoping, like crazy, she wasn’t in that blaze that had now consumed Sebastian's entire house. I found her number and pushed send. It rang once then went straight to voicemail.


  I looked up from my phone, frustrated, and caught sight of Samson in the distance. I redialed Lauren and headed Samson’s way. He saw me coming and met me halfway.

  “Yeah, I think we have the fire contained to Sebastian’s house.” He informed me as I got close. “I got Melissa to call him, and he should be on his way.”

  I robotically nodded my head, my frustration growing as the sound of the automatic voice message attacked my ears. I disconnected the call, placed my phone in my pocket, and looked at Samson.

  “Are you sure you looked through the house before you bailed?”

  Samson paused and tilted his head to the side. “Yeah, I’m sure. Why?”

  I stared at the fire, and the pit of my stomach started to turn. I took out my phone again, dialed her number and resisted the urge to throw the damn thing in the fire when her voicemail greeted me again.

  I felt a hand on my shoulder and looked up to see the concern in my friend's eyes.

  “What’s going on, man?”

  I closed my eyes trying not to think the worst, doing my damnedest not to allow the nightmares of my past come flooding back.

  “Paul, talk to me. What’s up?”

  I sighed and opened my eyes to regard him. I swallowed past the huge lump in my throat, jutted my chin toward Mrs. Lawry's house, and managed to say, “Lauren’s car”.

  Samson followed my eyes to the Infinity that was sitting outside of a small green house.

  “Did you call her?” Samson asked, understanding the panic-stricken look on my face.

  “Yes, I’ve called her multiple times now. It’s going straight to fucking voicemail.”

  Samson looked at me, sensing and no doubt hearing my growing apprehension.

  “Hey man, we checked every room, upstairs and down before it got too hot and we had to leave. I told all of the guys to complete a thorough sweep, letting them know that this was a friend's house, and we needed to make sure this place was empty.”

  I nodded my head then remembered something and literally felt the bile rising in my throat. I looked at Samson.

  “Did you check the basement?”

  Samson looked confused. “What basement? I’ve been in that house a few times, and I've never seen a door. Sebastian never mentioned anything about having a basement. I remembered because I asked.”

  I looked up at the sky, closed my eyes, and prayed for strength. I answered him in a deadpan tone. “Yeah, the door is kind of awkward. You wouldn’t see it unless you’re heading out the back door, and Sebastian never liked going down there. But Lauren put the washer and dryer down there when he moved out.” I looked over at Samson. “Man, she could’ve been downstairs and became trapped.”

  As soon as that reality spilled from my throat, I started towards the burning house, “I gotta check around the house.”

  I felt a firm grip on my arm.

  “Hey man, no it’s too late. You can’t go over there.”

  Samson started pulling me away from the fire. I fought his hold, desperately trying to get to that black shell of a home all the while thinking, fuck knowing that I was too late.

  I continued to struggle in his hold that now consisted of him gripping me in a bear hug, not wanting his words to be the truth.

  “Let me go, I need to check,” I bit out through clenched teeth.

  “Fuck no. You need to calm down. Calm down, man! It’s too late.”

  His words cutting through the haze of denial caused the fight in me to dissipate. I watched in horror as the shell of the house finally collapsed in on itself. If she was still in the house, there was no way I would be able to save her now.

  No, fuck that!

  I shook out of Samson’s arms and walked away dialing and re-dialing Lauren’s number over and over again, refusing to believe she was in that house, and we missed her. I even left her a few agitated, borderline hysterical, messages for her to call me back, and nothing, not a got damn thing.

  Tears starting to gather in my eyes, and I wiped them away briskly, trying to blame the dampness on the smoke, but I knew where it was coming from. The reality of what was happening, the unknown, was starting to get the better of me. I felt weak in the knees, and I literally fell down onto the stoop across the street from my house looking helpless.

  Could she be in that house? God if she was… I stopped that train of thought immediately. There was a perfectly good explanation of why her car was sitting in front of her neighbor’s house and not in her driveway. Despite the crushing pain in my chest, I had to remain hopeful. There was no way was she in that rubble, no fucking way.

  For the next ten minutes, I continued to dial her number hoping against hope that she'd pick up, and every time my hopes were destroyed. I was just about to call it quits when I heard tires screech to a halt in the distance. I stood and quickly made my way toward the sound, a smile starting to spread along my face until I heard Sebastian’s whiny ass voice.

  I got clear of one of the trucks in front of his house and saw him pushing past my chief to get to his completely destroyed home. A few of my firefighters from my squad stepped in front of him, blocking him from getting closer to the wreckage.

  Once I was in earshot, I caught Sebastian explaining to my chief. “I was over a friend’s house. I haven’t been home in a few days. Oh my god, do you know what happened?” He ran his hand over his head then turned to find me coming toward him.

  “Jesus, Paul, what happened?”

  I didn’t care too much for Sebastian, but I tried to stay professional.

  I did, however, ignore his question and asked one of my own.

  “Have you spoken to Lauren?”

  “Oh man! I can’t believe this!” Sebastian shook his head and shifted his eyes to the smoldering embers that once was his home.

  I knew I should feel sympathy for this man. After all, he just lost everything. However, I didn’t give a shit. Add that to the fact that he just ignored my question, and a whole lot of red flags started waving in my vision.

  “Sebastian,” I called him again, this time with a bit more bite in my voice. Sebastian snapped his head in my direction, his eyes wide. I started again, finally having his attention. “Have you spoken to Lauren?” I asked slowly this time, making sure that he understood each syllable.

  “What? No, I haven’t spoken to her. Why? You think she did this?” He frowned and placed his hands on his hips. “You know I wouldn’t put it past her. You know how vindictive she could be.”

  My gaze on him turned hard and cold as I stepped into his personal space. “Are you fucking kidding me right now?”

  “Alright Lieutenant, back off,” Chief Michaels warned. I didn’t listen.

  “Do you not see her car sitting there? Do you have any idea what that could mean? For all we know, she could be buried in the rubble of that useless house you’re crying over.”

  Samson came out of nowhere and stepped in between Sebastian and me.

  “Go take a breather, Logan. I’ll take it from here.” He pulled me back from a wide-eyed Sebastian.
  I shrugged off Samson and walked away trying to prevent myself from ripping Sebastian apart with my hands. The nerve of that heartless son of a bitch. He's so worried about his precious belongings instead of wondering if his wife was okay or not. I headed back to what was left of his house to see if the fire had been completely put out so that we could clear the remnants of the house and get to the basement. I needed to see for myself that it was clear or I wouldn’t be able to stop myself from killing someone.

  * * *

  We didn’t get the all clear that the fire was out until a few hours later. Just because a fire looked extinguished, that didn’t mean a flare up couldn’t occur. It was what we called hotspots. There was always someone on standby ready to douse any flames or burning embers that could easily spark another fire. Firehouse 87 rolled out about an hour ago, but I stayed behind, mainly because my house was in close proximity of fire.

  Samson, his team and mine, shifted through the debris, looking for hotspots. I conducted my own search, looking for any type of sign that Lauren had been home. During the hours that we waited for the all clear, I had tried a number she gave me for a coworker from Bloomfield College. I also called Tonya to see if she had spoken to her friend sometime today. The coworker I called said she hadn’t heard from her in a few days, and I couldn’t get ahold of Tonya.

  I continued shifting around the charred remains underneath my feet, clearing up the area where the basement was located, when I heard commotion over by the Lawry’s home. I lifted my head to see what was going on and there she was— Lauren.

  A flood of relief swarmed over my body at the sight of her. She was alive and beautiful and… who was that standing next to her?



  As we turned the corner to my old stomping grounds, my heart immediately plummeted in my chest. There were fire trucks everywhere, hoses strewn all over the street, and people milled about staring off into the distance. I could feel my hands began to shake as I directed Eugene to pull over.

  I quickly opened his door, ready to jump out when he grabbed me by my wrist. I looked back at him annoyed and not at all hiding it.


  “Are you going to be okay? Do you need me—?”

  “Uh, no, thank you. I’m fine. Thanks though. You can go home. I have it from here.”

  I cut him off quick. There was no way he was coming with me. I needed him gone quick fast and in a hurry. I had no idea what was happening or whose house was on fire. It could be Sebastian’s, the Lawry’s, or worse Paul’s. I had no clue what I was walking into, and I didn’t want him anywhere around.

  I slammed the car door, not allowing him to reply and walked down the street, my heart beating like crazy. As I made it past a few fire trucks, I saw Sebastian sitting on the Lawry’s porch talking to Mr. Lawry. My face grew haggard as I approached them. I had a question fixed on my lips, ready to ask them whose house was on fire when I caught Sebastian’s distraught face. My heart sank at the sight of him. I moved with more determination toward Sebastian and tried to figure out what to say to him. He and I hadn’t spoken to each other since he kicked me out of his house. I wasn’t sure if he would accept my condolences or not, but I was going to try. I took a deep breath and pursed my lips to ask what was going on when Sebastian stood from the porch and headed my way, his face dark and creased with fury.

  “Did you do this? Huh?” he yelled, spittle spewing from his thin lips.

  I looked at him dumbfounded and confused until I saw his house, or shit what was left of his house. I gasped and put my hand up to my mouth.

  “Holy shit, Sebastian. What happened?”

  Sebastian looked incredulous. He placed his hands on his hips, his face growing more and more angrier. “What happened? Are you kidding me? What happened? You tell me what the fuck happened. You burned down my house!”

  I blanched at his accusation and replied, my hands going up in a protective gesture, “What? Wait a second. I didn’t burn down your house. What the hell are you talking about?”

  “Oh, don’t play stupid with me. It was you, and I’ll have you know I will press charges.”

  I started shaking my head feverishly and gave Sebastian a sympathetic look.

  “Look, I have no idea what you’re talking about. I had nothing to do with this. I can’t believe you would accuse me of this shit. I’m not that cruel, Sebastian, nor am I an arsonist.”

  “Oh, that’s bullshit, Lauren!” Sebastian barked at me then pointed a finger at my face. “Save that sanctimonious crap for someone else who doesn’t know you. I know what you’re capable of, and this petty shit is right up your alley.” He then walked up closer to me, his finger still in the air. “If you had something to do with this, I swear…”

  Okay, now I was getting pissed off. I felt bad that Sebastian’s house was literally a pile of bricks and wood, but he didn’t have a right to accuse me of shit. I smacked his hand from my face and closed the gap between us. I warned him in a low tone that was full of threats and promises. “Don’t point your fucking fingers in my face. I said I didn’t start a fire. What do I look like doing something like that?”

  Much to my surprise, Sebastian walked closer to me, his body tense, his fists balled at his sides. “I know one thing. You better back the fuck up.”

  My eyebrows shot up in surprise at the grit in his voice. However, my shock quickly turned into something he definitely wasn’t ready for. He must have forgotten who I was and what I was capable of. Hell, I was seething at this point. I got closer to his face and smiled wickedly at him. “Or what?”

  I wished he would do something; it would give me the motivation that I needed to release all my aggression and anger on this coward son of a bitch.

  I felt someone grab my arm and pull me back from my prey. Eugene came from behind me and stepped up to Sebastian.

  “You better watch who you’re talking to, buddy,” warned Eugene.

  The way Eugene stepped up to Sebastian was quite admirable. In fact, if I were the “woman in distress” type, his chivalry would’ve probably earned him a blow job. However, I wasn’t that type of woman.

  Actually, all he did was piss me off even more. I grabbed Eugene by his upper arm and turned him to face me. I narrowed my eyes on him and pushed him in his chest. My actions caught him off guard as he stepped back from me.

  “What do you think you’re doing? I don’t need you to fight my battles for me.”

  Eugene placed his hands up, his eyes wide in surprise.

  “Whoa, I was just trying—”

  I placed my hand up to stop him.

  “Yeah, I know what you were trying to do. I didn’t ask you to step in for me or to defend me. I don’t need you. I can handle my own battles, understand. I need you to stay out of my business and go home.”

  “Yeah man, take her advice and go home. Get out while you still can. This bitch is crazy,” Sebastian cut in, and I turned my wrath back on his stupid ass.

  “Oh, I’m crazy. You’re the one who is accusing me of arson, ARSON! How stupid do you sound right now?”

  I caught sight of a few firefighters coming my way, namely Paul’s chief, John and Manley from the firehouse.

  Honestly, I didn’t care who was around to hear me go off. I didn’t like what Sebastian was implying, and I didn’t like being grabbed by Eugene, who by the way was still standing behind me but at a safe distance from me.

  I stepped up to Sebastian, my body shaking, my eyes glaring at him.

  “Understand something, Sebastian. I did not burn down your house. I had no reason to in the first place. Why would I do some dumb shit like that? What would I have to gain? You’ve given me the divorce and gave me the money you owed me. What reason would I have to burn down your house?”

  “That’s easy, you’re a jealous bitch,” he retorted.

  “Call me a bitch one more time, and I’m gonna kick you in your throat.”

  Sebastian stepped back from me and pointed at me.
“See what I mean? She’s violent and just threatened me. Arrest her now.”

  Before I could come back with a swift kick to his nuts, to bring home his violent comment, I was grabbed again and pulled away from Sebastian. But this time, I knew exactly who it was that grabbed me. The feel of him close to me had my body responding in ways it hadn’t in weeks. However, when I looked up into his stormy, blue eyes and saw the way he was looking at me, I could barely breathe.

  “Where in the fuck have you been?” Paul asked me or rather he barked at me through gritted teeth.

  I was speechless from his tone to the anger in his eyes. I didn’t have anything to say for myself, and that was very rare.

  I heard Samson say Paul’s name in a low, warning tone but that did nothing to ebb the anger rolling off him, the pain, and something else that I couldn’t quite put my finger on. Fuck, I was so confused and shocked at his behavior, and to be honest, scared out of my mind. I didn’t think Paul would hurt me. I knew he wouldn’t. I just didn’t have a clue what to do, how to react, or what to say to him.

  Goodness, his once beautiful blue eyes were so dark.

  “Do you have any idea how many times I’ve been calling you? I’ve left you voice messages, text messages, and not once did you answer any of my calls or messages. What the hell have you been doing that you couldn’t answer your phone?”

  I shook my head frantically, finally finding my voice. “Paul, I never got your calls or messages.”

  “Bullshit, Lauren.”

  Paul reached in his turnout pants pocket and took out his phone.

  “I can show you I’ve been calling you, leaving you messages. Do you have any idea the fucking hell I’ve been through? I thought you were trapped or worse killed in that fucking house!” He was yelling at me at this point, and I couldn’t move. I was paralyzed where I stood. All I could do was stare up at him with wide eyes.

  He finally let go of my arm and backed away from me. He ran his hands over his head and rested them at the back of his neck. He regarded me in silence, and I couldn’t hold his gaze. I had no idea he was calling me. I would’ve answered his call. I had my phone on me the whole time, and I never turned my phone off. I couldn’t for the life of me understand why he said he’s been calling me, and I didn’t get any of his calls.


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