The Generals
Page 58
Patton praised by, 63–64
Patton’s slapping incidents and, 61–62
persona of, 42–43
political career of, 44–45
relief policy of, 53–56, 57
Simpson praised by, 108–9
war aims memo of, 48–49
World War II strategy of, 45–47
Eisenhower, John S. D., 207, 478n
Eisenhower, Mamie Doud, 186, 473n
Eisenhower, Milton, 44
11th Armored Cavalry Regiment, U.S., 236, 318
11th Light Infantry Brigade, U.S., 294
Eliot, George Fielding, 35, 45, 210, 212, 500n
Elliott, David, 507n
Ellis, John, 87–88, 481n, 485n
Ellsberg, Daniel, 270
El Salvador, 426
Elsenborn Ridge, Battle of, 4
Elsey, George, 498n
Elton, Robert, 493n, 495n, 496n
Emerson, Henry, 124, 486n
English, John, 109, 475n, 485n
Enter the Dragon (Spurr), 166
Ewell, Julian, 316, 516n
“Experience in Command and Battle Deaths,” 279
Ezell, Robert, 159–60
Faith, Don, Jr., 136–39, 141–44, 145, 146, 148, 159, 370
leadership failure of, 169–70
Faith, John, 391, 526n
Falaise pocket, 362–63
Falk, Sayce, 532n
Falklands War, 70
Fallon, William, 430
fascism, 28
of Willoughby, 140–41
Fautua, David, 494n
Fay, George, 529n
Fehrenbach, T. R., 176, 492n, 494n
Ferguson, Ernest, 499n
Ferrari, John, 390
Ferrell, Robert, 482n, 483n, 484n, 498n, 502n
Fick, Nathaniel, 405, 528n
V Corps, U.S., 56
5th Infantry Division, U.S., 22
5th Marine Regiment, U.S., 136, 151–52, 160–61, 163, 164, 173
5th Mechanized Division, Iraqi, 377
15th Evacuation Hospital, U.S., 60
15th Infantry Regiment, U.S., 74, 177, 340
Fighter Weapons School (Top Gun), 338
Fiji, 46
Filkins, Dexter, 423, 530n
Finkel, Meir, 91, 482n
Fire Support Base Mary Ann massacre, 329–30
1st Armored Division, U.S., 56, 76, 111, 379, 414–15
First Army, U.S., 6, 92, 111
1st Cavalry Division, U.S., 187, 316
I Corps, U.S., 184
1st Infantry Division (Big Red One), U.S., 3, 23, 60, 75, 77–79, 110, 111, 241–42, 245, 246, 247, 250, 251, 270, 273, 318
1st Marine Division, U.S., 132, 139, 148, 155–59, 162, 164, 167–68, 170
1st Marine Motor Transport Battalion, U.S., 147
Fisher, Eddie, 4
502nd Infantry Regiment, U.S., 428
flexible response, 209
FM 22–100 (field manual), 211–12
FM 100–5 (field manual), 344–48, 356
Foreign Affairs, 383
Fort Benning, 45, 208, 331, 344
Airborne School of, 235
Infantry School of, 124, 177
Fort Bragg, 209
Fort Dix, 207
Fort Donelson, 38
Fort Douglas, 19
Fort Leavenworth, 331–32, 348, 356, 388
Cushman’s symposia at, 341–44
Fort Ord, 352
Fort Sam Houston, 40
Fort Sill, 56
Fort Ticonderoga, 22
Fortune, 212–13
Foster, Chad, 388
Fourth Army, U.S., 187
4th Infantry Division, U.S., 304, 413, 422, 443
42nd Infantry (Rainbow) Division, U.S., 96
45th Infantry Division, U.S., 4, 66, 114, 520n
409th Sapper Battalion, Viet Cong, 329–30
Fox Company, 7th Marine Regiment, U.S., 159, 161, 168, 174
France, 23, 24, 29, 36, 42, 83, 130
France, Donald, 139
Franco, Francisco, 140
Frank, Benis, 492n, 509n
Frank, Richard, 472n
Frankfurter, Felix, 34
Franks, Frederick M. Jr., 380–82, 525n
Franks, Tommy R., 9, 31, 343, 359, 396, 397–404, 411, 414, 440, 447, 527n, 528n
civi-military discourse and, 403–4
Cushman on, 398
failure of, 398–401
leadership of, 402–3
memoir of, 402–3, 404
Operation Anaconda and, 399–401
political career of, 418–19
political nature of war and, 397–98
Tora Bora battle and, 398–99, 403
Fredendall, Lloyd, 18, 57, 58, 75, 182
relief of, 51–52, 54–55
Frederick, Jim, 428, 530n
Frizzell, Donaldson, 510n, 517n
Fulton, William, 249
Funderburk, Raymond, 475n
Gabriel, Richard, 517n
Gallipoli, Battle of, 69
Ganderson, Martin, 514n
Garfield, James, 115
Garland, Albert, 479n, 510n, 511n
Gates, Henry Louis, Jr., 370, 523n
Gates, Horatio, 22
Gates, John, 239, 284, 504n, 508n, 511n
Gates, Robert, 430, 436, 440, 443, 445
Gavin, James, 50, 63, 67, 118, 203, 485n
Marshall system criticized by, 109–10
Gay, Hobart “Hap,” 186–87
Gelb, Leslie, 503n
Gelb, Norman, 83, 480n, 481n
Gembara, Vivian, 422, 424, 530n
General Electric, 449
General Motors Corporation, 203
accountability and, 213, 445
brigadier level of, 9
chain of command and, 152–53
civil-military relations and, 252–59
corporate mode of, 117–18, 204–5
education and, 420–21
“feel of battle” and, 67–68
of MacArthur, 125–26, 127, 130–31
Marshall’s approach to, 38–39
Marshall system and, 10–11
personality and, 7–9
prebattle decisions and, 151–52
presidency and, 114–16
SAMS training and, 357–59
Simpson and ideal of, 108
successful, 43
team playing and, 26–27, 37–38
traits required for, 9–10, 24–27, 57–58
Yingling’s critique of, 441–44
see also strategy
General’s Life, A (Bradley), 479n
George C. Marshall European Center for Security Studies, 444
Germany, Federal Republic of (West Germany), 347
Germany, Nazi, 18
Kristallnacht in, 27
Germany, occupied, 119
Gerow, Leonard, 43–44, 53–54
Giap, Vo Nguyen, 260
Gibbons, William Conrad, 512n
Gillem, Alvan, 107
Gillon, Steven, 471n
Ginder, P. D., 2–3, 5
Gittinger, Ted, 503n, 505n
Gladstone, William, 448
Glass, Carter, 112
Glover, Rupert, 497n
Godsil, Russell, 414–15
Góis Monteiro, Pedro Aurélio de, 32
Goldich, Robert, 383r />
Goldman, Russell, 479n
Gole, Henry, 6, 213, 337–38, 346, 467n, 468n, 474n, 499n, 500n, 501n, 505n, 519n, 521n
Gonzalez, Ernest, 159
Gooch, John, 493n
Goodpaster, Andrew, 207, 499n, 502n
Goodwin, Donald, 518n
Goodwin, Doris Kearns, 252, 258, 291, 506n, 507n, 512n
Goodwood, Operation, 82
Goolrick, Robert E. M., 112
Gordon, Andrew, 489n
Gordon, Michael, 376, 380–81, 524n, 525n
Gore, Al, 526n
Gorman, Paul, 246, 276, 317–18, 338, 447, 467n, 505n, 510n, 516n, 519n
Goulden, Joseph, 487n, 488n
Graff, Henry, 230, 503n
Graham, Donald, 248
Graham, Miles, 481n
Grant, Ulysses S., 26, 38, 114
Grau, Lester, 528n
Gray, Colin, 393, 527n
Great Britain, 24, 49, 83, 238
Great Depression, 46
Greenfield, Kent Roberts, 478n
Griffith, Thomas, Jr., 469n
Griswold, Oscar, 100
Guadalcanal, Battle of, 173
Guam, 150
Guderian, Heinz, 29
Gugeler, Russell A., 476n, 490n
Gulf of Tonkin incident, 256
Gulf War of 1991, 335, 339, 346, 349, 398, 462, 526n
air campaign in, 373–75, 377
as the anti–Vietnam War, 372, 384–86
assessment of, 384–85
Cheney’s intervention in, 376
civil-military divide and, 382–83
containment phase in aftermath of, 386–87
failure of U.S. generalship in, 377
ground offensive in, 377–78, 379
Israel and, 375–76
Khafji battle in, 376–77
Medina Ridge battle in, 379
no-fly zones and, 387
Powell-Schwarzkopf exchanges in, 377–78
proposed rotation system in, 373
relief issue in, 362–63, 365, 379–82
SAMS-trained officers in, 358–59
Saudi Arabia in, 376–77
Schwarzkopf as commander in, 371–74
Schwarzkopf-Franks clash in, 380–82
Scud missiles in, 375–76
Shiite uprising in, 383
termination of, 382–83, 386
Weinberger Doctrine and, 372–73
Haditha massacre, 427
Hagood, Johnson, 19
Haig, Alexander, Jr., 115, 122, 246, 266, 303, 335–36, 486n, 505n, 519n
Haislip, Wade Hampton “Ham,” 79, 186, 480n, 496n
Haiti, 389
Haldeman, H. R., 335, 519n
Hamilton, David, 477n, 478n
Hamilton, Nigel, 475n
Hammer, Richard, 513n
Hammond, Jeffery, 443
Hammond, William, 486n
Hannibal, 57
Hansen, Laurence, 481n
Harding, Edwin, 17
Harkins, Paul, 221, 229–30, 231, 291, 462
Harmon, Ernest, 50, 56–57, 59, 107, 111, 476n, 484n, 485n
Harrell, Margaret, 530n
Harriman, Averell, 125
Harrington, Myron, 292
Harrison, Benjamin, 115
Harrison, Gordon, 467n
Harrison, William, 114
Hart, B. H. Liddell, 481n
Hart, Jessica, 532n
Harvard Business School, 235, 248
Hauser, William, 517n, 518n
Hawaii, 46
Hayes, Rutherford B., 114
Hayne, Frank, 485n
Hazen, David, 513n, 515n
Hearst Newspapers, 201
Hébert, Edward, 308
Heinl, Robert D., 498n
Henderson, Oran, 298, 300–302, 305, 306, 514n
My Lai report of, 301–2
Hennessy, Michael, 269, 508n
Henry, William, 204, 499n
Herbert, Paul, 342, 344, 346–47, 348, 520n, 521n
Hermes, Walter G., 509n
Herring, George, 509n
Herrington, Alan, 135
Herrington, Stuart, 249, 506n
Hersh, Seymour, 513n
Hess, Jerry, 482n
Hickey, Doyle, 184
Hitler, Adolf, 27
Hix, Bill, 426
Hixson, Walter, 516n
Hobbs, Joseph, 474n, 475n, 476n, 477n
Ho Chi Minh Trail, 271, 274
Hodes, “Hammerin’ Hank,” 138, 143, 149
Hodges, Courtney, 50, 79, 111
Hodson, Kenneth, 308
Holbrooke, Richard, 290
Holcomb, Bankson, 492n
Holgrun, Peter, 158
Holland, Matthew, 474n
Hollingsworth, James, 243–44, 520n
Holloway, Charles, Jr., 162, 164, 488n, 492n, 493n
Holmes, David, 280, 510n
Holmes, Oliver Wendell, 151
Hooker, Joseph, 22
Hoover, Herbert, 61, 103, 126
Hopkins, Harry, 483n
Hopkins, William, 158, 488n, 492n, 497n
Horan, Becca, 504n
Horne, Alistair, 481n
House of Representatives, U.S., 461
Armed Services Committee of, 362
Hovell, Bergen, 502n
Howard, Michael, 285, 450, 532n
Hue, Battle of, 283
Huebner, Clarence, 50, 77–78, 474n, 485n
Hue massacre, 292
Hunt, H. L., 198
Hunt, John, 245
Hunt, Richard, 272, 509n
Huong Van Ba, 282, 323
Hürtgen Forest, Battle of, 4
Hussein, Qusay, 435
Hussein, Saddam, 362, 372–73, 383–84, 386–87, 402, 410, 526n
Hussein, Uday, 435
Imparato, Edward, 497n
Indian wars, 19
Infantry, 213
Infantry Journal, 43
Information Age, 385, 389, 451, 455
Instant Thunder campaign, Operation, 373
Iran, 48, 367
hostage rescue debacle in, 361
Iraq conflict and, 526n
Iran-Contra scandal, 370
Iraq war, 7, 8, 11, 12, 18, 31, 118, 248, 271, 272, 319, 335, 337, 343, 349, 361, 372, 387, 401, 462
Afghan war as sideshow to, 438–39
Black Hearts incident in, 427–29
civil-military divide and, 403–4, 411–13, 432, 434–35, 487n
civil war in, 429–30
counterinsurgency in, 420–21, 436–37
Curveball (defector) and, 395–96
democracy mission in, 412–13
in Franks’s memoir, 402–3, 404
Haditha massacre in, 427
insurgency in, 393–94, 398, 415, 417, 429–30, 437
Joint Chiefs and, 412, 417
leadership failure in, 419–22, 429
Petraeus’s revamped policy in, 433–34, 436
Powell’s UN speech and, 394–96
relief of Dowdy in, 405–7
relief policy in, 421–25, 432
rotation policy in, 456
Sunni-Shiite conflict in, 436–38
“surge” in, 424, 436
U.S. generalship in, 410–12
WMDs and, 416
Irish, Kerry, 483n–84n
Irving, Frederick, 37
Isby, David, 531n
lationism, 28, 99, 167
Israel, 374
Gulf War and, 375
Italy, 37, 153
Anzio landings in, 68–71, 132, 381
Salerno landings in, 65–66, 69
Iwo Jima, Battle of, 173–74
Jackson, Andrew, 114
Jackson, Jonathan, 486n
Jackson, Thomas J. “Stonewall,” 19, 22, 26, 33
Jaffe, Greg, 531n
James, D. Clayton, 476n, 483n, 484n, 488n, 489n, 491n, 498n
Japan, 46, 104, 119, 190, 384
U.S. occupation of, 126
Jensen, Richard, 497n
Jeter, John, 184–85
Joffre, Joseph, 23, 470n
John Birch Society, 115
Johnson, Harold K., 123, 185, 189, 231–32, 248, 250, 258, 263, 276, 295, 332, 505n, 506n
DePuy’s conflict with, 242–47
Johnson, Louis, 30, 128
Johnson, Lyndon B., 13, 99–100, 105, 202, 220–21, 229, 235, 254, 268, 289, 319, 321, 332
civil-military relations and, 252–53
escalation strategy and, 205
Joint Chiefs excoriated by, 256–58, 325–26
Reserves decision of, 317
running in 1968 campaign declined by, 291
Westmoreland’s relationship with, 237, 290–91
Johnson, Richard, 78, 479n
Johnson, Shoshana, 406
Johnson Administration, 416
Joint Chiefs of Staff, U.S., 12, 13, 31, 91, 116, 129, 131–32, 142, 158, 159, 174–75, 208, 234, 237, 247, 262, 290, 372, 374, 394, 433, 435, 436, 445, 447–48, 457
failure of, to confront LBJ, 256–58, 367–68, 371
Iraq war and, 412, 417
Kennedy’s distrust of, 220–22
Korean War debate in, 190–91, 193, 197–98
Powell as chairman of, 367–68, 371
Taylor and dissent memo of, 256–57, 258
Taylor as chairman of, 220–22
Vietnam conflict and, 222, 227–29
Joint Readiness Training Center ( JRTC), 353
Jones, Charles W., 507n
Jones, Seth, 530n, 531n
Jones, Steven, 211, 392, 422, 451, 500n, 527n, 530n, 532n
Jordan, Amos, 232
Jordan, Earle, 146
Jordan, Jonathan, 480n
Junction City operation, 270
Jungle Warfare School, British, 260–61
Kaplan, Fred, 531n
Karnow, Stanley, 235, 504n
Karp, Walter, 498n
Karpinski, Janis, 415
Kasserine Pass, Battle of, 53, 56, 233
Kean, William, 186–87
Keane, Jack, 388, 430, 434–35
Keegan, George, 281, 510n
Keegan, John, 470n
Keiser, Laurence, 133, 185, 187
Kellen, Konrad, 512n
Kelly, John, 406–7
Kelly, Justin, 525n
Kelly, Robert, 160
Kennedy, David, 471n