The Generals
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Oberdorfer, Don, 511n, 512n
Odierno, Raymond, 422, 424, 433–36
Offenhauer, Priscilla, 526n
Okinawa, 38
Olsen, John Andreas, 475n
Olson, James, 513n, 514n
O’Meara, Andrew, Jr., 236, 504n
101st Airborne Division, U.S., 219, 302, 318, 335, 340–41, 413, 420, 428–29, 433, 435
101st Regiment, Viet Cong, 286
104th Infantry Division, U.S., 79
On War (Clausewitz), 42
Open Arms (Chieu Hoi) amnesty program, 270
Operation Anaconda, 399–400
Operation Goodwood, 82
Operation Instant Thunder, 373
Operation Junction City, 270
Operation Market Garden, 87–88
Operation Torch, 49, 51–52
Organizational Effectiveness Training Center, 352–53
Organization Man, The (Whyte), 203
Osgood, Robert, 205–6, 499n, 501n
Oswald, Lee Harvey, 115
Owen, Joseph, 164, 492n
Pace, Eric, 485n
Pace, Peter, 12, 31, 436
Pakistan, 399, 439
Palkki, David, 524n, 525n, 526n
Palmer, Bruce, Jr., 218, 254, 296, 513n
Palmer, Dave Richard, 219, 281, 288, 501n, 510n, 512n
Panama, 42, 349, 362, 462
Panetta, Leon, 445
Parameters, 174, 392–93
Parker, Jay, 227, 502n, 503n
Parliament, British, 50
Partridge, John, 164–65, 173–74
Pasco, Merrill, 74
Patch, Alexander, 100
Patriot antiaircraft system, 339
Patton, George S., 9, 10, 18, 42, 52, 54–55, 59–64, 65, 71, 72, 84, 89, 92, 101, 105, 106–7, 114, 229, 270, 460, 520n
Allen and, 75, 78
on Bradley, 117–18
Eisenhower’s praise of, 63–64
Harmon and, 56–57
relieved of 3rd Army command, 111–12
in slapping incidents, 60–62
Patton (film), 43
Payne, Robert, 469n
Pearl, Ray, 165
Pearl Harbor attack, 17, 40, 43, 126, 199, 397
Peers, William “Ray,” 9, 279, 304, 306–7, 341, 510n, 514n, 515n
My Lai memo to Westmoreland from, 309–11
Peleliu, Battle of, 151, 172
Peloponnesian War (Thucydides), 50
Peng Dehuai, 130, 157, 166, 488n
Pentagon, see Defense Department, U.S.
Pentomic Army, 208–9, 219
People’s Army, North Korean, 119
People’s Liberation Army, Chinese, 355
Perlman, Michael, 501n, 506n
Perret, Geoffrey, 473n, 476n
Pershing, John “Blackjack,” 24, 45, 133
Marshall’s confrontations with, 20–21, 23
relief policy of, 21–23, 185
Persico, Joseph, 523n
Persons, Benjamin, 497n
Peters, Gerhard, 516n
Petillo, Carol, 484n
Petraeus, David, 9, 272, 408, 413, 420, 432–38, 440, 447, 460, 531n
civil-military relations and, 432, 434–35
military and political opponents of, 435–36
military approach of, 433–34, 436
promoted to Central Command, 438
retirement of, 445–46
Sunni insurgency and, 436–38
Philippines, 42, 45–47, 99, 100, 102, 104, 107, 126, 473n–74n
Philippine Sea, USS, 222
Phoenix Program, 248, 324–25
Phony War, 29
Pierce, Dorothy, 508n
Pogue, Forrest, 93, 130, 469n, 470n, 471n, 472n, 475n, 476n, 480n, 481n, 482n, 483n, 484n, 487n, 491n, 494n, 497n, 498n
Poirier, David, 424–25
Poland, 18, 28
Polaris A-1 SLBM, 207
Polk, James, 55, 475n
Pope, John, 22
Powell, Colin, 4–6, 9, 337, 523n, 524n, 525n
background of, 367–68
Battle of Khafji and, 377
as chairman of Joint Chiefs of Staff, 367–68, 371, 378
Gulf War termination and, 384–85
military career of, 369–71
relief issue and, 379
Schwarzkopf’s exchanges with, 377–78
UN speech of, 394–96
Weinberger Doctrine and, 372–73
as White House Fellow, 368–69
Powell, Enoch, 50
Prange, Gordon, 469n
Price, Carrol, 136
Price, Frank James, 477n, 485n
Prickett, Fay, 381
Prohibition, 74
PROVN report, 264
Pryer, Douglas, 418, 529n
Puller, Lewis “Chesty,” 158, 173
Puryear, Edgar, 485n
Pyle, Ernie, 116
Queen Mary, 48
Radford, Arthur, 222
Rainbow 5 (war plan), 47
Ramsey, David, Jr., 212, 500n
RAND Corporation, 404, 421, 458
Ransone, James, Jr., 143, 145
Rayner, Richard, 479n
Reader’s Digest, 234
“Readiness for the Little War—Optimum Integrated Strategy,” 209
Reagan, Ronald, 202, 370, 372, 486n
Reagan Administration, 370
Record, Jeffrey, 325, 517n
Red Army, Soviet, 172, 336, 347
Red Guards, 166
Reed, George, 421–22, 530n
Reid, Brian, 477n
Reid, Tilden, 352, 521n
relief, relief policy:
in Afghan war, 439–40
of Allen, 77–79, 110
by civilian overseers, 214, 362, 439–40
of Dawley, 66–67, 69
of DePuy, 242–47
of Dowdy, 405–7
Drucker’s model of, 251
of Fredendall, 51–52, 54–55
French practice of, 22–23
in Gulf War, 362–63, 365, 379–82
in Iraq war, 421–25, 432
in Korean War, 122, 133–34, 183–89, 462
of Lucas, 68–71, 133
of MacArthur, 105
of Marine Corps, 405
micromanagement and, 13, 58
Montgomery’s view of, 94–95
morale and, 110
of Navy, 452
in 90th Infantry Division, 1–6
of Patton, 111–12
of Pershing, 21–23, 185
politics of, 11
in post–Gulf War Army, 392–93
in pre–World War II era, 32–34
probation proposal and, 453
public disclosure of, 452
rapid advancement and, 35
retirement of talented officers and, 453–54
of Ridgway, 183–88
Sassaman example of, 422–25
Schwarzkopf and, 379–80
second chances and, 37
Starry’s acceptance of, 361
today, 7–8, 12
in U.S. Civil War, 448
in Vietnam War, 266–67, 278
in World War I, 21–23, 185
in World War II, 11–12, 17–19, 38–39, 69–71, 110, 112, 185, 187, 188, 251, 381
see also Marshall system
Republican Guard, Iraqi, 380–82, 384
Republican National Conventio
n of 1944, 104
Republican National Convention of 1952, 199, 394
Republican National Convention of 1996, 394
Republican Party, U.S., 394, 432
Revolutionary Guards, Iranian, 526n
Rhee, Syngman, 181
Richardson, James, 17
Richardson, Robert “Nelly,” 171
Richardson, Sid, 44–45, 198
Richardson, William, 326, 330, 354–55, 357
Ricks, Thomas E., 528n, 529n, 530n, 531n
Ridenhour, Ron, 298–99, 302, 304
Ridgway, Matthew, 8, 32, 67, 93, 97, 121, 133, 138, 154, 156, 167, 169, 175, 196, 203, 218, 222, 243, 340, 432, 435, 471n, 489n, 491n, 493n, 494n, 495n, 496n, 497n, 502n
Collins’s correspondence with, 183–84, 187–89
Korean War effort salvaged by, 176–77, 179–83, 192
on leadership, 178–79
MacArthur’s relations with, 179–80, 193–94
Marshall recollected by, 177
relief policy of, 183–88
Rhee’s visit with, 181
Smith praised by, 167
in South American mission, 31–32, 178
Truman-Marshall conflict and, 180, 191
Vietnam involvement opposed by, 222–23
Riggs, Gary, 321
Rindberg, William, 284
Robbins, Hugh, 144–45
Robbins, James, 511n
Roberts, Elvy, 316
Roberts, Randy, 513n, 514n
Robins, Lee, 518n
Roe, Patrick, 161–62, 167, 487n, 492n, 493n, 494n
Rogers, Bernard, 353
Rogers, Paul, 474n
Rogers, R. J., 479n
Rogers, Sasha, 532n
Rolling Stone, 440
Rolling Thunder campaign, 373
Rommel, Erwin, 29, 90
Ronan, Charles, 468n
Roosevelt, Elliott, 483n
Roosevelt, Franklin D., 17, 18, 96, 112, 126–27, 153, 178, 237, 448, 483n
MacArthur and political strategy of, 98–101, 105
MacArthur’s Hawaii meeting with, 104
Marshall’s confrontations with, 27–30, 258
Marshall’s relationship with, 31
1940 election and, 28–29
Roosevelt, Theodore, 115
Roosevelt, Theodore, Jr., 3, 78
Rose, Gideon, 383, 525n
Rose, Maurice, 50, 110
Rosenbaum, Justin, 443
rotation policy, 313–14, 318
DePuy on, 278–79
in Korean War, 275–76
My Lai massacre and, 279
risk aversion and, 277–78, 280
Schwarzkopf’s proposal for, 373
South Vietnamese military and, 279
“ticket punching” and, 278, 280
and units vs. individuals, 456–57
in Vietnam War, 275–79, 318, 456
Rowen, Henry, 374
Rudesheim, Frederick, 423
Ruffner, Clark, 157, 171
Rumsfeld, Donald, 396, 397, 403–4, 416, 435, 445, 528n
military failings of, 399–401
Rundstedt, Gerd von, 27, 288–89
Rusk, Dean, 255, 262–63, 290
Russ, Martin, 146, 488n, 489n, 490n, 491n, 492n, 493n
Ryan, Cornelius, 480n, 482n
St. Onge, Robert, Jr., 357–58
St. Vith, Battle of, 93
Saipan, Battle of, 38, 171, 173, 174
Salerno landings, 65–66, 69
Salmoni, Barak, 532n
Sanchez, Ricardo, 9, 115–16, 343, 402, 410–19, 426, 435, 460, 528n, 529n
Abu Ghraib scandal and, 415, 418, 427
Bacevich’s criticism of, 417
Bremer’s conflict with, 411–12
Cushman’s criticism of, 414–16
forced retirement of, 417–18
incompetence of, 411–14, 416–18
inflexibility of, 413–14
micromanaging by, 412
Santoli, Al, 316, 517n, 518n
Sarantakes, Nicholas Evan, 473n
Sassaman, Nathan, 422–25, 530n
Saudi Arabia, 376–77
Savage, Paul, 517n
Saville, Jack, 424
Scales, Robert, Jr., 518n, 519n, 525n
Schaller, Michael, 484n
Schanze, A. E., 498n
Schelling, Thomas, 204–5, 499n
Schifferle, Peter, 471n
Schirmer, Peter, 530n
Schlesinger, James, 404
Schnabel, James, 486n, 487n, 488n, 497n
School of Advanced International Studies, 7
School of Advanced Military Studies (SAMS), 356–59, 362, 389, 392, 420, 441
first generals from, 357–58
in Gulf War, 358–59
in Iraq invasion, 359
Schubert, Frank, 524n
Schuyler, Philip, 22
Schwartz, Norton, 13
Schwarzkopf, H. Norman, 9, 207–8, 238, 327, 358, 397, 500n, 504n, 518n, 523n, 524n, 525n
assessment of, 384–85
background of, 367–68
Battle of Khafji and, 377
Frederick Franks’s clash with, 380–82
Gulf War command and, 371–72, 373
Powell’s exchanges with, 377–78
relief issue and, 379–80
rotation system proposal of, 373
Scud missiles issue and, 375–76
shortcomings of, 373–74, 381–82, 384–85, 398
war termination and, 382–83
Scowcroft, Brent, 374
Scud missiles, 375–76, 398
Seaman, Jonathan, 307–8, 505n
2nd Armored Cavalry Regiment, U.S., 379
2nd Armored Division, U.S., 56, 107, 111
2nd Infantry Division, U.S., 4, 132–33, 185, 187
Selective Service Act of 1940, 113
Senate, U.S., 461
Sepp, Kalev, 426
September 11, 2001, terrorist attacks, 397, 398
7th Cavalry Regiment, U.S., 74
VII Corps, U.S., 380
7th Infantry Division, U.S., 132, 138, 146, 170, 186
7th Marine Regiment, U.S., 139, 152, 158, 160, 164–65, 173
Fox Company of, 159, 161, 168, 174
73 Easting, Battle of, 379
75th Infantry Division, U.S., 108, 381
Sheehan, Neil, 266, 268, 505n, 508n, 509n
Sheehy, John, 3
Shelton, James, 506n
Shepherd, Lemuel, 156–57
Sherman, William T., 26
Sherwood, Carlton, 248
Sherwood, Robert, 469n, 483n
Shiites, 436–38, 526n
Shinseki, Eric, 403, 416
Shirer, William, 471n
Shisler, Gail, 491n, 493n
Shkurti, William, 518n
Shoemaker, Raymond, 500n
Short, Walter, 17
Shortal, John, 483n, 498n
Shu Guang Zhang, 491n
Shumlinson, Jack, 509n
Sibert, William, 20–21
Sibley, Frank Palmer, 470n
Sicily campaign, 7–8, 60, 61–62, 81, 178
Allen in, 76–77
Sieg, Kent, 512n
Siegfried Line, 116
Simmons, Charles, 233
Simmons, Edwin H., 234, 489n, 490n, 493n, 494n
Simpson, Varnado, 298, 514n
Simpson, William
, 93–94, 106–9, 484n
in Battle of the Bulge, 107–8
Eisenhower’s praise of, 108–9
leadership style of, 107–9
Simpson, William J., 245
Sinnreich, Richard, 332, 356, 362
VI Corps, U.S., 66, 68, 70, 110
6th Infantry Division, U.S., 218
65th Infantry Regiment, U.S., 276
Smith, Bedell, 40–41, 151
Smith, Edward, 506n
Smith, Gayle, 327–28
Smith, Holland M. “Howlin’ Mad,” 38, 167, 171
Smith, Jean Edward, 479n
Smith, Neil, 444
Smith, O. P., 121, 146, 148, 150–58, 182, 195, 490n, 492n, 493n
Almond distrusted by, 154–55
chain of command and, 156–57
defensive plan of, 157–58
Hagaru-ri march and, 162–64, 166
military background of, 150–51, 172–73
modern obscurity of, 167–68
prebattle decisions of, 151–52
Ridgway’s praise of, 167
see also Chosin campaign
Smith, Ralph, 38, 171
Smithsonian Institution, 384
Smyth, Howard, 477n, 478n, 479n, 481n
Smythe, Donald, 469n
Snider, Don, 526n
Somalia, 389
Sorley, Lewis, 232, 233–34, 319, 468n, 486n, 499n, 503n, 504n, 505n, 506n, 507n, 509n, 512n, 516n, 517n, 519n, 520n, 521n, 523n
Soviet Union, 48, 131, 172, 205, 215, 275, 346, 389, 449
Spain, 140
Spanish-American War, 19
Special Forces, U.S., 215, 261
Special Operations Command, U.S., 400
Spector, Ronald, 294, 502n, 508n, 513n, 516n
Sperow, Charles, 480n, 487n
Spiller, Roger, 475n, 491n, 499n, 519n, 521n
Springfield rifle of 1903, 15
Spruill, Matthias, 468n, 503n, 505n, 506n, 509n, 516n
Spurr, Russell, 166, 492n, 493n
Staab, Lee, 392, 527n
Stamford, Ed, 139, 141
Stanton, Shelby, 132, 170, 332, 488n, 490n, 491n, 492n, 493n, 518n, 519n
Stark, Harold, 17–18
Starry, Donn, 6, 230, 242, 250, 275, 318–19, 336, 338, 344–45, 348, 447, 453, 516n
Marshall system favored by, 361
on poor quality of U.S. troops, 318–19
State Department, U.S., 189, 223, 262–63, 410, 448
Steele, Anneliese, 392, 527n
Stemberger, Victor, 277
Stennis, John, 326
Stevens, Sharon Ritenour, 469n, 471n
Stewart, Richard, 469n, 486n
Stewart, W. A., 507n
Stilwell, Joseph, 151
Stimson, Henry, 7, 45, 98, 178, 468n, 473n–74n
Stoler, Mark, 201, 470n, 498n
Stone, Thomas, 107–8, 484n
Stout, David, 515n
Stout, Mark, 524n, 525n, 526n