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Wedded to the Warriors (Captive Brides Book 1)

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by Sara Fields

  “Beth? Why are you getting spanked like a naughty little girl today?”

  “I embarrassed my husbands in front of our elders. I should have kept quiet and behaved myself. Instead, I talked back to you when I shouldn’t and that’s why you have to spank me,” she rambled apprehensively.

  “That’s right. You made us look weak. Because of that, now we have to spank you and present your punished bottom to the council tonight.”

  “Oh, please, do they have to know? Can’t you just punish me without telling anyone? No one has to know!”

  “Of course I can’t, Beth, you know this!”

  “But it’s so embarrassing!” she whined.

  “So was your disobedient behavior, young lady. As a result, you are going to get a spanking that you remember for quite some time. I’m going to turn your naughty bottom a pretty pink and then you’re going over Tarec’s lap for a hair-brushing you won’t soon forget.”

  The first spank cracked against her left bottom cheek, heavy and slightly stingy. Kent’s spankings were never truly terrible, him definitely being the gentler of her two men. Before long, she felt soreness build over her backside and her arousal was coating her secret folds. His fingers sometimes lingered on her skin, reaching between her legs, gliding against her wet lips and she groaned in response. Tarec watched and she blushed at her wanton reaction, knowing he could see her lust coating her pussy. It felt so naughty to enjoy a spanking, but she couldn’t help it.

  Before long, Kent’s spanks picked up power and soon she was squealing at the bite of them. He attended to the entirety of her bottom, making sure not to neglect the curve of her lower cheeks and the tops of her thighs.

  All at once, he picked her up and handed her to Tarec.

  “Now it’s time for your real punishment to start. I’ve thoroughly warmed her skin for you. See to it that her disobedient backtalk never happens again.”

  “Please, Tarec! Don’t,” she cried out, suddenly unbelievably nervous as his large body sat down on the bed, pressing her belly down over his very large thighs. Tarec was a man who didn’t expect any nonsense and she had sobbed many a time over his knee for her disobedient behavior. He usually used just his palm, which was terrible enough, but now he had a heavy wooden hairbrush in his fist that was about to deliver a stern lesson to her already sore nether cheeks.

  He didn’t respond to her cries, only clamped a leg over the back of hers, wrapping his free hand around her hip. There was no escape for her. She was getting punished whether she liked it or not.

  The hairbrush cracked against her bottom over and over in rapid succession and she gasped at the intense bite that bloomed across her cheeks. He paddled her hard, dominating her and showing her that he was her master and she was his woman. She tried to escape, tried to kick the pain away, but to no avail. She was at his mercy, getting chastised like a naughty little girl for her disobedience.

  Beth quickly lost track of how many times the brush bit into her backside and soon enough she began to feel tears edge at the corners of her eyes. As soon as Tarec began concentrating on her upper thighs, she began to cry in earnest, sobbing out her apologies as the unforgiving brush continued to thrash her bottom cheeks.

  Finally, Tarec threw the brush to the side and took her up in his arms, cuddling her close to him as she cried out her tears.

  “Good girl. You took that very well. We both love you so much and we want you to know that.”

  He rubbed her warm skin, his fingers trailing up and down her back. Feeling Kent sit down beside them, Beth threaded her own wrists around both their necks. Four arms surrounded her and she hugged them close, her bottom burning against their hard thighs. They kissed her forehead, one on each side and she smiled despite having just been punished by their hands just moments before. Deep within her core, her unsated need began to pound through her veins and she pressed her lips first to Kent’s and then to Tarec’s, blushing before she began to speak.

  “My sirs?”

  “Yes, Beth?” Tarec answered, raising an eyebrow at her devious expression.

  “May I suck your cocks now?”

  * * *

  “God dammit, why doesn’t she write longer chapters?” Aimee wondered out loud. She didn’t dare ask her father to consider paying the author to write more sooner, since he would never approve of such raunchy material. Even reading it now, all by her lonesome, made her feel incredibly naughty. Sometimes, late at night, she would even venture her hand down in between her legs, feeling how unbelievably wet she got just from reading these stories. Just that simple act alone made her feel wild and wanton.

  A red flashing light caught her attention, the software indicator telling her that the coast was clear. As a safety precaution, she pulled up the security footage, confirming that the police were indeed gone. She always checked just to make sure before leaving her room. If she were ever discovered, she would be seized and shipped off to a juvenile detainment center far off in the reaches of space until she came to the marriageable age of twenty-one. Only then, if there was space, would she be relocated to one of Earth’s many sister colonies. Her family, as punishment, would never be able to see her again.

  But honestly, she never thought that would ever happen. Her parents were too rich, too well connected, for anything bad like that to actually happen to her.

  Shutting down her computer, she made her way out of her bedroom and back upstairs. She had a new request for her father, since they had denied her excursion to the movies for the day because of the population police raid.

  He had better not try to deny her again. If he did, she’d take it into her own hands this time. She would get what she wanted, no matter what her parents said.

  Chapter Two

  Aimee smiled at her father with the sweetest, most adorable look she could muster.

  “Father, I want a car. I want to learn how to drive.”

  He looked at her, exasperated, disbelief crinkling his forehead.

  “You have to be kidding me. You’re a smart girl, Aimee, you should know that’s impossible. There are too many steps toward getting a license: blood tests, fingerprints, incredibly deep scrutiny of your papers. There’s no way we could ever get you approved to drive without your history being found out. You’d be taken away from us in a hot second and your mother and I would be devastated.”

  “I want one!” she whined, stomping her foot in protest. Her family was rich and she knew that if he talked to the right person, he could make it happen for her.

  “The answer is no. It’s not possible.”

  “Seriously? I hate you both! For everything! Especially the fact that you even gave birth to me! You’ve ruined my life!”

  “Aimee, don’t be like that. You know we love you. Is there anything else you need that would make you feel better, something not quite so risky?”

  Not answering, she just stomped away, escaping back down into her bedroom, angry and annoyed that her father had the audacity to deny her. She passed the time looking at pictures of cars she liked online, until night finally fell outside.

  When he designed her bedroom, her father had built an escape route for her just in case anyone ever discovered the entryway to her chambers. Sometimes, she would crawl out of the house late at night and sneak off to parties or hang with some of the neighbors’ kids. In her own small wealthy gated community, she knew of at least three other forbidden children. On rare nights, one of them would bring ‘donated’ alcohol to enjoy and they would spend the ensuing hours dancing in a nearby club, one that turned a blind eye and ignored the required credentials needed to walk in the door. Lost in her thoughts and desires, she finally made a decision.

  Tonight, she would sneak out with a mission in mind. She was going to bring home a car whether her father liked it or not and she would make him pay for it when she pulled into their long driveway with the one she wanted the most. And she knew exactly which one she wanted.

  It was a brand new model, a 2436 Mercedes Benz SL7000
. She knew the maker had been around for a long time, but that history didn’t really interest her much. The one she wanted was a pretty silvery blue, a four-seater convertible sedan with a powerful engine that could go from zero to sixty in one-point-two seconds, capable of reaching supersonic speed within the blink of an eye. With the help of hydraulics, wings would emerge from the sides of the car, giving it the capability to fly within scant moments if she wished it. Her friend Raina owned one and drove her around the city in it one time. She had wanted her own ever since.

  Wandering into her closet, she found a pair of black jeans and a dark colored t-shirt that hugged her thin yet curvy frame. Pulling on a pair of sturdy gray boots, she stood up and glanced at herself in the mirror. Eyes the color of dark sapphires met her view, high cheekbones framing her plump pink lips. Her face was flushed with excitement at her plans for the night and she smiled as she pulling her long wavy chocolate brown locks into a loose ponytail at the back of her head. She grabbed a roll of cash that she kept ready for emergencies, whether it be for shopping therapy or whatever else she needed. Now fully prepared, she was ready to go on an adventure.

  Quietly, she opened the door to the exit tunnel and crept outside. Once free of her basement bedroom, she had to be silent, just in case the security cameras surrounding the house picked up sound. She couldn’t remember if they did or not. Slowly and as quietly as she could, she crept toward the street and ran off in the direction of the city to claim her prize. The streets were silent, everyone asleep in their beds as she ran off into the night.

  Once she made it out of the community her parents lived in, the roads became much busier with cars driving in controlled traffic patterns, many of them on autopilot as people made their way through the city. Flagging down a nearby taxi, she jumped inside and told him to drop her off at the Mercedes dealership near Times Square.

  Watching outside the window, she admired the tall high-rise buildings surrounding her on both sides, electronic advertisements lighting up the mirrored windows for everything she could ever imagine or want. From cars to perfume to various lingerie lines or vacations on planets far away, it was a world she enjoyed whenever she had the ability to escape the walls of her home. Interplanetary travel was probably something she would never experience as an illegal third child, but she could certainly dream about it.

  Lost in her thoughts, she hardly noticed when the taxi pulled up to the car dealership. Shaken by the gruff voice of the driver, she handed him a few rolled-up bills, which caused a broad smile to come over his lips. Tan skin hidden underneath a massive beard crinkled with happiness and she realized that it was more than likely that she had grossly overpaid him, but she didn’t really care. With a curt nod, she climbed out of the car and slinked toward the full parking lot of cars before her. It didn’t take her long to find the SL7000s and she nearly cried out with elation at her success. She knew that this particular dealership generally kept the keys to most of the cars underneath the front driver’s side mat, a tidbit of information she’d bought off another forbidden child within her community, who just so happened to be the son of the owner of this particular business. She crept closer to the one she wanted and lifted the handle of the driver’s side door. The sound of an unlocked latch opening was music to her ears and she slipped her body casually inside to sit on the silky smooth front seat.

  Everything inside the car was lined with supple slate-colored leather. Every feature was top notch, with no expense spared in the creation of this beautiful piece of technology. Running her hands down the sides of the steering wheel, she breathed a sigh of relief at how right it felt in her hands.

  Leaning down, she flipped up the carpet underneath her feet and squealed with giddiness when she found the keys there, just like her intel had told her. Everything was going exactly according to plan.

  Sliding the key into the ignition, she grinned as the engine roared quietly to life. She waited a moment, expecting someone to come running or some emergency lights to switch on, but nothing happened. Slipping the car into drive, she eased out of the parking spot and made her way out of the dealership. Stepping on the gas as gingerly as she could, she smiled as the little car shot forward onto a nearby highway, enjoying the feeling of acceleration as thick tires sped forward on pavement.

  The feeling of driving her own car was incredible and she relished every second of it. She had only tried driving her friend’s car once, but had picked up on everything rather easily. Remembering to ease off the gas a little, she gazed up at the night lights surrounding her. Pressing a button on the center of the console, she grinned as the convertible top lowered, exposing her to the fresh evening air. Scents of the city assaulted her and she breathed in with a happy sigh. Racing through the motorways, she made her way home, all the while oblivious to everything but the adrenaline coursing through her limbs. What an awesome night.

  Not long after, she entered into the gated community she called home. Pulling into the driveway of her parents’ mansion, she breathed a sigh of relief as she reached the endpoint of her mission and she pulled the keys from the ignition.

  Suddenly, bright red and blue lights seemed to be flashing from every angle around her. Looking from side to side with panic, she realized that she was surrounded by police officers that had their guns trained on her and the little car she had stolen. She was trapped.

  Her eyes grew wide as she slowly opened the door. Turning her body gradually, she climbed out of the car, her hands high above her head in defeat. She ran the entire scenario over in her head. How was it possible that she had been caught?

  Panicked, she closed her eyes and whined under her breath. The moment her body left the close vicinity of the car, an officer tackled her to the ground and handcuffed her wrists behind her back. Lifting up her head, she quickly turned her head toward the door of her parents’ home, hoping for some sort of safe haven or rescue.

  Both her mother and father stared back at her, shock and fear for her clear in their terrified eyes. Even she knew her father’s money wouldn’t buy her out of this one. There was no way they wouldn’t find out who she was. Setting her mouth resolutely in a firm line, she swallowed back nervous tears and listened to the officer holding her wrists as he recited her rights to her.

  Her mother stared back at her, her hand held tight over her mouth as she unsuccessfully tried to stop herself from sobbing. Red and blue lights reflected off her face as her father shook his head with disappointment. He took her mother into his arms and held her tight, whispering words into her ear that Aimee had no chance of overhearing. The woman shook in his arms and he held her even tighter.

  Aimee was pushed into a nearby cop car by a tall burly man in uniform and the door shut quickly behind her. She looked back and forth, noticing that neither side had a door handle from the inside. She was well and truly trapped. Tears threatened at the corners of her eyes. She’d really messed up this time. All she wanted was to go back home and hide in her room. This couldn’t be real. This wasn’t supposed to happen to her.

  The next few hours passed by in a blur as her fingerprints were taken, her blood drawn, hair samples collected, her forged papers scrutinized. Charged with felony grand larceny, she was detained in a prison cell all by herself. Labeled as a criminal, she couldn’t help herself as she pulled her knees to her chest and cried, falling asleep fitfully on the uncomfortable cot she had been given.

  DNA test results confirmed that she was the child of Tamara and Richard Harrington, longtime wealthy residents of the suburbs of New York City and that she was indeed an unapproved third child of her family. She was identified as a nineteen-year-old woman, two years away from a marriageable age as deemed by law. Her forged papers were destroyed and arrangements for her deportation from Earth were swift. She was loaded on a spaceship the very next morning. She hadn’t even been given the chance to say goodbye to her family. Much as they annoyed her at every turn, she would still miss them and she blinked back tears at the thought. She was about to be
sent away from home, from everything she’d ever known, for good.

  Her hands bound together in front of her hips, she was strapped into a seat alongside a few other girls that looked as thrilled to be there as she was. One rather pale girl had fiery red hair and the greenest eyes Aimee had ever seen. Another with hazelnut-colored eyes and lavender shoulder-length locks glared angrily back at her. A blonde with blue eyes the color of the ocean stared at her hands with a sense of stark disbelief. Looking away from them, she tried to get a handle on the swirling emotions storming inside her head.

  Regardless of what this detainment center required of her, she would remain strong, using her intellect to gather information and survive. It was what she was good at. Throughout her life, she survived on her intel, making friends in the right places, paying off others, and enjoying the freedom that a normal teenager her age was able to experience as much as she could.

  Now, it seemed like she had missed something, had overlooked a critical piece of information in the Mercedes Benz dealership security. She should have known better, should have prepared more thoroughly. Pressing her head against the seat behind her, she took a deep breath, feeling the engines of the ship rumble beneath her. Swallowing away her nerves and closing her eyes, she felt the power of the rockets pushing them off the ground. Once they broke out of Earth’s atmosphere, she felt her stomach drop at the gravitational change, feeling the ship race forward to a place she never thought she would end up: the juvenile detainment center orbiting within the rings of Saturn, a long way away from her childhood home on Earth.

  Not long after, she nodded off and fell asleep, having been unable to get much rest in the brightly lit cell she’d been kept in overnight. The cot had been unbelievably hard, nothing like her soft bed back home. The food had also been extra terrible. This morning she’d been served some sort of oatmeal with dried chewy raisins, making her miss the eggs, sausage, and bacon the servants in her parents’ house would make all the time.


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