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Wedded to the Warriors (Captive Brides Book 1)

Page 3

by Sara Fields

  Aimee didn’t know how long she slept for. For all she knew, it could have been minutes, hours, or even days, but when she finally opened her eyes, she realized all the other girls were waking up as well. The ship shuddered as its engines cooled and she could only guess that they were docking in a slip at the detainment center.

  Not long after, men in uniform came forward, each collecting one of the women and urging her forward. A tall blond man smirked at her as he took a hold of her arm. She knew better than to fight him and allowed him to lead her without a struggle.

  They were brought out of the ship and onto the much larger space station, the hiss of doors opening and closing meeting her ears. She looked around, taking in the technology-laden hallways, complete with fingerprint readers and eye scanners on each door they entered. With a heavy swallow, she realized that escape would be impossible. She was truly a prisoner here.

  Lowering her eyes, she stilled as the group finally came to a stop in a large central room. Unable to contain her curiosity, she began to look around, seeing multiple floors rise up around them, handrails separating a small walkway and lots of windows that looked into a large number of narrow bedrooms. Her eyes widened when she looked into one of the rooms, seeing a small redheaded woman’s backside clear in her view. One of the guards, an officer from the looks of it, had her naked cheeks bared to the room, reddening from his palm as he spanked her.

  Aimee couldn’t keep her eyes off the scene as the man smacked the top of her thighs and then pressed his fingers over the pink lips in between her legs. Even she could see the glistening moisture that gathered there, as the man’s fingers glided across the woman’s slick folds.

  Someone cleared their throat in front of her and she tore her gaze away to meet the eyes of a fierce-looking woman standing there. Her brown hair was pulled back in a tight bun and sharp chocolate-colored irises regarded them with ire and clear expectations. She wore a simple navy dress that did little to hide the curves of her body underneath it. She would have been pretty if she relaxed and let her hair down, Aimee thought.

  “You probably all think that you’ve been transported to the coed juvenile detainment center outside Saturn. Well, I’m here to tell you that is not the case. You have all been selected as women of merit, to be trained and prepared at my detainment center, orbiting at the very far reaches of the solar system just outside of Pluto. Why, you ask? You are to be matched to a man in marriage. Throughout the Intergalactic Federation, many planets are in sore need of women and pay handsomely to be connected with a mate prepared by our hands. Here, you will be trained to experience pleasure in many forms and will be spanked when you misbehave and even when you don’t.”

  Aimee audibly gasped, along with a few other women beside her. The woman before her couldn’t possibly be serious, right? She pinched herself, thinking that she was probably still dreaming.

  “Some of you committed terrible crimes on Earth and some of you did not. What you all have in common is that you were born illegally. Each of you has been paired with a guard. Those innocent of any misbehavior will be taken to your room presently. Those that were disobedient to the laws back home will be soundly spanked before being taken to their rooms.”

  “You can’t be serious! My father will sue your ass for all you’re worth!” Aimee yelled, unable to stop herself. She couldn’t believe it.

  The woman smiled.

  “What’s your name, little one?” she asked with a steady smile, her expression inquisitive.

  “Aimee Harrington.”

  “Well, Aimee, my name is Warden Taylor, but most of the girls here call me Ma’am. I will look forward to seeing your bottom redden under your guard’s hand,” the woman said as she turned and snapped her fingers. “Ring the bell, it’s time for the women to see the show!”

  A shrill bell beeped five times and to Aimee’s horror, hundreds of women and additional guards began to gather in the tiers above her, leaning on the handrails and looking down at the group below them. Some guards took a few of the women on the ground floor with her away, but there were still a handful of them left. She realized that they were mostly the ones she had noticed on the ship seated next to her, the ones with fierce and defiant eyes. She had the sudden feeling that they were a small herd of deer, being hunted by a pack of wolves. Trembling, she took a nervous step back, studying possible routes of escape. Her eyes tore around the room, watching as the others girl’s bottoms were bared and guided over awaiting laps. She gulped down her nerves, assessing possible escape routes.

  The guard who had escorted her this far took hold of her arm and sat down on a nearby bench. He pulled her in front of him and swiftly unbuttoned her jeans. Gripping the waistband, he dragged them down around her hips, revealing her panty-clad bottom to the entire audience. She looked down at him in shock. This was seriously not happening!

  Remembering herself, she tried to fight him as he hauled her over his waiting knees. She tried kicking and punching him, but that only resulted in his leg clamping over the backs of her knees. One hand tore her panties down to reveal her naked bottom and she yelped in surprise as the cool air caressed her vulnerable skin.

  “Please don’t!” she cried out, trying to reach back and cover herself with a free hand.

  “Aimee, this is Guard Miller. He has been tasked with spanking your naughty backside as punishment for your crime of grand larceny,” the warden said, having moved in front of the two of them. Aimee felt her face flush hotly, knowing the woman could see a part of her anatomy that was usually kept secret from everyone else.

  The sounds of spanking filled her ears and before long, the blond guard who had escorted her clapped a broad palm over her right bottom cheek and she yelped as he repeated the treatment on the other side. It really hurt! She hadn’t expected that, having fantasized about her stories for some time now, especially the ones about her Ollorin men. Her body tensed as more spanks rained down on her backside, the guard picking up tempo with the others doing the same all around her.

  Aimee couldn’t look up at the audience and didn’t want to, knowing they could see her pale bottom turning pink and then an angry red as the guard spanked her for her misdeeds. Her ass already incredibly sore, she gritted her teeth as he smacked the tops of her thighs, catching the lower curve of her bottom cheeks at the same time. This sensitive area caused her to pale at the unexpected pain and she was unable to hold back her cries at the sudden onslaught.

  She couldn’t believe this was happening to her. She had never imagined getting her first spanking over the knees of a prison guard. Lost in her thoughts, the only thing she could feel was the stingy spanks that kept meeting her poor cheeks and tears edged at the corners of her eyes at the discomfort of it.

  Quiet sobs racked her body and only then did she notice that the spanking had slowed. The guard patted her bottom softly and pulled her panties back up to cover her smarting achy backside. She didn’t meet his eyes as he helped her up and looked away as he pulled her jeans back up over her waist. She hissed softly when the fabric pressed against her sore skin, but held her head high regardless. This place wouldn’t break her. She would make sure of that.

  Sure, the spanking was embarrassing and it hurt, but it would take a whole lot more than that to make her obey their rules. Warden Taylor wouldn’t know what hit her by the time Aimee was done with her, she was sure of it.

  Chapter Three

  The next few days went smoothly as the center had a very clear and defined routine. Everyone woke up at 9:00 a.m. for breakfast, attended classes until the lunch hour at 12:00 p.m., after which they were given quiet reading or social time until 2:00 p.m. After that, they attended more classes until dinner at 6:00 p.m. and were given free time until a strictly enforced lights out at 10:00 p.m. The girls at the center ranged in age from eighteen to twenty-one, and some of the older girls had slightly different schedules, but none of them would elaborate on what they did during the time they spent away from the others. Aimee was curious but
didn’t press any further, seeing them blush and look away whenever she tried asking. Still, she wondered what they were being taught during all that time.

  She made a few friends in the detainment center, all women who were rather angry with what they had been through so far. A few of them had arrived with her and had been subjected to being punished in front of the entirety of the prison. At first she had been surprised by just how many women were there, which made her realize how much of a problem forbidden children were becoming for planet Earth.

  Everyone here was beautiful and from all walks of life. From blond, to brunette, to redheads, even a few with oddly colored hair, like the girl with lavender locks she had seen with her on the ship. Some poor, many rich, and those in between shared the walls of the station, all of them treated the same as any other.

  “They have no right to spank us,” she mused one day to her gathered group of friends she had made so far. They were sharing a plate of cut cheese and Aimee pouted when she realized there would be no red wine to enjoy with it.

  “It’s unreasonable. If my daddy knew what happened to me up here, he’d have their asses in jail for the rest of their sad sorry lives,” Jenny said, the girl to whom Aimee had grown closest since her arrival at the center. She was definitely one of the feistier girls there with her. Aimee watched as she tossed her purple hair over one shoulder in a huff.

  “We have to do something about it.”

  “You’re so fucking right,” Jenny agreed, her mouth set in a hard line, her dark eyes flashing with anger.

  “We didn’t deserve any of that,” Michelle said, another girl Aimee had grown close to in the time since she’d been there. Michelle twirled her shoulder-length blond hair around her fingers. Her blue eyes hardened as she looked over at the group. “My poor ass was sore for days.”

  “What do you think we should do, Aimee?” Isabella asked, her lush chocolate waves cascading down her back all the way to her waist. The woman hugged her knees to her chest, looking slightly unsure of herself. Isabella was the only one within their small clique who hadn’t been spanked yet. The tiny girl reminded Aimee of her older sister: quiet and demure, yet feisty in her own small ways.

  “We should make up stories about the guards, maybe how the warden has sex with them all every night or something. A massive gangbang,” she said, giggling at the ridiculous idea. “Maybe the warden likes getting spanked by them too?”

  “Can you imagine her face all stretched out like a blowup doll? I mean, her lips are always pursed so tight that I can hardly even imagine her opening them wide enough for a man’s cock,” Jenny mused.

  The entire group of them giggled, eliciting a hush from a few nearby guards. This only caused them to laugh all the more, rolling on the ground at the image of the strict warden at the mercy of the guards’ sexual deviancy.

  Weeks passed and the four of them grew closer, making friends throughout the center. Aimee, Jenny, Isabella, and Michelle spread gossip about the guards and Warden Taylor as much as possible, although far out of hearing range away from any of them. Every time the strict woman would come before them, someone in the audience would giggle and this became more pronounced as more time passed on. Aimee treasured every second of it.

  The respect for the guards was shaken and many girls acted out against them. Before long, sounds of spanking became much more common, but the women banded together in solidarity. No matter how hard they were punished, no one pointed fingers at one another. At every turn, Aimee did what she could to spread the rumors far and wide, so that none of them missed a single word and they loved her for it.

  One day, the warden called them all to attention to the cafeteria, her face stern and no nonsense as usual. Pursing her lips tightly together, she gazed out over the quiet audience in front of her and began to speak, her shrill voice loud and unwavering.

  “It has come to my attention that there are vicious rumors being perpetuated within your ranks. Until I find out who the culprits are that started this terrible gossip, I am adding a new event to your schedules. Bedtime will be pushed forward a half hour and instead, every single one of you will receive nightly spankings until I start hearing some names.”

  “Are you fucking serious?” Aimee whispered into Jenny’s ear. Her bottom tingled with anticipation, not having received a single swat since her very first day at the detainment center. She had made sure to steer clear of any trouble, but at this announcement, her anger got the best of her. There was no way she was going to be subjected to any more mistreatment at these people’s hands.

  Grabbing a large tomato off a nearby plate, she hurled the vegetable straight at the warden. It hit the side of her cheek with a resounding and terrible squishing sound and the room was silent for a long moment before it descended into chaos. Food began flying from every which direction, coating the guards who bordered the room, with even more aimed at Warden Taylor herself.

  The warden’s angry eyes met Aimee’s, promising retribution in the days to come, but she simply smiled in response at the success of her movement. No longer was the warden a respected authority figure and neither were the guards. Food still soaring every which way, her grin diminished when she saw an army of guards enter the room, dressed in black uniforms that did little to hide the muscle underneath.

  Each one was unbelievably tall, rising up over the much shorter women. A group of four of them banded together and made their way straight to Aimee, Jenny, Michelle, and Isabella. Backing up, the girls turned and ran straight into a towering line of additional guards. There was nowhere to escape to as sturdy arms grabbed Aimee about the waist, capturing her struggling limbs in a hold that she had no chance to break free from.

  With an angry yell, they carted the four of them off into separate cells in a nearby hall. Aimee screeched and screamed the entire way, as she was locked into a room all by herself in the solitary confinement wing. Crossing her arms in front of her chest, she huffed as she sat down on the hard mattress. Hours passed before the door finally creaked back open and Warden Taylor walked in the entryway, her expression bristling with clear annoyance.

  “So, Aimee Harrington, is it? I distinctly remember you from your transport day. You’re the one that had the audacity to talk back to me, threatening me with a lawsuit if I remember correctly… am I right?”

  “So what of it?” Aimee responded, with as much attitude as she could muster.

  “I have it on good intel that you were the instigator in this whole mess, undermining my authority here on this station. You were the one that started the rumors and spread them with the other girls like wildfire. I cannot stand for such behavior amongst my girls. You will have to be punished.”

  “What do you mean?” Aimee asked, a nervous tremor billowing up through her body from the very tips of her toes. Suddenly, she didn’t feel quite as confident as before. Her bottom clenched tight and she fiddled with her hands as she waited. The warden cocked her head to the side and smiled gently.

  “Generally, the women trained as wives here are placed on sister colonies, matched to men that will take care of them. Many times, women are sold to planets throughout the Intergalactic Federation to caring and loving husbands and I keep up with them months afterward to ensure that they are happy in their engagements. But you,” she paused, “you’re different. I can’t in my right mind sell you to one of our loyal buyers for fear of angering them if you misbehave further. Your behavior back on Earth and your disobedience here in my care has been far too egregious. I cannot be anything but completely forthcoming in your bill of sale. No one would purchase you with that kind of record and I can’t keep you here because of the type of behavior you incite among the girls. Besides the punishment you’ve very clearly earned, I have no idea what to do with you.”

  The woman’s hard brown eyes stared at her for a long moment.

  “I have no other choice.”

  “Other than what?”

  “There was an offer that arrived not long ago…” The woman�
�s voice lingered dangerously as a smug smile overtook her lips; she looked more sure of herself by the second. Finally, she began to speak again. “Actually, I think that setup would be perfect for you. I will contact them immediately.”

  “Wait, what do you mean? Contact who?”

  Warden Taylor snapped her fingers and four guards entered the room behind her. Feeling small, Aimee trembled under the woman’s fierce gaze.

  “You’ll find out soon enough, Aimee Harrington.” She turned toward the guards and began speaking to them. “Bring her to the medical wing. We must have her fully prepared and adequately punished for his arrival. Within the details of the order, he requested to witness the examination in person. Have everything prepared for tomorrow morning, at the latest. I will contact the applicant straight away and let him know we will take his business after all.”

  “Warden! Please tell me what’s going to happen to me!”

  “Aimee, your treatment here has been nothing but routine and I do my best to train my girls to perform at their very best. Tonight, you’re going to be punished and tomorrow, you will be examined in front of your buyer. After that, you will be transported onto his ship and taken to his planet where you will be married.”

  “I don’t want to be married off. I don’t need anyone to watch over me,” Aimee said.

  “I’m sorry, dear, it’s a bit too late for apologies. You’ve earned this all by yourself.”

  Aimee couldn’t think of anything else to say as the guards moved in on her, picking her up as easily as a ragdoll. Her insides were in turmoil at this alarming turn of events. Who could the warden possibly mean to sell her to? What was to happen to her?

  They brought her to a nearby wing that was painted a bright white, the tile floor beneath their feet flecked with a soft gray mottled with a dull snowy color.

  On either side of the hallway, a line of doors met her view, some closed and others wide open. The guards passed one of the shut doors and she could have sworn she heard a woman’s voice groaning behind it. It sounded desperate, yet oddly full of lust and rampant desire.


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