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Trife Life To Lavish Part 2 Genesis & Genevieve...Am I My Brother's Keeper

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by Deja King

  "Are you sure you want Nico dead?"

  "Hell yeah! If I had that nigga wiped out like I wanted to the first time, then I could've eliminated all the bullshit jumping off right now. I want him out of my family's lifeimmediately!"

  "I'll get my men on it."

  "You do that. And don't fuck up Arnez, or you won't see another dime from me."

  "Have I ever let you down? It's funny how you seem to forget that it was me that funded your career when you were a struggling rapper in Queens."

  "I didn't forget shit. When I wrote you that check with all those zeroes behind it after I blew the fuck up that was payment in full, plus interest and a fuckin' bonus. So if anything, you owe me and don't forget it. Now handle my shit."

  Arnez simply nodded and watched as Supreme left. There was no sense in arguing with him because he knew he could never win. Not only was Supreme arrogant and self-righteous, he was also stupid rich. Oh, how the tables had turned in what seemed like such a short period of time. Years ago, before Supreme became a rap phenomenon it was Arnez that was his saving grace.

  Arnez was young, rich and hood famous from his rapid come up on the drug scene. One summer when he was making a routine stop through New York, one of his workers told him he had to hear a local kid from the block spit. Arnez wasn't interested as so many people came his way wanting him to fund their grand ambitions. It never amounted to much because everybody thought they were the next great talent, when in actuality, they were the weakest link. But because Arnez's best worker asked him to take a listen he obliged and was willing to give the kid a few minutes of his time. Never did Arnez expect for those few minutes to turn into a few hours.

  The moment Arnez walked up to the corner there was a huge crowd of people, boppin' their heads and pumpin' their fist as if at a Jay-Z concert at Madison Square Garden. But you weren't witnessing the evolution of Shawn Corey Carter, but instead the birth of Xavier Mills aka Supreme. When he spit, his flow captured you and wouldn't let go. You were hypnotized and there was no breaking out the trance until Supreme let you go. He had a lyrical gift, there was no denying that and Arnez wanted in.

  From that day forward Arnez became the unofficial sponsor of Supreme's career. He funded everything from studio time, his wardrobe to jewelry so Supreme looked like he had signed a seven figure advance even though he was still living in the basement of his parent's house. Arnez had no doubt in his mind that eventually Supreme would rise to the top and be a star but nobody was prepared for how rapidly it happened or the magnitude it grew to be, nobody except for Supreme.

  It was as if Supreme had caught a glimpse of his future because as he was coming up he refused to sign paperwork with anybody. Because he was low key and nonconfrontational people let it slide not thinking Supreme was being slick. But the joke was on them. He remained a free agent until he finally signed with a label. If Supreme didn't want to, he wasn't legally obligated to give anybody a piece of his pie, but when he hit the jackpot, everybody got paid back plus extra. Supreme knew exactly what he was doing. The people that held it down for him got more than what they were due and he maintained ownership of himself from them.

  When Arnez sized up the moves Supreme made, he realized that he was not to be fucked with. When they say bad boys move in silence, Supreme was the perfect representation of that. He knew that Supreme was ruthless and calculating so you could either play by his rules or move the fuck out the way because everybody else would fall down but him.

  King... ring... ring

  "Hello," Nichelle mumbled in the phone half asleep.

  "I need to see you."

  "Renny, is that you?" she questioned trying to come out her sleep induced coma.

  "Yes. Can I see you?"

  "Are you talking about right now?"


  "It's three o'clock in the morning," she said eyeing the clock on the nightstand.

  "I know it's late but I figured this would be a good time."

  "Why is that?"

  "Because it's late and it's less likely for someone to be clocking our moves."

  "I couldn't get out even if I wanted to."


  "Because after what went down last week, there has been a bodyguard with me twenty-four seven."

  "Bodyguard ... you big time."

  "There is nothing big time about having somebody watching you like a hawk."

  "Nah, you do need the protection."

  "I guess you would know that more than me. What happened to you? I thought you were going to call me later on that night. I'm just now hearing from you."

  "Nichelle, there's been so much crazy shit going on. I'm trying to keep our contact limited to protect you."

  "Protect me from your cousin. I don't understand what he wants from me."

  "It's a long complicated story that I promise to tell you once I see you."

  "When will that be?"

  "Since you can't see me now, when is good for you?"

  "I have a photo shoot in the morning. It'll probably last all day. What about afterwards?"

  "Like what time?"

  "I'm not sure. Can you call me around four or five? I should have a better idea by that time."

  "Cool, that's what I'll do."

  "OK, so I'll wait for your call."

  "Nichelle," Renny called out as she was about to hang up the phone.


  "I never stopped loving you."

  "I've been wanting to hear you say that for so long but how can you love me and leave me like that?"

  "Baby, I didn't leave you. If I would've come to you sooner I only would have put your life in further jeopardy. Believe me it was for the best. But I'll explain all that when I see you. Now get some rest. I know you have to get up early but remember I love you."

  "I love you too," Nichelle said but Renny had already hung up.

  When Genesis got back to his hotel room he was completely exhausted. The first thing he did was lay back on his bed and closed his eyes. T-Roc had pretty much held Genesis hostage once he knew he wouldn't be available to him the next day and now all he wanted to do was sleep. But that didn't seem to be in the plans when he heard knocking at his door.

  At first Genesis ignored it but the knocking persisted. "Genesis, I know you're in there, so open the door."

  Genesis instantly recognized the voice as being CoCo's. "Hey, CoCo," he said opening the door.

  "I thought you were going to call me when you got back?"

  "I literally just walked in moments ago, but then you probably already knew that."

  "So what you trying to say, I'm stalking you?"

  "No, I'm not saying you're stalking me but it seems you know what moves I'm making since you were knocking on my door before I even had a chance to get comfortable."

  "I apologize. I guess I might be coming off somewhat pushy but it's only because I feel like you're pushing me away.

  "I don't know what you want from me, CoCo. No, that's not right. I know what you want from me but I don't think I can give it to you."

  "That's what I don't understand. What's so hard about there being an us?"

  "I don't know if I want there to be an us. That's real talk." CoCo put her head down not able to hide her disappointment at what Genesis said. "I'm not trying to hurt you. I'm only being honest."

  "I know that you care about me. I'm not crazy, those feelings are real."

  "You're right, they are real but I'm still in love with Talisa."

  "I get that, Genesis, but Talisa is no longer here."

  "Then why do I feel like I'm still married to her." CoCo sat down on the bed unable to come up with an answer to Genesis' question. He was basically telling her he was married to a ghost and how do you compete with that-you can't.

  "Let me in, if only for tonight," CoCo stated as she began unbuttoning her shirt.

  "What are you doing!" Genesis stood back confused by CoCo's actions.

  "I'm not asking for anything besides this one nigh

  "Then what?"

  "We continue on as friends like we always have."

  "CoCo, you know this will never work. Once we get in bed together, you'll want more and I can't give it to you."

  "I'm a grown woman. I'll deal with it," CoCo said, now standing butt ass naked in front of Genesis. At the end of the day he was a man and CoCo was a bad bitch. She had a waist that looked like it was on crack with an ass that looked like it hadn't missed any meals. And CoCo had the most beautiful chocolate skin he had ever seen. She took his hand and glided it around to the small of her back so Genesis would know it was also the softest skin he had ever felt too.

  "CoCo, are you sure you want to do this because I'm not making you any promises."

  "The only promise I want from you is to give me your all right now. That's what I need." With that said CoCo placed her lips on Genesis and slowly began undressing him. She wanted to take her time, because she knew this could very well be the first, and last time they would ever make love, and CoCo wanted to savor each moment. As they stood in the center of the hotel room she laid her head on his chiseled chest. She wanted to breathe in the faint scent of his cologne that had not yet faded away.

  "CoCo, maybe this is a bad idea," Genesis admitted, trying to use his upper head instead of his lower. CoCo, didn't respond, she quickly knelt down on her knees and swallowed his rock-hard tool, unwilling to give him the chance to stop what she had been yearning for since the first time their eyes met.

  CoCo looked up when she heard the low moans of pleasure exhaling from Genesis' mouth. His head was slightly tilted back and as much as she knew he was regretting what they were doing, the satisfaction her wet mouth was bestowing upon him made him bury his reservations in the back of his head. CoCo knew Genesis' biggest concern was that she would fall so deep in love and if he didn't reciprocate those feelings she might become bitter, which would destroy their lucrative business relationship.

  When CoCo felt Genesis' dick pulsating in her mouth, she lightly gripped his manhood with her hand, relaxing her jaw, as she pulled away letting her tongue massage his tip upon exit. CoCo stood up still wearing her five-inch metallic sculpted architectural heels. CoCo sprinkled soft kisses down Genesis' neck before whispering in his ear, "Don't think about it, just slide inside of me as if you love me.

  Genesis stared deeply into CoCo's eyes and her request seemed simple enough because he did have a lot of love for CoCo and that's why he didn't want to hurt her. But instead of debating the pros and con of the situation Genesis focused on the now. He was willing to give into what they both wanted, which was each other. Genesis caressed the side of CoCo's face before scooping her up and laying her across the bed. The glow from the moon and stars piercing through the massive window highlighted CoCo's voluptuous silhouette. Genesis gazed over each curve and wondered for a quick second if he could not only love CoCo but actually fall in love with her. But without further deliberation, Geneis slid inside her warm juices taking pleasure in the present.

  "Are you sure that's her?" Arnez asked Nigel as he sat in the back of the black SUV.

  "Yes. I triple checked before I brought you to her."

  Arnez watched as the woman left her condo in midtown Manhattan and got into the awaiting car service. "She definitely looks the part of a professional corporate woman," Arnez commented.

  "I'm telling you, that is her. I wouldn't waste your time if I wasn't a hundred percent sure," Nigel reassured him.

  "You better not be. You already have one strike against you. You know what they say about three."

  "Yeah, I do and I have no intentions of finding out what my three strikes you're out would be. I told you I'm going to deliver and that's what I'll do. This woman can help make it happen."

  "Well don't just sit here, follow the car," Arnez directed.

  When Arnez saw the car the woman was in come to a stop he decided to make his move. "I'll be back," he said before getting out the SUV and heading across the street. The woman worked in New York's largest central business district so it was easy for Arnez to pretend he was another power player on the move. Of course he always looked the part and in reality Arnez was a power player, only his money wasn't made legitimately.

  "Excuse me," Arnez said, as he purposely bumped into the woman, knocking the folder she was holding out of her hand, as they both entered the prominent skyscraper building.

  "This is just great! What a moron," she huffed with annoyance under her breath as her important documents spread across the entrance floor.

  "Again, I apologize. I was in a rush trying to make this meeting and I wasn't watching where I was going. Let me get this for you."

  "That's okay, I got it." They were both on bended knee gathering up the documents and Arnez reached at the same pile of papers as the woman so his hand could brush up against hers. The smoothness of his hand made her make direct eye contact with him for the first time. She was curious to know what man was the owner of the hands that felt as if they had never done manual labor in their life.

  "I think this is it," Arnez said, handing the last of the papers to the woman.

  "Thank you. I'm sorry if I came across uncouth. Mornings are always hectic for me."

  "No need to apologize, I bumped into you, remember," Arnez smiled, oozing with the signature charm he knew how to turn on and off at his convenience.

  "Thanks again, but I really must be going and I know you do too."

  "Excuse me if I'm crossing the line, but I don't see a ring on your finger. How about you let me make this little incident up to you and let me take you to dinner."

  The woman looked down for a moment and then back up with a look of confusion, as if she was surprised the man standing in front of her was asking her out on a date.

  "I guess that's a no?" Arnez said, with a look of disappointment on his face.

  "Yes, I mean no," she let out a giggle. "What I'm trying to say is no to what you just said, and yes to having dinner with you.

  "Wonderful. I'll call you later on so you can tell me what is good for you."

  "That sounds great. Here take my card," she said reaching in her purse and then handing Arnez her business card.

  Arnez glanced at it, "Veronica, that's a beautiful name and you're an attorney, smart and beautiful... just my luck."

  "Thank you. Well, now I'm running late. I have to go."

  "I understand. I'll call you later."

  "I'm looking forward to it," Veronica smiled as she headed towards the elevators.

  Not as much as I am. Arnez was looking forward to getting to know Veronica. She was not only easy on the eyes but he was hoping she would also be a valuable tool in his plot to snatch up Genevieve. He was tired of playing cat and mouse with her and he prayed an inside connect would end this chase once and for all.

  When Nichelle arrived on set, they immediately put her in hair and makeup. She welcomed it as it gave her time to think about Renny. She was surprised but elated that he had finally called her again. She was beyond looking forward to seeing him and it wasn't just because she had so many questions she knew he had the answers to. It was also because she missed him terribly. There hadn't been a day that went by that Nichelle didn't think about Renny. Sometimes when she was alone, for hours she would fixate on what he was doing and who he was doing it with. Thoughts of Renny would consume Nichelle and she knew it wouldn't stop until she saw him again.

  "You look incredible." The masculine voice jerked Nichelle out of her thoughts.

  "T-Roc, I didn't even see you come in."

  "That's to be expected since your eyes were closed," he teased. "But you really do look incredible."

  "I wish I could see." There wasn't a mirror in front of Nichell and she was anxious to catch a glimpse at the magic they had created, because that is what great hair and makeup people were able to accomplish. She had witnessed them turn the most average of chicks into cover-girl ready. Watching the transformation was one of the most amazing things ever.

/>   "You will shortly. Are you ready to get in front of the camera?"

  "Yeah, I'm a little nervous but I'm ready."

  "Don't be nervous, but so you know we're using a Siberian Bengal Tiger in some of the shots."

  "Really? I had no idea!"

  "I meant to tell you when I saw you yesterday but it slipped my mind. But you've done it before. I actually got the concept from your billboard with the Black Panther. That shit was official. I thought it would be amazing to carry it over with the perfume ad."

  "I have to agree, that is a hot idea."

  "I think we will all be pleased with the final product. All I need is for you to bring the fire and we're good."

  "Don't worry, I'll deliver on my end."

  As they put the final touches on Nichelle, her mind started racing on what she would do once the shoot wrapped up for the day. Her bodyguard was basically glued to her hip and she didn't know how she could get rid of him. Nichelle needed private time when she met with Renny and she didn't want Akil or anybody else to know where she would be. She had to come up with something and reasoned she had about eight to nine hours to do so.

  "Baby, when are we going back to LA?" Precious asked when she woke up in Supreme's arms.

  "I still have some business to handle here, so it's going to at least be a few more days. I hope that's okay with you?"

  "You know I'm an East Coast girl by heart so that's cool with me. Do you have business to handle today?"

  "As a matter of fact I do. I need to get up so I can get out of here."

  "I think I'll take Aaliyah to Central Park. It's supposed to be a beautiful day."

  "That'll be a good look. I'll call you later on." Supreme kissed Precious on the lips then went into the bathroom to take a shower.

  "Good morning, Mommy," Aaliyah grinned as she ran into the room to get in bed with Precious.

  "Hi, baby! Guess where we're going today," she said tickling Aaliyah as she tried to hide under the covers."


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