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Trife Life To Lavish Part 2 Genesis & Genevieve...Am I My Brother's Keeper

Page 6

by Deja King

  "Where?" she asked between loud laughs.

  "To Central Park!"

  "Can I eat ice cream?"

  "Yes, and we're even going to go on a carriage ride."

  "With the horses," Aaliyah's eyes beamed.

  "That's right. We're going to have so much fun!"

  "Can we see daddy Nico too?"

  "We'll see, baby."

  "Pleaaase," she pleaded with begging eyes.

  "Of course, I'm sure your daddy would love that."

  "Yeaaaah," Aaliyah clapped her little hands together and all Precious could do was smile.

  "Yo, I didn't think you was going to be able to make it today for this meeting," Nico said, when he opened the door to let Genesis in.

  "I told you I was coming!"

  "Yeah, but that was before you got promoted to a senior level executive position."

  "Nigga, you got jokes! Quit wit' all that."

  "I'm only speaking the truth. T-Roc might've put his foot down and said no playing hooky today."

  "Nico, I get it. Enough of the jokes we got real business to handle."

  "True indeed, so let me get right to it. You know that territory in Philly we can't seem to break into?"

  Genesis nodded his head, acknowledging he knew what Nico was speaking on.

  "After diligently trying to get to the bottom of that shit, come to find out there's this dude that got that motherfucker on lockdown something pretty."

  "Just one cat?"

  " )7 Yep.

  "How is that?"

  "From what I understand his prices are ridiculously good."

  "What about the product?"

  "That's the thing, I heard it's semi and it definitely can't fuck with our shit."

  "So what you wanna do? `Cause Philly is a pretty piece of property that I want back in on. If that Fed shit hadn't happened, all of Philly would be mine."

  "You right. But this nigga done came in and shut the shit down. From what I understand that's a major reason that cat Arnez had to get ghost."

  "Yeah, Arnez ghost for many reasons. You know I believe he's responsible for the death of my wife."

  "What!" this was the first Nico had heard of this. Genesis rarely ever spoke of his deceased wife. He assumed she was off limits and he respected that.

  "Yeah, I don't have no proof just my instincts. She was involved with him before me and once she broke it off he became obsessed. He tried to have me murdered but instead got my best friend killed. I can't wait to get my hands on that dirty bastard. But he got to be the slickest moving motherfucker I know"

  "How you think that is? It take a lot of money to stay on the move like that."

  "That nigga got some money. I'll give him that. He always kept long paper. But with him getting ran out of Philly, and us having ATL on lock, I don't know where his stomping grounds are now. No doubt he making moves somewhere though."

  "That's interesting, but all snakes come slithering out sooner or later."

  "Damn right, and I'll be right there ready to take his ass out unless somebody gets to him first. But back to Philly, what you wanna do?"

  "What I don't want to do is force our way in. The last thing we need to start is a street war."

  "I agree with you on that."


  "But we still need a way in. What options do we have?"

  "We know for a fact that the quality of our product kills his. I was thinking we make him an offer that he can't refuse."

  "Which is?"

  "We give him an even lower rate. I mean we can afford it. With the price we get from Quentin, we would still make a profit."

  "So basically, we're buying our way in?"

  "Exactly but everybody profits. He gives us a prime piece of property and we give him better product at a cheaper price that he can make an even higher turnover rate on."

  "He can't beat that. When do you plan on hitting him with this proposition?"

  "I got one of our dudes working on it right now. The nigga Delondo keeps a low profile. But our guy is cool with his right hand man Roscoe. Once he sets up the meeting, it's on."

  "If you can, try to get the meeting here in New York. With this shit I'm doing with T-Roc, it might be kinda hard to get to Philly."

  "Yeah, yeah, yeah ...I know you working a nine to five, nigga. I got you!"

  "Here we go with the jokes again."

  "Wait, hold on a sec, this Precious calling me. What's up?"

  "Hey, are you busy?"

  "Why what's going on?"

  "We were in the city and Aaliyah wanted to see you. But I totally understand if you're busy."

  "I always have time for my daughter. I didn't know you all were still in town."

  "Supreme has some business to handle, so we're staying for a few extra days."

  "OK, well I would love to see Aaliyah."

  "Are you at your house in Jersey, or are you at your apartment in the city?"

  "I'm at the crib in the city."

  "Cool, that works out good then."

  "Are you on your way now?"

  "We're about to get some ice cream, we'll come over after that."

  "I'll see you soon."

  "So your baby mama coming to see you?"

  "Now you got jokes!"

  "Yeah I do," Genesis laughed. "But I'm glad to see that somehow you all are making this work. `Cause this is no doubt a sticky situation."

  "Who you telling and if Supreme don't learn to accept me as Aaliyah's father it's only going to get stickier."

  Knock... knock ...knock

  "Is that Precious already?" Genesis wondered out loud when he heard the knocking at the door.

  "No, that's probably Quentin. I told him to stop by if he had a chance because I wanted him to be in on the whole Philly situation. Being the greedy motherfucker that I am, I'm hoping we can talk him into giving us an even better rate on the product to makeup the major discount we hitting Delondo with."

  "Shit, I feel you. It don't hurt to try. You go speak with Quentin, I need to take this call," Genesis said, going to the back for some privacy. "Hello."

  "Hey, you were gone when I woke up this morning and I wanted to see how you were doing."

  "Yeah, I had to meet with Nico about some business."

  "Is there a reason why you didn't want me there?"

  "Because some of my Philly business doesn't have anything to do with you. You know that a few of the deals I'm involved in are strictly partnered with Nico, this is one of them."

  "True, but I thought that since you're going to be heavy in New York for a minute you would want me to play a more intricate role with your dealings in Philly."

  "You're right, and if I need you I'll pull you in."

  "OK, let me know"

  "I will... but listen, I'm `bout to leave here in a little while, do you want to meet for lunch?"

  "I can't, I actually have a few things I need to handle. What about an early dinner?"

  "That works. Call me when you're ready."

  "Got you."

  "Oh, and CoCo."


  "Last night was amazing."

  "I thought so too, see you a little later, bye."

  Genesis got off the phone with CoCo relieved that they were still able to discuss shit. At first he felt somewhat awkward but realized it was his mind playing tricks on him. CoCo was able to come at him on some business shit even though they had stepped over the line to personal by becoming intimate. If they could maintain both types of relationships and also keep them separate, Genesis felt that could potentially be the ideal situation for him.

  "Hello," Nichelle's insides filled with excitement when she saw the private number pop across her cell phone screen. She knew it had to be Renny since every time he called the number came up private.

  "Hey, did you finish yet?"

  "We're wrapping up now"

  "How long do you need before you can get outta there?"

  "Not much, I just have to find a way to shake
off my bodyguard. Where do you want me to meet you at?"

  "Come out front."

  "You're there now?"

  "Yep, I'm on the corner in a black Range Rover."

  "How did you know where I was?"

  "I always know where you are. So come on. I'm waiting for you."

  When Renny ended the call, Nichelle stared at her phone thinking about what he just said; I always know where you are. Has he been watching me or having somebody watch me? If so for how long?

  "Nichelle ... Nichelle ... Nichelle!" Akil said louder trying to get Nichelle's attention.

  "Akil, what are you doing here," Nichelle said snapping out of her thoughts of Renny.

  "I told you I was coming back. But clearly your mind is somewhere else, so you might've forgotten."

  "Yeah, I do have a lot on my mind."

  "Like I told you before, I'm here if you wanna talk."

  "I know and I appreciate that."

  "T-Roc said everything went great today, how do you feel about it?" AU asked, changing the subject. Nichelle's body language was screaming to switch direction of the conversation.

  "Beyond amazing! Everybody was so patient and treated me like I was some sort of star."

  "You are a star."

  "No I'm not. But the fact they made me feel that way speaks volume about their professionalism. It made me work harder to deliver. I didn't wanna let anybody down."

  "You didn't and won't ...I can promise you that."

  "Thanks, you always try to make me feel good and that means a lot to me."

  "Well then how `bout we go and celebrate. Let's cheer to your first official day on the job."

  "Not tonight, maybe tomorrow"

  "I understand, you're probably exhausted from your long day here."

  "Yeah, I am."

  "Okay, I'll have Clarence take you home."

  "He really doesn't need to do that. It would be nice to have some alone time, if for this one night."

  "I can't do that, not after what happened."

  "That was weeks ago. We haven't had any problems since.

  "Yeah, probably because they see you've been walking around with a three hundred pound killing machine."

  "Listen, Akil, just let me have this one night alone. I feel like a prisoner!"

  "I can't take that type of chance. A lot of money is being invested in you. To take a careless chance and something bad happen to you is out of the question."

  "Fine. Have Clarence bring the car around, while I go to the bathroom."

  "OK. I'll come get you when he's ready."

  "Thanks." Nichelle watched as Akil walked to the back to get Clarence. When he was out of sight, she quickly gathered her belongings together and made a discreet exit.

  "Hi daddy," Aaliyah grinned when Nico answered the door.

  "What's up, superstar! Give your daddy a kiss," Nico smiled lifting Aaliyah up in the air.

  "What is he doing here?" was the first question Precious asked when she walked through the door and saw Quentin sitting down on the sofa.

  "It's grandpa," Aaliyah yelled. Nico put Aaliyah down and she ran to Quentin.

  "Precious, don't make a scene," Nico warned.

  "Excuse me?" she barked back.

  "Aaliyah is here. You don't need to show out in front of her," Nico said in a low but stern voice.

  "Fine," she smacked, knowing that Nico was right but pissed all the same.

  "Aaliyah, your daddy has a game he wants to play with you while I go talk to your mother."

  Precious opened her mouth to say, No the fuck you not, but stopped when Nico gave her a threatening look.

  "Baby, go play with your daddy, but mommy has to make a stop, so I'll be back."

  "Okaaaay, see you later," Aaliyah waved.

  "Precious, wait!" Quentin called out, trying to stop her before she left.

  "I'm trying to keep my cool because my daughter is here but I don't have shit to talk to you about!"

  "How about you just listen then."

  "Listen to what... a bunch of bullshit. Please save that for your other daughter."

  "At least you're acknowledging I'm your father."

  "What do you want from me, Quentin?"

  "Just hear me out. You've never given me more than thirty seconds of your time. Would it kill you to give me twenty minutes of your time? I really need more, but I understand this is a work in process."

  "Fine, start talking because all you have is five."

  "How about we step outside, go for a walk."

  "Have it your way because this is going to be a very short walk."

  While standing in front of Nico's building, the cool breeze hit Precious' face sending a peaceful chill through her body. The crisp air and beautiful sunny skies almost made her forget that she was standing next to a man she completely loathed.

  "I know that you hate me," Quentin began as if reading Precious' mind. "But I believe if you hear my side, you might not be so unforgiving."

  "I doubt that seriously, but I said I would give you five minutes so you better get to talking because your time is quickly running out," Precious said eyeing her watch.

  "Your mother was breathtakingly beautiful and believe it or not I was in love with her. I believe she loved me too but she loved the drugs more."

  "So you were in a real relationship with my mother?"

  "I'm not going to he to you, Precious. I was married at the time that I met your mother. But I was greedy and wanted her to be mine. The circumstances were wrong but yes, the relationship was very real in every sense of the word"

  "So what went wrong, why didn't she want you to know I was your daughter?"

  "When I met your mother, she was a party girl but only a casual drug user. We use to have a lot of great times together. As my feelings grew deeper, I slowed her down. I knew I couldn't leave my wife, we had a family, three small children but I also wanted your mother in my life. So I put her up. I guess you can say she became my official mistress."

  "Your mistress... wow, this is interesting."

  "I wasn't perfect and I'm still not. All I want you to know is the truth before you judge me and turn your back on me.


  "For a period of time your mother was content but she was a firecracker-like you. She got restless being a kept woman. I stopped letting her run the streets. The only life I wanted her to have was me. I was a selfish man, Precious. It didn't take long for her to start rebelling against me. She would get missing for a few days, I couldn't find her. I believe during this time she started using again. We would fight then make up. She hated the fact that I wouldn't leave my wife and I couldn't blame her. I was married to somebody else but wanted to own her too."

  "I can't believe how real you're keeping this. Honestly, I thought my mom was one of your ho's or something that you knocked up and then tossed to the side when you found out she was pregnant."

  "Hell no! I loved your mother as much as I knew how to love any woman."

  "So how did it end?"

  "One day when I came over she was gone. She didn't come home that night. I thought once again she was upset trying to get payback. But then that night turned into a few days, and a few days turned into a few weeks. By that time I had everybody looking for her. It was known in the streets that she was my woman and I wanted her back home immediately. But no one could locate her. Your mother disappeared. I almost went crazy looking for her."

  "And you could never find her?"

  Quentin let out a long sigh before continuing. "Yeah over a year later, she was back on the scene. I had no idea she gave birth, especially not to my child. When I saw your mother again, she was in a whorehouse turning tricks and was a complete junky. My heart broke that day and it has never completely healed."

  "Why didn't you save her?"

  Quentin paused in the middle of the block and stood directly in front of Precious. His face was solemn and his eyes full of grief. "Don't you think I tried? But I had done my dirt long en
ough on these streets to know you can't save anybody that doesn't want to save themselves. Your mother didn't want to be saved. I couldn't compete with the high she got from doing drugs and that killed me."

  "So what about me? You never saw or knew she had a baby and put two and two together?"

  "No, because your mother was never with you. Precious, you're a smart girl. If you think back I'm sure you can remember that your mother was probably hardly ever around."

  Precious didn't need to do much thinking back because she knew what Quentin was saying was true. Precious remembered being left with anybody and everybody. There wasn't any sort of stable childcare in her life until Ms. Duncan. All she could do was put her head down and think about the what if's. What if Quentin had known she was his daughter, could he have saved her from the miserable childhood she suffered? Could the love from her father have made her kind-hearted and not so cold? Those were questions she would never be able to answer.

  "I'm glad you told me this but it doesn't change our relationship because I don't know you. You weren't there for me. Maybe that choice wasn't given to you but I'm a grown woman now and it's too late for us."

  "No it's not. I refuse to believe that. Just because you're grown doesn't mean you've stopped being my daughter."

  "Why is it so important to you for us to have a relationship? You have other children, it's not like I'm the only one."

  "You and Maya are my only girls and Precious, when I look at you, you really do remind me so much of your mother. Remember the first time I saw you with Mike. I told him how you reminded me of a woman I used to know a long time ago. Little did I know she was your mother. All I want is the chance I was denied and that's to be a father to 75 you.

  Precious couldn't front, Quentin was getting to her. It wasn't just his words but how genuine they sounded. Precious was a master manipulator in every way and nine times out of ten could spot when someone was trying to pull the wool over her eyes but she was getting none of that from Quentin.

  "I believe you."

  "Do you mean that?"

  "I wouldn't have said it if I didn't."

  "Then are you willing to try and give us a chance at having a father and daughter relationship?"

  There was an extended period of stillness. The atmosphere was only filled with background noise as no words were being spoken between the two. The air almost became haunting as Quentin's powerful stance seemed ready to force Precious to utter a word and break the silence.


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