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What to Read After FSOG: The Gemstone Collection (WTRAFSOG Book 2)

Page 144

by Vi Keeland

  The ten contracts I’d chosen out of the pile were probably the most basic, but I needed to get my feet wet, so to speak. That body fluid one? Yeah that was going to the bottom of the pile and would be saved until I knew what the hell I was doing.

  I was shocked when Samson knocked on my door. “Bring one of your files and we’ll work it together over lunch today.” The man obviously didn’t know how to ask for anything. Considering the way we’d started off this morning though, I decided to bite my tongue.

  I gathered the pirate and maiden one because it seemed the easiest, grabbed my purse and followed behind him. We walked downstairs and he ushered me into a waiting limousine. Wasn’t this the damn life, I thought to myself? The guys chatted about business and I kept silent trying to discover what made them tick.

  Fifteen minutes later we pulled up at one of New York’s most popular restaurants and I followed the guys inside, shocked that we had our own private dining area away from the crowd. I could definitely get used to living like this!

  After enjoying appetizers and wine, I opted for a salad for a meal because I doubted I’d be able to afford much else here. The guys loaded the table with so much food I had no idea how they remained as fit as they were. As far as salads go, this was one of the best I’d ever had. I couldn’t help but eye Leif’s steak with longing though.

  Samson caught me drooling and smirked. “You’re not one of those women that stay on a diet are you?”

  I was embarrassed to be caught staring, and my defenses came up. “No, but I am one who hasn’t gotten her first paycheck yet and needs to be conservative.” I felt like a total fool for admitting I was lacking in funds.

  “Fuck. We’re feeding you.” He shook his head and waved over a waiter. “We need another steak over here.” He turned his gray eyes to me, “how do you like it?”

  If I was embarrassed before, now I was mortified. “Medium rare.” I lowered my eyes to the table wishing I could hide under it. Samson gave the order to the waiter and he walked off.

  “Don’t pussy out on us now.” My eyes flew to his at his words and I understood immediately he didn’t like me hanging my head. For a man that seemed to want control he obviously expected the people he associated with to have a backbone. That was something to ponder.

  “I’m not pussying out on shit, Samson, I just stated the facts.” Lifting my chin, I dared him with my eyes to call me out on standing up to him. I was shocked as hell when he threw back his head and laughed. I’d also just called him by his first name without being asked. I’d say I was two seconds away from being fired.

  “Good girl.” With a smirk, he went back to enjoying his food and I wasn’t sure it was right to be pleased I’d won his favor since he’d basically just downed me by calling me a girl. Oddly enough I liked the terminology. I was in serious trouble with these guys.

  I devoured my steak when it came, and hoped I didn’t look like some starved woman after I finished. Four weeks without a steak should be illegal. Wiping my mouth primly with my napkin to make up for my table manners, I looked up and noticed all the guys staring at me. “What. Do I have steak sauce on my chin?” I blotted my face again.

  “I’ve just never seen a woman enjoy her food so much.” Leon’s sexy drawl sent goose bumps up my arm and I flushed.

  “You go a month without steak and then we’ll talk.” I wasn’t even embarrassed now. Something about a full belly and some of the top beef still on your palate does things to you.

  “Hell I’ll buy you a steak every week if you show that much pleasure in eating it.” Miles winked at me and I did blush. Holy shit these guys seemed to really get off on the way I ate. How odd was that?

  It was almost surreal how comfortable that lunch made me feel with them. I explained how it was mine and Rachel’s thing to go out for steak before I lost my job and how much I missed it. That started a round of stories about some of their favorite things and it was really rather cozy. Of course, mountain climbing, surfing, parachuting, and skiing weren’t really my idea of great hobbies, but the guys each had their own thing they loved.

  I was almost regretful when the conversation turned back to business. Samson brought up the fantasy file I’d decided to work on first. “So the Pirate fantasy. Lucas would be the one I’d choose for that one. He just got back from a shoot in the Keys and has this bohemian look thing going for him.”

  “I’m amazed Lilith wants that one. She’s a timid little thing.” Leif was grinning and he seemed to have first-hand knowledge of the client referred to in the file.

  “Actually I’m not surprised at all.” Leon interrupted. “It’s a perfect scenario for a women who wants to be ravished but doesn’t have the confidence to ask for it. Darcy can decorate that one for you. She’s got solid expertise in working with island settings. I think she’ll be one of the first decorators we pull for the new project?” He’d been talking to me but turned to Leif for the question.

  “I don’t know. Her husband’s doing really well with his career here and I wouldn’t want to ask her to make the decision to move.” He answered Leon before turning to me. “We’ll have to introduce you to the entire staff. Maybe this Friday? I think we can pull together an informal meeting before the club opens.”

  “That’s a great idea,” Miles stated. “You’ll be meeting them all as you arrange the contracts, but it might be nice to get to know them in an informal setting.”

  “I’ll look into their schedules this week, but for now we need to work on the one contract so Zoey has an idea of what she’s up against.” Samson motioned to our server and paid off the bill. “We should take this back to the office. I know they probably have other customers waiting for this space.”

  I followed their lead and we drove back to the office. It was amazing how much difference an informal lunch could make. I felt like I had a much firmer grasp on the personalities I’d be working with now. We ended up back in the boardroom again and discussed the first contract.

  “The most important thing in the contract is discovering what the clients truly wants to happen. Not to be sexist, but I’ve noticed that men usually give more details than women when it comes to their desires, so you’ll have to work a little more diligently with the females.” Samson sat back in the chair seeming to contemplate.

  “I agree with Samson on this, whereas a man will tell you he wants a hand job while he’s bound in a chair, women tend to be more vague.” Leon glanced at me and I swear my face turned bright red.

  “Shit girl, are you blushing?” Leif seemed to find that hilarious and I glared at him.

  “Sorry I don’t normally go around talking about hand jobs.” Yes it embarrassed me, but I knew it was now part of my job. “So do you want me to ask if she wants to be touched when she’s tied up?” Holy hell. I can’t believe I’d even said that.

  “More precise, does she want her clit rubbed, his tongue on her pussy or just keep it all non-sexual.” Miles said matter-of-factly making me blush even hotter.

  “For a woman who can devour a steak like she’s having the best orgasm of her life, you sure do get embarrassed when discussing sex.” Samson chuckled and I was amazed that he seemed to be teasing me.

  “I’ve had more experience with steak.” I have no idea what made those words fall from my lips, but I felt like cutting my own tongue out at the incredulous looks they tossed my way.

  “Now that’s a damn shame.” Miles winked at me and I knew they were all having a good laugh at my expense.

  “Whatever.” I was feeling defensive and needed to be in control again. “So you basically want me to lay out exactly what amount of sexuality they want infused into the scene and to have it written out in solid details?” I would find a way to do this if it killed me now. The one thing I hated most was doubting my own abilities. It was just defining sex, I could do this shit.

  “That’s exactly what we need. Insertion of fingers, body parts, or not. What type of emotional response is the client looking for in the scen
e? Fear, excitement, being overwhelmed, or just blatant passion.” Samson was studying my face and I understood he was trying to get a read on my emotions.

  Keeping my face schooled in a bored expression, I nodded. I couldn’t imagine wanting to feel any of those things, but I wasn’t the person paying for the fantasy. “I think I understand.”

  “Let’s test the theory then. I’m Lilith, and here for my interview with you. What questions would you ask?” Leon sat up in his chair and waited for me to begin.

  Crap. What questions would I ask? I closed my eyes for a second and tried to imagine I was a woman being captured by a pirate. “What is the first thing you think about when you dream about the perfect pirate fantasy?”

  Leon paused for a moment before answering. “Well when I think of Pirate, I think of some big sexy man capturing me and tying me up in his room on a boat.” I almost died laughing when he fluttered his eyelashes pretending to be a women. Schooling my emotions, I wrote down his response.

  “So you’re tied up in his bedroom. Does he rip your shirt off, cut in with a knife, or does he allow you to keep your clothes on.” I was just going on gut instinct with my ideas but I assumed that’s what a woman would want to know.

  “That big bad pirate ripped it off and left my tits hanging out.” Leon sniffling was too much. I couldn’t help it I giggled.

  “I can’t believe you laughed at my idea. I refuse to pay this kind of money if you’re going to humiliate me.” Leon turned his face away pretending to pout, but his point was clear. I would have to ask these questions and keep my opinion to myself.

  Controlling my humor. I continued to ask questions in a monotone voice. Step by step I envisioned the fantasy and asked pertinent questions. When or if you are completely naked, where would you like or not like to have his fingers touch you? It went on and on until I was confident I could handle the scenario.

  “Good job. I think you can call Lilith in for her interview. If there’s anything not covered after Lucas reads it over, he’ll let you know and you can call her with follow up questions.” Leon was smiling like he was proud and it made my self-confidence go up by several points.

  “Now if you can get ten of those interviews in by Friday, I think we’ll be back on schedule again.” Samson stood up and stretched his muscular arms over his head. “I have some other work to do, I’m sure you guys do as well. Let’s leave our Zoey to get started.” The smile he gave me was a complete shock.

  I walked back to my office more confident than ever that I could do this job. It didn’t really matter what the fantasy was, only that what the client needed from them was outlined. This may well be the easiest job I’d ever had! By the time five o’clock rolled around I was ready to call it a night. I had the ten clients set up for interviews and was looking forward to discussing the service they were interested in.

  Chapter Four

  Behind the Scenes

  Meeting my first client, Lilith, was a life changing event. I knew from her file that she was a forty year old woman but she was nothing like I expected a person paying for a fantasy like this would be. The woman was beautiful and I couldn’t understand why a person like her would need to pay anyone for attention.

  We started off the interview with questions about what she wanted to take away from the experience and I schooled my expression at her responses. Imagine a women sitting primly in front of your desk looking every inch the successful business woman giving explanations of her darkest sexual fantasies.

  Lilith had no problem opening up and discussing her needs. She wanted a sexy savage pirate who made it feel like she had no choice but to surrender when he tied her up in his cabin. As far as the actual act of sex, that was a no go for her, it was about the temptation. She told me that when the scenario was finished she planned on going home and having the best sex of her life with her much older husband. Color me shocked because I was turned on by the time that interview was finished.

  When I say turned on, what I mean was squirming in my chair, pressing my thighs together it turned me on so much. The other nine clients were as different as a group of people could possibly get, but their fantasies given in such detail made me understand why the club was so popular with the elite.

  I discovered more about sexuality by listening to their fantasies than I had even hearing Rachel talk about her exploits with men. Even more shocking is I went home every night feeling deprived because talking with them about their needs made me understand I wasn’t frigid. For the first time since that night with Brad I found myself in bed each night pleasuring my body with my fingers.

  Meeting the staff that enacted the fantasies was just as surprising. These men and women had side jobs as actors, models, and other professionals who were supplementing their income with the club. Hearing them discuss their job at Fantasy’s made me jealous and it was an emotion that confused my libido even more than the new awakenings I felt after listening to the clients’ fantasies.

  Tonight I was at the second staff party that Samson had arranged since my hiring so I could get to know the people that worked behind the Scenes. I’d learned from Rachel that he attempted to have one of these soirees every month to keep the employees pleased with their jobs. For me it was like being brought out into a group of people that had no sexual limitations and I felt completely out of my element.

  Nothing was taboo here. Liquor flowed freely, and so did the innuendos and hook ups. Hell I’d even walked into the bathroom and found two of the staff members going at it with gusto. I’d been so shocked, I stood there and watched them like some voyeur who was really enjoying the show.

  Rachel joined me and my eyes were riveted to the beautiful woman bent over the sink, the handsome man behind her driving his cock inside her in tempo with her loud moans of pleasure. It wasn’t until after the act that my feet could move. The couple dressed and left us behind like it was no big deal we were watching. Rachel had a great laugh at my expense.

  “That’s something you don’t see every day.” My face was so red I had to say something to stop my body from overreacting to the scene I’d just witnessed.

  “It is at these parties. I’ve walked in on a full-fledged orgy a time or two at these events.” She wrapped my arm in hers, walking me back to the full bar and I quickly ordered a drink.

  The staff here was beautiful and I felt like a dowdy mouse compared to them all. Logically I knew that this was not something I’d ever want to indulge in, but my body was definitely enflamed and my curiosity aroused. “Have you ever done something like that here?” I wasn’t even sure why I asked, because I didn’t really know if I wanted an answer.

  Rachel grinned and I knew from the look on her face that she had. I was shocked. Part of me knew I should be disgusted, but the truth was I wasn’t. “Let’s go mingle.” She avoided my question and I allowed her to lead me around, mouth gaping at the sensual scenarios that began playing all around me almost as if I’d dreamed them up.

  We were on the third floor of the building, one that was used exclusively for these staff parties. When I’d first been shown the floor, I thought it was a waste of unused space. Now I understood why they kept it free from other uses.

  My eyes roamed around the room and fell on Samson resting on one of the oversized couches. A beautiful woman knelt at his feet, her face resting against his calf with a dreamy smile in place. For reasons I couldn’t even begin to understand it sent a pang of jealously through my thoughts and I instantly hated her.

  His eyes met mine and a small smirk fell upon his beautiful features. My core clenched and I stood mesmerized. When he motioned me over with his hand, for a moment I couldn’t make my feet move. Then, as if drawn by some invisible force I walked over to him, sitting down on the side where the woman wasn’t kneeling.

  “Are you enjoying yourself?” His hand reached down to stroke the woman’s hair and again I felt envious. The timbre of his voice pulled my attention to his eyes and I noticed his gaze was riveted on my face not the
woman he was petting.

  “I’m getting an education, I guess.” I whispered the words, not sure why I did so when the rest of the room seemed to be overly loud.

  “Not everything has to be about the job, Zoey.” He smiled at me and then did the unthinkable. His long fingers moved to his belt, undoing it.

  I couldn’t think of one witty thing to say as he unbuttoned his pants, slid the zipper down, and then reached down to pull his cock out. For the briefest moment I panicked thinking he expected me to do something with that monstrosity he’d just unleashed, but the woman at his feet lifted and took him into her mouth.

  My breath caught in my throat and I watched as she pleasured him, the sight so beautiful that I ached from just viewing it. I knew I shouldn’t sit there watching my boss get sucked off. I definitely shouldn’t have wished for a brief second that it was me doing that to him!

  “Haven’t you ever just wanted to let go and allow someone to pleasure your body for no other reason than because it pleases them?” His hand tangled in the woman’s hair forcing her down on his massive length and pulling her up again. Her face was filled with ecstasy as she allowed him to fuck her mouth.

  I forced my eyes back to his face. “I. Have. To. Go.” Standing up quickly, I almost lost my balance. The soft chuckle forced my feet to walk away quickly and I ran back to the bathroom locking myself in one of the stalls. He let that woman suck him in front of me! How was I supposed to deal with that?

  Closing my eyes I tried to dredge up some anger that my boss had just had oral sex right in front of me. I couldn’t do it. Not only could I not do it, I was so horny at the moment that all I could think about was lifting my skirt and letting my fingers bring me relief. Taking several deep breaths I refrained and felt more frustrated than I’ve ever felt in my life before.


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