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What to Read After FSOG: The Gemstone Collection (WTRAFSOG Book 2)

Page 145

by Vi Keeland

  I wanted to go home. These people were all just a bunch of sick perverts and working for them was screwing with my mind. Determined to do just that. I forced myself to walk out of the restroom and looked around frantically for Rachel. After several minutes of searching in panic, I ran into Miles instead.

  “Everything okay honey?” His compassionate words combined with my earlier freak out left me so confused that I could only shake my head no.

  “I really want to go home and I can’t find Rachel.” The words sounded weak and frightened and I hated allowing my insecurities to shine through to this man.

  “Calm down.” Miles wrapped my arm in his and pulled me out of the room that was sinking more into debauchery by the second. We walked down a hall and into a room filled with an oversized couch and table. “Wait here and I’ll see if I can find her.” He left me alone, giving me time to get my emotions back in order.

  These were people I worked with, and seeing them so open about their sexuality had done something to me that I wasn’t sure I liked. I had my life in perfect order. There was no place in it for acts of sexual depravity and I didn’t want to think about that side of my life that I’d blocked away. Well outside of my work, I relented. The truth was I was pissed that it made me feel things I didn’t want to think about.

  “Leif said she was, um, tied up for the next few hours.” He looked uncomfortable as he joined me again and it made me feel that I wasn’t the only person not at ease with what was happening here. “Would you like me to drive you home?”

  “I could call a cab.” I didn’t want to inconvenience him, but I was ready to leave this party behind.

  “I was thinking about heading out for coffee. If you don’t mind joining me I could drop you off after?”

  I nodded. Anything that got me out of this building faster was a good escape. Coffee would also help clear my head of the alcohol I’d imbibed. I stood and we walked back to the elevators.

  I wasn’t much of a car buff but the Rolls Royce suited Miles. Classic, but refined. Sliding into the passenger seat we rode in silence as he expertly maneuvered through the late night traffic. I was a little shocked when he pulled up at one of the lesser known coffee houses. It was my favorite because there was never a crowd. After ordering our drinks we sat down in a corner booth and sipped silently.

  “How did you get involved with Samson? You guys seem like complete opposites.” I was half way done with my coffee before I broke the silence that had seemed amicable.

  “We traveled in the same social circles and to be honest we’re not that different, Zoey.” Relaxed back against the cushioning of the booth I wasn’t sure how to explain what I meant by different.

  I decided saying exactly what I meant was the only way. “I didn’t see you getting off in the room for everyone to see.” I really wanted to be pissed off about that but I was still dealing with my own wishes of changing places with the girl pleasing him. It really was confusing.

  “Had it been a different night, you might have.” He shrugged but I could tell he wasn’t apologizing for Samson’s behavior. “Did it really bother you so much seeing him enjoy pleasure?”

  I struggled again to be honest. “You just don’t do things like that in public.” Maybe that made me a prude, but I couldn’t accept that this was a normal thing to do.

  “By whose standards? Who has the right to dictate what is right for one person and not another?” There was no anger in his tone, and I couldn’t even get mad by pretending he was trying to argue.

  “Society?” That was lame even to my ears. If we as women hadn’t fought against rules of society I’d be barefoot and pregnant at the moment instead of working.

  “Society also held the view that we should own slaves. I think you can do better than that.” Miles sipped on his coffee but I could see the smile he was hiding behind the cup.

  “Okay maybe that was a bad example, but there has to be some line drawn between what is accepted morally?” My argument was weak to my own ears and I hated myself for not being able to give a better one.

  “In public? Maybe. But when a group of consenting adults meets in a private place what happens behind those doors is up to the individuals.” He placed his cup down on the table and our eyes met.

  “It’s a business Miles. What makes it unacceptable for say, a guy like my ex-boss to hit on me in the work place and then it be fine for everyone to just, for lack of better words, get it on at Fantasy’s?”

  “Is that the real problem here? Are you worried that me or one of the other employees will come on to you and fire you if we don’t get our way?” He wasn’t being an ass, I could read the sincerity in those beautiful emerald eyes so I stopped to consider it.

  “I don’t know, maybe?” That wasn’t really fair. Not once had any of the men at Fantasy’s came on to me in a way that was inappropriate, I decided to say as much. “I haven’t been hit on. That fear just lingers in the back of my mind, even more so now that I’ve seen how, um, free the staff is with sexuality.”

  “Well then what you’re really concerned about is something that doesn’t involve us. No one would be allowed to make you uncomfortable at your job. As far as the parties go, those aren’t mandatory. If you don’t want to be involved, don’t show up honey.”

  How much easier could it be? He was right, not one of the bosses, or the staff members had done anything at work that would be considered inappropriate during business hours. Things were more casual in our office, but I enjoyed that aspect of my job. I took a sip of my cooling beverage and nodded.

  “I will tell you that no one will offer anything unless you put it out there that you’re interested first. That’s a rule for all employees, including management.” Miles winked at me and I felt a flutter in my chest.

  What did he mean by that? Did he want me or maybe even Samson or the other men? The thought made me stop and consider that maybe they did, then I felt like an idiot. These men were beautiful. They had supermodels willing to curl up at their feet.

  “I guess it doesn’t matter then. From now on I’ll stay away from the staff parties.”

  The look that came over his face seemed almost disappointed, but his lips lifted in a small smile. “If that’s what you want.” I had to be just dreaming that he was disappointed by my decision. Didn’t I?

  “I’m sorry I dragged you away tonight.” Instead of asking the question that was on my mind I pushed things back toward a professional level.

  “Don’t be. I enjoy your company Zoey. If you ever feel like venturing out again, just let me know.” With a smile he stood, walked over to pay the cashier and led me back out to his car.

  I wasn’t sure how to take his comment, but decided to take it in the friendly way I could accept. He was just being nice. Miles dropped me off at my apartment and I spent one of the longest nights imaginable replaying the scenes from the party through my mind.

  When Monday morning rolled back around I decided to take his advice and my sanity by keeping things strictly professional with the company.

  Chapter Five


  The next few months at Fantasy’s I avoided the staff parties and managed to come to grips with keeping my work life separated from what I knew they did behind the scenes. I’d interviewed all the backlog of clients and dealt with the Fantasy staff on the most professional level that I could bring to the meetings.

  Nothing was ever mentioned about what went on there and I was proud of myself for doing the job I was hired for. Dealing with the clients became as easy as working with any other contracts at my previous law firm, it was the staff acting out the fantasies that proved a hurdle. It was time for our Friday meeting now and I was ready to unload some of my frustrations.

  Lucas had become an absolute terror, and I’d wanted to backslap him after contacting several of his clients repeatedly to ask how they’d feel about changes. Conceited ass was too nice a label for the drama king and I wondered how any woman put up with his I am better than
you attitude for longer than five minutes.

  Walking into the room, I flopped down into the chair with a huge sigh. Dean brought coffee in and I was so mentally exhausted I didn’t bother to tell her I could get my own drink. It hadn’t worked since I started here so why would today be any different. She obviously loved pampering us all.

  “Lucas should be shot in the face.” I didn’t mean to unload that way, seriously I didn’t. Being behind schedule was not how I wanted to end the week and I was feeling the pinch of the job.

  Samson tossed back his head and chuckled. “If the ladies didn’t love him, I might agree. What’s he done this time?”

  “Besides the fact that I’ve had to call dozens of clients three times or more this week to change up stupid ass details? Not much. We should be scheduling the scenes with the decorators not dealing with his diva needs for clarification.” I was definitely frustrated.

  “Let me guess. He needs more insight or wants to change up every scene that’s outlined?” This was from Leon who was filled with as much humor as Samson and starting to grate on my nerves because of it.

  I’d never get anything done if this problem wasn’t fixed. Thankfully he was the only staff member who’d given me a problem but unfortunately women tended to request him most which meant I had four more fantasies to deal with him on next week alone. “That’s about it and unless you want him drawn and quartered, I’d stop laughing it up Leon!”

  This drew out chuckles from all the men and I allowed my head to plop down on the desk wearily. What the hell had I been thinking? This job was by no means easy! “I could use a trip to that island Leif, how soon do I get a vacation?”

  “You just need something to ease the tension.” Miles walked over behind my chair and started rubbing my shoulders. I might have been uncomfortable with this kind of scenario if it were anyone else, but I actually needed the release at the moment.

  I moaned softly and allowed my body to completely relax. “If you stop I’m jumping out a window.” There was nothing sexual about what he was doing, it just felt great.

  “I’ll keep that in mind.” His hands continued to work their magic and the guys discussed other business of the week.

  “Speaking of the island, I was think taking a trip down would be a great idea.” Leif’s words filtered through the bliss of Miles’s hands.

  “You should fly us all down, Leon. If Zoey doesn’t mind roughing it for a few days, it would be a great chance to see what we’ll be working with?” Samson seemed excited by the idea and stood up.

  I’d discovered over the months that Leon was a pilot which I guess he’d decided to take up because of his love of parachuting. A weekend on a deserted island with four hot billionaires? That didn’t sound like a terrible thing? That was relaxing massage answering, and not my common sense. “How rough are we talking?”

  “We would have to set up tents. Have you ever been camping, Zoey?” Miles seemed thrilled at the idea and I knew Leif could get in some surfing too.

  “Um. No. City girl here, the closest I’ve come to camping is spending the night on the pavement trying to get concert tickets.” How bad could it be though? I really would like to see where the next phase of Fantasy’s would begin.

  “Actually the place was once a wildlife preserve so there is a small cabin and according to the agent it’s still operational. But that’s a two day flight with a stopover in Hong Kong to refuel. Instead of a few days, make it a week.” Leon seemed amused that he had knowledge Samson didn’t.

  “We could all bring work and make a week out of it then.” Miles seemed ready to jump at the opportunity but thanks to Lucas I was getting backed up with clients again. Remembering that I’d have to deal with him if we didn’t do this made me rethink things though. Taking a flight and then hanging out with the guys on an island for a week? Okay I was stupid, but why not?

  “I’m game if my bosses don’t mind me missing work here.” A vacation after less than half a year of employment? Maybe it wasn’t very responsible of me, but they made the rules. Right?

  “And who should we leave in charge of Fantasy’s while we’re away gentleman?” Samson appeared to be amused but also like he was the only person here who had any concern about running a business.

  “If we only leave the downstairs bar running in our absence, Davis and Rachel should be able to handle that on their own. Or Dean can continue running the office as usual. The decorators can set up for the fantasies while we’re gone and the minute we return we can move forward there.” Leif seemed to have it all figured out and if it hadn’t been for Samson’s expression I’d have said he was pretty clever.

  “Rachel’s great with the waitresses, but leaving her in charge would be a disaster.” Samson looked at me apologetically, but I understood why he felt that way. She was my best friend but responsibility? That definitely wasn’t her strong suit.

  “Davis can keep things running smoothly, he’ll be in control of all the staff.” Davis was the bar manager and ruled with a similar style to Samson, meaning he didn’t take crap from the employees. According to Miles, he and Samson should have been born brothers they were so alike. “This is not a vacation though. We need to make some serious decisions while we’re there about where to place the resort and what route will be the most comfortable for the eventual clients.”

  All the guys nodded but you could tell by the expressions on their faces that work was the furthest thing from their minds. I was going to Australia! Okay well not really since the island was just off the Great Barrier Reef, but close enough!

  “I’ll touch base with Davis, the rest of you pack for a week on the island and bring some decent walking shoes! Leon what time do you want to fly out?” Samson was all business now and I admit that my mind was on the adventure, not work.

  “I should be able to get us cleared for an early morning flight.” He spoke to Samson before turning to me. “Have you got a passport?”

  My face fell. I’d never needed one before. “No. I could stay here and work on contracts.” Never in my life had I not wanted to work more.

  “Don’t be ridiculous.” Leif grinned with that boyish smile. “I’ll take you to get that taken care of.”

  “Great idea.” Miles grinned. “So what time should we be here in the morning?”

  “Let’s make it six.” After Leon’s comment, everyone went their separate ways and I was left with Leif. It took us less than two hours to get my passport and for him to drop me back off at the apartment.

  I was grinning like a giddy school girl when I walked in and told Rachel the news. “I seriously hate you now!”

  I knew she didn’t mean it, so I grinned wider. “It’s just work, Rach.” That’s what I wanted to tell myself the truth was I wasn’t thinking about clients at all at the moment.

  “Maybe you’ll get laid while you’re there.” She waggled her eyebrows and just like that my gut clenched. Rachel had given me nothing but grief about missing the parties. She was pretty quick to fill me in on all the interesting scenarios I’d missed out on too.

  “You don’t think they’d think that do you?” For a moment I panicked. Honestly the thought hadn’t crossed my mind. We’d all developed a great working relationship but as sexy as they were I didn’t see them that way.

  “I know if they were taking me to an island I’d be putting on some serious moves.” This was why Samson couldn’t leave Rachel in charge. Her mind was always in the gutter. Of course she was working at Fantasy’s, so that worked in her favor until she crossed the line with a customer.

  “I don’t think about them that way.” At her eye roll I knew I needed to get the conversation going in a different direction. “Help me pack?”

  We walked back to my bedroom and Rachel pulled out my suitcase. “I’m just saying, getting a little one on one, or hell four on one action wouldn’t be a bad thing.” Rachel laughed at her own joke. Me doing four guys would be like her abstaining for a month. She didn’t expect an answer since she b
egan tossing things into the suitcase.

  “It’s a business trip.” Even so I couldn’t help laughing my ass off as she tossed in all my summer wear. “I don’t think shorts and tanks will work.”

  “You’re going to an island. If I know Samson, he’ll make this a working deal, but you still need to be comfortable. I hear it’s hot as shit down there this time of year.” When I still looked ready to argue, she put her hands on her hips and glared. “Do you want to pass out from heat exhaustion or dress weather appropriately?”

  “Fine, mom. Just make sure I have a few pair of jeans to cover my ass in case it gets cold at night.” I packed my lingerie, footwear and socks myself, not trusting her with the underwear department.

  “If it were me going, I’d hook up with one of the hunky guys and let them keep me warm, but for you I’ll throw in jeans.” Rachel rolled her eyes at me before walking over to the closet and pulling out my three favorite pairs.

  “You’re so not wearing that granny bathing suit.” She snatched my one piece out of my hands as I was attempting to put it in the case. Walking off with it she came back minutes later with her tags still on, string bikini. “That’s what you wear on an island!”

  I eyed the pieces of fabric and guffawed. “Uh, no. That’s what you wear when you’re asking to get laid. I’ll stick to the one piece.”

  “Fine. Don’t blame me if you have screwed up tan lines when you get back.” I was amazed she gave in that easily. Rachel was not known to back down from much. “Let’s grab some dinner before you leave for an entire week!”

  I slipped the one piece back in the case before zipping it up. “We doing takeout again, or do you want me to cook?” Rachel didn’t cook at all, so if we ate in that chore fell to me.

  “I should make you cook for me since you’re going to paradise tomorrow, but let’s go out? It is Friday after all.” There was no way I could refuse our steak night when I was escaping to paradise tomorrow.


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