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Scent Of Uncertainty (The Venus Pack Series Book 1)

Page 8

by Riley Cross

  I see my wolf growling in my mind’s eye. Urging me to take. I try to remember why us doing this, is a bad thing. The pack. I do not have time for a long-winded romance. I let that childish dream go when I stepped up as Alpha.

  “Stop thinking so much, kitten.” Dominic murmurs, leaning more into me.

  I want him. My wolf wants him.

  “One night.” I breathe.


  “I have a pack to run. I don’t have time for flowers and romance. All I can offer you is a night.”

  He stands, staring at me. Is he going to say no? I thought he wanted this.

  “It will take us more than a night to work through all the ideas I have planned for you.” The intensity in his voice has me rubbing my thighs together. Bloody hell.

  “I have another proposal.” He revels before nipping my chin with blunt teeth.

  “I’m all ears.”

  “Mate with me.”

  Okay, so I don’t know what I had expected him to say, but it definitely was not that.

  I can only look at him. Stunned. What the hell was I supposed to say to that? How did he even come to that as any kind of solution? My stupid animal was apparently all for his idea, going by the goofy way she was waggling her tail with her tongue hanging out. While I’m standing here trying my best not to freak out.

  “Mate with you.” I check, even though I was sure I hadn’t misheard him.

  Dominic gives me his sideways cocky grin. One designed to melt panties.

  “Would it be such a bad thing?”

  No. My hussy wolf practically purrs.

  Well, unlike my animal, I’m not thinking purely with my junk.

  “Would it be such a good thing?” I question back. I swear I can see the cogs turning behind his eyes as he builds a case to persuade his way into my pants. Permanently.

  Never gonna happen.

  Leaving my question hanging in the air. I push away from him and go into the kitchen. My wolf growls at me as I put more distance between Dominic and me. Being that close to him was driving me crazy. How am I supposed to get through any length of time with him in my space? It’s been two days and we’ve already made out like horny teenagers. Twice.

  Pulling open the kitchen cupboard, I grab out the ingredients for mac ‘n’ cheese. At least if I’m cooking and eating, my hands and my mouth are too busy to be rubbing myself all over him.

  I feel as Dominic sneaks up behind me while I bring the saucepan to the boil.

  Trying my hardest to focus on stirring the cheese sauce and not of the feel of his arms banding around my waist or his hard chest pushing up against my back.

  “Are you saying you’d rather Greyson be here instead? Holding you?” My breath hitches at the feel of his breath tickling my ear, right before he nips the lobe.

  “Touching you?”

  “Of course not.” I mutter, impressed now firm my voice sounds. “But me not wanting to bond with him doesn’t automatically mean I should jump in bed with you.”

  It takes all of my willpower to pull out of his heat and continue making lunch.

  Dominic just stands there, watching me like a hawk.

  What did he expect me to say?

  Oh yes, Dominic! Bind us together for the rest of our lives. We’ll show that big, bad wolf!

  Balls to that. Even as I deny his, my body heats, preparing itself.

  God, I need out of this house.

  Giving up on the food, I turn and thrust the wooden spoon towards Dominic. I can tell as he catches the spoon it was more of a reflex at having something practically thrown at him. Then him actually wanting it.

  “Enjoy.” I say simply, no longer interested in the food I’d cooked. Turning from the stove and the temptation, I swipe my car keys off the unit and march out the house.

  Safely locked inside my trusty truck, I whip out my cell and fire off a quick text.

  Me: Fancy a night out to make some poor decisions?

  My cell chimes almost instantly.

  Maddi: I swear you’re a mind reader! :p

  Breathing a sigh of relief, I start the engine and drive to Howling Moon. Trying my hardest not to hit the gas too hard.

  Within the hour, Maddi and I sitting in the VIP section of Howling Moon. Each of us sipping our own drink.

  “Are you going to spill what’s got you all up in knots or am I gonna have to get you drunk?” Maddi asks.

  Taking a long draw of my beer. I consider my options. Knowing full well that Maddi didn’t work with empty threats. I have her to thank for ninety percent of my past hangovers. There was no doubt, girl knew how to get a wolf drunk off her tits.

  “Dominic’s back in town.” I huff, peeling the sticker off the side of my beer bottle.


  Yeah. Ohh.

  Maddi knew exactly how I felt about the male. She was the one who looked out for me after he abandoned me six years ago.

  Even if Dominic and I weren’t a couple back then. It still broke my heart further when he left in the middle of the night without a word. Even my brothers had known the reasons for his sudden departure,

  “Sooo… Is he still a hottie?”

  Choking on my beer, I glare at my best friend. Where the bloody hell had that come from?

  “Oh, don’t give me that look! Just stop your mopping, get him naked and work him out of your system.” Maddi finishes her orders with a cheeky wink.

  All I can do is gape at her.

  Is she serious?


  “Good evening, ladies.”

  The female bartender is standing by our table, holding a small tray full of drinks.

  “Hey Rose! How’s it going?” Maddi grins at the tall redhead. Rose is a tiger shifter. Her sister mated one of my pack mates. Rose soon followed and asked to join the Venus pack. A request that I had accepted. Now she works in Howling Moon part-time.

  “I got no complaints,” she says, returning my friends smile. “Brought you both over a top up, courtesy of the two at the bar.”

  Following Rose’s gaze, I spot the two males checking us out.


  Not something that would normally hold me back, but being hit on really was not my idea of a fun night, right now.

  Twisting back around, I face the other two females.

  “What do ya think?” Maddi asks, wiggling her brows at me.

  God help me.

  I think this is going to make a bad night worse. That’s what I should have said. But I promised Maddi we’d make poor decisions tonight.

  “Up to you.” I shrug. It has been awhile since I’ve had a rough and tumble in the sheets. Maybe if I let off a little steam tonight, I won’t be so quick to hump Dominic’s leg like a bitch in heat.

  Accepting the drinks from Rose, Maddi raises her glass towards the guys at the bar. Happily accepting her Acknowledgement as an invitation the two males grab their drinks and head towards us.

  “Enjoy your evening.” Rose chuckles, leaving us with the two hyena shifters.

  Poor decisions it is.

  “Mind if we join you?”

  Keeping my back to the two males, I roll my eyes at Maddi. Really?

  “Please do.” Maddi encourages with a sexy smile plastered on her face.

  My girls going all out tonight.

  The blond takes the seat next to my friend while the darker-haired on, slides on the stool next to me.

  “I’m Nathan,” blondie smiles, introducing himself. “This is my friend, Julian. We’re Enforcers from the Ohio clan.”

  Maddi taking the reins, no doubt sensing my need to shoo these males away. My wolf chomping at the bit at having an unfamiliar male in her space.

  “I’m Maddi, and I’m the Omega from the Venus pack, this is our Alpha, Rae.” As she introduces us, I see the spark of interest and challenge in Julian’s eyes and I almost want to laugh.

  For some fucked up bizarre reason, anyone of a lower rank thinks boning and bagging an Alpha is brag
ging rights worthy. Ick.

  Yet another reason for the current dry spell.

  Maddi laughs flirtatiously as something Nathan whispers to her. The pair fall into an intimate whispering conversation. I regret this already.

  “How’s pack life?” Julian questions.

  Small talk? Really?

  “It’s fine.” I respond, taking a sip of my beer.

  “So… What do you do in your spare time?”

  “I don’t. Running the pack takes up all of my time.” I answer in a bored tone. This is painful.

  “You’re not used to guys hitting on you, are you?” Julian’s light-hearted chuckle almost makes me feel guilty for shooting him down. Almost.

  “Would you like a refill?” Julian asks, nodding towards my now empty beer bottle. Damn it. I don’t even remember finishing it.

  “Sure, thanks.” I give him a friendly smile. Watching him walk towards the bar, I take a good, long look at the male’s appearance. Muscular, but not in an overbearing way. Tall. Casually dressed. His black hair is styled neatly away from his face. Not bad looking. But he’s not getting my engines running. Not even a jump start.

  Chapter Seven

  Seeing red.

  Name: Rachael Ann Lennox

  Age: 28

  Height: 5ft 5

  Hair Colour: Brunette

  Eye Colour: Green

  Status: Alpha

  Pack: Venus

  Territory: Stonehart, US

  The more I read the words the redder my vision seems to turn.

  I was expecting Greyson to organise a meeting, instead I’d received a message with all the details needed. Confirming my worst suspicions.

  He’s after Rae.

  And he’s not giving her a chance with a fair fight. Instead, he’s hired me to hand deliver her. Like a lamb to the slaughter.

  Bile climbs my throat at the thought of handing over the beautiful she-wolf. I’ve been in love with the woman since we were kids. The last thing I want to do is give her up to an asshole like Greyson.

  I gave him my fucking seal. Without question. Like I’d done so many times before, on other contracts.

  Flexing my fingers, I swear I can still feel her soft curves, branding my hands.

  Those plump, tempting lips, searing my soul at the feel of her kissing me back.

  What the bloody hell am I going to do?

  There has to be a way to get out of this fucking contract. Maybe Mal could help? The Irish warlock is always getting out of tight spots. If there’s a way out of a contract, I’m sure Mal will know it.

  Pulling out my cell, I type out a quick message.

  Me: We need to talk. Call me. D.

  After sending the message, I pull on a fresh jumper. Knowing how long it will take for Mal to respond, I pocket my cell and head down to the living room.

  Dorian, Cam and Liam are all chilling, watching T.V.

  “Where’s Kye?”

  “Gone for a run.” Cam mumbles without taking his eyes off the large flat screen.

  “You guys wanna get some food?” I question. I was heading to the diner anyway, would be nicer to have company. Being alone with my current thoughts didn’t sound like the start to a fun evening.

  “It’s Tuesday right?” Liam checks.

  Yup. Tuesday. The only day during the week Becca holds a buy one get one free meal. It never really occurred to me why the guys liked it so much.

  Now that I know they are wolves it makes so much more sense.

  They can eat like food is going out of fashion. I don’t even want to know how much Rae spends on groceries.

  “Sure is.” Dorian confirms.

  About three seconds later, they all seem to move in unison. Cam switches off the film they were watching. Liam, grabs the car keys from the dish and Dorian, hits the lights.

  I guess they are down for dinner.

  Shaking my head, I follow them out locking the house up behind us.

  Once we are all packed into Liam’s black pickup. I send a quick message to Becca. Pre-warning her of the carload about to storm the place.

  Her response comes just as we pull out of the driveway.

  MUM: Oh lovely:)! I’ll put you a table together. See you soon, darling! xoxox :)

  “Pre-warned ya mom?” Cam smiles, knowingly.

  “Yeah.” I chuckle.

  Becca had always treated the guys like her own kids. It never bothered me. After my father had disappeared with my older sister, it had devastated my mom. It took years for her to get back to her normal self. I hated my father for years after he left. I swore I’d never be like him, I’d never abandon my family. Then I got my powers and everything went to hell pretty quickly after that. I tried my hardest to hide them. To act human. But the council had sensed me coming into my magic. Then Maxi appeared on my doorstep and told me to pack a bag. The council already had a plan to tell Becca, so she wouldn’t suspect my sudden departure.

  Not that it helped at all.

  She had been calling me throughout the night. Leaving messages and voicemails for me to get in contact with her. But they forbid me from contacting her for the first couple of days.

  Once I called her back, she just cried and cried, breaking my heart. I hated the council right then for doing this to her again. Once she had calmed down, she made me swear to never ignore her again. And I didn’t. She also told me about James and Malinda’s murder, which took place the same night I had left. I wanted to beat the shit out of myself. I hated myself. Rae and her brother’s worlds were turned upside down, and I was nowhere in sight. I was so ashamed, I couldn’t even man up and pick up the phone. Since that first call, we set weekly calls where she would catch me up on everything happening in Stonehart. Including updates on Rae.


  I’m certain my mother knew how I felt about her best friends’ daughter back in the day.

  I wasn’t exactly subtle about it.

  I’m sure the only one who didn’t know how I felt about Rae back then was, well, Rae.

  The bright lights of the town diner catch my attention.

  “Oh, man. I’m ordering the whole menu.” I swear I can see drool at the side of Cam’s mouth.

  “Let’s not eat the place out of house and home this time.” Liam chimes in, as he parks out front.

  “There’s three wolves on a deal day. I make no promises.” Cam laughs, jumping out the truck.

  This should be interesting. I can’t help but see the guys in a whole new light now that I know they are wolves.

  “Boys!” Becca cheerfully calls from behind the bar. “I got you all a table ready. Serena will settle you in and get your drinks order.” Who? A new employee? I don’t know why I’m surprised, I’ve been gone a long time. Becca has probably hired and fired many people in that time.

  “Sure can. Got a table ready and waiting for you.” A feminine voice agrees. A head of cotton candy coloured hair appears from out of nowhere.

  I feel my brows almost hit my hairline. Serena is a little over five-foot four, she’s styled her hair into messy bunches finished with lollipop clips keeping her bangs out the way. She looks like a walking, talking candy.

  I’m half worried talking to her will give me diabetes.

  Sliding up next to us, I’m taken aback when I spot her eyes. Violet. The colour reminds of those perfume tasting sweets that we used to get at Halloween.

  Following the others over to the extended table Serena had set up for us. Liam takes charge, listing off our drinks order to the small female. As teens our order had been the same every time we came here for lunch. And by the sounds of the list Liam is currently running off. It still hasn’t changed. Right down to my iced tea with a wedge of lemon on the side.

  She looks human enough. Almost too human.

  Once she has taken down our drinks order, one by one the female hands us each a dinner menu. When she hands me a menu, I can’t help but accidently graze her with the tips of my fingers. My curiosity getting the better of m
e, now that I know there are wolves in this town, I’m interested to know what else Stonehart has become home to. Sending my magic out, I’m hit with more questions than answers. She even feels too human. A powerful glamour. Could she be a Witch?

  Dorian gives me an intrigued look but keeps his thoughts to himself. Does he suspect the waitress isn’t all she appears? I give him a subtle nod. We will talk about this later.

  Finished settling us in, Serena darts behind the bar and begins putting our drinks together. Four grown males, seven drinks. Normally we’d get odd looks but in town everyone is so used to the guys doubling up.

  I never really questioned how they could all eat and drink so much without putting on an absurd amount of weight.


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