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Scent Of Uncertainty (The Venus Pack Series Book 1)

Page 9

by Riley Cross


  I still can’t believe I didn’t see that.

  “Are we ever going to meet her?” Dorian questions, his attention on Cam.

  Laughing, the male shakes his head. “It really isn’t that serious.”

  “Hold on, are you telling me you launched yourself at Kye earlier today for the shits and giggles?”

  “Well, I wouldn’t say that” Cam smirks. “But I have to admit. It was fun punching him.”

  Of course, he’d say that.

  Only Cam could find enjoyment in winding his older brother up to the point they are taking chunks out of each other.

  “How you haven’t ended up in the hospital because of your stunts is beyond me.” Dorian sighs.

  “Do wolves even need the hospitals?” I question curiously.

  Cam bursts out into laughter like I’d just said something ridiculous. “Naa mate, as well as the speed, hearing and sinfully good looks, aside from the ones Kye inherited, we also have fast healing thanks to our metabolism.”

  Huh. Figures.

  Catching the movement at the door, I don’t even try to hide my amusement as I watch Kye’s face change from sombre to annoyance as he catches the end of his brother’s sentence. Cam’s nostrils flare as the door opens and a shit-eating grin spreads over his face.

  When Kye arrives at our table, he whacks his younger brother around the head causing the rest of us to burst into laughter.

  “Oww! - So anger management’s not for everyone.” Cam complains, rubbing his head.

  “Fuck you.” Kye growls, pulling over a chair and settling at the end of the table just as Serena reappears with our drinks.

  “I wondered where you had gotten to! Same as always?” Serena chime’s cheerfully when she spots the new arrival.

  Grunting his approval, Kye doesn’t even look the female’s way. Maybe anger management would be a good thing, clearly the guy has issues.

  Serena doesn’t seem to mind his gruff treatment; she just chuckles and leaves to get his drink and put his order through with the rest of the table.

  “Now that one is trouble.” Cam comments when she is out of earshot.

  “Agreed. Wouldn’t try that particular ride.” Dorian seconds, his voice sounding like a warning.

  “How come?” I check, unsure why the males felt that way about the petite female.

  The two males nod their agreement.

  Eyeing the overly cheery waitress, I try looking at her from their perspective. She definitely doesn’t look like trouble. She has an innocent air about her. But I’m the first to admit looks can be deceiving. Not to mention, just what the hell is she?

  “I dunno, she looks-”

  “Do. Not. Finish. That. Sentence.” Kye’s low warning has my brows hitting my hair line.

  No way.

  My gaze jumps from him to Cam, to Dorian until they finally land on Liam. All of their faces confirm my train of thought. Kye’s got the hots for Serena? Now that is the last pair I would have put together. After all, she comes across as friendly, while Kye is, well, an asshole on a good day.

  Before I can ask one of the hundred and one questions filling my head, my mother and the female in question practically bounce up to our table with their hands filled with plates of food.

  The guys don’t even wait for everything to arrive, instead they dig in with gusto.

  I pay more attention to Serena and Kye as they communicate. And by communicate, I mean Kye grunting at her and her laughing like he said the funniest thing in the world.

  Clearly, I am missing something here.

  Shaking off the feeling, I dive into my food. I hadn’t realised how much I had missed the taste of home until now. How had I gone so many years without this? Sitting around a table with my friends simply enjoying our meals together. Obviously, the years I’d been away were a lot lonelier than I had realised.

  The only way for this feeling to be any better would be to have Rae at my side, filling the chill that has been my constant companion for the last six years.

  “Hey! Keep your paws off my plate asshole!” Dorian growls at a laughing Cam as he stuffs his mouth with a bunch of fries presumably from his Beta’s plate.

  Just like old times.

  “What’s going on with you and Rae?” Liam asks, taking a bite from his cheeseburger.

  I do my best to swallow my food without choking as four pairs of eyes land on me, expectantly. I was not expecting this. Hell, I had a feeling Dorian might grill me but Liam? The reasonable one. Nope. Didn’t see that one coming.

  “She’s mine.” I answer him. I really didn’t have any other way of answering him. I couldn’t even explain what made me feel this way about her. Like she’s a part of me.

  “She’s already spoken for mate.” Kye reminds me.

  “No offence to your new BFF but unless he plans on taking me down. He isn’t going to touch a hair on her head.” I tell him, letting my guard down a little. Giving the table a small taste of the power, I’m packing.

  I have no intension of letting her go or letting her fuck with an asshole like Greyson.

  Oddly, they all look impressed by my answer. Even Kye who smirks at his food ignoring my sarcastic bomb.

  Finishing up my meal, I glance at the others still going strong with theirs.

  Should I tell them about the contract? They might be able to help me find a way out of it. But would they kill me beforehand?

  After all, I’d be admitting to selling out their sister to her rival.

  This is such a cluster fuck.

  “I’m always amazed by how much you boys put away.” Becca’s amused words help keep me in the present. Her hand lands on my shoulder as she leans down. “Did you enjoy your meal, sweetheart?”

  “It tasted just like home.” I smile, giving her a quick peck on the cheek.

  “I should hope so to. I’ve not let them mess with this recipe.” She informs me sounding like a proud momma hen.

  “I’m locking up early for the night. Are you boys interested in a nightcap?” She offers.

  Realising I’ve not spent as much time with her as I would have liked, I nod. She lets out a long breath, relieved by my answer.

  “I’ll be right back.” She promises, spinning back towards the bar.

  “She’s missed you a lot, man.” Cam comments. “We all have.”

  Looking at the others, I hide my guilt behind a smirk. “I don’t doubt you have. I’m the best one of the bunch.”

  Laughing at my words, the others finish up their food and pile their plates up.

  “The best, huh? Alright then, wizard boy. Let’s drink.” Cam taunts. Jumping from his seat, he follows Becca.

  “You just had to say it, didn’t ya?” Liam chuckles.

  And I regret it already. Mistakes were made, and now I’ve inadvertently entered myself into a drinking competition with four werewolves. I can already taste the hangover.

  Still, I never back down from a challenge.

  Moments later, Cam returns to the table with a pack of beers. Serena hot on his heels.

  “How was everything guys?”

  “No complaints here, sweets.” Cam smiles, earning himself another whack from his elder brother. Growling, he rubs the spot. “Seriously man, you need help. Sudden acts of violence are the characteristics of a serial killer.” Handing out a beer to everyone, Cam sits back in his chair, taking a long pull of his own drink.

  Serena’s nervous laugh has Kye swallowing any response he may have wanted to say. I catch a slight flicker of something in his eyes, but it’s gone too quickly to name.

  “Do you want to join us for a drink, Serena?” Dorian asks, cracking open his own beer.

  “Oh, um- thank you, but I was thinking of turning in for the night.” I don’t miss the longing look in her eyes, as she answers. But I choose not to pull her up on it. She must have a good reason for wanting to bail.

  Buzz. Buzz.

  Checking the caller ID. Mal. Huh, he was faster th
an I thought he’d be at returning my call.

  Excusing myself from the table, I head into the back office before answering the phone. No way did I want the guys overhearing.

  “You summoned me.” Mal’s sarcastic greeting has me smiling.

  “It’s been a long-time, old friend.”

  “Not long enough.” His grumble only has me smiling more. Some things never change.

  “I’m guessing this isn’t a social call. What do you want?” His Irish accent comes over thicker. He means business. Good.

  “Have you ever come across a way of breaking a contract?” Like me, Mal prefers to work alone rather than in a Coven.

  “Why do you ask?”

  “Colour me curious.” I reply without missing a beat.

  “It’s no easy feat to break your word, Dominic. Otherwise it would be common knowledge. And they wouldn’t take too kindly to that.”

  “But it can be done?” A spark of hope blooms in my chest.


  “God, extracting teeth is less painful than this.” I complain at his unhelpful answer.

  “I’m not overly sure on the requirement’s needed. Like I said, if it were possible the others wouldn’t want it to become common knowledge. It would mess with business and cause them too much trouble.” Them, being the other Covens. Fuck me…

  “Let me see what I can find out. Might take me a few days. And you’ll be owing me one.”

  “Great.” Hanging up, I brush my hair back in frustration. Well, he didn’t say no. But still the lack of a definite answer bothers me.

  Leaving the office, I make my way back to the others. Becca has filled the empty spot next to my chair.

  “Come on Casanova, don’t go falling behind now.” Cam smirks, slamming down an already empty bottle.

  Damn. Yeah, I’m definitely gonna regret this.

  Chapter eight

  Kill me now

  “Come on Rae, one song isn’t going to kill you!” Maddi whines, pulling at me. That’s what she thinks. But bumping and grinding against Julian in the middle of a crowded dance floor did not sound like my idea of fun.

  “I’m not taking no for an answer.” Maddi growls, and it looks so comical I can’t stop my laughter.

  Not looking at all pleased by my sudden outburst, my best friend grabs ahold of the front of my shirt and pulls.

  Giving me one of two options.

  Get my ass on the dance floor or flash everyone at our table.

  Safe to say I hightailed my ass onto the dance floor so fast it made my head spin. No doubt the six beers I’d had didn’t help.

  “Yeah! That’s more like it!” Maddi cries in triumph.

  “Enjoy it while it lasts.” I warn her just as Julian slides up behind me.

  Firm hands land on my waist, moving me to the beat of the music in a slow sensual dance designed to reap havoc on my libido.

  Julian’s solid chest comes into contact with my back, surrounding me in his wild masculine scent.

  Nathan wraps his arms around Maddi, pulling her deeper into the crowd of writhing bodies. Leaving me alone with Julian and the heat of his body leaning into mine.

  I don’t know if it’s the music, the dancing or the alcohol pumping through my system, but I feel as my limbs loosen. Raising my arms behind me, I thread my fingers through Julian’s hair. Dipping and circling my hips.

  A tickling warmth covers my sensitive skin just before the feel of soft lips trail kisses down my neck, pulling a soft groan from my throat.

  God, how longs it been since I last had sex? Just given control over to my baser instincts and let my hair down?

  Well, over six months. And it was showing by how my body moves with Julian’s. Seeking the release, I know he could give me.

  Thank fuck we were dancing in Howling Moon. If we were acting like this anywhere else, I have no doubt they would kick us out for indecency. Not here. Howling Moon was a place built for our kind. Knowing what our animals and human counterparts needed.

  Sex and violence. Sometimes even both at the same time.

  Desire and need cloud my mind. Making it impossible for me to think straight. Turning in Julien’s arms, I don’t stop him when he leans down. Covering my lips with his. The flick of his tongue, teasing my bottom lip has me opening. Accepting him into my mouth.

  My thoughts spin. Whirling behind my eyes. I’m unable to make sense of what’s happening. Spice. Brandy. His taste pulls me in deeper, tempting me to take more of what he’s offering.


  Shocked by my animal’s sudden outburst, I pull away from the male trying to devour me.


  What are you talking about? Julian isn’t our mate. I question my animal, using our connection to purge some of the alcohol induced haze from my mind.


  “Is everything alright?” Julian asks, trying to catch his breath.

  Removing my hands from his body, I nod awkwardly.

  “Yeah, I… um… just need a drink.” I mumble, pivoting I head back towards the bar.

  Dominic is our friend. Not our mate. I growl at the wolf. Getting bored with having the same argument over and over.

  I spent most of my life with Dominic in the starring lead. I think I would know if he was my mate.

  “What ya havin’?” Charlotte asks from behind the bar.

  “Just a water please, Char.” Nodding, she turns to get my drink. Dropping my head, I try again to clear my thoughts.

  “You two sure looked cozy.”

  That voice. But what the hell was he doing here?

  Checking out the person standing next to me, I grimace.

  “Enzo.” I say in a way of greeting.

  “Rachael.” He smiles, causing my insides to churn. Enzo, Beta to the Bloodmaw pack. And rarely not by Greyson’s side.

  But considering Julian is still very much alive and now speaking with Maddi and Nathan. My monies on Greyson not being here.

  “Here you go, Rae.” Charlotte offers, putting a pint glass of ice water in front of me.

  “Thanks.” Taking the drink, I ignore Enzo and down half the glass.

  After a few seconds, I put the glass back on the bar. Keeping my back to the crowd and my gaze firmly facing forwards.

  “What are you doing here, Enzo?” I ask, knowing full well his attention is locked onto my every move.

  My skin prickles as the feel of his eyes travels down my body.

  “Just come out for some entertainment. I must say I’m not disappointed. Tho I much prefer this view.” I don’t miss heat entering his voice by the end of his sentence.

  “So glad you’ve found some entertainment. Now if you’ll excuse me.” I turn fully intending to escape this rather unfortunate turn of events, but Enzo’s hand wraps around my forearm stopping me in my tracks.

  “Why so eager to run? How do you think your man would react to your very public display?”

  Dominic? No. Impossible. How would Enzo know about Dominic?

  “I can’t help but think, it is my duty to protect your honor in Greyson’s absence.”

  A growl works its way up my throat at the sound of the other Alpha’s name.

  Facing the crowd, I spot Maddi watching the scene play out at the bar. No doubt she can feel my wolf trying to claw her way free of my skin.

  “Enzo.” My voice comes out strained as I try to keep my animal contained. “Do not mistake my lack of action as a weakness. While you might be a Beta where you come from. In Stonehart, I’m Alpha and you will show me respect. Otherwise it will be my Beta you will be dealing with.” No way was I letting him get away with this shit. Trying to throw his weight around. Overstepping his mark in my territory.

  Enzo watches me for a moment. Letting my words sink in. Slowly he removes his paw from my arm.

  “I mean no offence, Alpha.” He says, with a tip of his head. Clearly for show, as he has only just cottoned on to our small growing audience.

  “Is everything okay here, A
lpha?” Maddi questions, sliding up to my side. Emphasizing my title.

  I wait before answering. Trying to put my finger on why Enzo’s body language is bothering me so much.

  “Yes. Everything is fine. Enzo was just leaving.”

  Glowering at me, the male downs the rest of his drink, keeping his eyes locked with mine.

  “See you around, Rachael.” Enzo murmurs with an arrogant smirk.

  I catch the eyes of some of my pack mates in the crowd. Motioning for them to follow the male, I don’t want him to cause any trouble in Stonehart.

  Why was he even here?

  I can’t help but think Greyson had sent him to spy on me. I wouldn’t put it past the overbearing control freak.

  Even his Beta thinks I belong to him.

  Nathen and Julien come over to where Maddi and me are standing at the bar. Thankfully, they stayed out of the situation. Knowing full well that trying to defend me like I’m a weak female would only piss my dominant wolf off more than she already was by the night’s events.


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