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You're Not Alone: BWWM Romance (Brothers From Money Book 17)

Page 11

by Shanade White

  “This is Simone Peters and I want to know where Marshall is. He was supposed to call me days ago.” Her voice had gone from smooth as butter to holding a sharp edge.

  “I don’t know exactly where he is at the moment, but I’m sure I’ll see him at breakfast. Can I give him a message?” Heather had slipped into professional mode, but her heart was hammering in her chest.

  “Yes, you can tell him to call me.” Simone hissed, then added, “And don’t even think about trying to steal him, don’t think I haven’t seen the way you look at him. He’s mine and he’ll always be mine, besides he wouldn’t give someone like you the time of day.”

  Heather wished that she could set the awful woman straight, but knew that it wasn’t her place to do so, “I’ll tell him that you’re looking for him.” She said, then deliberately hit the end button disconnecting the call.

  When Marshall walked into the lodge, the smell of breakfast made his stomach growl and he realized that he’d never been as hungry in his entire life. He saw Heather and the kids over in the far corner and made his way over to them, but when he saw the look on Heather’s face he stopped for a second. She looked angry and upset, a look he hadn’t seen since the night she’d confronted him at his house. A wave of fear washed over him, what if she’d changed her mind about them, what if last night hadn’t been as wonderful for her as it had been for him.

  When he got to the table, he sat down next to her and gave her a questioning look. “Simone called my phone looking for you and she didn’t sound very happy.” Heather said, a wave of jealousy washing over her mixed in with a little bit of regret.

  She should have made sure that he’d finished things with Simone before she’d let things go as far as they had. Just because she was totally in love with him didn’t mean that he felt the same way. Only a week ago he’d been sure that he was in love with Simone, maybe it had all happened too fast. Maybe Marshall was the kind of man who flitted from woman to woman. She really didn’t know, and it hadn’t been important until now.

  His face fell at her words, “Oh, I forgot about her.” He said, quietly. “I guess I better go call her.” Then he got up from the table without another word and disappeared out the door.

  Heather was headed out of the lodge wondering what she was going to do with her day, earlier she’d thought that she and Marshall would spend it together but he’d disappeared over an hour ago and not returned. She was beginning to question what had happened between them last night, dark thoughts creeping into her head when she realized that Marshall might have just been drunk or playing her. She’d gotten swept up in the moment and it was possible that he had too, now she was left with a hollow feeling she didn’t like at all.

  She was so wrapped up in her dark thoughts, she didn’t see Seth approaching from down the street until he was right upon her. “Hey, I’ve got news. Let’s go someplace private and I’ll tell you what I found out.” He said, then really looked at her. “Are you okay?”

  “I’m fine, just a little tired I guess.” She said, shrugging her shoulders, the last thing she wanted to do was talk to Seth about her love life, especially since it involved his brother.

  Seth led her down a path to the stream that ran on the far side of the village, “The sound of the water will muffle our voices.” He explained sitting down and patting the seat next to him.

  Once Heather was seated, he pulled a folded-up page of paper out of his pocket, unfolded it and handed it to her. “Is this Simone?”

  It only Heather a second to recognize the woman in the picture. “That’s her.”

  “Well then I’d like you to meet Bridget Powers or at least that’s the name she’s been using for the last few years.” Seth said, taking the page back and turning it over and handing it back to her.

  On the back there was a long list of crimes that the woman in the photo was connected to, they ranged from shoplifting to grand larceny. “Wow, this is one busy woman.” Heather said. “Did you find out who the man is, because I’d swear that they were together.

  “His name is Marco Duarte, he’s wanted for most of those crimes as well. From what I understand, they’ve been traveling around to the hot spots in the world and scamming people out of their money. The last place they were seen was Rio where they ran a shop that sold fake antiques.” Seth went on to explain.

  “I take it someone found them out.” Heather stated, turning the page over to look at the picture again.

  “They managed to get away and haven’t been seen since.”

  “Because they’ve been hiding out in Anchorage and scamming Marshall.” Heather said what she knew Seth didn’t want to.

  “I guess they thought he’d be an easy mark, but it’s not going to work. I’ve alerted the authorities in Anchorage and as soon as they can get a warrant they’re going to arrest them both.” Seth said, “I don’t know how to tell Marshall all this, he’s going to be so upset.”

  “He left the lodge to call her an hour ago, I thought he was finished with her but he’s been gone for a long time.” Heather said, unable to hide the hurt in his voice.

  “Did something happen between you two?” Seth asked, worried about Heather and wishing he’d never sent her to Anchorage.

  “It was nothing I guess, it’s my mistake for thinking that it was.” Heather said, then added, “Don’t worry I’ll be fine. When are you going to talk to him?”

  “As soon as I can find him.” Seth said.

  Marshall hung up the phone thinking that he’d just had the longest conversation of his life. Simone had been impossible, first resorting to tears then when that didn’t work she’d turned venomous on him. The worst part was that he’d told her that he was only postponing his plans, but as soon as the words were out of his mouth, he’d known that it was a lie. He had no intention of going through with buying the theatre and putting on her play, his night with Heather had changed him, had shown him that his life wasn’t on the stage but doing something else and suddenly he knew what that something else was.

  By the time she’d gotten to the point that she was threatening him, he’d stopped listening to her, wondering what he’d been thinking when he’d gotten involved with her. Clearly, she wasn’t the woman that he thought she was and now that he was looking at it from a different perspective, he could see that it had all been an act. The one thing he couldn’t understand was what she’d expected to gain from the whole thing, but then he understood, play or no play he had been ready to marry her.

  That thought made a cold sweat break out on his forehead, he’d already made one huge mistake in his love life, a second would have been devastating. With Dee he could use the excuse that he’d been young, and she had been pregnant when they got married, but he had no excuse for not seeing the truth about Simone from the very beginning. Feeling like a fool, he finally just hung up on her, then called his business manager and told him to cancel the contract to buy the theatre.

  Chapter 11

  When Seth finally found Marshall an hour later, he was so frustrated with his brother that he wanted to smack him. “Where have you been? I’ve been looking for you everywhere.”

  “I’ve been looking Heather. I can’t find her anywhere.” Marshall replied, wondering why his brother looked so serious. “Do you know where she went?”

  Seth looked at his brother, noticing that the lines had disappeared from his face and that he looked more relaxed than he had in a long time. “She said she needed some space so I sent her back to Homestead House with the supply crew.”

  “What?” Marshall asked, unable to believe his ears. A sudden fear creeping in that the night before hadn’t meant as much to her as it had to him. “I need to talk to her.”

  “I think we should talk first. I need to tell you some things about Simone.” Seth said.

  “Simone doesn’t matter anymore, I’m done with her. I’m done with the whole thing, I’d rather talk to you about that spokesperson job you’ve been bugging me about, but I have to find Heather.�
�� Marshall said, “How long ago did they leave?”

  Seth was so relieved to hear Marshall’s words, he pulled the paper about Simone out of his pocket and handed it to him. “This is what I wanted to talk to you about, but I guess it doesn’t matter that much anymore.”

  Marshall looked at the picture, then turned the page over, then after a few minutes said, “I can’t believe I was so stupid. We have to do something about this. Call someone or something.” Marshall said, the shock at how close he’d come to making an even bigger mistake than he’d thought he was making giving him goosebumps.

  “Well, the important thing is that you figured it out.” Seth said, slapping his brother on the back. Then he remembered Heather, “Heather thinks that you’re still hooked on Simone, that’s why she went with the supply team. You were gone so long, she just assumed.”

  “I have to catch her. I can’t leave things that way.” Marshall said, suddenly desperate to see Heather, to make sure that she knew that whatever life brought him in the next months even years, he wanted her there with him, needed her there.

  “You might be able to catch them if you hurry. It’s only been about a half an hour since I heard them leave.” Seth said, handing him the keys to his four-wheeler. “Take my machine it’s faster, Lauren and I will watch Chloe until you get back.”

  They’d just stopped for lunch when the sound of a four-wheeler approaching cut through the quiet of the forest. There was a lot of speculation about who would be moving so fast over the dangerous trail, and Heather pretended to play along, but she wasn’t really all that interested. She’d waited for Marshall for another hour before deciding that she needed to get away, Tyler wouldn’t miss her and Seth had mentioned the supply trip so she decided to tag along. Anything was better than hanging around the village waiting for him to come tell her that the night before had been a mistake.

  A night away from the village and Marshall was exactly what she needed to get her head straight. What they’d shared had been wonderful, more wonderful than she ever could have imagined, and she wasn’t the least bit sorry she’d done it. But that didn’t mean that Marshall’s rejection hurt any less, part of her had been prepared for it, and for that she was thankful, sometimes it paid not to trust completely.

  As they waited for their guest to appear, lunch disappeared and the group began to pack up to get on the trail, everyone moving slowly to give the crazy person on the four-wheeler time to get to them before they had to leave. Money had actually changed hands and no one was willing to leave it a mystery, but Heather didn’t really care so she wandered into the woods looking for signs of animal life like Lauren and Seth had taught her.

  She heard the four-wheeler come to a stop in the clearing where they’d had lunch, then a bunch of laughter and someone whooping like they’d won the lottery. She shook her head and wandered away a little farther, sure that she had some time before they managed to get themselves back on the trial, but then she heard someone shouting her name. Stopping she listened again and suddenly panicked that something had happened to Tyler and began running back to the clearing.

  Before she’d gone far, she smacked into a hard chest and landed on her butt. When she looked up, it was to find Marshall standing over her, panting like he’d just run the marathon. “Oh, Heather, I’m sorry.” He said, holding out his hand to help her to her feet.

  She looked at his hand, then scrambled to her feet on her own. “What are you doing here? Was that you driving like a maniac, you could have killed yourself? Have you lost your mind?” Her heart was pounding so hard in her chest she thought it might explode.

  “I came after you. Seth said you thought that I was still with Simone, so I followed you.” Marshall said, still panting. “I’m not with Simone anymore, the truth is I never really was. Nothing ever happened between us and nothing is ever going to.”

  “You were gone so long, and you left this morning without a word, just walked out. What was I supposed to think?” Heather asked, hope budding in her chest, slowing her heart and warming her from the inside out.

  “I didn’t think, I mean I just wanted to get the phone call over with after she called your phone. I’m sorry Heather, I should have done it differently.” Marshall said, finally daring to take a few steps closer to her.

  “What about the play and the theatre? What about your dream to become famous?” Heather asked, not quite believing him.

  “I’m giving that all up. I don’t care about being famous anymore. Something wonderful happened to me last night and when I woke up this morning, I knew that it was time to change my life. When I found out that Simone had called your phone I guess I panicked, I should have told you then how I felt but I wasn’t completely sure until I talked to her.” Marshall said, pulling her over to a fallen log and sitting her down.

  “Have you talked to Seth?” Heather asked, still not trusting what she was hearing.

  “I talked to him before I left, but the thing is, I’d made my decision before he told me what a colossal idiot I am.” Heather opened her mouth to ask another question, the question that had been bothering her all day, but Marshall held up his hand.

  “Before you ask, no I don’t usually fall in love this fast and just to make this completely clear to you, I wasn’t ever in love with Simone. I see that now.” Marshall said, the words pouring out of his mouth before he could stop them.

  “Falling in love?” Heather croaked, not sure if she was ready for that.

  “That’s right, I’m falling in love with you Heather, like it or not that’s what life has just thrown at you.” Marshall said, with a big grin on his face, then unable to help himself, he kissed her until they toppled off the log onto the spongy ground, but neither noticed.

  Simone slammed the phone down, deep down she’d known that something was wrong the last time she called Marshall and it hadn’t helped that she’d lost her temper. But now the entire scam had fallen apart, Marshall had backed out, telling her that the whole thing had been a mistake. She’d used every trick in the book to get him to change his mind and then he’d hung up on her. But there was no way she was going to go down without a fight, she’d long ago learned that it was always best to have a backup plan and she had one.

  Marco wouldn’t like it, but she wasn’t leaving Anchorage without a big chunk of Marshall’s money. He owed it to her for wasting her time and she was going to see that he paid up. Everything had begun going wrong when that brat had showed up, but she’d figured out how to turn that around and use the kid to get what Marshall owed her. It wouldn’t be that difficult to snatch the little monster when Marshall wasn’t looking, he barely paid any attention to her anyway.

  “Marco, get in here. There’s been a change of plans.” She shouted at the top of her lungs, beginning to feel better. In a few days, they’d be on their way to South America and the life of luxury she’d always dreamed of.

  By the time they reached Homestead House it was dinner time, but neither Marshall nor Heather was the least bit interested in food. When the rest of the group on the supply run had finally found them in the woods, there had been a lot of teasing and Heather had been embarrassed but Marshall had taken the worst of it deflecting the teasing from Heather. Red faced they’d gotten back on their four-wheelers to finish the trip, wishing that they could just stay right where they were, but knowing that the supplies were necessary for the rest of the camping trip.

  Before he let her get on her four-wheeler, Marshall pulled her into his arms and whispered, “When we get there I’m taking you right to my room.” Then kissed her, ignoring the cat calls and whooping from the group.

  But as soon as they pulled into the yard everyone came pouring to greet them and get news of how the trip was going. They were swept into the house and into the dining room for dinner before they could slip away, and it was hours before they could finally slip away.

  “You two look tired.” The house mother said, looking from one to the other. “Maybe you should call it a night.�

  When Marshall jumped on the offer, “I am kind of tired and it will be nice to sleep in my own bed.” She tried not to laugh, thinking that another of the Montgomery brothers would be planning a wedding soon.

  She’d shot Heather a questioning glance, then pushed them out of the dining room doors when Heather only gave her a huge smile. “Well, get out of here then.”

  Heather knew that she’d have to talk to her friend before they left, but right then all she wanted was to be alone with Marshall. She’d been thinking about it for hours, nearly wrecked her four-wheeler when those thoughts had gotten too out of control. Marshall too had been distracted by thoughts of Heather the entire trip and the minute the door to his room had closed behind them, he backed her up against it and kissed her.

  As soon as Marshall’s mouth came down on hers, Heather was frantic for more. It felt like the night before had been a long time ago and the trip back had only added to her desire. Watching him had only made her remember all the wonderful things he’d done to her body and she’d been in a constant state of arousal for what felt like hours. She’d never felt this kind of passion and although it scared her to feel this deeply, a part of her knew that this was the real thing.

  When his hands began to roam over her body, she began to tingle all over, but especially between her legs, where the moisture was already beginning to form. Clinging to him while he kissed her and explored her generous curves, her hands refused to remain still and found their way to the button of his pants, this time able to slip the button free on the first try.

  Marshall moaned when she found his throbbing erection and began to stroke him. His moans only fueled the fire in her blood, so she dropped to her knees and removed his shoes, then his pants. Feeling a confidence that she’d never felt before, she took him in her hands again and looked up at him, then took him into her mouth, loving the strangled cry of pleasure that came from deep in his throat.

  Reaching up between his legs, she stroked him, her mouth sucking and teasing until he said, “Heather as wonder as that feels, I can’t take much more.” Then pulled her to her feet and captured her mouth with his, this kiss more frantic than the last.


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