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You're Not Alone: BWWM Romance (Brothers From Money Book 17)

Page 12

by Shanade White

  In only seconds, he’d unbuttoned her pants and slid his hand inside, growling when he found the moisture between her legs. Breaking the kiss, he sank to his knees and removed her shoes, then slowly slid her pants down her legs, kissing her skin as it became exposed. Sitting back on his heels, he stripped off his shirt, then looked up at her and he began to run his hands up and down the inside of her legs.

  The desire in his eyes left her breathless, his gentle caress sending waves of pleasure and anticipation washing over her. “Take off your shirt, love. I want to see all of you.” He said, making her knees buckle.

  Marshall steadied her when he felt her sway, but didn’t get up off the floor, instead moved his hands higher and higher. When Heather had finally managed to remove the rest of her clothes she grabbed his shoulders to steady herself and he gently pushed her legs apart, making her gasp when the cold air met her heated flesh. Suddenly feeling very exposed with Marshall’s head just inches away from her, she tried to close her legs, but he pushed them open again.

  “Relax sweetheart, I’m going to show you just how wonderful love can be.” Marshall said, running his finger over her clit, then following it with his tongue.

  Pleasure rushed through her, pleasure unlike anything she’d ever experienced as his tongue slid across her again and again, his hands firmly gripping her butt. Heather moaned and whimpered as Marshall took her closer and closer to the pinnacle, then backed her down again, growling when she cried out his name in both frustration and pleasure. Hearing her desperation, he slid one finger inside her, then deliberately took her over the edge, reveling in the power of the orgasm he’d given her.

  When he finally stood and gathered her into his arms, she clung to him, her breathing heavy and labored from the force of her orgasm. He swept her off her feet and carried her to the bed, but set her down on her feet instead of in the bed. When he sat down on the bed and pulled her to him with her legs on either side of his, she felt the tip of his hard penis just at her opening and gasped, anticipation thundering through her.

  His mouth clamped down on one of her hard nipples, while his hand teased the other one, kneading and massaging it until she threw her head back, moaning with pleasure. Lifting her as if she weighted nothing, he scooted them back on the bed, then drove himself into her, filling her while his mouth continued to tease and nip at her breasts. He gripped her hips firmly in his hands and lifted her up then brought her down on his swollen erection again and again.

  Soon Heather took over, her pleasure guiding her movements, she sat up driving him into her deeper then began to rock her hips. Marshall reached down between them and began to stroke her swollen clit with his thumb and almost immediately the dam inside her burst, wave after wave of pleasure made her grind her hips into him and call out his name.

  When Marshall lifted her up and began to drive himself into her, the pleasure returned only this time it was someplace deep inside her, a place she’d never know existed. Bracing her hands on either side of Marshall’s head, she let him guide their passion, each stroke of his powerful hips touching that place and making it grow until she felt like she was going to fly apart into a million pieces.

  Marshall had gone past the point of stopping, Heather’s cries of pleasure only intensifying the depth of his pleasure. He ground himself into her as he tumbled over the edge, his orgasm so powerful he gripped Heather’s hips tightly afraid that he’d fly away if he didn’t. The feeling of Marshall’s muscles rippling inside her sent Heather tumbling after him into an orgasm unlike any she’d ever experienced, a pleasure so deep inside her she was sure that she was going to explode with it’s power.

  When she finally collapsed on top of Marshall, her breath was coming in short pants, she was afraid she’d never be able to breathe normally again. Marshall was breathing equally hard and she wondered if she was smashing him, but when she tried to move, he put his arms around her and held her there.

  “Don’t move yet. I want to feel you on top of me for just a few more minutes.” He panted.

  Heather was content to lie there with Marshall’s hard body underneath her as her breathing returned to normal. When she did finally slide off of him, he immediately gathered her up into his arms and held her silently, unable to think of anything to express what he was feeling. They fell asleep in each other arms, the silence unbroken by words that couldn’t express the depth of what they’d just shared.

  Simone shifted her weight again, every muscle in her body hurt but she just knew that today was the day. After spending days hanging around in the woods outside the village waiting for an opportunity to grab the kid, they’d finally taken them out of the village on a hike. This would be her opportunity to grab Chloe and she hoped that Marco wouldn’t screw it up.

  Marco had been no help at all, completely out of his element in the woods he’d been more of a hindrance than help. Sometimes, she wondered what she was doing with him, but then she thought of the nights and knew why. Of course, since they’d been sleeping in the woods there’d been little of that.

  But it would all be worth it when they were lying on the beach in South America, a drink in hand and nothing to do but relax. A rustling in the trees startled her out of her thoughts, frustrated she turned to the sound expecting to see Marco stumbling through the trees, but what she saw froze her in place. Doubting her eyes for a minute, she closed them and then opened them again, mouth hanging open when she realized what she saw was real.

  Suddenly Alaska was a very real place to her, all the stories of wild animal encounters no longer so incredible to her. Scanning her memory, she remembered all the unwanted advice she’d gotten over the last months and stayed very still. The bear didn’t seem to know that she was there crouched under a tree, he simply continued to sniff the ground and wander down the trail. When he’d finally gone, she took a deep breath and sank onto the ground on her butt, shaking from the first animal encounter she’d ever had.

  The stink of the bear was still in the air when she got up and followed the path the bear had taken, hoping that the bear would steer clear of their camp. Marco would freak out if he saw it, most likely blow their cover and alert the village to their presence. She’d been following Marshall and the group a little too closely and had almost been spotted, so she’d dove under the tree to hide.

  The tree had provided enough cover that she wasn’t seen, but she had hung back, knowing that she’d gotten too close. When she got to a fork in the trail, she stopped and listened, knowing that she’d hear the kids long before she saw them. In only a minute she was rewarded by the sound of laughter and followed the sound toward the river. It wasn’t long before she saw the kids through the trees and realized that she couldn’t have planned it better.

  This was her chance, she just knew it, at some point the kids would go off on their own, they always did and then she’d grab Chloe. Pressing the button on the two-way radio she was carrying, she signaled Marco that it was time, hoping that he’d be able to do what she needed him to do. Then she settled down to wait, knowing that her dreams were just moments away from being realized.

  Chapter 12

  Heather dipped her toes into the frigid water then pulled them back again and shivered. “I don’t know how you do that.” She said to Marshall who had his feet dangling in the water apparently not feeling the cold at all.

  “Mind over matter, my love.” He said, then pulled his feet out quickly and shivered, then laughed. “That water is cold.”

  Heather laughed and leaned over to kiss him, but she was stopped by one of the children yelling her name. After they’d eaten lunch the group had voted to stay right where they were and build a fort in the forest, and there’d been a long discussion about staging a battle when they were finished. Heather and Marshall had readily agreed, deciding that it would be much easier to keep the group together in one spot.

  “Michael, what’s the matter?” Heather asked, when the child got to her.

  “We saw a bear in the forest. It w
as so cool.” He explained, jumping up and down. “It was a great big one too. Lauren says that it’s good to see bears, that it means that the forest is healthy. I can’t wait to tell her.”

  Heather was immediately alarmed, a bear could be very dangerous and although most of the kids with them that day knew to stay away, she couldn’t help but ask, “You didn’t try to get close to it, did you?”

  Michael was silent for too long so she asked, “Did you kids get close to that bear?”

  “Well no, but Tyler decided to follow it and Chloe went with him. I don’t think I was supposed to tell you but….” It took Michael so long to say the words that Heather wanted to shake him.”

  “Oh, my God. Marshall, they followed a bear.” She said when the words had finally sunk in. “We have to go after them.”

  She jumped to her feet forgetting that she’d taken off her shoes, then cursed when she stepped on a rock. It felt like it took forever to get their shoes on, but when they were finally on their feet, Marshall held her back for a second.

  “Slow down. Michael which way did they go?”

  “That way.” Michael said, pointing to a game trail that led away from the river.

  “Have they been gone long?” Marshall asked, tying to be as patient as he could.

  Michael shrugged his shoulders, “I don’t think so.”

  “Okay here’s what I want you to do. I want you to go to my pack and get the satellite radio and call the village. Tell them what’s happened and ask them to send help.” Then he called the rest of the kids over to where they were standing. “I want the rest of you to stay right here. No one moves, no one goes anywhere. Do you understand me?” His voice was harsh but he didn’t care.

  One of the older kids stepped up, “I’m sorry we should have stopped them but they were too fast. We’ll do better this time.”

  As they left the clearing, they could hear the children singing, a survival technique they all loved. When help came from the village they’d be able to find them quickly thanks to the kid’s voices, and Marshall hoped that Tyler and Chloe would hear the singing and come back. But when they’d gone almost a mile from the clearing the voices began to fade until only a faint sound could be heard when the breeze was blowing right and Marshall began to worry.

  “We should have found them by now.” Heather said, so close to tears it was hard to talk.

  “They can’t have gotten much further.” He said, pulling her behind him through the trees when the game trail suddenly disappeared.

  Simone stood looking down at the shivering children huddled on the cold floor of the cave trying to feel a little sympathy for them, but just couldn’t. She should be thankful for them for making it so easy for her, but couldn’t drum up that emotion either. After all, if Chloe had never showed up, Marshall would still be putty in her hand. Instead, she was camped out in a damp cave with two sniveling brats and her very ineffectual boyfriend and for that she wasn’t the least bit thankful.

  But it was time to make the phone call that would change her life for the better. The sun had just sunk behind the horizon and she knew that the search party would be heading back to the village. Wishing for what felt like the millionth time that Marshall hadn’t made this so difficult she stepped out of the cave and turned on her cell phone relieved when four bars appeared on the screen. It was time to let Marshall know where his darling daughter was and get the reward she so richly deserved.

  After hours of searching with no sign of the kids, everyone had gone back to the village to regroup and come up with a plan. Samuel, the village’s best tracker, had led them to the main trail by following the trail the kids had left, but once there couldn’t find any more clues to where they’d gone. But everyone was in agreement that two kids on their own following a bear couldn’t have gotten that far, so several people had set off down the trail hoping to find them even in the dark.

  Marshall and Heather were just about to go into the men’s lodge when his phone beeped. Hoping that someone had found the children, he clicked on the call without even looking to see who it was, then grimaced when he heard the voice on the other end.

  “Hi, Marshall. It’s Simone. I just thought I’d call and see how you are.” She purred into the phone, giving him goosebumps.

  “I don’t have time to talk to you just now Simone.” He said, then started to hang up.

  “I know, I guess you must be busy trying to find Chloe and her little friend.” Simone said, unable to stifle a little laugh.

  “What? How do you know about that?” Marshall asked, suddenly suspicious of Simone.

  “Oh, you mean how did I know that they wandered off this afternoon? It might be because I found them and rescued them. Poor little things, they were so scared and so happy to see me.” She said, triumph in her voice.

  “Simone if you’ve hurt them I’ll kill you.” Marshall said, his temper getting the better of him.

  “Oh, I wouldn’t dream of hurting the little dears, I couldn’t collect the reward money then, could I?” She asked, sweetly.

  “Reward money?” Marshall growled.

  “Yes, I just assumed you’d be happy to pay me, oh what is the word for it? I know a finder’s fee. I think a million dollars sounds about right don’t you. After all, your darling little girl must be worth at least that, I’ll throw the other kid in for free.” Simone’s voice had gotten hard, “I think it’s the least you could do since you led me on for so long.”

  It was after midnight but Heather couldn’t sleep, instead she was pacing back and forth in the little cabin, having already tried to go to bed and failed. Every time she closed her eyes all she could see was Chloe and Tyler shivering somewhere in the dark, with that awful woman looming over them. It made little difference to her that everyone was sure that Simone hadn’t taken the children far, or that people were already out looking or her.

  “Come back to bed. You need to get some sleep.” Marshall said, patting the empty side of the bed.

  “I can’t sleep when I know that Tyler and Chloe are out there somewhere probably scared to death.” She said, walking to the window and parting the curtains, hoping she’d see them walking down the street.

  “Okay, don’t sleep, but at least try to rest. By tomorrow morning the men will be back with the money, thank goodness Seth is stupid enough to have that much cash lying around, and then we’ll have them back. Simone may be a bad person, but she won’t hurt them, she doesn’t have what it takes to hurt a child.”

  Heather desperately wanted to believe him, needed to believe him. “I hope you’re right.” She said, perching on the edge of the bed.

  Marshall scooted over and began to rub her shoulders, “Your neck and shoulders are so tight I’m surprised you don’t have a headache.” He said, pulling her back onto the bed and making her roll over on her stomach.

  When she resisted, he said, “Lie still and let me rub your back, maybe it will relax you a little.” Then he inched the shirt she’d put on for bed, up and over her head.

  Heather closed her eyes, blocking the mental picture of the kids and concentrated on the way his hands felt on her skin. As he massaged the tight muscles, she began to relax, the muscles of her back and neck loosening. As he worked his way down her back, straddling her legs, she began to feel stirrings of desire, but pushed them away sure that now was not the time for that.

  But her body had other ideas as did Marshall’s, his erection pressed between her legs, told her that. “Marshall, now’s not the time.” She said, then laughed when his lips found a sensitive spot on her ribs.

  “I don’t know, now might be the perfect time. We can’t do anything tonight but wait, give yourself a break Heather, let me take the worry away if only for a little while.” Marshall said, rolling her onto her back. “Let me hold you, let me make love to you, together we can face anything.”

  Heather sighed, what little resistance fading as his hands gently brushed over her breasts, then down her stomach to hover over her mons. “Ma
ke love to me.” She said, then pulled him down and kissed him, willing to forget if only for a little while.

  Marshall stretched out next to her, exploring her mouth with his tongue until she began to shift restlessly on the bed, then slid his hand down between her legs and gently pushed them open. When his fingers slid between her folds she was already deliciously wet and ready for him, but he knew what she needed wasn’t a quick release but sustained pleasure that would exhaust her and let her sleep.

  Rubbing her clit, he released her mouth and trailed kisses down her neck and breasts, stopping there briefly to tease and lick her nipples until they were hard little pebbles. Passion filled the room as he continued down her stomach, making her giggle twice when his lips brushed against her ribs, then gasp when his finger slid inside her to stroke her.

  When his mouth reached her hips, he kissed each one, then slid between her legs, pushing them open further. Heather had long ago forgotten about anything but the pleasure Marshall was giving her and her moans and whimpers were evidence of just how wonderful he was making her feel. When his tongue finally slid across her swollen nub, her hips came up off the bed and he had to grab them to hold her still. Hands fisted into the sheet, Heather was helpless under his ministrations, his tongue and finger working together to make that hard knot of pleasure deep inside her spread to every nerve in her body.

  When her orgasm came flooding over her, she grabbed his head between her legs and held on, her body rocking and bucking with the power of her satisfaction. She cried his name over and over, thinking that the pleasure would never stop, that he’d started something that had no end. But the pleasure began to fade, leaving her feeling strangely unsatisfied and empty.


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