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You're Not Alone: BWWM Romance (Brothers From Money Book 17)

Page 13

by Shanade White

“Marshall, I need you inside me.” She pleaded, as he slowly trailed kisses back up her body, found her mouth and silenced her whimpers of need.

  Marshall had driven himself almost to the point of desperation, his body so tense with need that Heather’s word were almost his undoing, but he managed to keep himself under control just long enough to flip her onto her hands and knees. Kneeling between her legs, he grabbed her hips and entered her in one long hard thrust, relieved to finally be inside her, he paused relishing the way her body clamped around him.

  He’d planned to do this slowly, but his need was too great for what he’d had in mind, instead he thrust his hips over and over, burying himself deeper and deeper insider her. With each thrust Heather cried out, her body responding to his by releasing a gush of moisture that flooded them both and made Marshall growl in the back of his throat.

  Before she knew what was happening, he’d flipped her over on her back and thrust into her with enough force that it drove her up on the bed. A new thrill of pleasure washed over her, as that thrust was followed by another equal hard one, she dug her nails into Marshall’s back, marveling that something almost violent could feel so wonderful. Head thrown back, she braced herself against the headboard and opened her legs further, allowing Marshall to penetrate her deeper than he ever had before.

  After another hard thrust of his hips, he grabbed her legs and forced her feet down onto the bed, then used his thumb to stroke her clit. His eyes locked on hers, he stroked her until the pressure inside her began expand through her body, reaching every nerve and every muscle until her body was no long under her control. Her hips thrusting up to meet his, she burst just as Marshall released himself inside her, his cock spasming deep inside her only making her pleasure that much more intense.

  Exhausted and sated, she fell asleep in Marshall’s arms his stomach pressed up against her back, the worry still there but muted by the endorphins that swam in her blood. Just before she fell asleep, he leaned up and whispered, “I love you Heather. I promise everything will be fine.”

  Heather got off her four-wheeler knees shaking, Simone had led them on a wild goose chase through the forest for most of the day. When Marshall had called her to tell her that he had the money, she’d instructed them to follow the trail out of town and look for a radio on a stump. The radio wasn’t that hard to find, but for the next three hours, she’d led them from one trail to another until Heather was sure that she’d never find her way back to the village.

  But when they’d stopped this time, Simone had been standing on the far side of the clearing, the man she’d seen her with at the theatre behind her with Tyler and Chloe. She wanted to run to them, to grab them up and get them to safety, but she knew that she’d never get that far and the last things she wanted to do was get one of them hurt, so she grabbed the bag out of the back of the four-wheeler.

  A million dollars was a lot heavier than she’d expected, and as she took a few tentative steps her legs threatened to give out, but then she heard an owl hooting in the forest behind her and knew what she had to do. Taking a deep breath and gathering her strength, she began walking straight toward Simone, hoping that the woman wouldn’t bolt with the kids when she saw that Marshall wasn’t there.

  When she got close enough she yelled, “I’ve got your reward money Simone, let the kids go.”

  “Where’s Marshall? He was supposed to be here.” Simone yelled back.

  “You never said that and he didn’t want to see you.” Heather said, hoping that Simone would take the bait. “Don’t you get it, you couldn’t keep him. If you ask me you played this all wrong, he would have married you if you’d managed to keep it together a little longer. Now I’ll be the one enjoying all that money, not you. But then again I guess a million dollars is a lot of money to someone like you.”

  Heather could see the anger rising in Simone with each sentence she uttered, the plan was working perfectly so she kept pushing. “Here’s you million, hope you can make it last. I’ll be thinking of you when I’m living in luxury.” She said, throwing the bag with the money in it down on the ground between them.

  Simone looked from her to the money, then ran over and grabbed the bag. “If you have the stomach to put up with that idiot then more power to you. I’m just fine with a million, it’ll get me where I want to go.” Simone said, then waved her arm at Marco who released the kids who came running across the clearing and into Heather’s arms.

  “Tell Marshall I said goodbye and good luck.” Simone said, waving to Heather, then jumping on a four-wheeler and starting it up.

  Before she could even get out of the clearing, men came pouring out of the forest. Screaming at Marco she tried to drive through them but they dodged her and pulled her off the four-wheeler and onto the ground. Marshall who had been watching the whole thing unfold from the trees ran to Heather and the children, picked them all up in his arms and spun them around.

  “You did great.” He said to Heather then knelt down in front of the kids. “Are you two alright?”

  “That lady was mean, she seemed nice at first but then she wouldn’t take us home.” Chloe said, then added, “I’m glad to see you.”

  Marshall turned to Tyler who said, “We’re fine, but I really want to go home.”

  “I guess we’d better figure out where home is.” Marshall said, standing up and looking into Heather’s eyes.

  “I think home is where ever we’re together.” Heather said, then added, “I love you Marshall.”

  “I love you too Heather.” Marshall said, then pulled her into his arms and kissed.

  “Gross.” Tyler yelled.


  Heather and Marshall stood on the upper balcony of the newly renovated Montgomery Theater, his arm around her shoulders watching the orchestra warm up. For the first time in a long time, he was attending the opening night of a play and he wasn’t in it, but he couldn’t have been happier. It had been a year since Heather had shown up in his life and turned it upside down, but now he knew that it had been the best thing that had ever happened to him.

  “Are you sad that you’re not going to be on the stage?” Heather asked, interrupting his thoughts.

  “No, not at all, in fact I was just thinking that I’ve never been happier in my life. I may not be out on that stage but it’s just as exciting from here. Thank you for not letting me give up completely on my dreams.” Marshall said, pulling her in for a kiss.

  “I just couldn’t see all that experience go to waste, and I think you belong here.” Heather said, kissing his palm.

  “I belong wherever you are.” He said, then kissed the ring on her finger. “Someone once told me that life had a way of throwing things at you that you might not be ready for, but I think I was ready for you all along, I was just too stupid to see it.”

  Heather opened her mouth to reply, but just then Tyler and Chloe came running down to where they stood. “The view is even better in the seats at the top.” Tyler said, bouncing up and down on the balls of his feet.

  “I think the view is just perfect from right here.” Marshall said, looking directly at Heather and making her blush.

  “Are you two being gross again?” Tyler asked, “Because if you are, I’m leaving.”

  “I guess you better go then because I’m about to kiss your mother.” Marshall said, then he turned to Tyler and Chloe. “I want you two to remember something, life has a way of giving you unexpected gifts, and when you get one, take care of it.” Then he turned back to Heather and kissed her. “I’ve been given a gift and I plan to take care of it.”

  The end.

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  Almost Perfect

  The perfect man... and his child.

  Kimberly is a lawyer, and a strong, career focused woman.

  Being an African American woman originally from the p
rojects, she's always had to work that much harder to get where she wants in her career.

  Unfortunately, this has been at the expense of any real meaningful relationships.

  Never one to see the appeal of having a family waiting for her after her long days, her life has been all about work.

  So when she's finds a new job working for billionaire Richard Damask, she jumps at the chance to progress her career.

  Soon though, Kimberly finds herself physically and mentally drawn to Richard.

  On paper, it seems he's the perfect man, and one she would happily make time for in her busy life.

  But there's something about Richard she doesn't yet know: he has a daughter.

  And one which any woman in his life would have to be comfortable with if anything real is to happen between them.

  When revealed, will this revelation be enough to drive Kimberly away?

  Or will this 'almost perfect' man and his lifestyle grow to become perfect for her?

  Find out in this hot new romance by Alia Thomas and BWWM Club (search us).

  Suitable for over 18s only due to sex scenes between a hunky billionaire and a curvy and confident woman.


  Chapter 1

  Chapter 2

  Chapter 3

  Chapter 4

  Chapter 5

  Chapter 6

  Chapter 7

  Chapter 8

  Chapter 1

  There was a time when her grandmother wouldn’t have even been allowed to enter a building such as this, and she was aware of that whenever she pushed the door of Goldman & Parks Associates. It was a humbling, but encouraging thought that hovered over her daily, forcing her to achieve more than many her age and, just as importantly, her color, had ever accomplished.

  At twenty seven, Kimberley Walsh had gathered more accolades and awards than many of the older associates. Some were friendly, others carried visible chips on their shoulders, but that was not important at this point in time. Making partner at the next available opportunity was the most pressing thing on her priority list and she was keeping tunnel vision until she hit the mark.

  “An opportunity lost can never be regained,” said her granny, and she also held firm to those words of wisdom. She wanted to be ready; to be prepared to step into the higher levels of her career with all the grace of a wise woman’s wisdom.

  Kimberly knew she was being watched because the false smiles of her coworkers seemed wider and more plastic than before. Her work load was suspiciously increasing and more work meant a greater risk of messing up. She rushed to finish, but not wishing to fuel her naysayer’s fire, everything was scoured with a fine tooth comb.

  Suddenly dumped with the cast off cases of those who were constantly pulling rank, she always seemed submerged in work that, yes, increased her billable hours, but was forever steeped in complication. As she worked on the third such case for the week, she sighed and closed her eyes, rubbing her temple, seeking some form of ease.

  The knock on the glass door was unwelcome and before she could grant the intruder entry, solid footsteps clacked across the hardwood floor and only came to an end when they landed on the carpet in front of her desk.

  Cracking her eyes open, she caught a glance of oxblood colored loafers indicating she was in the presence of Mr. Finnegan. He was never the bearer of good news, and the way his left foot posed in front of the chair, she knew it would be particularly bad. Glancing up, she smiled and greeted him, patiently waiting to receive the new boulder she would be carrying.

  “Ms. Walsh… taking a nap are we? Mustn’t do that in times like these. You never know who may be about these hallways and I hear Mr. Parks is especially grumpy these days. We wouldn’t want any of these nosy associates to think you are shirking and get the wrong message would we?”

  By ‘nosy associates’ he meant himself, as he was secretly referred to as the ‘message carrier’ by all who observed his snake like qualities. He was carrying a folder and stuck it out towards Kimberly after dropping his tale on work ethics.

  “I have been told you are the best person for this job.”

  “Have you, Mr. Finnegan? I thought all of us here were equally qualified and worthy of any case in the company’s portfolio.”

  Her smile was sweetly laced with malice and he coiled back after picking up the sarcasm in her voice.

  “I am just the messenger Kimberly; there is no need to attack me. This is an established client of ours, but we don’t have the time to babysit as the Manson case will be going to trial soon. The details are inside and you will meet with the client at his convenience. Everything else you are working on must take a back seat to this one, so get on it… please.”

  He softened his tone as he added the plea and Kimberly stared back, stone cold. Taking it from his hand, she nodded and smiled and he walked backward, issuing his customary parting words, “Don’t screw it up Kimberly.”

  She quite often resisted committing serious bodily harm to many people in this firm because she saw firsthand as a lawyer how horrid the legal system could be, and she just didn’t have the stamina for a prison stay.

  Clearing a space on the cluttered desk, she sighed yet again, and yanked open the folder cover to dig into the pile of shit another rich client had gotten himself into.

  Sometimes rich people could be overbearing, and no matter how much prestige a lawyer had, the elite always tried to keep them under thumb. Lawyers were fixers, protectors, and representatives, but no matter what challenges they overcame, or transgressions they hid on behalf of their clients, they still got the shitty end of the stick and clients never learned their lesson.

  The person in this case was just that; trouble and more trouble. This was the fourth time he was being investigated for fraud and the only thing the law firm wouldn’t have to clean would be his underwear. The situation was a mess and would get messier by the day. As she started to jot down details of her plan of attack, the door pushed again and another invasion began. This time it was Wanda, Mr. Parks’s secretary. She was holding a stack of papers larger than her torso and staggering under their weight.

  As Wanda offloaded them in the client chair, she began to issue edicts and commands in her boss’s stead. Kimberly zoned out, and a switch seemed to flick on in her subconscious.

  The days of this kind of labor are over. There will be no life left in me by the time this firm is done.

  Kimberly tried to listen, but the harder she focused, the more she heard nothing but muffled sound. An internal voice commanded her to stand up and she obeyed. As the voice continued, Wanda stared at her in shock. Kimberly had walked over to her small coffee table and retrieved her coat and purse.

  Nodding in agreement with the secretary’s still inaudible words, she walked toward the door, Wanda snapped.

  “Where exactly do you think you are going Kimberly?”

  “I am going home Wanda and guess what? I won’t be back tomorrow, so tell your boss to shove his workload UP-HIS-ASS!”

  Whistling as she walked to the elevator, Kim paused to say goodbye to the janitor polishing the marble counter in the reception area. Stepping onto the elevators and seeing the doors close was as welcome as a cold drink on a hot summer day. As it descended, she counted backward with the light above the door and when it hit ‘one’, she took off like a sprinter hearing the starting pistol. Thirsty for the deeper, more fulfilling things, she needed to keep running toward the glorious destination labeled; freedom.


  The conversation with his father today was unusual, but Richard knew his father would keep his confidence. Dislike for ‘yes’ people was one of his peeves, but unfortunately when one had money, ‘yes’ people were in abundance. It always amazed him that as ones dollar value increased, so did the fakers who liked to ride coat tails and ass kiss.

  The sun streamed down and the coconut trees swayed in the background as a well retired Robert Damask lounged on the patio of his beach villa in the Bahamas. Imparting s
age advice to his son Robert through the magic of technology, he still marveled at his discovery of Skype. It made him always available to Robert who had been burdened with the task of inheriting his father’s billion dollar company.

  Today though, their conversation was not about the stock market or company profits, it was about one of the oldest mysteries in time; women.

  “Dad, I’m getting lonely and it’s killing me. I am finding it so hard to trust anyone and I certainly refuse to attend any more blind dates set up by John! That woman he arranged for me to meet was so strange and I swear she smelled of garlic. I guess that’s what happens when you go on a date with a gothic chef!” They laughed at the quip and Robert responded.

  “Well son, you just hop on the private jet and come on down here… let me tell you, there are some fine specimens on this island with figures like coke bottles and skin like caramel. I’m having a grand time dipping my fingers in chocolate fudge like you wouldn’t imagine.”

  “Dad, there are some things you don’t share with a son and that was definitely too much information for me. I am still hung up on Barbara and the fact that she has moved on so quickly. I can’t find the motivation to go out and find anyone. The women are like hounds after me, but I’m sure it’s just for the money. No one is genuine anymore.”

  “Richard, the only thing I can tell you is to open your view a little more. Maybe you are looking in the same places all the time and that’s your primary issue. You eat at the Golf club, in there, it’s either the stuck up Barbie princesses whose daddy have spoiled them rotten, or the waitress who will screw you for a quick hundred. Your circles are all the same; the gym, the school for Jasmine… all the same spheres of people, it’s time for a change son.”

  “This conversation is supposed to be helpful dad, not a lecture on what I already know. The challenge is how to change it.”

  “Well my boy, I have no other wisdom to share at this point. Keep trying and the right bed warmer will come along. Speaking of which; I have an important date with some rum punch and a particularly tasty caramel morsel from the casino. We will have to chat later.”


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