A Cruel and Shocking Act: The Secret History of the Kennedy Assassination
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State Department and
Thomas and
USSR and
Walker and
Warren and
Warren asks Hoover, McCone, and RFK to refute
WC internal debates on
WC investigation and
WC report and
Contreras, Oscar
Cooper, John Sherman
Counsel for the Situation (Coleman)
Cox, Archibald
Craig, Walter E.
Cronkite, Walter
Cuba. See also Bay of Pigs invasion; Castro, Fidel; Cuban embassy, Mexico City
Angleton and
CIA and
CIA and FBI suppress investigation of
Coleman interviews Castro near
Cook and
Ford and
LHO and
Mann and
missile crisis
Odio and
RFK and
Ruby and
Rusk and
Russell and
Scott on
WC and
Cuban Direcciön General de Inteligencia (DGI)
Cuban embassy, Mexico City
CIA surveillance of
Contreras and
Duran and
Garro and
LHO and
LHO threat to kill JFK and
Mann on
Scott on
WC staff visit
Curry, Jesse
Dallas coroner
Dallas district attorney
Dallas Morning News
Dallas motorcade
Dallas Police Department
conspiracy theories and
fails to protect JFK
FBI and
fingerprint evidence and
Marina and
LHO address book
LHO arrest and
LHO diary and
LHO interrogation and
Ruby and
WC and
witnesses and
Dallas Times-Herald
David, James R.
Dealey, George
Dealey, Ted
Dealey Plaza
Dean, Patrick
Death of a President, The (Manchester)
Defense Department
de Gaulle, Charles
DeLoach, Cartha “Deke”
Democratic National Convention (1964)
Democratic Party
de Mohrenschildt, George
Detroit Free Press
Dewey, Thomas E.
Diem, Ngo Dinh
Directorio Revolucionario Estudiantil (DRE)
“Does Silence Mean Guilt” (Redlich)
Dolan, Joseph
Dominican Republic
Dorticós, Osvaldo
Doyle, John F.
Drain, Vince
Draznin, Julius
Dulles, Allen
Angleton and
CIA liaison to WC and
CIA-Mafia anti-Castro plot and
initial FBI report and
leaks to media and
Liebeler on
Marina Oswald and
Phillips novel and
Scott and
Warren on
Dulles, John Foster
Duran, Horacio (husband)
Duran, Ruben
Duran, Silvia Tirado de
Angleton and
arrest and interrogation of
CIA conceals LHO link to
CIA LHO chronology and
CIA report to Rusk on
Cobb report on
Contreras on
interviews of 2013 and
Mann on
LHO visa requests and
signed statement of
Phillips on
Slawson and
Thomas and Garro story on
Warren blocks interview of
Duran Navarro, Lidia
Echeverria, Luis
Edgewood Arsenal
Eide, Julia
Einspruch, Burton
Einstein, Albert
Eisenberg, Melvin
Eisenhower, Dwight D.
of 1948
of 1952
of 1960
of 1963
of 1964
of 1968
Eliot, T. S.
Ely, John Hart
Emergency Civil Liberties Committee
Epstein, Edward Jay
Escobedo v. Illinois
Express, L’
Fair Play for Cuba Committee
Fallon, Francis “Frank”
Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI). See also Hoover, J. Edgar; and specific agents and field offices
ability of, to prevent assassination
Angleton and
anti-Communism and
autopsy and
ballistics and crime labs reports and
CIA Mexico City Office and
CIA plot to kill Castro and
CIA’s Whitten and
civil rights movement and
classified files and
collects information on public figures
conceals information from Hosty
conspiracy theorists and
Cuban informants and
Dallas investigation and
Dallas police and
de Mohrenschildt and
desires quick end to investigation
disciplinary action by
Duran and
early investigation of LHO
evidence concealed by
Ford and
Garro story to Thomas and
Griffin and
Hoover exempted from retirement from
Hoover reviews documents sent to WC
Hoover’s concern about WC report on
Hoover’s early discussion of case with LBJ and
initial report by
Kelley as head of
Kelley reviews files on assassination
Lane and
LBJ and
leaks by
LHO as lone assassin and
LHO diary and
LHO escape route and
LHO in New Orleans and
LHO in USSR and
LHO-KGB meeting and
LHO Marine career and
LHO marksmanship and
LHO rumored to be informant for
Liebeler on
Manchester and
Mann and
Marina Oswald and
media charges of cover-up by
Mexico City investigation and
Nosenko and
Odio and
Olney blocked by
Paine investigated by
Pearson and
Redlich investigated by
RFK and
Ruby and
Russell and
Scott and
Secret Service not alerted by
single-bullet theory and
Slawson on Mexico City and
subversives list
Warren court and
WC demands evidence reports from
WC handling of classified documents and
WC relations with
WC report criticizes
WC staff investigated by
WC staff notices omissions by
witnesses not questioned by
Zapruder film and
FBI Cleveland Field Office
FBI Dallas Field Office
Dallas police and
evidence destroyed by
fails to alert Secret Service
Hoover disciplines
LHO investigated by
missing files on Mexico and
not informed about LHO-Kostikov meeting
Odio and
WC report criticizes
FBI Domestic Intelligence Division
FBI Inspections Division
FBI Laboratory
FBI Mexico City Field Office
New Orleans Field Office
FBI San Juan, Puerto Rico Office
FBI Security Index
Feldman, Harold
Ferrie, David
Ferris, Nathan
Finck, Pierre
Fleming, Ian
Ford, Gerald R.
anti-Communists and
background of
classified documents and
conspiracy theories and
Cynthia Thomas and
Dallas trip and
FBI and
first WC meeting and
Hoover and
Lane and
leaks and
WC final report and
Liebeler draft and
Marguerite Oswald and
Marina Oswald and
Nosenko and
Olney opposed by
outside advisers and
Redlich attacked by
Robert Oswald and
Warren and
WC staff and
writes Portrait of the Assassin
Fortas, Abraham “Abe”
Fort Worth Star-Telegram
Foul Foe, The (Scott)
Fowler, Clayton
Frankfurter, Felix
Frazier, Robert
Frazier, W. B.
Freeman, Fulton
Fremont-Smith, Eliot
Gale, James
Gambino family
Gandy, Helen
Garrison, Jim
Garro, Albano
Garro de Paz, Elena
Genovese, Kitty
German, Ella
Giancana, Sam
Gideon’s Trumpet (Lewis)
Gideon v. Wainwright
Goldberg, Alfred
Goldberg, Arthur
Goldwater, Barry
Golitsin, Anatoly
Goodpasture, Anne
Good Shepherd, the (film)
Goodwin, Richard
Government Printing Office
Graham, Katherine
grassy knoll theories
Greer, William
Griffin, Burt
Grover, Wayne
Guerrero, Deva
Guerrero Garro, Francisco
Gulf of Tonkin Resolution
Gurney, Ed
Guthman, Ed
Hall, Loran Eugene
Harlan, John Marshall
Harriman, Averell
Harriman, Marie
Harris, Louis
Helms, Richard
CIA plot to kill Castro and
WC testimony of
Henty, G. A.
Herndon, Bell
Hidell, A. J. (alias of LHO)
Hill, Clint
Hoffa, Jimmy
Holland, Sterling M.
Hoover, J. Edgar
abuses of power and
Angleton and
CIA Mexico City station and
CIA plot to kill Castro and
civil rights leaders and
conceals evidence
Dallas FBI and
Dallas police and
exempted from retirement
FBI failure to alert Secret Service and
fingerprint evidence and
Ford and
Griffin on
Hosty and
initial FBI report and
Jack Anderson and
JFK and
LBJ and
letter on LHO threat to kill JFK
LHO “double” and
lone assassin theory and
Manchester and
Mann’s concerns about Cuban tie and
Marina Oswald and
memo of 1960 on LHO
Nosenko and
Odio and
Olney and
Pearson and
Rankin and
RFK and
Warren and
WC confronts, with FBI omissions
WC relationship with
WC report and
WC security breaches and
WC testimony of
Horne, Lena
Hosty, Dick
Hosty, James
Hotel del Comercio
Hotel Vermont
House Select Committee on Assassinations, see U.S. House of Representatives
Houston Post
Howard, Lawrence
Hubbard, John
Hubert, Leon
Hudkins, Alonzo “Lonnie”
Hughes, Sarah
Humes, James
Humphrey, Hubert
Hunt, H. L.
Idiot, The (Dostoyevsky)
Impeach Earl Warren movement
Inquest (Epstein)
Internal Revenue Service (IRS)
Jackson, Robert
Jacobsen, Jake
Jarman, James
Jarnagin, Carroll
Jenkins, Walter
Jenner, Albert “Bert”
JFK (film)
Johansen, August
John Birch Society
John F. Kennedy Presidential Library
Johnson, Lady Bird
Johnson, Lyndon Baines
actions of, post-assassination
assassination witnessed by
attacks on, in Dallas
Baker and
CIA plot to kill Castro and
Civil Rights Act and
Coleman Cuba mission and
conspiracy theories and
Cuba-LHO rumors and
Dallas police and
elections and
Ford and
Fortas and
Hoover and
Jacqueline Kennedy and
JFK funeral and
LHO Mexico City threat and
Manchester and
Mann and
Pearson and
resources pledged by
RFK and
Rusk and
Russell and
Specter’s questions of
State of the Union address
sworn in as president
Vietnam and
Warren and
WC budget and
WC report and
WC set up by
Johnson, Tom
Jornada, La
Junta Revolucionaria Cubana (JURE)
Justice Department
autopsy photos rays and
Criminal Division
enemies created by
Nosenko and
Office of Legal Counsel
organized crime and
Katzenbach, Nicholas
Keenan, Laurence
Kellerman, Roy
Kelley, Clarence
Kelley, Thomas
Kempton, Murray
Kennedy, Caroline
Kennedy, Edward
Kennedy, Ethel
Kennedy, Jacqueline Bouvier
Air Force One held for
arrives in DC
assassination and
autopsy and
de Mohrenschildt and
JFK funeral and
JFK legacy and
JFK’s clothes and
Lady Bird on
Manchester and
marriage problems of
O’Donnell and
at Parkland Hospital
RFK and
Ruby and
Rusk and
Secret Service and
Specter’s questions for
testimony of
WC staff and
Kennedy, John, Jr.
Kennedy, John Fitzgerald. See also autopsy; conspiracy theories; single-bullet theory; Warren Commission; and specific agencies; individuals; and locations
Addison’s disease and
affairs of
anti-Castro activists and
assassination of, not federal crime
autopsy of
burial of
casket on Air Force One
CIA plots to kill Castro and
clothes of
Cuba and
Dallas new
spaper ads and
Dallas reconstruction of assassination of
Dealey Plaza witnesses and
decision to travel to Dallas
Dulles dismissed by
election of
funeral of
legacy of
Lincoln Bedroom and
Manchester biography of
marriage problems and
motorcade route
O’Donnell’s last conversation with
landmarks named for
at Parkland hospital
presidency of
Rankin and
RFK learns of death of
Rusk and
Secret Service and
Slawson calls for renewed investigation of death of
tracheotomy and
Warren and
wound replicated in army tests
Kennedy, Robert Francis
assassination of
autopsy and
CIA plot to kill Castro and
conspiracy theories and
Cuba and
Dulles and
failures of
FBI and
final statement on report
grief of
Hoffa and
Hoover and
Jacqueline Kennedy and
Justice Department and
LBJ and
Manchester and
Mann and
Pearson and
Senate race of
Specter and
Warren and
WC and
WC report and
WC testimony and
Kennedy, Robert F., Jr.
Kennedy, Theodore
Kennedy Center
Kennedy family
control of narrative
enemies vs.
Manchester and
Warren’s loyalty to
Kesler, John
Khrushchev, Nikita
Kilduff, Malcolm
King, Martin Luther
Kissinger, Henry
Kostikov, Valeriy Vladimirovich
Ku Klux Klan
Lane, Mark
FBI and
Marguerite Oswald and
Markham and
Phillips novel and
Redlich and
Rush to Judgment and
testimony of
Langevin, Paul D. (pseudonym of Phillips)
Laulicht, Murray
Lechuga, Carlos
Lewis, Anthony
Lewis, Fulton, Jr.
Liebeler, Eric
Liebeler, Wesley James “Jim”
Bugliosi and
Epstein and
Odio and
WC draft report and
Life Line
Lincoln, Abraham
Lincoln, Evelyn
lone assassin theory
initial FBI report and
leaks to media and
public response to
questioned in aftermath
Redlich vs. Liebeler and
RFK and
Russell disputes
Warren and
WC internal debate on
WC report on
Lovelady, Billy
Luce, Clare Boothe
Luce, Henry
Mafia (organized crime)
Maheu, Robert
Mahoney, Florence
Malley, James R.
Mañana, El
Manchester, William
Manchester Guardian
Mann, Thomas
immunity request by
Mannlicher-Carcano rifle (assassination weapon)
photos of
Mansfield, Mike
Mao Zedong
Marcello, Carlos
Markham, Helen
Marshall, Burke