A Cruel and Shocking Act: The Secret History of the Kennedy Assassination
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Marshall, Thurgood
Martin, James
Martin, Shirley Harris
Maxwell, Ian (pseudonym of Scott)
McCarthy, Joseph
McCloy, John J.
McCone, John
McCormack,John W.
McHugh, Margaret
McKinley, William
McNamara, Robert
Mexican Dirección Federal de Seguridad (DFS)
Mexican government
Mexican Interior Ministry
Mexican Socialists
Mexico City trip by LHO. See also CIA Mexico City station; Cuban embassy, Mexico City; FBI Mexico City Field Office; and specific agencies and individuals
CIA and
CIA chronology of
CIA’s Phillips and
CIA testimony on
CIA withholds reports on
Cobb and
dates of
Duran and
FBI and
FBI files on CIA surveillance in
Ford and
Hoover on
Hosty testimony on
KGB agent and
LHO costs and
LHO payoff rumors and
LHO post-assassination destination and
LHO threat to kill JFK in
Marina and
recent interviews on
Russell and
Slawson investigates
Thomas and
WC draft on
Midgley, Leslie
Miller, Herbert “Jack”
Moore, Elmer
Moore, Powell
Moore, Walter
Morgan, Edward
Morgenthau, Robert
Mosk, Richard
Mosk, Stanley
Moyers, Bill
Murret, Charles “Dutz”
National Archives
National Enquirer
National Guardian
National Institutes of Health
National Observer
New Orleans
Garrison and
LHO in
Liebeler trip to
New Orleans Times-Picayune
New Republic
New York City Police Department
New Yorker
New York Times
WC report published by
New York Times v. Sullivan
Nixon, Richard M.,
LHO targets
Norman, Harold
Nosenko, Yuri Ivanovich
O’Brien, John J.
Odio, Amador
Odio, Annie
Odio, Silvia
O’Donnell, Kenneth
Office of Strategic Services (OSS)
Olney, Warren
Onassis, Aristotle
Operation Chaos
Operation Mongoose
Operation Solo
Osborne, Lee (alias of LHO)
Oswald, June Lee “Junie”
Oswald, Lee Harvey. See also conspiracy theories; Mexico City trip by LHO; lone-assassin theory; single-bullet theory; and specific individuals encountered and locations visited
accomplice alleged
address book of
alleged doubles and
Angleton and early surveillance of
arrest of, in Dallas
arrest of, in New Orleans
autopsy report on
background of
ballistics and fingerprint evidence on
belongings of, sold to collectors
Brennan’s eyewitness testimony on
brother Robert on
bus transfer and
Castro sympathizers and
CIA and
CIA and, Phillips novel on
CIA conceals information on
as CIA informant, alleged
CIA investigation of, in Mexico
CIA investigation of, in USSR
CIA link investigated
CIA plot to kill Castro and
CIA team on, and liaison with WC
Connally as target of
Contreras and
court-martials of
coworkers on
Cuban affiliations of
Cuban visa application and
Cuba ties rumored
Dallas escape route of
death of Schrand and
de Mohrenschildt and
diary of
difficulty of knowing truth about
double rumored
Duran and
early CIA investigation of
early FBI investigation of
early life of
family dysfunction and
FBI and
FBI Dallas conceals evidence on
FBI fails to notify Secret Service about
FBI framing of, alleged
as FBI informant, alleged
FBI report on CIA Mexico surveillance of
finances of
finds job at book depository
foreign conspiracy and, ruled out by Warren
friends investigated
Garrison on
gonorrhea and
handwritten note to FBI Dallas and
“Historic Diary” of
Hoover memo of 1960 on
Hosty testimony on
KGB and
Lane and
LBJ on conspiracy and
library records of
Liebeler and Jenner investigate
Marina’s relationship with
Marina’s testimony on
Marine Corps career of
Marine Corps discharge and
marksmanship skills and
Marxism and
money and wedding ring left by
mother and brother questioned by Dallas police
motives of
New Orleans and
Nixon and
Nosenko and
Odio and
Paine and
personality of
photos of, for Cuban visa
photos of, with weapon
police lineup and
police reports on
pro-Castro groups and
RFK on
Ruby murder of
Ruby ties to, alleged
Scott and
sexuality of
Soviet embassy in Mexico and
State Department and
suicide attempt by
suitcase of
Thomas memos on
threatens to kill JFK in Mexico City
Tippit shot by
USSR and
Walker shot by
WC investigation of
WC report on
WC staff divisions over
WC staff visits Dallas trail of
WC staff visits Mexico City trail of
weapons bought by
Oswald, Marguerite
Oswald, Marina Nikolaevna Prusakova
Dallas police and
death of LHO and
de Mohrenschildt and
FBI and
Ford and
Lane and
LHO belongings and
LHO gun purchases and
LHO “Historic Diary” and
LHO job and
Liebeler and
Marguerite Oswald and
Martin and
media and
on Nixon as target
Paine and
photos of LHO and
polygraph and
relationship with LHO and
Russell interviews
Walker shooting and
Warren and
WC staff and
WC testimony of
Oswald, Rachel
Oswald, Robert (brother of LHO)
Oswald, Robert (father of LHO)
Paine, Michael
Paine, Ruth
Parkland Memorial Hospital
Paz, Helena
Paz, Octavio
arson, Andrew “Drew”
CIA plot to kill Castro and
Pearson, Luvie
Perry, Malcolm
Philby, Kim
Phillips, David Atlee
Pic, John
Poff, Richard
Pollak, Stuart
Poniatowska, Elena
Portrait of a President (Manchester)
Portrait of the Assassin (Ford and Stiles)
Powers, Dave
President’s Commission on the Assassination of President Kennedy, see Warren Commission
Priestley, J.B.
pro-Castro activists
Profiles in Courage (Kennedy)
Quorum Club
Radziwill, Lee
Rankin, Gertrude
Rankin, Jim
Rankin, J. Lee
appointed general counsel
attacks on report and
autopsy photos and
Ball and
CIA and
Coleman Cuba mission and
Connally and
Dallas police and
Duran and
Epstein and
FBI and
fingerprint evidence and
Ford and
Hoover and
Jacqueline Kennedy and
Lane and
Liebeler and
Manchester and
Marguerite Oswald and
Marina Oswald and
media leaks and
meeting summaries and
Odio and
O’Donnell and
personal papers of
Redlich and
RFK and
Rowley and
Ruby and
Rusk and
Russell and
Secret Service and
Specter and
staff hired by
staff relations and
Warren and
WC report drafting and
work days of
Rankin, Roger
Rankin, Sara
Ray, John
Reader’s Digest
Recuerdos del Porvenir, Los (Garro de Paz)
Redlich, Evelyn
Redlich, Norman
attacks on, as subversive
Epstein and
FBI and
Hoover letters and
Lane and
WC report drafting and
Republican Party
Reston, James
Revill, Jack
Reynolds v. Sims
Richmond Times Herald
right-wing groups
Rivera, Diego
Rivera, Guadalupe
Roberts, Earlene
Roberts, Owen
Rocca, Raymond
Rockefeller, Nelson
Rodriguez, Evaristo
Rogers, William P.
Roosevelt, Franklin D.
Roosevelt, Theodore
Rose, Guy
Roselli, John
Rosen, Alex
Rostow, Eugene
Rostow, Walt
Rovere, Richard
Rowley, James
Ruby, Earl
Ruby, Jack
Cuba and
Dallas police and
Dean on
earlier chance to kill LHO
FBI and
Garrison on
Lane on
LHO shot by
LHO tie to, alleged
mental state of
murder conviction appeal and
organized crime and
polygraph of
right-wing ties and
Specter and testimony of
testimony of
Tippit meeting, alleged
trial of
WC investigation on
WC report and
Running Man, The (film)
Rush to Judgment (Lane)
Rusk, Dean
Russell, Bertrand
Russell, Richard Brevard
Connally and
Dallas trip of
Epstein and
Hoover and
initial FBI report and
LBJ and
Marina Oswald and
Rankin and
Redlich and
Scobey and
Thomas folder on
threat to resign
Warren and
WC files and
WC report and
WC report costs and
Russell, Robert
Salinger, Pierre
Saturday Evening Post
Scelso, John (pseudonym of John Whitten)
Schieffer, Bob
Schlesinger, Arthur M., Jr.
Schrand, Martin
Scobey, Alfredda
Scott, Janet
Scott, Winston “Win”
death of
memoir of
Phillips novel and
retirement of
Thomas and
second gunman theory
Secret Service
autopsy and
CIA and
cover-up and
creation of
Dallas investigation and
drinking by agents and
FBI fails to alert
initial reports by
Jacqueline Kennedy’s testimony on
JFK funeral and
Marguerite Oswald and
Marina Oswald and
news reports on
O’Donnell and
Protective Research Section (PRS)
Specter and
Stern investigates
WC report and
WW testimony and
Zapruder film and
September 11, 2001, attacks
Seymour, William
Shaneyfelt, Lyndal
Shanklin, Gordon
Shark and the Sardines, the (Arévalo)
Shaw, Clay
Sheridan, Walter
Shipley, Carl
Sidey, Hugh
Silverman, Hillel
single-bullet theory
autopsy and
ballistics tests and
Connally and
Epstein on
Jacqueline Kennedy’s testimony and
Specter develops
Warren and
WC internal dispute on
Sirhan, Sirhan
Slawson, David
Angleton and
Arévalo book and
background of
CIA and
Coleman Cuba mission and
conspiracy theories and
Dolan and
Dulles and
Duran and
FBI and
Ford vs. Rusk and
LHO diary and
Liebeler and
Mexico trip and
Odio and
at Office of Legal Counsel
RFK and
staff relations and
WC report drafting and
work days of
Slawson, Kaaren
Smith, Howard K.
Smith & Wesson pistol (Tippit murder weapon)
Socialist Party
Soviet embassy, Mexico City
Soviet Union (USSR). See also KGB
CIA and
de Mohrenschildt and
Duran and
FBI and
LHO and
LHO leaves
LHO letter to Soviet embassy and
Marina and
Nosenko and
Paine and
RFK and
Rusk on
Russell and
WC investigation of
Special Affairs Staff (SAS)
Specter, Arlen
autopsy photos and
background of
Bork and
Connally and
Dallas trips and
Dulles and
FBI and
investigation assignment of
Jacqueline Kennedy and
LHO autopsy and
Manchester and
Marina Oswald and
medical evidence and
O’Donnell and
report drafting and
Ruby and
Secret Service and
single-bullet theory and
staff relations and
transcripts and
Warren and
witness testimony and
Zapruder film and
Specter, Joan
Stalin, Joseph
State Department
Mann and
Thomas and
Steinbeck, John
Stern, Samuel
Stevenson, Adlai
Stiles, John “Jack”
St. Louis Globe-Democrat
Stolley, Richard B.
Stone, Harlan Fiske
Stone, Oliver
Storey, Robert
Stubblefield, Robert
Sullivan, William
Teamsters Union
Texas School Book Depository
LHO job at
shots fired from
WC tours and tests
witnesses at
Texas Theatre
Thomas, Charles William
CIA campaign vs.
Garro approaches
Garro follow-up by
loses State Department job
memo of July 25, 1969
memo of December 10, 1965
memo of December 25, 1965
papers of
pension reinstated
suicide of
Thomas, Cynthia
Thomas, Zelda
Thompson, Edward K.
Thorne, James
Times_of London
Tippit, J. D.
autopsy photos
Lane and
Ruby and
WC report on
Tippit, widow of
Tito, Josip
Tocsin (newsletter)
Tomlinson, Darrell
Tonahill, Joe
Trevor Roper, Hugh
Trotsky, Leon
Trujillo, Rafael
Truly, Roy
Truman, Harry
United Nations
United Press International
U.S. Army
U.S. Congress
U.S. embassy, Mexico City
U.S. House of Representatives
Appropriations Committee
Select Committee on Assassinations
Un-American Activities Committee
U.S. Marine Corps
U.S. Senate
Armed Services Committee
Select Committee to Study Governmental Operations with Respect to Intelligence Activities (Church Committee)
U.S. Supreme Court
Warren retires from
Vietnam War
Wade, Henry
Waldo, Thayer
Walker, Edwin
Walter Reed Army Medical Center
Ward & Paul company
Warren, Dorothy
Warren, Earl
autopsy report and
background of
Belin and
Boggs and
classified documents and
Coleman Cuba mission and
Connally and
conspiracy theories and
Cuba and
Dallas police and
Dallas trip of
deadlines and
death of
Dulles and
Duran interview blocked by
Epstein and
FBI and
first learns of assassination
first statement by, on assassination
Ford and
Garrison and
Goldberg interview of
health problems of
Hoover and
Hosty and