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Love in the Rockies

Page 26

by Thianna D

  “I’m so sorry for everything I did, sir. I’ve learned my lesson. Please don’t punish me anymore.”

  Stepping forward, he handed her a glass of water. “Drink.”

  She accepted the drink and gratefully took several swallows, then gazed up at him pleadingly. He was regarding the four-poster bed with a critical frown.

  Uneasy over what his expression portended, she took another couple of sips before asking, “What are you thinking?”

  “Whether I should tie your wrists to one of these posts to hold you still.”

  Elly surged to her feet. “No!”

  He glanced over at her with a curious look that unsettled her.

  “Arthur used to handcuff me.”

  “I know. I saw the bruises. Remember?”

  She gazed at the bed, then back at him. “Tying my hands together is no better.”

  “I don’t know. I think I have some silk ties lying about. They shouldn’t cut into your flesh the way metal did.”

  “No. Please. I beg you.”

  He regarded her with an arched eyebrow, so she dropped back to her knees.


  “All right. We’ll try it without, but you’ll need to bend over the bed again.”

  She winced, but nodded. “Okay. I can do that.”

  “Good. Drink your water and we’ll finish this.”

  Elly promptly put the glass back to her lips as she stared at her future husband. Did he just play her? Did he threaten to tie her down so she’d willingly drape her body over the bed again in a position she clearly hated? She considered their exchange for a moment and decided he probably had, and she’d totally fallen for it.

  Finishing her water, she handed back the glass. “You tricked me.”

  “Oh? You think so?”

  When she nodded and scowled, he gave her nose a warning tap. “That scowl proves my point. Tell me. Did you feel like scowling at Arthur after he’d punished you?”

  Elly shook her head and considered the differences between the two men again. With Arthur, she was terrified, if not for her life, then for the safety of her body. With Jerry, she knew she was safe, so she gave him lip. Mouthing off never got her very far, and sometimes a bad attitude even increased the severity of her punishment, and yet she spoke her mind without fear of harm. He was right. Despite her throbbing hindquarters, she hadn’t reached her limit. However, she suspected that paddle would quickly take her over and beyond.

  He gave her a nod. “Exactly.” Turning, he walked back to the kitchen. Elly rose and stepped over to examine the highly polished wood engraved with the Corbin’s Bend logo. She frowned. That sucker was going to hurt, and she’d be a blubbering mess before he was done, but she’d be an obedient blubbering mess.

  When he returned, she dropped the paddle back on the bed as if it had bit her, but he remained in the doorway.

  “I can’t have you reaching behind you, Elly. I could seriously injure your hands.”

  She nodded. “I know.”

  “I want to tie your wrists to the posts to protect you, not prevent your escape. The post will offer support, so you can bend away, or lean into it. I’ll keep one arm around your waist as well.”

  She blinked back tears. “I really don’t want to be tied.”

  “I realize that. But I’m afraid what might happen if you aren’t secured.

  She glanced at the bedpost, then back at him. “My heart is pounding and my stomach’s churning just at the thought of being restrained. Is it absolutely necessary?”

  “Yes. I believe it is.”

  Moaning in despair, Elly whispered, “Go ahead and tie me, then.”

  Stepping forward, he kissed her. “Don’t move. I’ll be right back.”

  Elly fought not to cry as she recalled how Arthur’s metal handcuffs had cut into her, leaving swollen, purplish-red bruises on both wrists. When Jerry returned with three feet of one-inch thick gold satin cord, she winced and took a single step back.

  “Old curtain ties,” he explained, motioning her toward the interior post. “Put your hands about it as if you’re holding it.”

  “I don’t think I can,” she whispered, not moving.

  “I refuse to consider the alternative. Now, do as I say before I start adding to the count.”

  Grimacing, she obeyed his instructions, and then watched as he expertly tied her wrists to the tall, wooden spindle. “Did you use to be a boy scout?” she asked with a sniff.

  He glanced over at her. “Why?”

  “You’re awfully good at this for an amateur.”

  Nodding, he finished the knot and stepped back. “Guilty as charged. Okay, let’s get you as comfortable as possible, and yes, I do see the irony in my suggestion.”

  With a huff, she let him position her, starting out at a ninety-degree angle with her butt pressed out.

  He gave her a nod. “Good. Now slowly progress forward to the post.”

  She did as he asked, surprised at how easily her hands slipped along the polished wood as she rose.

  “I expect your palms will grow moist, and they may stick at first, but you should still be able to move if you need to.”

  “You think I will?”

  “I think you’ll want to get away from the paddle, and that’s the only recourse open to you. I’ll be touching you the entire time, so I will follow your movements.”

  He tucked a strand of hair behind her ear. “Elly, I realize this is going to be difficult for you, but I can promise this will be the worst you’ll ever experience from me. This has already been a harsh punishment to my mind, though some HoHs would say I’ve been more than lenient, but neither one of us are into pain for pleasure, so we’ll do whatever meets our needs, not theirs.”

  Nodding, she murmured, “Thank you. I do trust you, Jerry. I don’t want to do this, but I know you won’t hurt me more than the punishment requires.”

  He placed a kiss at her temple. “Good girl. You’re accepting this far better than I ever thought you would.”

  Basking in the glow of his praise, she whispered, “Only because you’ve helped me.”

  Nodding he left her side to fetch the paddle. “Okay, pull back again so you’re bent at the hips.” She inched back until she was positioned the way he wanted. Placing an arm under her chest, he drew her close. “This one is for practice to see how you react and how I’ll need to adjust.” The moment the paddle made contact with her sore rear; bright, sharp needles of pain had her sliding up and clinging to the post with a cry of distress.

  “Ahh. Oh God, it stings.” She stamped her feet to try to ease the burn, but nothing worked. “That thing is diabolical.”

  “I won’t be able to stay as close to you as I want and keep my strikes in their proper zone, so I’m taking a step back, but I’ll keep one hand on you at all times.”

  She whimpered as she realized she would probably be screaming before they were done. This punishment was definitely the worst Jerry ever gave her, and yet his support had been unflinching. He wasn’t offering her any leeway to get out of it, but his encouragement and comfort made the ordeal much easier to bear.

  He gave her hips a tug and she backed up again, resuming her earlier position.

  Then, laying a hand on the small of her back, he brought the paddle down again. Elly screamed and lunged toward the post, hugging it to her as if it could protect her.

  “I’m sorry. I’m sorry. I’m sorry,” she blurted out with a sob. “Please. No more.”

  “Deep breath, Elly.”

  “I can’t. It hurts too much.”

  “Listen to me. I want you to take a deep breath and relax all the muscles in your back.”

  “No. Please don’t make me.” Her face pressed into the dark wood, she sobbed.

  Bending, he placed his lips to her ear. “I know you’re hurting, and you’d like me to stop, but I think we need to see this through to the end, otherwise the punishment will feel unfinished, and you’ll continue to fret about what might have happe
ned if I’d refused to halt the session. Nine more, Elly, and it’s over. You can do this.”

  She shook her head. “I can’t.”

  “You can and you will. For us. Now take a deep breath.”

  Her fingers clutching the post, she drew in a shaky breath.


  She tried again. This one a little deeper.

  “Good.” He skimmed a hand along her upper back. “Relax these muscles.”

  Elly bent her head and shrugged her shoulders to loosen them.

  “Release your stomach. Don’t try to hold it in.”

  She let her abdominal muscles go as well.

  “Now your butt. Unclench it.”

  Tears streaming down her cheeks, she shook her head again.

  He ran a hand over the sore area and she jutted her pelvis into the bed frame to escape the pain. Then, he reached between her legs.

  She instantly jerked away. “What are you doing?”

  He inserted two fingers into her slick folds. “Seeing if I might be able to get you to come.”

  She tried to pull away again, but he was in too deep. “What? Why?”

  He brought the paddle down again and she screamed, barely aware of him moving inside her. However, when her body recognized the foreplay and started to respond she jerked back and glared at him. “This is sick.”

  “No, it’s not. Stop fighting your body’s natural reaction, Elly. Let the pain feed the pleasure.”

  “No. I don’t want to.”

  The paddle fell once again and Elly shrieked as she yanked frantically at her bonds while Jerry’s fingers continued to stroke her toward pleasure. Tears poured down her cheeks. “Stop it! Please don’t do this.”

  “Why not?”

  She turned to face him. “Because I’m afraid I’ll like it.”

  “And what’s wrong with that?”

  “I don’t want to enjoy a punishment.”

  “Oh, I doubt that will happen. You’re not wired that way, but it might make this particular session less traumatic for you.”

  His finger brushed an exceptionally sensitive spot, causing Elly to draw in a sharp breath as a stab of pure desire surged through her. “Ahh.”

  “Good girl. Go with it. Four.”

  “Ohh. No. Please.”

  “Ride it, Elly.”

  She ground her hips against his fingers, seeking more and wanting none. “Nooo.”


  Elly clung to the post. Her body at war.

  “Spread your legs a little more, sweetie.”

  “No. This is wrong.”

  “Elly, who’s in charge right now?”

  She blinked and gaped at him. “You are,” she answered softly.

  “That’s correct. Who decides how you get punished?”

  “You do. But —”

  “No. This isn’t your decision; it’s mine. And, if it’s what I want to do, it can’t be considered wrong. Your job is to receive, mine is to give. You accept; I deliver. Do your job, and stop trying to do mine.”

  Tears slipped down her cheeks, but she gave a nod. “Yes, sir.”

  “Good girl. Six.”

  Elly screamed again while her body struggled to interpret diametrically opposed sensations. Then, as if acting on its own accord, Elly’s bottom thrust out for another.

  “Perfect. Seven.”

  Panting as she wailed, Elly continued to grind her hips against Jerry’s fingers as ecstasy blossomed between her legs against her conscious will.

  “That’s my girl. Eight.”

  “Ahh. Oh, God. I’m so close.” Her bottom thrust out again as her hips gyrated in invitation.

  “Don’t hold back. Nine.”

  “Jerrrrry!” Her entire body tensed for a huge explosion and she didn’t understand any of it.

  “Ten!” His thumb stroking her clit, he commanded, “Come!”

  And Elly obeyed as she screamed and sobbed at the same time while every synapse in her lower half fired over a jumble of signals like a fireworks display. Pulsing pain and pleasure took over as everything grayed out.

  When she came to, Jerry was lying beside her on the bed, stroking, caressing and murmuring.

  “What happened? How did I get here?”

  “You zoned out so I carried you over. How do you feel?”

  “Sore. Drained. Uncertain. Relieved.”

  Jerry kissed her. “I promise any other punishments I ever give you will seem like child’s play in comparison. You have experienced the worst.”

  “And the best of the worst?”

  He chuckled. “Yes. I guess you could say that. I put some arnica gel on your inflamed hindquarters while you were out. It should ease some of the discomfort and minimize any swelling or bruising.

  “Am I marked?”

  “Well, let’s just say if you got lost, anyone looking would be able to tell you came from Corbin’s Bend.”

  “Thanks. Thanks a lot.”

  Grinning, he placed a kiss on her nose. “You’re welcome.”

  Flinging her arms around his neck, Elly sobbed against his chest. “I’m sorry I upset you so much. I do love and trust you.”

  He hugged her close. “I believe you, and I love you, too. And, I can’t wait to legally make you mine tomorrow.”

  * * * * *

  The attendees in the church stood as the doctor smiled down at the nervous bride hanging on to his arm. She was a vision in white ivory, complete with a small veil to cover her face. Every pillar and pew in the building was in bloom, transforming the nave into a winter garden of white with the bridesmaids standing out like spring roses.

  Placing his hand over her gloved one, the bride’s substitute father walked his trembling charge down the aisle where he handed her over to the man she had chosen to live out the rest of her life with. The groom clasped his partner’s small hand in his and gave her fingers a reassuring squeeze. Turning to face the priest, the couple exchanged their vows in clear, emotion-filled, voices, and if the lady stumbled slightly over the word obey, no one noticed.

  Seconds after the clergyman declared the man and woman as husband and wife, the groom lifted his bride’s veil and kissed her in a manner that left no doubt as to his happiness and desire. Ignoring proper church protocol, the gathered congregation cheered with tears of delight. The bride blushed at the commotion, and then whispered something in her husband’s ear. Laughing, he said, “You’re probably right.”

  Faces aglow with smiles and eyes bright with overwhelming bliss, the newest married couple of Corbin’s Bend left to join the reception and receive the warm hugs and heartfelt felicitations from the gathering of friends they considered family.


  Kathryn R. Blake

  Kathryn invites you to enter her world "Where Romance and Fantasy Entwine." She writes about dominant, alpha males who are extremely protective of the women they love. However, part of that protectiveness includes the desire for a certain amount of control. These men do not suffer defiance or disobedience lightly. In fact, those are transgressions they absolutely refuse to tolerate, and will take firm steps to ensure such rashness on the heroine's part never happens again.

  Kathryn's books have nothing to do with abuse, where the protagonist desires to hurt and degrade the female under his charge. These spankings, though painful, are always given with love and a desire to correct undesirable behavior or habits.

  Though not all of Kathryn's books contain spanking, most of them do. However, even in Kathryn's novels where the hero firmly believes in using corporal punishment as a deterrent, he has no desire to cause the heroine injury and takes no delight in hurting the woman of his heart. In fact, sometimes he finds it extremely difficult to follow through on his threats or promises.

  These men aren't infallible, and they do make mistakes, but love and respect will always triumph in the end.

  Visit her website here:

  Visit her blog here:


  Don’t miss these exciting titles by Kathryn R. Blake and Blushing Books!

  A Simple Misunderstanding

  Arrested by Love

  A Dom's Dilemma

  Acting Lessons

  The Perfect Housewife


  Etta Stark

  ©2015 by Blushing Books® and Etta Stark

  All rights reserved.

  No part of the book may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopying, recording, or by any information storage and retrieval system, without permission in writing from the publisher.

  Published by Blushing Books®,

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  ABCD Graphics and Design

  977 Seminole Trail #233

  Charlottesville, VA 22901

  The trademark Blushing Books®

  is registered in the US Patent and Trademark Office.

  Stark, Etta

  The Perfect Housewife

  eBook ISBN: 978-1-62750-697-7

  Cover Design by Anthony Walsh

  This book is intended for adults only. Spanking and other sexual activities represented in this book are fantasies only, intended for adults. Nothing in this book should be interpreted as Blushing Books' or the author's advocating any non-consensual spanking activity or the spanking of minors.

  Chapter One

  “How have we managed to create so much mess in this house already?” asked Logan Barrett, his arms full of random objects he had gathered from the living room. “We only moved in together a month ago.”


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