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Love in the Rockies

Page 27

by Thianna D

  His girlfriend, Kirsty, gave a shrug. “A month is plenty of time to make a mess, if you think about it,” she said. “I reckon if a person put their mind to it, they could create quite bit of mess in an afternoon. Anyway, with two of us living here, there’s bound to be more stuff laying about then when we had our own separate places.”

  “How do you figure that?” asked Logan. “This place is much bigger than either of our previous houses. There’s loads of room to store everything. There shouldn’t be any mess at all.”

  “It’s not really mess,” Kirsty responded. “It’s just a bit of clutter.”

  “It’s mess,” said Logan firmly. “And you know, I might have said that ‘we’ created it, but I am pretty certain most of this junk is yours.”

  He dumped the armful of stuff he had been carrying onto their bed. Kirsty had to admit that at first glance, it did look like mostly her belongings. There were all the pairs of shoes that she tended to leave on the living room floor when she kicked them off at the end of an evening, a couple of sweaters, letters addressed to her, some of her books and a weighted skipping rope she had bought with the intention of getting fit and then only used once.

  Even in the face of the evidence that Logan had just presented to her, Kirsty wasn’t going to take all the blame. “I don’t make all of the mess in this house,” she said, pouting. “You’re just as untidy as me in your own way.”

  Logan quirked an eyebrow at her and folded his arms. A shudder ran through Kirsty as he took on a stern expression. With his well-muscled physique and his handsome slightly lop-sided features, Kirsty didn’t think she would ever get tired of looking at him. He was absolutely gorgeous. Even when he looked like he was just about to give Kirsty a telling off. Oh who am I kidding, thought Kirsty to herself, he’s especially gorgeous when he looks like he’s about to tell me off.

  “How am I just as untidy as you are?” asked Logan. “This is all your stuff.”

  “That’s because you just cram everything into drawers and cupboards. It’s not proper tidying. It’s just ‘out of sight, out of mind’.” Kirsty nipped over to Logan’s side of the bed and pulled open the top drawer in his bedside cabinet. “See what I mean,” she said, pointing to its contents. “This drawer here is apparently your socks, newspapers, and bicycle pump drawer. Very organized.” She opened the second drawer. “And here apparently, we have your t-shirts, CDs and phone charger drawer. Clearly you have a system.”

  Logan looked at her. His expression was still firm but there was a definite smile playing around his mouth. “Why don’t you keep going, Kirsty?” he said. “I know for a fact that the third drawer has got my paddle in it. Maybe that’s what we need right now.”

  Kirsty who had been just about to open the third drawer pulled her hand away as though it had been burnt. She scowled at Logan who was smirking at her. That was a mean trick to play, she thought. He knows how much I hate that paddle.

  Although Logan and Kirsty practiced a Domestic Discipline lifestyle, most of the spankings that Logan gave Kirsty were purely for pleasure. She loved being spanked when he did it with his hand or his belt, but the lexan paddle he kept in his third drawer was a different matter altogether.

  Logan had only ever spanked her with that paddle once. It was a discipline spanking and had been intended to teach Kirsty a lesson she wouldn’t forget. The only implement he had used on her which hurt more was the large official Corbin’s Bend paddle he had applied to her bottom during her formal discipline spanking the year before.

  “Why do I get a spanking just because you’re the one losing the argument?” asked Kirsty.

  “I am not losing this argument. You are talking nonsense,” said Logan. “I might not be perfect but there’s no way I’m as messy as you are. Before we moved in together, my place was always tidy and yours looked like a bomb had hit it. Now we’re living together, and you reckon I make just as much mess as you do?”

  Kirsty shrugged. “I dunno. Maybe your standards have slipped.”

  Logan chuckled. “Right that’s it, young lady. Bend over the bed. I think you definitely do need a spanking after all.”

  Logan spun Kirsty round so she was facing the bed, he swept the pile of junk he had deposited there to one side and pushed Kirsty’s back gently so that she bent face first over the duvet. Kirsty looked back over her shoulder at him. “You’re not really going to use the paddle, are you Logan?” Her voice had a note of panic in it.

  Logan stroked her back. “No. Don’t worry. This isn’t a punishment spanking. I’m just trying to keep you in line.” He flipped up her short skirt and then hooking his thumbs into her panties, pulled them down to her knees.

  Kirsty yelped as the first swat hit her backside. Even when he spanked her in play, Logan always spanked hard. The volley of spanks rained down on her bare backside and Kirsty felt herself heating up as the swift spanking turned her bottom into a furnace, causing a surge of red hot excitement between her legs.

  Logan stopped the spanking abruptly and Kirsty instinctively pushed her bottom back towards him. She wasn’t nearly finished yet. She was ready to take so much more.

  “You know, I wonder if this would be any good for administering a spanking,” she heard Logan say thoughtfully. She craned her head round and saw that he had picked up her skipping rope and was eyeing it thoughtfully.

  “You’re going to spank me with a skipping rope?” Kirsty asked incredulously.

  “Sure, why not? I reckon this could deliver quite a wallop.” He doubled up the long plastic cord and wrapped it around his hand, holding the weighted handles securely.

  Kirsty buried her face in the bedcover and waited for the first blow to connect. The plastic cord whipped across her bare bottom leaving a line of fire in its wake. Logan brought the rope down three more times. Each time, Kirsty gasped as it made stinging contact with her flesh. The pain was so different from that of being spanked by his hand. She honestly couldn’t tell if she liked it or not. She felt poised halfway between happiness and hurt. It felt like it could go either way. The next stroke caused her to yelp in pain. The pain, however, was becoming definitely pleasurable as the stinging pain created a sensuous throbbing between her legs. Logan gave her two more sharp spanks with the skipping rope – each causing a fiery welt on her backside and a red-hot surge throughout her body. When he stopped, she was both wincing in pain and completely and utterly turned on.

  And Logan seemed to understand that exactly. He lay on the bed on his side and pulled her towards him so that she climbed up the bed and lay facing him. He hugged her gently and whispered endearments in her ear. “Hey, there’s a good girl,” he said softly. “You took that beautifully.”

  Kirsty sought his mouth with her own, and they kissed passionately, their arms and legs becoming entangled with one another. Kirsty felt the passion rising in her again and knew that the whipping with skipping rope had done plenty to enflame her passion.

  Her fingers found their way to the zipper on Logan’s pants, which she tugged down. She pushed his pants down his thighs releasing his engorged cock. She ran her hands over his length. She really couldn’t get enough of him, she thought. And judging by how frequently he got hard for her, she was knew that Logan felt the same way about her.

  * * * * *

  Logan loved the feeling of Kirsty’s fingers sliding over his cock. The way she touched him was almost reverential. As though being allowed to handle him was a great honor bestowed on her. Still as delightful as it was to feel her touch, it wasn’t as good as sinking himself deep inside her. And he planned to do that right now. Logan removed his pants entirely and pulled his t-shirt over his head. Grabbing hold of Kirsty’s dress, he tried to yank it over her head but it was too tight to budge.

  “It’s zipped up the back,” giggled Kirsty.

  “Get on your front then so I can unzip you,” said Logan gruffly. Kirsty complied and he undid her quickly. “Now let’s get if off you before I have to rip it off.”

irsty pulled it up over her head and threw the dress across the floor. “You wouldn’t have to do that,” she said. “You didn’t even need to get my dress off me in order to have your wicked way with me. You already got rid of my panties.”

  Logan pushed Kirsty down and then nudged her legs apart with his knees. She was entirely naked apart from a black lacy bra. He’d let her keep that on, he decided. He liked the visual. “I know I didn’t,” he said. “But I love to look at your beautiful body when I fuck you.”

  “Mm. I like looking at yours too,” said Kirsty as Logan sank himself inside her slick wet pussy.

  He pounded into her, enjoying the feel of her strong muscles around his shaft. He particularly loved the fact that she was now on the pill and they had been able to dispense with using condoms whenever they made love. While he wasn’t going to complain about wearing a condom during sex, he had to admit that going bareback made the experience so much more enjoyable. As they moved together in a steady rhythm, he could see that Kirsty was already close to coming. He loved how responsive she was to sex after a spanking. He felt her vagina walls tighten around his cock and she gasped to a climax and pushed into her a few more times until he reached a climax of his own.

  They lay together afterwards – sticky, sweaty and very, very happy.

  “That was a very nice distraction,” said Kirsty. “Where were we?”

  “Tidying up the house,” replied Logan.

  Kirsty made a face. “Oh yeah.”

  “Hey,” said Logan. “It’s your fault we have to do it, you know. You’re the one who insisted we invite guests over to stay. You should have realized it would mean getting the house clean beforehand.”

  “Look, we moved into a bigger house. That gave us a guest bedroom. You have to have guests if you have a guest bedroom. Otherwise you’d have to call it something else.”

  “You were the one that decided that it needed to be a guest bedroom,” said Logan.

  “Well, you were determined to use the other bedroom as your so-called ‘office’,” said Kirsty. “Although now I come to think of it, you’re really just using it to store all your junk in. No wonder, there’s none of your stuff laying around. You’ve commandeered a whole bloody room for it.”

  Logan slapped her ass lightly. “I’m not using it to store ‘junk’,” he said. “It’s got my gym equipment and all our filing and paperwork. It’s your room, too.”

  “Yay,” said Kirsty sarcastically. “Exercise and paperwork. My two favorite things.”

  “Well since you never go in there, you wouldn’t actually know that it’s immaculately tidy in there. And, quite frankly, if you start all that nonsense about me being the messy one in this relationship again, I’m going to have to give you another spanking. Maybe with something that leaves a more lasting impression.”

  Kirsty squeaked and brought her hands behind her to cover her bottom. “Please don’t,” she said. “I really don’t think my backside could take it right at the moment.”

  Logan smiled. He had no intention of dishing out more to his, sometimes infuriating, girlfriend than she could handle. “Just think, if I hadn’t decided to use the third bedroom as an office, you’d have probably decided we need double the number of guests just to make use of the space.”

  “You are okay with Lydia and Scott coming to stay, aren’t you?” asked Kirsty. “I don’t want you to think that I’m forcing you into this.”

  “Of course not. I’m really looking forward to seeing my big sister and her husband. I know it’s only been a few weeks since Christmas but it will be really nice to see them again.”

  “Me too,” said Kirsty. “I’m looking forward to spending more time with Lydia. We got on really well at Christmas.”

  “Yeah you did, amazingly,” agreed Logan.

  “You don’t have to sound quite so surprised about it,” snapped Kirsty. “I’m not that hard to get on with, am I?”

  Logan chuckled. “Whoa, tiger. Calm down there. Of course you’re not. You’re a pussycat. I just think it’s surprising that you and Lydia get on so well. You’re both so different. I can’t believe that you have so much in common.”

  “Yeah, well, different is good. Anyway, we have one thing in common. We both have men in our lives who spank us.”

  “You talked about that?” asked Logan

  “It came up briefly,” replied Kirsty. “Your brother-in-law, Scott, is quite the disciplinarian. You know they have an actual book where he writes the rules that Lydia has to stick to?”

  “No I didn’t. You think we should do that?”

  “Nah. Definitely not.” Kirsty paused as though giving it some thought then continued. “Although maybe if we did, it would stop you whipping my arse just because you felt like it.”

  “Oh, I definitely don’t want to stop doing that,” said Logan, rolling Kirsty over on her front and admiring the seven deep pink lines which stood out vividly on her backside, marking the exact spot where the skipping rope made contact each time. “Your ass is mine to spank whenever I see fit.”

  * * * * *

  Between the two of them, they managed to get the house spotless in time for the arrival of Lydia and Scott. Kirsty knew that it was important to Logan that the house should look good for their visitors. When they had visited Logan’s family at Christmas, Kirsty had been struck by the tidy pin-perfect homes of Logan’s parents and his sisters. Of course, they had time to keep their houses clean, thought Kirsty. Neither Logan’s mother nor his sister Lydia worked outside the home. Keeping their homes in show home condition pretty much was their job. His older sister, Cathy, only worked part time even though her daughter was almost grown up.

  Although Kirsty did have to concede that the fact that she worked long hours at the hairdressing salon wasn’t the real reason why she avoided doing housework as much as possible. She just really hated doing it.

  Logan might prefer it if she’d managed to be a better homemaker but, to his credit, he totally did more than his fair share around the house which didn’t seem to be the way it worked with the rest of his family. When Kirsty had stayed at Logan’s parents’ house for the few days over Christmas, she had been shocked by the way that the men expected the women in the family to wait on them and how their wives seemed to accept this without question. Logan’s dad and brothers in law didn’t even help clear the table after meals let alone offer to wash up. Every domestic chore from setting the table to fixing the meals to cleaning up was taken care of by someone with two X chromosomes.

  As sexist as Kirsty found it all, she really wasn’t in a position to say anything. Logan’s mother and sisters had insisted that as their guest, she wasn’t to lift a finger and although Kirsty made a bit of an effort to help out, she mostly found herself with the men, being waited on hand and foot.

  It did make her wonder how Logan felt about living with her, though, if that was the sort of upbringing he was used to. She certainly didn’t bring him drinks whenever he asked for them or cater to his every whim. In fact, only the previous evening she had refused to shift slightly to pass him the remote control on the grounds that she had just got the sofa cushions exactly in the right position to be comfortable and she didn’t want to risk moving them.

  It was a wonder that he put up with her.

  Chapter Two

  “Hi Kirsty! Hi Logan!” called Kirsty’s boss, Lorelei, when Kirsty turned up for work the next morning.

  Lorelei’s hair salon was a popular, busy little salon situated in Corbin’s Bend. Kirsty loved working there. She loved the quirkiness of the décor which reflected the personality of its owner to a tee. Pictures and souvenirs covered every wall and surface of the place, jostling for position with more conventional hairstyling promotions and products. In a frame near the chair in which Kirsty’s clients usually sat, there was a framed picture of the advert that Chase and Sanborn coffee used in the 1950s. Kirsty loved that picture. “If your husband ever finds out you’re not store testing for fresher coffee…” ran
the text above a large picture of a woman bent over her husband’s lap in the middle of receiving a sound spanking. It was remarkable that a bunch of Mad Men style advertisers had thought that telling women that buying the wrong kind of coffee would result in getting their backsides warmed would be the best way to sell their product. Although she recognized that the advert was more than a little sexist, it was, she always thought, as sexy as hell. She couldn’t help feeling that if more current-day ad campaigns featured spankings, she might pay rather more attention to them than she currently did.

  Lorelei had rushed over to the front of the shop when Kirsty had arrived accompanied by Logan. He liked to walk Kirsty to the salon on the weekends when she had work and he didn’t. It was sweet that even after all the months that they had been together, he was clearly still keen to spend as much time in her company as he could.

  “Guess what arrived this morning?” exclaimed Lorelei.

  “Ooh, let me guess,” said Kirsty with a knowing grin. She knew that Lorelei had been waiting for a particular delivery with the eagerness of a child looking forward to a birthday present.

  Logan turned to leave. “I’ll leave you two ladies to it, then,” he said. “Nice to see you, Lorelei. See you later, Kirsty.”

  “Hang on there, hotshot,” said Lorelei. “I think you might be interested in this. Trust me, it’s not just your run-of-the-mill hairdressing stuff.”

  There was a little brightly-colored sofa by the front door where customers usually sat if they had to wait for their appointments. On it, were stacked several largish brown boxes.

  One of the boxes was already open and Lorelei reached in and pulled out an item which she handed over to Kirsty.

  It was a hairbrush. It was large and wooden with a wide surface area. It had a surprising weight behind it. The back was large and flat and smooth and bore the words “Lorelei’s Hair Salon, Corbin’s Bend” and the web address of the salon.


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