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Page 19

by Carnal, MJ

  “Isn’t this exciting?” Izzy said, pulling on my arm.

  “Captivating and scary as hell,” I responded before turning back to watch “The Heat” enter the cage and mimic Michael’s previous movements.

  “He’s going to kick Tommy’s ass,” Izzy said as she stared at the fighter.

  “I hope so.” I gnawed on my lip as I watched Michael size up the competition.

  He was ready, and chomping at the bit to get his hands on the guy.

  People jumped up and down as the men readied themselves for the fight. I sat there almost breathless and scared for what would unfold before my eyes.

  Both men stood in the middle of the cage, staring each other down. It would be comical if I didn’t understand the brutality that was about to happen.

  I was transfixed as I studied Michael’s every movement.

  The men touched hands before the referee screamed, “Let’s get it on.” Before he moved out of the way quickly.

  Ramirez lunged at Michael and kicked him in the thigh. I could hear the snap of the skin from the impact. I closed my eyes, cringing, before peeking to see what happened next.

  Michael seemed unfazed by the strike, hitting him back with an elbow to the face. Ramirez’ face lurched back before he shook it off and steadied himself. The men moved around the cage exchanging kicks and jabs, and I could feel the lump inside my throat growing larger. I touched my throat, resting my hand there as I stared at Michael.

  Michael looked magnificent as he moved around the cage and kept pace with Ramirez. He backed Ramirez against the fencing, holding him in place, striking him with the meaty part of his palm square in the chin. I grimaced when I saw blood drip from the corner of his mouth.

  Michael wrapped his arms around the man’s lower half and picked him up, tossing him to the mat.

  I stood, my heart hammering in my chest, praying it would end.

  “Hey, lady, you’re blocking my view,” a man behind me yelled.

  I turned around and glared at him before taking my seat. “The Heat” kicked Michael right in the balls. Fuck. Holding himself, Michael backed away, trying to regain his composure.

  I had no idea what that felt like, but shit, it had to hurt.

  Michael came back at Ramirez a moment later, with more anger than I had seen before. Ducking down, he swept his leg across the mat, knocking Ramirez on his ass.

  I gnawed on my lip, but I couldn’t look away. Seeing Michael in action, I knew he was made for this. He was a fighter.

  Snaking his legs around the man, he held him in place. Ramirez beat on Michael’s back, wiggling like a worm, but he couldn’t get out of the hold. Michael slammed his fist into the man’s face, and I watched in horror as it bounced off the mat.

  Blood trickled down his chin as Michael held him in his grip.

  “He’s winning,” Izzy said as she stood, screaming, “Kill ’em Michael!”

  I held my breath and prayed it was over.

  “Ice Man, Ice Man,” the crowd chanted as they rose to their feet.

  Ramirez kicked free, both men jumping to their feet.

  Fuck, it wasn’t over. I exhaled, feeling lightheaded, as Ramirez struck Michael in the ribs. He winced, leaning forward and running his fingers across the spot.

  I shook my head, scared that it could be the end for Michael. He had fractured those ribs months ago. They were vulnerable.

  Michael straightened and bounced, shaking off the pain before spinning and kicking Ramirez right in the face. His head snapped back as blood flew from his mouth before he fell backward onto the mat.

  The crowd stood and began to cheer again as Michael moved around the unconscious Ramirez and yelled something at him.

  I stood, gripping my neck, and waited for it to be over.

  Grabbing Michael’s arm, the referee held it up as Michael pumped his fist in the air with a giant smile on his face.

  “It’s over?” I asked, as I grabbed Izzy’s hand.

  “It is. He won! That guy never stood a chance against him.” She smiled.

  Michael looked like a champion. He was one. I closed my eyes and let out the breath I’d been holding in.

  A small cut had formed on the side of his left eyebrow and blood oozed down his face, but he looked relatively unharmed. His body glistened under the bright lights, showing off each ridge and valley.

  A giant grin crept across Michael’s face as he walked toward us. He looked at his family and then to me as he approached. Wrapping his arm around my waist, he smashed me into his sweaty torso and kissed me.

  I collapsed against his body, exhausted from the nervous tension.

  Pulling away, he stared into my eyes and said, “That wasn’t so bad was it, doc?”

  “I fucking hated every minute of it, Michael.”

  “Liar.” He smirked and turned toward his father.

  The simple statement and the cocky smirk reminded me of the bar where we had officially met each other. Same statement, same smirk, and totally Michael.

  His dad held out his hand and grabbed Michael’s shoulder with the other. “Good job, son.”

  “Thanks, Pop,” Michael said as he pulled his dad toward him, kissing his cheek.

  The tenderness Michael showed his father was a strange juxtaposition to the cruelty he’d displayed in the ring.

  “Couldn’t be prouder.” His dad slapped him on the back and released him.

  Joe and Anthony hugged him as I stayed at his side. Suzy kissed him on the cheek. I watched in awe at the amount of love and support that his family gave him.

  After he hugged his family, he turned to me, pulling me tightly against him. The dampness of his skin soaked through my clothes, but I didn’t care. He was safe and the fight was over.

  “I have to go clean up. You want to come with”—he cocked an eyebrow—“or wait here with my family?”

  I touched the open cut near his eye, causing him to jerk away. “You go get patched up and I’ll sit with them until you’re done.”

  “I’ll be right back, beautiful. You’ll come to the next one, right? I know you secretly loved it.”

  “It’s still barbaric,” I said against his lips.

  “I bet if I touched your panties right now they’re as wet as my skin,” he whispered in my ear, causing me to squeeze my legs together.

  I shook my head and laughed. “You’ll have to take me home to find out, won’t you?” I smirked.

  “You just gave me the perfect reason to make this quick.” He kissed me tenderly and walked away. “I’m keeping them as a souvenir too,” he yelled over his shoulder.

  I collapsed in my seat, exhausted. I couldn’t imagine how he felt.

  Mr. Gallo took the seat next to me and smiled. “How are you doing, my dear?”

  I gave him a small smile. “It’s a lot to take in, but I’m doing okay, considering.”

  “Ah, it’s thrilling and scary. I get it. Seems like yesterday Michael was just a little boy. He was always a scrapper.” He punched the air. “I always had to pull him off his brothers. He was a rough one, a born fighter.”

  “I can’t imagine him as a little boy, but I’m sure he was handful, Mr. Gallo.” I laughed.

  He looked so proud as he sat there staring at the cage. “He was never a small boy, but he’s grown up into a fine young man. Anyway, Michael told me he’s already hired a crew to start the renovations at the clinic. When do you start there full-time?”

  “He has, and I’m so excited. I start next week after my time is over at the hospital. I can’t thank you and your family enough for everything.”

  “You need to thank Michael. It was all his doing. My wife and I always like to help out community organizations. What good is having money if you can’t help those that need it most?” He smiled, genuine and sweet.

  I held his hand. “Thank you, Mr. Gallo. I’ll make you proud.”

  He patted my leg and stood. “I have no doubts, my dear. I’ll be right back,” he said, smiling, and walked away.

  A hand gently touched my shoulder, and I turned expecting to see Michael, but it wasn’t him. I swatted the hand away and stood to escape his reach.

  “Excuse me,” I said, crossing my arms across my chest.

  “Sorry, a pretty lady sitting here all by yourself made me curious.” His eyes moved over my body.

  “Um,” I said as I looked around for someone to rescue me, but no one was looking in my direction. “I’m not here alone.”

  “Oh,” he said as he looked around the arena.

  “I’m here with Michael.”

  “Really?” he asked, scratching his goatee.

  “Really,” I said, tilting my head.

  A hand landed on the man’s shoulder as he turned quickly to come eye to eye with Michael.

  “You bothering my girl, Torrez?” Michael crossed his arms over his chest, giving the man a cold, hard stare.

  “Maybe I was—whatcha gonna do about it, Gallo?” Torrez stood, placing his hands on his hips.

  “Kick your ass like last time.” Michael broke out into laughter.

  Torrez punched him in the shoulder. “I let your sorry ass win that match.”

  “Fucking liar.”

  “Wanna go for another round?”

  “You’re more worthy of my time than the pissant I fought today. Mia, this is ‘The Mauler,’” Michael said, using air quotes and rolling his eyes.

  Now it kind of made sense to me. I had seen him before—he was the guy Michael fought in NYC.

  “Don’t you two hate each other?” I asked.

  “Nah, we went for beers after the match in NYC,” Torrez said as he shook Michael’s hand. “It’s good to see you, man.”

  “Just remember Mia’s mine, Torrez. I’d hate to embarrass you by kicking your ass in public again.” Michael grinned, holding back a laugh.

  “Wait, I don’t think I ever said I was yours,” I said.

  “Possession, remember,” he said as he wrapped his arms around me. “You’re mine.”

  I bit my lip. I was proud to be called his…he was a man with the iron fists and a warm heart. Michael Gallo could call me anything he wanted, as long as he spent his nights in my bed.

  Chapter 26

  Liberating. That was how it felt knowing I didn’t have to work in the ER anymore. I walked in and quit, not wanting to spend another day working there. Michael’s family had found donors and used their own money to have me be the clinic physician on a full-time basis.

  I could finally do what I loved. Help people without the nightmares and sleepless nights.

  Michael spent his mornings working out and then coming into the clinic before heading to Inked. He gave himself wholeheartedly to making the clinic a success. They were officially starting the remodel next week and, Michael would oversee the project first hand.

  Taking a sip of coffee, I looked over the chart for my first patient of the day. Female, unemployed, general check-up—an easy way to start. Grabbing the chart and tucking it under my arm, I walked toward the room. I felt stress free for the first time in a long time.

  Closing the door, I set the chart on the counter and turned toward the exam table. My heart stopped and I froze in my tracks.

  “Hey, Mia,” Tammy sneered.

  “How in the hell did you get in here?” I said loud enough that I hoped someone would hear, especially Michael. Fuck, I really didn’t need her crazy ass here. “What do you want, Tammy?” I asked, glaring at her.

  “I came to make peace with you. I wanted to apologize for my behavior,” she said, hopping off the exam table.

  I held my hand up, stopping her. “It’s in the past, Tammy. Whatever happened is between you and Michael. Leave me out of it.”

  “You two aren’t together, then?” She cocked her eyebrow and grinned.

  “We are together. We’re happy. I think you should go before he finds you here and calls the police.”

  “He’s here?” she asked, and looked at the door with excitement in her eyes.

  Fuck. That wasn’t the response I’d hoped for when I told her that Michael was here. “He’s going to be really pissed if he sees you, Tammy. You better go, for all of our sakes.”

  “Maybe I can apologize to him too.” She smiled.

  Clearly she was still delusional.

  “Tammy, you need to leave,” I spoke louder than before, hoping to draw the attention of Michael or Cammie.

  I was getting pissed. My hands were balled at my side. I never wanted to hit a person as much as I wanted to smack the shit out of her.

  “Not until I can see Michael.” Sitting back down, she crossed her legs with that Snickers bar smile she wore so well.

  “Fine,” I said. Turning my head toward the door and keeping my eyes on her, I yelled, “Michael!” I turned back toward her and we waited, staring at each other.

  The door opened and I heard Michael say, “What’s up?”

  “We have a visitor.” I pointed to Tammy without look at him, and held my hands up.

  “What the fuck are you doing here?” he said, stepping in front of me, cutting off my view.

  “I…I,” she stuttered. “I wanted to see you.”

  “You’ve seen me and you’re violating the restraining order, Tammy. I will have you arrested for coming here.” Every muscle in his body tensed as he stood between us.

  He trusted her less than I did, but then again, he knew her better.

  She slithered off the table and touched his cheek.

  He recoiled, taking a step back, almost knocking me over. “Get out,” he said, pointing at the door.

  “Come on, Michael. We were so good together.” She slid her arm around his neck.

  She was totally insane. Was I invisible to her?

  I bit my lip, trying not to say something to aggravate the situation.

  Peeling her off him, he said through gritted teeth, “Are you shitting me right now with this shit?”

  “No, I’m just stating the truth.” She looked at him with a frown, and hurt in her eyes.

  I’m not an angry person, but this bitch needed to be taught a lesson. Tammy wasn’t and never would be a threat to our happiness, but to throw shit in my face was too much for me to take.

  “You wouldn’t know the truth if it slapped you in the face. Go, Tammy. I don’t hit women, never have and always said I never would, but you’re getting real close to getting knocked on your ass,” Michael said calmly.

  “You know I like it when you’re rough with me, Michael,” she said, moving closer to him with a sly smile. “The harder, the better, like old times.”

  “Okay, I’ve had enough,” I interrupted. I placed myself between her and Michael. He. Was. Mine. If anyone were to knock her on her ass, it would be me.

  “I wasn’t talking to you, whore. I sucked his cock way before you came along. Sloppy seconds aren’t fun, are they?” She smirked.

  “Calm down, Mia,” Michael whispered in my ear, grabbing my arm.

  Motherfucker. My body shook from anger.

  “Yeah, Mia. Know your place. I’m sure you don’t bring him to his knees like I did. You don’t have him smacking your ass as you come on his cock. His body was made for me, and I gave him everything he ever wanted,” she said, stepping closer to me.

  “You need to shut your damn mouth,” I seethed, with clenched hands, wanting to punch her in the face.

  “Ladies,” Michael said, pushing us apart.

  “What’s going on in here?” Cammie asked as she looked in the room.

  “Call the cops, Cammie. Tammy is violating a court order,” Michael replied as he held us apart.

  Tammy stood there with her hands on her hips, like she was proving her point. Did she not hear a word he’d spoken?

  “I’m fine, Michael. You can let me go,” I said.

  Michael nodded, releasing his hold on me.

  On the inside, my belly was burning and my hands were itching to smack her. I judged Michael and called him a barbarian for fighting, but
in this moment, it clicked.

  “You listen like a good bitch, don’t you?” she asked.

  I looked at Michael, and he winced. “He. Is. Mine, Tammy,” I said, separating each word to drive the point home.

  “He may marry a girl like you, but he’ll always come to me for all the dirty things you don’t give him. You’re plain and boring and probably a rotten lay. He’ll always be mine.”

  I closed my eyes, trying to control my rage. My heart pounded feverishly in my chest, my skin grew hot, and I could hear the blood flowing through my ears.

  Michael turned to her, crossing his arms in front of his chest, as he squared his shoulder. “Shut the fuck up, Tammy. Mia’s my girl, not you.”

  “She stole you from me,” Tammy said, sounding wounded.

  “I did not,” I said, stepping around him as he gripped my arm.

  “You fucking did,” she yelled before smacking me in the face.

  Everything else in the room disappeared except her and me. I lunged at her, my palm connecting to her face with a crack. “He’s mine,” I said as I landed a smack with my other hand. My hands throbbed as we tumbled backward, her body slamming against the tile floor.

  “Fuck,” Michael yelled as his strong arms gripped my torso, trying to pull me off, but I had my legs wrapped around her body. “Stop, Mia,” Michael roared, trying to untangle me.

  Blood trickled from her mouth as she lay there crying.

  I blinked. I did this to her. I went apeshit and hit her…twice.

  I released my legs and leaned over her body, resting my weight on my arms. “I’m sorry,” I whispered. “I don’t know what happened.”

  “It’s okay, baby girl,” he said, lifting me up and cradling me in his arms.

  “No, it’s not. I just snapped.” I didn’t know I had that in me. I’d never been pushed to that point in my life.

  “She deserved it, Mia,” he said, kissing my forehead as he walked out of the room, leaving Tammy on the floor in tears.

  “She just wouldn’t shut her damn mouth.” I looked at her face through the open door; bloodied and tear filled. A wave of guilt rolled over me.

  “You hit pretty fucking good for a girl,” Michael said, chuckling.


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