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Page 20

by Carnal, MJ

  “Shut up, before I pop you one too,” I said, reaching for his lips.

  I felt the smirk on his face as he laughed. “My, my, how you’ve changed since that night in the bar. What did you call me? Barbaric?”

  “Yeah, well. She clearly didn’t understand the English language. I didn’t have any other choice, and she hit me first so I’m claiming self-preservation and defense.” He was right, but there was no way in hell I’d admit it.

  “So, I’m yours, if I heard you right?” he asked.

  I sighed and cradled his face in my hands. “Possession, remember?”

  “I could never forget. I love you, Mia.” His eyes grew wide. He was shocked at his own words.

  My heart stopped. I didn’t know how badly I wanted to hear that phrase until it slipped from his lips. My insides warmed and felt gooey. I loved Michael, but I would have never been the first to say it. Tears filled my eyes as I looked at him.

  “Gonna leave me hanging here, doc?”

  I smiled against his mouth. “Just this once…I won’t. I love you too, Michael.”

  He crushed his mouth to mine, and we claimed each other, branding one another with a passionate kiss.


  Two months later

  Mia wrapped her arms around me as I looked around the room, admiring the remodeled clinic. “You did an amazing thing here, Michael,” she said, resting her head on my back, smashing her breasts into me. Damn, she felt good.

  “We, Mia. We did an amazing job.” I rubbed her arm and thought about how much life had changed in three months.

  I couldn’t imagine a day without her. She made me happier than anything else in my life. I quit fighting and trying to climb the ranks. For her, I’d do anything.

  My time was spent between the shop, the clinic, and Mia. There wasn’t time to fight without sacrificing my time with Mia.

  Did I turn into a pussy? Not a bit. I could kick any motherfucker’s ass if given the chance.

  I had a greater purpose in life—one that mattered and made a difference. I loved seeing the sparkle in Mia’s eyes every day. She wasn’t stressed and no longer had nightmares as often as she did before quitting her job. She made a difference to the people in the community, and I felt like I played a role in making her dream become a reality.

  “Is everyone here?” I asked, turning around.

  “If you mean your family, yeah, they’re all here. There’s a big crowd outside waiting for us to cut the ribbon and open up this bad boy.” She laughed. It was infectious.

  “I have something for you first,” I said, reaching for an envelope I’d left on a waiting room chair.

  She grabbed it. Looking up at me she asked, “What is it?” as she tore it open.

  “Read it,” I said, tapping the folded paper.

  She slowly opened the paper; her eyes flickered to me and back to the paper. “Michael,” she said, covering her mouth.

  “I couldn’t think of a better owner than you, Mia.” I brushed the small tear that trickled down her cheek.

  Tears of joy had never made me feel so kickass. Some of the money came from donations and the rest from my family, and I filled the gap personally. We knew that Mia was the perfect person to be the rightful owner of the building, giving her security that the clinic would always be there.

  “I can’t believe this, but how?” she said, her eyes moving across the paper as she gripped it with two hands.

  “Doesn’t matter, Mia. It’s yours now.” I grabbed her chin and kissed her.

  She jumped in my arms, kissing my lips before kissing my face. I laughed, letting her plant soft kisses on my skin.

  “I’m speechless. I don’t know how to repay you for all this,” she said, waving her hands toward the room.

  “I can think of a few ways,” I said, squeezing her ass as I laughed.

  “I’m sure you will.” She rubbed her nose against mine, giggling.

  “Let’s do this, then. No reason to wait any longer.” I released her, letting her body slide down mine until her feet hit the floor.

  “Ready,” she said, wiping her lips and eyes.

  We opened the door, stepping outside to a group of about thirty people, including patients, local media, and my family. Mia’s smile was radiant as she waved to the patients that she recognized in the crowd.

  “This is so exciting,” Ma said, grabbing my face and planting a sloppy kiss on my cheek. “And you, my sweet girl,” she said, turning to Mia, “thank you for allowing me to be a part of this.”

  My ma loved Mia as much as I did.

  Mia’s cheeks flushed. “Thanks, Mrs. G. I couldn’t have done it without you.” Mia hugged my ma, giving her a kiss on the cheek.

  “Come on, ladies. Let’s cut this ribbon and get the party started,” I said, ready to let everyone in to see the amazing work we’d done in the last two months.

  My parents, Mia, and I all stood in front of the red ribbon, with the largest pair of scissors I’d ever seen in my life being held up by Anthony and Izzy. Suzy stood next to Joseph, holding him by the arm as he leaned on his cane. The only person missing was my brother, Thomas.

  Flashes from the crowd blinded me as Mia fidgeted at my side. I squeezed her hand, hoping to calm her.

  My father held his hands up, motioning for quiet. He turned to Mia and nodded.

  “I’d like to thank you all for coming,” she said. “The Gallo family has been kind enough to help give the clinic a new life. They helped raise funds to renovate and bring the facility up to date. We’re proud to offer the community the best medical care possible.” Her voice was strong as she spoke.

  She was meant for this, meant to be in the spotlight.

  “Without their generosity, none of this would be possible. We will have a full-time on-staff doctor, a nurse, and a receptionist, along with the volunteer physicians that will work in the clinic to meet the needs of all patients. Thank you for coming today and making this moment even more special.” With a beaming smile, she looked at me and winked.

  Fuck, I loved her.

  The crowd clapped and cheered as we held up the scissors before cutting the ribbon. Flashes illuminated around us as I grabbed her, kissing her as the people in the crowd cheered louder.

  “Come on, doc. Show the people around,” I said.

  She smiled at me before turning her attention back to the people. “Come on, everybody, I can’t wait to show you all the changes.”

  The people entered the clinic with the same shocked expression. Their mouths hung open; their eyes looked around as they turned their head, taking in every inch.

  Mia showed people round the new exam rooms as I stayed in the waiting room. I watched her walk in and out of the rooms with small groups of people that hung on her every word.

  “Is my baby in love?” my mother asked, standing at my side.

  I jumped, grabbing my chest. “Ma, you about gave me a heart attack.”

  She laughed before resting her head on my bicep. “I see the way you look at her, Michael. You wouldn’t do all this if you weren’t in love with Mia.”

  Heat crept up my chest to my face. “I do love her, Ma.”

  “Well then,” she said, clearing her throat, “someone better give me a damn grandchild already. I know I taught you boys about birth control, but for the love of God, you or Joseph better make it happen, and I mean quick.”

  “I’ve been practicing.” I smirked as I looked down at her beautiful smile.

  “You’ve had enough time for that—you’re getting older. Don’t wait too long, Michael.”

  “Ma, Joe and Suzy have been together longer, and they live together. Put a little pressure on them first, will ya?” I turned, getting a glimpse of Mia before looking back to my mother.

  “Oh, don’t worry about that, I am.” She laughed. “They’re practicing too—plenty, from what I hear from your sister. Is Mia coming to the party at the house after this?”

  My family was filled with gossips. Nothing s
tayed a secret for very long.

  I swear, sometimes my ma used any excuse to have a party. She loved to cook and have everyone over to talk. She hated how quiet the house had become since we moved out. “Yeah, she’s coming. You didn’t invite too many people, did you?”

  “Baby, do I ever invite too many people?” She smiled at me, but it was a bullshit smile.

  Sighing, I said, “Always.” I kissed the top of her head.

  Her body shook against my arm with her silent laughter. “Never you mind that. I’m going to head home and start getting things ready with your father. Gather the troops when everyone is gone and come over. Don’t dilly-dally.” She patted my stomach and walked toward my father. He nodded at her and shook the hand of the man he’d been talking with, before they walked to the door hand in hand.

  “You did real well, Mikey,” Izzy said as she crept up next to me.

  “Does everyone feel the need to sneak up on me today?” I crossed my arms over my chest, but didn’t turn to face her.

  “Cranky ass, aren’t ya? I didn’t sneak up anywhere. If you weren’t so hypnotized by Mia you would’ve heard me.”

  I was that obvious. I thought I hung out and blended in with the crowd, but I guess I didn’t. “Am I staring at her like a creep?”

  Izzy smacked my arm. “Nah, like a lovesick puppy is all.”

  “Great,” I muttered, scrubbing my hands across my face.

  “I’m going to go. I have to make a stop before I head to the party,” Izzy said, and stood on her tiptoes, grabbed my arm, and kissed my cheek.

  “Don’t be long, Izzy. Ma will have a cow.”

  “No worries. I’ll be there in plenty of time.” She winked and waved as I turned my attention back to Mia.

  I shook hands with the people as they left. They thanked me for my family’s generous gift to the clinic. I told them that none of it would be possible without Dr. Greco, and they’d nod and smiled.

  When the crowd thinned, I sat down, resting my head against the wall. I could hear Mia talking in the back as she continued to walk room to room with the few people left. I closed my eyes and listened to her voice.

  Soft, warm lips pressed against mine. As I opened my eyes, I hoped they were Mia’s. “Everyone’s gone. Are you ready?” she asked as she pulled away.

  “Yeah, we better go before Mama Gallo puts out an APB.”

  She giggled, climbing in my lap. “You make her sound so horrible, but your mom is a sweetheart,” she said, resting her forehead against mine.

  “You’ve never seen her other side, Mia. She’s Italian and has a temper. No mild-mannered woman can raise four boys.”

  “I’ll remember that,” she said, caressing my cheek.

  “If we sit here any longer, I’m going to christen the waiting room and maybe one of the exam rooms. How do those stirrup things work again?” I smirked against her lips.

  Mia smacked me, shaking her head. “Oh, no you don’t. Not today, at least.” She jumped off my lap and held her hand out.

  “You’re lucky my ma is waiting, or else I’d say fuck it, and take you right here, right now.” I grabbed her hand.

  “Yeah, just my luck.” She rolled her eyes and giggled.

  To see Mia so happy and full of laughter made everything worth it. The long hours at the clinic and shop, busting my ass to get it done right.

  She completed me.

  Jesus, now I’m quoting Jerry Maguire.

  Dick check. Still there. Whew.

  I may not be a pussy, but although I’d never admit it, I was pussy whipped.

  Mia did that to me, and I couldn’t be fucking happier.

  “All women are crazy,” I said as we walked to my parents’ front door.

  “Let’s qualify crazy.” Mia coughed.

  I called Tammy crazy, but my ma wasn’t. Ma was more excessive than crazy. There wasn’t an open spot in the driveway, or on their block for that matter.

  “What’s wrong?” Mia asked, tilting her head.

  “I told my ma to have a small get-together. There has to be at least fifty people in that house, based on all these cars.”

  “Leave her alone. It makes her happy, right?” Mia asked, rubbing my arm.

  “Yeah,” I said, grabbing her hand and placing a kiss in her palm.

  “Everyone is waiting to see you.”

  “To see us, Mia, not just me.” I pushed open the door and shook my head.

  “Hey,” a few voices sounded as we walked inside.

  I couldn’t see an open space from the foyer, through the great room, and out to the pool. Wall-to-wall people holding drinks filled my parents’ home. I held Mia’s hand as we made our way through the house.

  “Wait,” she said, stopping to grab a photo from a side table near the couch.


  Holding it close to her face, she asked, “Is this you?” She looked at me and back to the photo.

  “Yep, that’s me.” I forgot my mother had the photo sitting out for the world to see.

  “You look so…so…” She swiped her fingers across the glass with a smile.

  “Handsome? Buff? Sexy?” I asked with a grin.

  “I was going to say young, but we can go with your descriptions if you prefer,” she said, and giggled.

  “I was a whole lot of trouble back then,” I said as I grabbed my freshman year wrestling photo.

  Too much of my manhood showed through the tiny maroon singlet, but when I had it on back in the day, I wore it like a proud son of a bitch.

  “You haven’t changed much since then,” she said as I put the photo back exactly where my mother had it.

  “Checking out my cock?” I whispered in her ear.

  “Shh.” She turned, hitting me. “Someone might hear you.”

  “They’re loud and Italian—trust me, they didn’t hear a thing.”

  “I did,” Joe said as he smacked my ass with his cane.

  “Lucky I don’t hit the handicapped, brother.” I gave him a giant bear hug. “Where’s Suzy?” I asked, looking around.

  “Girl talking. It makes me batshit crazy. I love the woman, but being with her twenty-four-seven can be a test to any relationship.” He shook his head and laughed. “Thank God I can walk now and go to the shop for a couple hours.”

  “I haven’t talked to the girls lately. Maybe I’ll go join them and let you two chat.” Mia kissed my cheek.

  “Go ahead, love. I’ll find Ma and let her know we’re here.” I patted her ass and watched her walk away.

  “You got it bad, bro. It’s nice to see I’m not the only one around here being led around by my balls.” Joe slapped me on the back.

  I sighed. This family—I loved them, but they were all a pain in the ass.


  I felt like I weighed two hundred pounds as I grabbed the open spot next to Suzy on the couch. “My God, do they always eat like this?” I asked.

  “Always,” Suzy said with a sigh, leaning back as she rubbed her stomach. “I swear I’ve gained ten pounds since I started hanging out with this family. Everything revolves around food. Doesn’t matter the occasion, food is always on hand.”

  “At least it’s good food,” I said, happy to be off my feet. The couch felt like lying on a cloud of feathers. The soft cotton material would make it hard to stay awake.

  “She’s the best cook ever. I look forward to coming here on Sunday. Don’t get me wrong, Joey is an amazing cook, but nothing beats his mother’s home cooking.”

  “I wish Michael could cook.”

  “Whatcha girls talking about?” Izzy said as she plopped her skinny ass between us.

  “Talking about your brothers,” Suzy said.

  “I have all the dirt, ladies. I can tell you some stories that would make you fall off the couch in a fit of giggles,” Izzy replied.

  “Why isn’t Anthony taken?” I asked.

  “He likes to play the field. Someday a lady will bring him to his knees and have him begging to be hers. Until
then, he prefers the manwhore status. He’s gets a little carried away with his groupies,” Izzy said sarcastically. “Men, total pigs. It’s bullshit that he’s sowing his wild oats and playing the field, and if a girl did that shit she’s easy and a slut.”

  “Sexism will never die,” Suzy replied, patting Izzy on the leg.

  “Not in this damn family—too many cocks for it to be equal. Having you ladies around helps, though. My ma and I have always been outnumbered.”

  She made me feel like I was part of the family. I wanted to fit in and be a member of this tight-knit group. Holidays, including Christmas, had consisted of my parents and me for the last couple of years.

  “If you two bitches have kids, they better have vaginas.” Izzy laughed. “The world isn’t big enough for any more Gallo men.”

  “I don’t think you have to worry about that for a while,” I said quickly.

  “Yeah, not an issue,” Suzy said, sitting up.

  “Suzy, come on. Joey has your ass on your back more than a two-bit whore looking for her next fix. Your ass is going to get knocked up sooner or later.”

  “We’re careful, Izzy.”

  “Whatever. Someone better give my mother a damn grandchild. She’s already crocheting blankets, and she’s going to get desperate and start bothering me if you ladies don’t come through. I’m entirely too young to ruin this body.”

  “Oh, shut the hell up, Izzy,” Suzy said as she slapped Izzy’s hand down.

  “I’m just saying, Suzy. It’s your duty to carry on the Gallo Legacy.”

  “Fucking great. Don’t let Joey hear you say that,” Suzy muttered, closing her eyes and pinching her nose between her fingers.

  A shadow fell over us, and I peered up to see Joe looking at us with curiosity.

  “Let me hear Izzy say what?” Joe asked with a crooked smile.

  Suzy looked up, a giant smile painted on her face. “Nothing, sweetie,” she said without flinching.

  “Babies, Joe. Get on that shit,” Izzy said, smacking his good leg.

  “I’m on that shit all time, aren’t I, sugar?

  Suzy’s cheeks turned pink as she looked at him “There’s always room for improvement,” she said with a smirk.

  I loved this family as much as I loved Michael. They had become my home away from home, with my parents back in Minnesota. Suzy and Izzy were the sisters I never had and always wanted.


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