Book Read Free

The Vegas Random

Page 21

by Ellie Gerrard

  “But you haven’t had sex with Kate which means you can get it annulled. Please tell me now if you’re going to just annul it when I die.” The guilt on Ian’s face gave me the answer I didn’t want. I shook my head and rubbed my face. “Does she know?”

  “I haven’t said a word.”

  “So, you’re going to hit her when she’s vulnerable,” I snapped and then sighed. “Whatever Ian. Seriously, it is your life and if she isn’t who you want or who you can spend your life with then fine. I hope you find a woman that makes you happy.” I glared at him. “End it now and save breaking her heart. I need her head in the game for this.”

  “I need to find out if she is pregnant first.”

  “Pregnancy isn’t a good enough reason to stay married,” I snapped. “I told you that when you got Aria pregnant. Ian, if she isn’t the one, get it annulled, move out of the house, then I’ll know. Don’t be playing happy families for me if you are miserable.”

  None of us heard her come back in. She sat down like nothing had been said, putting coffee on the table. She sighed as she lifted the laptop and put it on her lap. She looked up at us after five minutes of awkward silence.

  She cocked an eyebrow at Ian. “Did you really think I wouldn’t know what you were up to when you didn’t want to have sex with me on our wedding night?”

  Ian looked guilty as sin and bit his lip. “Yes.”

  “You underestimate me.” She smiled at him. “As a friend, I will just keep surprising you.”

  And just like that, she let him off the hook.

  I sat in shock, looking at him and then at her. “You looked me in the eye and told me he was who you wanted. I asked you as both your father and friend. You didn’t lie when you said yes.”

  She patted my knee. “I’m hard to handle and I am damaged. He deserves beautiful. Now, I am…” she launched into work as if she hadn’t just effectively dissolved her marriage and put herself down, saying she wasn’t worthy of my brother.

  She was worthy of me! Hell, I was punching above my weight class with her! She sure as fuck was worthy of being with my little brother.

  I then put my hand over her mouth stopping her from talking.

  She stared at me and waited.

  I was worried about everything I had planned now. What if she didn’t want my company? “Do you want my company? Are you going to make it great?”

  She took my hand away from her mouth. “I am honored that you have trusted me with this. I will make it great, build it and keep to your values. There will be no fighting and I sure as fuck won’t be putting up with the shit the current board has been pulling. Trust me, I’ve got this.”

  I believed her. “You had other things planned, things you wanted. I never asked you what your dreams were.”

  She laughed. “Charlie, you have given me so much. You gave me a Vegas wedding that was so much fun. You gave me the wedding of my dreams. You had me jumping out of a plane and getting head by a woman which is never happening again. I had a threesome and that will never be happening again. I won’t be getting married again. I think three times is enough. And you have given me a dream job. I couldn’t be more grateful because I really didn’t do anything to deserve it.” She touched my face and smiled. “We have work to do. You have brothers you wanted to vent to.”

  “Kate, you aren’t just CEO,” I clarified “When you put your thumb print on that document, I gave it to you. Everything I have is yours the moment I die.”

  She froze and the shock in her eyes and her face spoke for her. “W-what? Why would you do that?” she whispered.


  I was on the couch sitting and ignoring the TV. I was curled up, trying to sort everything out in my own head. Charlie had dropped bombshells left, right and center. I really needed to break it down and comprehend one thing at a time.

  Walking in and finding them talking about me. Ian admitting, he didn’t want to be married and that he planned to annul the marriage which was why he hadn’t had sex with me. And what did I do? I gave him the out. I didn’t fight for him.

  The kids were having such a great time in the new house. They seemed to like each other and got along like best friends. I wanted nothing more than to call my family and ask for advice but I knew what they would say. They had told me that I would get hurt.

  I sensed him before I saw him. His presence made me just tingle all over. I thought that what we had would get us through—but I was wrong.

  Ian touched my hair. “Are you ok?”

  “Just tired,” I said softly.

  He sat down beside me. “How much did you hear?”

  I couldn’t look at him “Enough to know I am not married, I’m here to let Charlie think he set up a happy ending. It’s ok. I should have realized sooner that it was just for show.” I was going to be an adult and talk if he did. He started this conversation and I hoped he wouldn’t be cruel about the fact he was about to end it.

  Ian moved closer. “Are you in love with me?”

  “I don’t know. Falling, I thought. It’s hard to know. I work all day with Charlie. You told me to sleep with him as often as I want because you don’t mind sharing only to find out it’s because the only way you will stay is if I get pregnant.” I sighed. “I don’t want to be in a loveless marriage. I don’t want you to stay with me because your brother got me pregnant. If he has, then that’s on me to deal with. That’s on me for being a slut.”

  “You’re not a slut,” he said firmly and reached for my hand.

  I pulled away.

  He wasn’t having any of it and took my hand firmly. “Kate, you are not a slut.”

  “I knew deep down that it was all an act. I just got caught up in it all.” I yanked my hand from his. “I was a holiday fuck and nothing more.”

  “Now you’re just starting to piss me off,” He growled. “You were not a holiday fuck and you damn well know it. The second our eyes met, we connected.” He reached for my chin and I tried to step away from him. “Oh, no you don’t. I’m here to talk to you. So that’s what we’re going to do.”

  I was on my back under him so fast I didn’t even have enough time to take a breath. He had me pinned, my arms over my head, he held my chin firmly, so I would look up at him. “Now, wife. You are mine.” He growled possessively. “I’m letting you ride out your love for Charlie. When he’s gone and that cloud of grief lifts off the both of us, then I hope that I’ll find that I’m very in love with you and you’re very in love with me. I just don’t think it is fair on you to try and start a relationship.”

  “Ian, we are fucking married! And all I do is slut it up and cheat on you with Charlie.”

  “That’s why I haven’t slept with you. Even though the paperwork is signed, it isn’t official. As far as I am concerned, you aren’t cheating. Even though I would be happy to share you with him because he has never wanted a woman like he has you. That’s why I stepped back. Because as much as he denies it, wants you until death parts you both.”

  I looked up at his beautiful face. The man was impossibly beautiful. I do believe right now, he was trying to save a marriage he didn’t want.

  “Ian, you don’t have to explain. You don’t want me. I get it.”

  “Kate, stop it. You are beautiful. There is obvious chemistry.”

  “How the hell will I be able to trust you if I am pregnant, Ian? You will stay for the children. What about my other two children? What about ME!”

  His eyes blazed. “I’m giving you time to finish it with Charlie. I’m giving you time to get your head around everything he’s throwing at you. I am trying to be your friend. I don’t know anything about you. I don’t know what you do for a living. I don’t know what happened to your husband. I know nothing about who you are!”

  “Then you haven’t paid very much attention because you have been with me the whole time. You said you were ok with crazy!”

  “I am.”

  “The thing is you are saying all this but I know you did it for
him. I know you didn’t marry me because you saw a future. You were in it for two years just like he was in it for the night. My family was right. I am a fucking idiot!” Kate don’t you dare get emotional!

  “Please don’t put yourself down. You’re not an idiot.”

  “Ian, please don’t be nice. I am. I should have just said no. He would have stopped it and you wouldn’t be here trying to pretend to want to work it out.”

  He shook his head. “I am trying to get to know my wife. I’m not pretending to do anything.”

  “Why? When you already set us up to fail? Were you even going to tell me when it got annulled?”

  He growled. “Stop. Enough. I mean it. You want me to fuck you, I will.”

  “I don’t want you to fuck me,” I said quickly, my heart jumping up a notch. “Please don’t.”

  Ian sighed and put his forehead to mine after seeing genuine fear in my eyes. “I am not a rapist, Kate.” He shook his head. “I want to just take it slow and fall in love. I know how fun you are in bed, I know how fucking beautiful you are under your clothes. And I know you have a wonderful, brave heart. But I need to know more.” He lifted his head to look deep into my eyes again. “Right now, you have shut down from me. I deserve it. I said some stupid things. Charlie and I have had a fight because of it. Please understand, you are losing your ex-husband and I am losing my brother. It hurts me too. I am going to need you when he goes.”

  I lowered my head. He was really hurting too.

  He took a breath. “It hurt to fight with him. I don’t want to fight. I want his last days to be happy but me being the shit I am, I keep stirring him up, instead of shutting my fucking mouth.”

  “I will be there for you and the kids when he goes, Ian. I won’t let you be alone. But there’s a very good chance I’m not pregnant. I have to prepare for you to tell me the marriage is over.”

  “Would you know if you were pregnant?” he asked. “How did you find out with the twins?”

  Umm…. “I found out when I learned Chris had an affair around two months before he was killed.”

  He lifted his head. “What?” His eyes blazed into mine.

  “Things got really hairy, I wasn’t there and she was. They fucked, she got pregnant. He died and she didn’t want the babies. So, I adopted them.”

  He stared at me. “You are kidding, those kids aren’t yours?”

  “They are mine,” I said defensively.

  “Yeah, I know but you didn’t give birth to them? Ella looks like you!”

  I smiled. “I didn’t give birth to them. I’ve never been pregnant. We tried but it never happened. I think…the injuries and the rape might have fucked me up so much that I can’t have children.”

  “What rape?” He looked confused then slightly murderous. I tried to look away but he made me look at him. “Tell me, Wife.”

  I took a shaky breath. “It happened around two weeks before Chris was killed. I was drugged and then well, I don’t know anything but waking up in the hospital after surgery to fix the stab wounds and the anal tearing. I lied when I said three men had touched me. The truth is they think there were five men that got me. They only worked that out from the bite marks.”

  Ian touched my face. “Did they catch them?”

  “No. The case is still open.”

  “Won’t be for long, I will get Brian to look into it.”

  “No. Please. Asking my family will have them all put in jail. I don’t remember it. I honestly don’t. So please leave it be. I don’t want to remember it.”

  Ian nodded though he still looked upset. “Ok. Well, if you ever don’t feel safe with me, please say so.”


  Little fucking shit. When we had duked it out after work, he and I had a massive fight. He’d done it to stir me up, he had me going too. He did want her. He was just letting her finish loving me first. But she’d overheard it and given him no fight, let him off the fucking hook with a smile and understanding.

  Richard and Ben had sat watching shaking their heads. Ben though, looked like he was going to hit Ian.

  “She’ll never believe you truly want her if she is pregnant,” I had shouted at him.

  “It will be fine. I will go sort it out with her when I get home.” He had waved his hand. “I said it to stir you up. Not her.”

  “Ian, she meant it. She was hurt and she let you go. She thinks this is going to end in divorce.” Richard shook his head. “I thought you were both getting along.”

  “We barely talk. She spends time with the kids and the animals but she just avoids me. I find her in the office working or patting that bloody Doberman.” Ian had sat down. “The Doberman doesn’t leave her alone.”

  “That’s because it’s her fucking assistance dog,” Ben snapped. “They got it for her when she came back from her last deployment. The dog will leave her be, if she is ok. But if she is freaking out, the dog will stay by her side until she calms.”

  We all looked at Ben.

  “Why does she need an assistance dog?” Ian asked now looking worried.

  “She’s been through hell. She keeps her shit together most of the time but times like now… She needs support and that the dog just seems to get it.”

  It was all my fault. “I should get her settled in the business and step away from her.”

  “If you do that, you’re going to go out with a black eye,” Ben growled. “Let her know you, let her love you and when you go, we will let her grieve. She knows what’s going to happen which is a damn sight more warning she had with her husband. Poor fucker.”

  Ben looked at Ian. “Go talk to her, please. Just go talk to her.”

  “Like you’ve done?” Ian asked. “You know? The sister you didn’t want to know and now do?”

  Ben gave him a look that made me feel a little protective of Ian. Considering how fucking angry I was at the pissant, it was surprising.

  “Ian, go home and talk to your wife,” Ben snarled. “You make it right or I will make it right. Every time you think about sabotaging it, or letting her just call it off, I want you to think about her four brothers that were special services and the amount of pain they can inflict onto you.”

  “Are you threatening me Ben?” Ian smirked.

  “Not at all. I just informed you of the consequences.” Ben looked completely relaxed and glanced at me. “You did tell Brian to beat the shit out of him if he went to divorce her, didn’t you?”

  “I did.” I nodded.

  “Probably shouldn’t have asked men that are trained killers,” Ben answered thoughtfully.

  I think the look on my face said everything as I worried about Ian’s welfare. “I won’t let them kill him. Apparently, it’s Gerrard that dishes out the pain of a broken heart…”

  Ian got up. “I am going to go make up with my wife. See you all later.”

  He left and Richard smiled. “That was really good. He is a bit scared of Gerrard.”

  “He isn’t the one to be worried about.” Ben grinned. “Her ex-husband, now apparently he was a piece of work and he actually had a badass reputation that still gives troops motivation.”

  “What was he?” I asked.

  “Oh, he was a sniper. They called him the Devil of Death. Never missed a shot. Fucking master behind a rifle. Billy was a combat engineer that was in the bomb disposal unit. Gerrard was a medic but umm, don’t get in a fight with him because he will rip you apart and Brian is also a sniper. Carrie is IT and Emma was a nurse.”

  I hadn’t even talked to Kate about any of this. We’d been working to get on top of the business. “What did Kate do?” I asked almost fearing the answer.

  Ben looked very proud. “She started out as a medic and became a sniper.”

  Charlie stared at Ben with wide eyes. “That little woman killed people?”

  “Meh, her kill rate is nothing to be sneezed at, its higher than mine but she saved more people as a medic, so it kind of evens out.”

  I blinked. “How much high

  “Oh, well I would pick a hide and never seemed to get any action…”

  “Ben, how much higher? Yours was 66,” Richard stated.

  Ben now looked like he felt shitty. “Just over a hundred.”


  Richard. “I can’t see her doing it.”

  “I can’t either but hey, the woman yanked that instructor off of you to save your ass, so I’m not completely surprised.”

  “None of that came up in the background check.”

  “It won’t because what you had was Kate Smith.” Ben smiled “She was smart enough to keep her maiden name during her service, even though she was married. Kaitlyn Henderson was a pure badass.”

  I do believe the man was proud of his little sister. I grinned. “Have you started making moves on Tammy yet?”

  He bit his lip and scrunched up his face. “She came over last night.”

  “What!” Richard and I exclaimed.

  He held up his hands. “No, not like that. No. She felt like she was being stalked, so she just turned up and when I opened the door, she threw her arms around me. She was crying and hysterical—I didn’t know what to do, so I kissed her.”

  I cocked my head to the side and glanced at his crotch as he went semi hard. “You kissed her huh? That’s all?”

  “Man, I didn’t know what to do. She started talking sense after I did though and well…she stayed the night.”

  Richard smirked. “In your bed?”

  “No.” He shook his head. “I made her stay in the guestroom. Vince is becoming problematic. The smack to the head didn’t get through to him. I have Brian working out a detail for her. She’s going to stay with me until it’s over. That and if we get a middle of the night call saying you passed…she won’t be alone.” He looked a little pained at saying that. “Sorry. That was blunt.”

  “Hey, she is in good care.” I held up my hands. “I just hope that she’ll be fine when I go.”

  “I want to know why she went to you and didn’t call her big brothers.” Richard narrowed his eyes at Ben who stayed cool. “Something has already happened other than a kiss.”


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