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The Vegas Random

Page 22

by Ellie Gerrard

  “Nothing. I have kissed her once.” Ben shook his head in denial.

  I smiled.

  “I did put her to bed in Vegas because she got really messy. She threw up on herself. Shorty had been feeding her fucking shots. Little bitch. I had to give her a shower, it was that gross.”

  Richard smiled. “You just had to strip her naked and shower her.”

  Ben looked frustrated, got out his phone and brought up a photo of our sister who really was covered in vomit. Richard and I both made faces as he then blurted out, “I know I’m going to cop shit for being in love with your sister but I wasn’t going to let her wake up in that mess.”

  I looked at Richard and then back at Ben who realized what he had said.

  I smiled. He was in love with her. This was good.

  After the meeting and I had eaten and showered, I called Mom and Dad to talk for a while. I just wanted to check in with them before bed. I was surprisingly, still feeling good.

  I was just getting into bed when I got a text from Ian. I smiled when I read it.

  ‘I’m so far in the doghouse it isn’t funny. I have lost her trust and I don’t think there’s anything I could say tonight to make her believe me. We’ve talked a little. Did you know her husband was killed by a land mine? Also, she’s a fucking sniper. Not was, still is! She has more layers than a large roll of silk. She won’t let me kiss her, she wouldn’t let me touch her and did you know some fuckers raped my wife? I’m going to find them and make them fucking pay. I have a lot of work to do to earn her back.’

  I smiled and texted, ‘Threesome at the office?’

  ‘No, I have serious work to do. You go for it. I think you need to show her the club.’

  ‘Taking her there next week.’

  ‘???? Awesome, I’ll come with you, so you can concentrate on that sub that really does need a whipping.’

  ‘I’ve already decided on the cane. I’m off to bed, go cuddle your wife.’


  Friday morning and I met the board. Charlie had made it very clear to me that no one, knew he was sick. I kept my mouth shut.

  But someone had found out. Someone had informed the board and now one man, was asking a lot of questions that made a lot of the other members start asking questions too.

  Charlie sat back in his seat looking at the members “You have all been on the board for a long time. Overpaid for very little work. As you understand, this is a private company. This company is mine and you are here for advice and direction.”

  He looked around them. “But I am shaking up the company. I want it to take a slightly different direction and I feel like you will be holding the company back when it takes its next steps forward.”

  “You’re firing us?” the trouble maker exclaimed indignantly.

  “I am.” Charlie nodded. “And I am retiring, so the new blood can step in.”

  “Look Charles. I’m a little worried about your mental stability. You ran off to Vegas and apparently got married…”

  Where the fuck was he getting his information?

  “Getting married makes me mentally unstable?” Charlie clarified, glaring at the man.

  “No, but getting married to a whore does. We have photos of you with a woman, who you traipsed around Vegas with. The word on the street is she was well paid for her services. Now you are wanting to retire.”

  Charlie leaned forward looking dangerous. “So to clarify, you think I’m mentally unstable because I apparently got married to a whore and want to retire. I just want to make sure I am clear Rod.”

  Rod nodded. “We’re about to file an injunction blocking you, until such time as you can be proven otherwise.”

  I stared at the man. “How are you going to do that when you are fired? As in, effective immediately?”

  “You just shut up and stay out of it. I’m not leaving this job.” Rod pointed at me.

  Game on, cunt.

  I sat back in my chair very relaxed. “Because you like fucking your assistants, male or female or because you’re embezzling?” I asked him then pointed around the table. “You all are. This meeting was just to inform you, all in one place that you have been relieved of your duties before the police take you away.”

  “You can’t fire us! We hold shares!” Rod roared at me, pointing his finger.

  I smiled. “You had shares, yes. But they were only yours while you were employed with the company. None of you hold private stocks. I should know, because I checked.”

  “Which is good because the stocks all went back into Kate’s name. I believe that is 90 percent of the company. With ten to Sam?” Charlie looked over at me.

  I nodded. “It is.”

  The board room exploded with men that thought they had more power than they did. They argued, verbally threatened and abused Charlie and I. Then there were several death threats handed out. That was when I got up and motioned for Charlie to leave the room.

  He got up and as he did, a glass was thrown at his head.

  I managed to stop it from hitting Charlie before getting him out of the room. The police were outside waiting to enter. I motioned for them to take over.

  I walked Charlie to his office and he looked relatively calm.

  He took a seat behind his desk and smiled at me. “Do you think I am mentally unstable?”

  I smiled. “No, I believe out of the two of us, I’m the crazy one.”

  He laughed. “You did well in there.”

  I loved it when his face lit up. I bit at my lip. “You think so?”

  “Absolutely, you were made for this.” He pointed up and down at my button up blouse and jeans. “I don’t approve of your work attire but that is no longer my concern.”

  I grinned. “You’re just shitty I didn’t wear a skirt today. More effort.”

  He laughed. “A pair of tight jeans never stopped me, Kate. And I’m glad you wore them because we aren’t having office sex today, got too much to do.”

  “Spend another week with me here, make sure I’ve got it. I really don’t want to fuck up everything you built.”

  He smiled. “You won’t. You’ll make it great.”

  “You have too much faith in me,” I whispered. “It is too much.”

  He got up and gave me a hug. “You’ll do fine.”

  I put my face on his chest. I took in his scent like I did every time, like it was the last time.

  “When I die, Kate. You’ll make a life with Ian and raise my babies. You will live a long and happy life with my brother and when you think of me every now and then, I hope you will smile.”

  “What about your babies?” I asked looking up at him. Please, let me be pregnant, I prayed silently.

  Charlie smiled and touched my face. “You tell them I was hard man who didn’t believe in love until their beautiful mother brought me to my knees.”


  Saturday night, I went to the club to burn off some stress. Between Kate and her nose for trouble, the company—which would have been brought to its knees by a bunch of greedy fuckheads—wasn’t ruined. It was time for drinking with my friends, saying goodbye, although I would probably come back if I was well enough. I would drop off the face of the planet if I weren’t.

  I was a part owner of the club, this was one thing I didn’t give to Kate. I did split my share between Ian and Richard though. It was lucrative and discreet. I walked in and I wasn’t surprised that the subs all fell at my feet but not in the normal beat me-fuck me way. They fell on their knees in standard sub position, heads bowed, knees spread, hands flat.

  I stopped and looked around.

  The Doms were all standing around the bar, Richard and Ian were standing with them.

  “What happens in the club stays in the club. We know that you probably will be back for a little more fun while you still can, but tonight. Tonight, is your big send off. The subs have been warned to keep your secret now and after. The Doms will too.” Nathan smiled “And I believe that it is also your bachelor night
since you didn’t have one.”

  I grinned. “I swore I would never do it. I found a good girl.”

  Nathan turned went between the Doms and came back with Kate in his arms, bound, gagged and blindfolded. “We know, we have met her. She’s a fiery one. Ian is going to spend a lot of time in the doghouse.”

  I laughed and walked to her then noticed the buds in her ears, all she had was instinct, smell and touch.

  “What’s with the sound deprivation?” I asked.

  “She isn’t a member.” Nathan shrugged as he held her like she weighed nothing,

  Kate mumbled something and then her head started to bop to the music she was listening to.

  He watched her amused. “Pure heart. Brought you to your knees.”

  I touched her cheek and she giggled then gave a very muffled, “Hello Charlie.”

  Ian touched her and it was, “I wouldn’t, you’re still in trouble.”

  Nathan laughed. “Anyone tell you, that you’re a really strong cunt?”

  It really was amazing what you could understand when you gagged a sub after years of experience.

  She went straight over his shoulder and he spanked her.

  At this, Kate laughed hysterically.

  He looked over at Ian. “You need to get your woman out of here, so we can start this party.” He threw her to Ian.

  He put her down, then held her steady and took the gag out of her mouth.

  I kissed the hell out of her.

  She quickly worked out it was me and kissed me back as she melted like chocolate.

  As was tradition in the club that the head Doms kissed the new wife or collared sub. Nathan was always last and he kissed her, she fought him for a moment before she just gave up. She kissed him back and his intention to dominate her, went out the window. He took Kate off Ian without taking his mouth off hers and held her tenderly.

  I looked at Ian who watched with a cocked eyebrow.

  “Nathan, mine,” Ian snarled softly.

  Nathan broke the kiss and stared at her. He was breathless. He was also dangerously close to fucking her senseless. Her chest heaving for oxygen. He looked at me. “Ok, I get it. I so want to fuck her. Ian, you need to get her home.”

  “I’m staying, Joe is waiting for her.” Ian got a hold of his wife who was a little legless from being kissed.

  “Ian?” He kissed her gently and she smiled. “Nathan better have enjoyed that because he’s never going to kiss me again. Where is Charlie?”

  “Aw man, I even like how she says your names,” Nathan muttered softly at her sweet Aussie accent.

  I chuckled. “Careful, you might want to try vanilla.”

  He gave me a nod, realized what he did, then gave me an evil look.

  I just laughed at him then I touched her.

  She turned her head to me. “Have fun. Lots and LOTS of fun. Enjoy your buck’s night. I’m going home now. Ian can join in. I don’t mind. He has a free pass.”

  I kissed her and removed a bud from her ear for just a moment so I could whisper, “You are the fucking jackpot.”

  She smiled brightly.

  Nathan looked away.

  I kissed her chastely and Ian picked her up like the bride she was.

  “Have fun you dirty fuckers,” she said loudly.

  Ian carried her out.

  I patted Nathan on the shoulder. “She is different.”

  He nodded. “How come you didn’t tell us?”

  “She kind of just happened and well, the rest… I needed to sort out my family first.”

  “With any luck, Charlie got her pregnant,” Richard added.

  Nathan looked at me astonished. “You went raw with her?”

  I nodded

  “You have never gone raw with anyone! Is she pregnant?”

  I shrugged then smiled at his excitement. “I don’t know. In Vegas, she told me she was, just so she could hear the words.”

  Nathan looked back at the door where Ian had taken her. “She got to you, didn’t she?” He nodded absently. “Yeah, don’t you worry. She just made some very powerful friends and doesn’t even know it. We will make sure she succeeds.”

  I smiled and clapped my hands together then looked at the patiently waiting subs. “Ok, so what are we going do with all these wonderfully behaved subs?” I walked to a little woman who reminded me a little of Kate in body shape. I stood in front of her. “Look up at me,” I commanded softly and she lifted her eyes, they were brown. “What should we do to you?”

  “It is your bachelor night, Sir. Anything you like, Sir.” She smiled.

  I held out my hand to her. “I feel like whipping some nipples. Go get my black and red whip.”

  She took my hand and I pulled her to her feet. She scampered off.

  Kate had a nicer ass. I looked over at Nathan. “So are we going to play some games?”

  Nathan glanced at Richard and both smiled. That began the best night at the club I’d ever had.

  Now, this was a buck’s night as Kate had called it.


  I’d spent most of the weekend with the kids and animals. My family had come over and we’d spent a lot of time going over the past two weeks, debriefing. I waited to talk to Ian about Friday night. It had been very weird how they cut off my senses and then kissed me like that.

  I wanted to know if Ian touched another woman. I figured he had a regular sub he would see and he would be able to stop it on a good note. It was fair, considering I was sleeping with his older brother on almost a daily basis.

  I lay out on the grass with the family that had kept me sane for the last ten years.

  The animals were lounging around. The kids were running around playing. Ian was out and about with Charlie and Richard.

  “So, what exactly are they doing?” Gerrard asked.

  “Golf.” I smiled. “Apparently, they try to play once a month.”

  “You wouldn’t even know Charlie was sick,” Carrie stated looking at me. “Is he on a lot of pain relief?”

  I shrugged. “I think he might have been in Vegas but I’m not sure since he got home. He flits around doing what feels like he needs to. He officially retired on Friday. He has his retirement party tonight.”

  “We didn’t get an invite.” Billy smirked. “Maybe he doesn’t want the riff raff at the high end do.” He mimicked someone hoity-toity with his pinky in the air.

  I laughed. “I’m not even going.”

  Brian stared at me. “The new CEO isn’t going to the old CEO’s retirement party? Shorty, you gotta go. He will have contacts he likes and ones he doesn’t and you should be on Ian’s arm.”

  “He has already given me a list of his contacts. We’ve covered a lot in the last week.”

  “So, you have your head around it then?” Emma asked.

  I smiled and shook my head. “Not by a long shot but he’s confident. I think he is insane, leaving it in my hands though.”

  “I think it’s a smart move.” Gerrard nodded his head.

  I cocked my head to the side and waited for him to elaborate. “The man obviously sees you for you. A lot smarter than your old life gave you credit for.”

  I shook my head. “You’re all just as smart.”

  “I’m not saying we aren’t.” Gerrard relaxed while linking his fingers behind the back of his head and gazing up at the sky. “But watching you with Ben, you naturally have some of your father’s traits. You were born an aristocrat.”

  I laughed. “Aristocrat! What the fuck!” I lay looking at the sky too. “I’m sure my birth father was a lovely man. But I’m the daughter of an Australian SAS sniper and a cop. I wasn’t born to be stuck in an ivory tower.”

  “Oh, don’t you worry, we won’t let you get fat,” Brian reasoned. “We’ll need to work out how we’re going to keep you on the response team. I’m not losing you as a sniper. Because this isn’t going to be a small job that you’re taking on. More so when he dies. I think it’s going to hit you harder than you let on. I
know you’re falling in love with Ian more every day but you are falling for Charlie too.”

  “I don’t want to talk about it,” I snapped. “He still has a couple weeks.”

  “He told me he could go anytime,” Billy said.

  I bit my lip. “That’s what he told me too. It is just a little hard to believe when he’s running around like he is perfectly fine.” Certainly, fucks like he is. “I know he will go, he tells me constantly. He tells me not to cry or to be sad. I don’t know how he could even think that I wouldn’t be.” I teared up. “I’ve only known him what two and a half weeks? It isn’t going to hurt as much as Chris.”

  “No, but it is going to hurt,” Gerrard said looking at me with a concerned gaze. “I think it will hurt more than you’re willing to admit to yourself.”

  “I know it will hurt Gerrard. I try and prepare myself for it every morning I wake up.”

  “You can put yourself into tactical work mode all you like Shorty, but loving a brother is different than loving your husband and you know it,” Brian said gently. “He might not be legally your husband now but in your heart, you’re married to two men.”

  “And you’re holding the one you are married to at arm’s length,” Emma added.

  I wanted to punch them all for having this conversation with me. I didn’t want to have it. But I knew they were only looking after me. Chris’s death had shocked me. It had wrecked me. I hadn’t taken it well at all. I barely functioned as a human.

  But it was only a week before he died that I’d gotten abducted, beaten and raped before being found on the side of the road unconscious and covered in my own blood. It’d been the kids that had finally pulled me out of that rut and saved me.

  It was different this time. I knew it was coming. I was healthy and I could prepare, get my head around it. I could plan how I was going to handle the few weeks after his death and how I would support Ian and the kids.

  “You do know we’re going to be with you the whole way, don’t you? You aren’t on your own.” Emma took my hand.


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