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Bringing Home Danny

Page 24

by M. A. Blisher

  “ Remember, he's not like the other two. Ricky requires a softer touch. You can't push him if he's not ready.”

  “ You have my word. I'll make sure not to – what did your mother call it? To be a 'shack bully'?”

  Antonio chuckled at the memory of his mother's last visit. “Wait 'til she meets Ricky. She is sure to adore him.”

  Mitch began to rub his lover's shoulders. “Your mother is like you, she adores everybody.”

  “ Not everybody. I can think of a few people I'd like to rid this world of.”

  “ Don't go wasting your energy on the likes of Brendan.”

  “ It's not only Brendan. I hate to imagine the sort of things that people have done to Danny to cause him to be holding so much anger.”

  Antonio arched his back and exhaled a long “ahhh.”

  Mitch lifted Antonio's shirt off, and dug his fingers deep into a large knot he was developing between his shoulder blades. He worked his way down to loosen more of Antonio’s tight muscles. “You know he's got a temper. Anyhow, I n ever thought much of that caseworker in the first place.”

  “ A little to the left, oh, yeah...that’s it…. Yes, he has a temper, but he's like a tornado. Once it runs its course, he's calm again. He's not one to hold grudges. It makes me think that something unforgivable must have happened.”

  “ Antonio, we've been down that route many times. You know it is not going to do any of us any good to wallow in things we can't change. Don't forget, he's safe now, from everyone but himself.”

  “ You must think I’m turning into my mama.”

  “ I don’t think that at all. I think it’s rather sexy the way you go out of your way to protect vulnerable young men."

  “ Do you now?”

  “ Are you doubting me?”

  “ Would I ever? You have all my faith and trust.”

  “ All of it?”

  “ You've stolen my heart and soul, as well.”

  “ Rrrr…” Mitch pushed Antonio to his back and bent over him. “What about giving me your body, then?”

  “ Keep massaging me like you’ve been, and I’ll be putty in your hands.”

  “ Hmm, I was hoping for something a little harder.”

  Both men rapidly undressed. Once the clothes were flung to the floor, Antonio grabbed ahold of Mitch, rolling them both on their sides. He wrapped one long leg over Mitch’s hip and clenched his calf against his lover’s muscular ass. Antonio was all leg, long and lean like a racehorse, with a high supple backside.

  Mitch, in contrast, was built more like an ox. He was all torso. A wide chest and broad shoulders accentuated his ripped abdominal muscles. He nibbled Antonio’s ear, breathing heavy against his neck, which caused spasms of quivers to ripple through his body. Antonio grunted with lustful desire. The smell of musky testosterone filled the air. Each man’s own sexual drive dueling the other for dominance. Neither of them natural in the submissive role, they swapped hard biting kisses, vying for control.

  Between grabbing and thrusting, the sweaty lovers began to give in, not exactly submitting, but yielding, just enough to share in the conquest. They began rubbing their throbbing member against the other's, each cock impressive in its own right. Antonio’s slightly longer. Mitch’s slightly thicker. In a pre-orgasmic state, their hands gripped savagely to the other's buttocks, thrusting harder. They were on the verge of completion when the door swung open.

  “ Can I go out?”

  The men stopped abruptly, hastily trying to cover themselves. “NO!” they shouted simultaneously.

  Horrified to see what he was interrupting, Danny turned a deep shade of red, and ran out of the room.


  Danny slammed his bedroom door shut, threw himself to his bed, and buried himself under his blanket. It angered him to be told no without even an explanation. When will they stop treating like a little kid? To make matters worse, he felt like a stupid toddler walking in on Mitch and Antonio. Why didn't I think to knock?

  All the more frustrating was his body’s involuntary reaction to witnessing his caregivers having sex. Danny moaned quietly while he unzipped his pants and slipped his hand down his underpants. It wasn't the first time he had fantasized about the men of the house. Needing release fast, he quickly wiggled out his clothes. Finally free of constraints, he engaged in his own one-handed personal gratification.


  The following afternoon, Danny was wandering through the house with restless energy. It was the kind of day where he wanted to do something, yet nothing seemed appealing. He walked by TJ and Ricky having what appeared to be a serious conversation. Since Ricky moved in, he and TJ had become rather close. Danny was often seeing them paired off together.

  Fighting the inclination to eavesdrop, he drummed up the courage to ask, “What are you guys doing?”

  “ We were just talking.”

  Danny stopped himself from giving the tiresome adolescent phrase, 'duh' to TJ. “About what?” he asked instead.

  “ Nothing much,” TJ said casually.

  Then why did you stop talking as soon as I walked by, Danny thought resentfully. He lifted his eyebrows and tilted his head to indicate that he expected more of a response.

  “ We're thinking about going out. It’s been a while since Ricky's been out at night, and I thought I'd go with him for company.”

  “ Can I go?”

  Danny immediately regretted how eager he sounded after seeing their patronizing frowns.

  “ Not this time, sport. Ricky and I are thinking about going clubbing.”

  What? So, now I'm a sport? Danny wished he never asked .

  “ We could catch a movie sometime. I can’t remember the last time I’ve been to the theater,” Ricky offered.

  “ Sure, whatever,” Danny grumbled.

  “ We could all go out to eat first," TJ proposed. "I'll ask Antonio and Mitch if they're free for dinner."

  “ I don't like going out to eat with them. They make me order off the kid's menu.”

  “ Oh, they do not. Come on, anything is better than eating Antonio's leftover tuna casserole.”

  “ No thanks, I'm not hungry.”

  TJ shrugged knowing it was useless to push Danny once he was in one of his moods.

  “ I liked Antonio's casserole. I don't mind eating it again.”

  Danny rolled his eyes at Ricky, ignoring his attempt to be nice. “You would,” he said under his breath. Ricky thinks everything Antonio does is great , Danny thought spitefully. “Help yourself. I didn't like it the first time around. If I get hungry I'll eat the leftover pizza that's in the fridge.” Danny walked away without waiting to hear their response.

  It figures, he said to himself on the way to his room. Ricky was my friend first . Now everyone else was spending more time with him, and Danny felt pushed aside.

  "Dammit!" Danny slammed his bedroom door and threw himself on his bed embarrassed by his childish thoughts. These men belonged to me first!


  TJ was thrilled to be going out with Ricky. Antonio and Mitch were no longer into the club scene, and he couldn't wait to get dressed for a night on the town. He helped Ricky pick out clothes for the occasion.

  “ Don't you own anything that's not dress casual?” TJ tossed the khakis and lightweight sweater Ricky was planning to wear on the bed.

  “ Sorry, I guess my wardrobe is boring.”

  “ No problem, I'll help you put something to together." TJ picked out a faded pair of jeans, and loaned Ricky a fitted shirt and a thick black belt. By the time they were done
primping they were both stylish and incredibly hot.

  “ Where are you two sexy boys heading?” Antonio asked from the dinner table.

  “ Out,” TJ said, pleased at the reaction.

  “ What'd you do to his hair? It looks stupid.” Danny groused. He was slouched at the table with his arms crossed, sitting behind a plate of Antonio's reheated tuna casserole.

  “ You think so?” Ricky asked. He self-consciously ran a hand through his hair that TJ gelled and teased, making it even sexier.

  “ Don't listen to him, sweetheart, you look very handsome,” Antonio reassured.

  Danny made a face. Apparently he calls everybody sweetheart now.

  “ Don't be out too late. Ricky is still recuperating. And make sure you leave your phones on,” Mitch warned.


  Ricky and TJ got a lot of stares, if not a lot of offers. They seemed too much like a couple, and out of most people's leagues.

  “ What are you seeking in a man?” TJ asked, after ordering their drinks.

  “ I haven't really thought about it. Someone who doesn't take pleasure in causing me pain would be a good start, I guess.”

  “ Don't let that asshole ruin it for you. There are plenty of nice guys out there who'd kill to have a chance at you.”

  “ You think so?”

  “ I know so. You got it all going on, baby. You're hot, smart, talented, and a hell of a swell guy.”

  Ricky smiled at TJ's goofy, outdated expression. “Thanks, TJ. Coming from you that means a lot.”

  “ It should. I don't throw out compliments just to be nice. I say what I mean.”

  “ Too bad you're not available,” Ricky said, half jokingly.

  “ It's a good thing for you I'm not, or I'd be all over you,” TJ said, with a flirtatious wink.

  “ You're really lucky to have Antonio and Mitch. They're great guys, and have helped me out immensely. I'll always be indebted to them.”

  “ Yeah, they have great ass ets,” TJ said, with a mischievous grin.

  Ricky grinned back.

  "No, I'm not kidding. Have you checked them out?"

  "I must admit, I have noticed."

  "They are all muscle - hard as boulders. You can punch them and they won't move."

  Ricky chuckled. "I don't think I'll be giving that a try."

  "Can't say as I blame you - especially with Mitch. He doesn't put up with much fooling around. I once tried to get his attention by jumping on him while he was reading the sports page. He trapped me between his legs, scissoring me 'til he finished the entire paper!"

  Ricky was holding his side from laughing so hard at the image TJ produced in his head. "You have to stop, my ribs are still sore!"

  "Sorry," TJ said, taking on a more serious tone. "The truth is, they are great guys. I can always count on them to take care of things, to take care of me. They've been great about Danny, too. I couldn't ask for anything better."

  “ All of you guys have been wonderful to me. I've never felt so safe and protected. I can't imagine dating someone new, and not be constantly comparing him to all of you. It's hard to think anyone could measure up. Anyways, I don't think I'll be dating for some time.”

  “ Well, if you wait around, Danny will be old enough to start dating soon.”

  Ricky laughed softly. “Maybe I'll do that. He really is a cute kid."

  "He's more than cute. He's actually pretty cool, once you get to know him. When he is not being shy or caustic, he can be very witty. He's extremely sensitive, though. He's not had an easy life. I hope when he starts to date, that he can meet someone like you."

  "That's kind of you to say. I'd actually consider it, if I thought he'd be interested. He's been a little prickly around me. I don't think he likes me too much anymore.”

  “ Don't take it personally. He's been sulking for the past year. He takes teenage moodiness to the highest level. Whoever he starts dating is going to have to have a strong backbone to put up with his temperament, and three overly protective guardians.”

  “ He's lucky to have all of you.”

  “ We like having him around.”

  Ricky was quiet for a moment, and then commented wistfully, “It's nice, you know, at your place. I'm going to miss everyone when I leave.”

  “ I thought we were going out to cheer you up and get your mind off your troubles. Come on, let's dance,” TJ said, grabbing his hand.

  Ricky was rather shy on the dance floor, and TJ stayed close trying to encourage him to loosen up. It wasn't until he noticed other men starting to crowd by that he took Ricky by the wrist, and pulled him into an embrace. The music changed to something softer, and they began to slow dance. Ricky relaxed in TJ's arms, grateful not to have to deal with the overtures of gyrating strangers.

  “ You're a good dancer when you're not so tense. You have good rhythm.”

  “ I should, I've been studying music my whole life,” Ricky said humbly.

  TJ smiled, took his hand, and spun him around. Ricky laughed out loud, and TJ couldn't help but bend him back for a deep dip. When he scooped him back up, Ricky threw his arms around TJ's neck to catch his breath.

  "Sorry, I got carried away. I hope I didn't hurt your ribs."

  Ricky's bright smile lit up his face. "No, I feel great. Best I've felt in a long time."

  TJ drew Ricky close against his body and held him tight. His erection reached out and made contact with Ricky's - his body responding before his mind had time to react. TJ gently caressed Ricky's face with the back of his hand. He knew he needed to stop himself if he didn't want to do something he would regret. “What do you say we go get a drink?” he asked breathlessly.


  As everyone made extra efforts to help Ricky build back his self-esteem, Danny began pushing limits a little at a time. He started by coming in ten minutes late, and then by leaving and asking permission later, to finally outright lying about his where he's been. On the last day of school, Danny chose not to mention that classes were being let out early. He rode his bike to the city university so he did not have count on TJ for a ride home. After class, he went to a common area to meet up with some of his classmates.

  “ Are you waiting here for your big brother?” a tall redheaded girl asked him.

  “ Who?”

  “ That gorgeous blond I keep seeing you with.” She had been waiting for an opportunity to meet him.

  “ No. I go to school here,” Danny said defensively.

  “ How old are you?”

  “ Why? How old do you think I am?” Danny hated that people always seemed to be asking him that question.

  “ Um, fifteen?”

  “ Man, I'm sorry I asked.”

  “ Why? How old are you?”

  “ I'll be eighteen in November.”

  “ So you're only seventeen,” she said, as if that proved her point.

  “ So? How old are you?”

  “ Nineteen.”

  “ That's not much older.”

  “ I guess not. You're cute," she said, twirling her hair. "We're having a party at my sorority house. Do you want to come?”

  Danny blushed, but quickly recovered. “When is it?”

  “ It's getting started now.”

  “ I'll think about it.”

  “ Why? Do you have to ask permission?”

  “ No. I'm kinda busy,” Danny bristled, annoyed that her assumption was right.

  “ With what? School is practically out,” she persisted.

  Sheila wasn't exactly his type. It didn't matter; s
he was pretty enough, and it had been a while since he had sex with someone. He thought about approaching Ethan, the only openly gay guy at school he knew. He just couldn't bring himself to do it. Danny left a message at home saying he was going for a long ride on his bike after school, and then turned off his phone. He would forget about the men he lived with for the time being, and concentrate instead on being an adolescent with unmet needs.

  Danny followed Sheila to the sorority house, and began to make out with her as soon as he got there. He kept looking around at others couples who were doing the same thing, and found he couldn't keep his eyes off the guys. He caught the attention of a slick upperclassman with his arms around two sorority girls. The boy smiled and winked confidently, reminding him of TJ. Danny smiled back, and proceeded to unhook Sheila's bra.

  By early evening, Danny had consumed a lot of alcohol. Later that night, he was wasted. He was there a lot longer than he had planned. He knew there was no way he was going to be able to get home on his own. He called TJ.

  “ Hey, Jay!” Danny shouted a little too loudly into his phone.

  “ Danny, where are you, and why are you screaming in my ear?”

  “ Uh...I'm at a friend's house.”

  “ Who's?”

  “ Nobody you know.”

  “ Danny, I know everybody you know. Why is it so noisy there?”

  “ You don't know everybody I know. I have a life of my own.”

  “ Just tell me where you are so I can pick you up.”

  Danny gave the address to the sorority house, and slipped the phone back into his pocket. He thought it would be a good idea to get fresh air before TJ arrived, but he had a difficult time finding his feet, much less the door.

  “ Danny, your big brother's here,” Sheila called from the front room twenty minutes later. “Hey, aren't you Ricky?” she asked, after a double take. “Can I get you two a drink?”

  “ No, just the little brother if you don't mind,” TJ said abruptly.


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