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Bringing Home Danny

Page 25

by M. A. Blisher

  “ Ricky, what are you doing here?” Danny asked, stumbling towards him. “Oh shit!” he exclaimed, as he saw TJ's angry face.

  TJ seized Danny by the arm without waiting for an explanation, and dragged him to the car without saying a word.

  Danny hiccupped. “Thanks. Was' the hurry? Don't you wan-n-n-a s-stay a l-l-little longer?” he slurred, trying to add some levity to the grim situation.

  “ You know you're getting spanked when we get home,” TJ informed him, after shoving him into the car.

  Danny sunk into his seat and glowered at the back of TJ's head. It had not escaped him that he was in for a serious punishment, and he didn't think it was necessary for TJ to announce it in front of Ricky.


  Antonio was both furious and relieved when TJ called to say he was on the way home with Danny after retrieving him drunk from a party.

  “ Go to bed. We'll wait to discuss this in the morning,” Antonio said, while helping Danny up the stairs.

  “ Where's Mitch?” Danny asked, afraid to reach the top step and find him there.

  “ He went out searching for you when you didn't come home in time for dinner.”

  “ Oh, shit,” Danny groaned.

  “ Oh shit is right. I suggest you brush your teeth and get in bed. You don't want to be awake when he gets back.”

  Antonio stood close by to supervise as Danny swayed to stay up right. He stumbled taking off his pants. Antonio caught him before he fell, and helped him into bed. Danny had a difficult night due to the alcohol and the anxiety about the punishment yet to come. Antonio and Mitch took turns staying with him throughout the night making sure he didn't get sick, and comforting him through his nightmares.


  With his head pounding and his stomach nauseous, Danny was forced wash down a couple of aspirins with a large glass of apple juice. Slightly dizzy when he got up, Antonio helped to guide him to the bathroom. After relieving himself, Danny splashed water on his face, and shuffled back to bed. While he was making his way under the covers, Antonio placed a bottle of water, a banana and a piece of toast on his bedside table. Danny tolerated a few bites of toast at Antonio's insistence. He was left with the parting words, “You need to get hydrated if you want to feel better. I'll be checking on you later.”

  Danny quickly fell back to sleep. He was awoken later in the afternoon when Antonio reentered his room. He sat at the foot of his bed looking grim. “Don't bother getting out of bed just yet.”

  Danny sat up, pulling his blanket to chin.

  “ Are you feeling better?”

  “ A little.”

  “ Do you have any idea how dangerous your behavior was last night?”

  Danny moaned.

  “ Answer me.”

  Zoning in on the paddle Antonio placed beside the bed, Danny sucked in his bottom lip, and made a sorrowful face.

  “ Don't even try that with me. I am very disappointed in you.”

  “ It was the last day of class. Everybody was celebrating.”

  “ Are you everybody?”

  “ No.”

  “ Do you know what is expected of you?”

  “ Yes, sir.”

  “ We allowed you to take college classes with the understanding you are still only seventeen, and will be treated as such. What goes on at the college campus does not concern you beyond the few elective courses we have agreed you could take.”

  “ I know, but it was just a little get together. I called and left a message.”

  “ It was a party, and you knew we weren't going to be home to answer the phone.”

  “ Everybody's been so busy lately. I didn't think anyone would care, or even notice I was gone.”

  “ Daniel Christopher, you know that is not an acceptable answer. We always have time for you. Even if we have been preoccupied lately, that is no excuse to try and take advantage of our distraction by breaking the rules.”

  “ The rules are stupid. People my age go to parties and drink once in a while.”

  “ People your age die of alcohol poisoning.”

  “ I didn't drink that much.”

  “ No? Were you not intoxicated when TJ picked you up?”

  “ Yeah, but only a little.”

  Antonio shook his head. “Did you lie about what you were doing because you knew you would not be allowed to go?”

  Danny grimaced as the memory of the previous night came flooding back.

  “ Daniel?”

  “ Yeah, but...”

  “ The only butt I want to see right now is yours over my lap.”

  “ No, Antonio, please, I already have a hangover. Isn't that punishment enough?”

  “ What do you think?”

  Danny groaned. “What if I puke?”

  “ Then you'll clean it up.”

  “ It's not fair,” he protested halfheartedly, knowing it wasn't going to change the outcome.

  “ Danny, if I have to pull you over my knee, I will add additional punishments.”

  “ Antonio, pleeaassse!”

  “ NOW!”

  Danny threw back his covers and angrily heaved himself up. The quick motion bobbed his head back making it throb.

  “ Oww, my head hurts,” he whined.

  “ Then your backside will have good company.”

  Danny rubbed his forehead and made another attempt at appearing pitiful. Antonio sighed impatiently, and Danny peered up from lowered lashes. Antonio was tired from worry and lack of sleep, and he wasn't waiting any longer. He gripped Danny by his elbows, and yanked him over his lap. Danny squawked at the suddenness of it, and Antonio spanked his bottom ten times hard.

  “ Oww, stop!” Danny cried. He threw back his hand to block the blows and tried to wrench himself off Antonio's lap.

  “ Daniel Christopher, you have been difficult and surly for the past two weeks. I will not put up with any more of your disrespect. When you are told do something, I expect you to do it without argument.”

  He slapped his thighs hard, and Danny kicked his legs up. Antonio repositioned Danny over his left knee, and trapped his legs under his muscular right thigh. Using his free hand he grabbed the waistband of Danny’s briefs.

  Danny reached back, took hold of his waistband, held it in place, and shouted, “No!”

  “ Daniel, I promised you the last time you disregarded a safety rule that the next time I spanked you it would be on your bare bottom.”

  Danny didn't listen, and continued to fight for control of his underpants. Antonio grasped Danny under his arms, and hauled him up to stand between his legs.

  “ Let go of me!” Danny yelled, trying to twist free.

  “ Do you need to stand in the corner to calm yourself before this turns into a full blown tantrum?”

  Danny looked over to the corner and considered his reprieve.


  He jumped and turned back around.

  “ Look at me when I am speaking to you.”

  Danny shuddered at the sight of Antonio's disapproving face. He stuck out his bottom lip, and quickly decided that the corner would only put off the inevitable for a short time. Plus, he didn't want to risk making Antonio even angrier when it came time to resume his spanking.

  “ No, sir, I don't need the corner.”

  “ Then pull yourself together and stop fighting me.”

  Danny bit his lip and nodded. Relieved to see Danny more submissive, Antonio patted his knee indicating where he wanted him. Danny slowly bent over and awkwardly positioned himself back over Antonio's lap. Knowing
how difficult it was for Danny to comply, he appreciated his efforts. “Good boy,” he said.

  Usually, Danny hated when Mitch and Antonio called him that. As if he liked being referred to as a little boy or the family dog. Today it put him at ease. He didn't like seeing Antonio so mad at him. Antonio pulled the back of his tee shirt up to the middle of his back, and dragged the back of his underwear down to meet the top of his thighs. Danny took a deep breath, and reminded himself that he trusted Antonio. He then crossed his arms and buried his red face into the crook of an arm, bracing himself for the punishment he knew he deserved.

  “ Tell me what you did to earn this spanking, Danny.”

  “ I broke the rules,” Danny muttered into his arm.

  “ I couldn't hear you. Please lift your head and repeat it.”

  Danny huffed angrily despite his better judgment. “I broke the stupid rules!” he shouted.


  “ OOW!” Danny yelled at the impact of the paddle.


  Hitching in his breath, Danny sniveled a “sorry” as his eyes began to water.

  Antonio inspected the angry paddle marks left on his tiny round bottom and asked wearily, “Why are you getting paddled, Daniel?”

  “ I...umm...I went to a party and I drank.”

  “ Why is that not acceptable, Danny?”

  “ I need to ask permission if I go anywhere, and I'm not allowed to drink.”

  “ And why do we have these rules for you?”

  “ Because you think I'm a BABY!”


  Danny didn't know why he kept losing his temper, but for some reason he was mad at Antonio.

  “ Why do we have these rules for you, Daniel?”

  Danny caught his breath and said between tears, “Be… because y-you want me to be safe.”

  “ That's right. We can't keep you safe if we don't know where you are. Not to mention, drinking excessive amounts of alcohol is extremely unsafe!”

  “ I'm sorry,” Danny cried, hoping for leniency.

  “ I certainly hope so.”

  Antonio watched as Danny's sore little fanny quivered and then tensed up waiting for the paddle. He laid ten more harsh spanks of the paddle to his backside before he was done. Danny broke down half way through. His tears gave way to muffled cries, and despite his best efforts, a few squeals leaked out. By the time it was all over, his bottom cheeks were a fire engine red. Antonio pulled his briefs back up, and lifted Danny to a standing position. Danny refused to meet his eyes, and crossed his arms to keep from rubbing his backside. Antonio grabbed him by his shoulders firmly and said, “You owe me seventeen minutes of corner time. Can you manage it on your own or do you need an escort?”

  “ No.”

  “ No, what?”

  “ No, sniff , I don't need an escort. I can go on my own.”

  Antonio waited patiently.

  “ Sir," hic .

  “ That's better.”

  Danny rubbed his eyes with the back of his hand, but the tears kept coming.

  Antonio lifted his own shirt and used it to wiped away the snot and tears from Danny's face.

  “ When I get back I expect a full explanation about why you have been misbehaving. I suggest you use your time in the corner wisely.”

  Danny was more polite when Antonio came back, but he couldn't explain to him any more than he could understand himself why he was being so disobedient.


  Ricky could hear Danny sniffling. Mitch noticed his uneasiness and sat him down for a frank conversation.

  “ Ricky, I don't know if Antonio has explained this to you or not, but we do use corporal punishment in this house. We don't necessarily advertise it, to give the boys privacy, but both TJ and Danny get spanked.”

  “ Oh,” Ricky said uncomfortably.

  “ Perhaps Antonio didn't want to upset you, however, I think if you are going to be staying here a while, it is best that you know that up front. Because we are not going to change how we do things around here, and it's going to be too hard to try and hide things from you. How do you feel about that?”

  Ricky shrugged. “It sounded like he was hit with something.”

  “ He very well could have been. Danny got himself into a lot of trouble yesterday. He's aware of the rules, and the consequences for breaking them. What he did was very dangerous. For the more serious infractions, Antonio and I often use a paddle.”

  “ It sounded like he was crying.”

  “ I'm sure he was. Spankings hurt.”

  “ Oh.”

  “ You can rest assure that we never place anyone in danger, and we don’t hit in anger. That's not to say Antonio or I don't get angry, but spankings are never out of control. You also have my word that no one will ever hit you while you are here.”

  “ What if I break a rule?” Ricky asked nervously. It sounded silly, but he needed to know.

  “ Ricky, you are a guest in our home. The only rules you are to be concerned about will come from whatever social decorum is dictated by your moral compass."

  “ I'm not sure I understand.”

  "Be polite, replace the toilet paper roll when you finish it, don't burn the house down, that sort of thing.”

  "Certainly you expect more from me than that. If I ever do anything that you would punish TJ or Danny for, I want you to let me know."

  "I doubt you would ever do anything to warrant a punishment. Even so, if that were the case, as an adult, you would be treated differently.

  "TJ is an adult, he's older than me. Why do you spank him?"

  "TJ's spankings are a consensual part of our relationship. It was a mutual decision made by the three of us.

  “ A mutual decision? How?”

  “ Not every relationship works the same. TJ had everything in his life he thought he wanted, except structure. Having all doors wide open is a blessing, but without limits, it can also be overwhelming.”

  “ TJ wants the discipline?”

  “ More like needs it. TJ was pretty aimless. His life lacked order, bouncing recklessly into whatever current was flowing his way. Being a young man who craved adventure and feared little, he was blindly riding riptides that were leading towards a great fall. Antonio and I are there to put the brakes on and steer him towards calmer waters. Do you understand?”

  “ You’re saying, TJ has to be told what do or he will, uh...drown, from recklessness?”

  “ More or less. We don't prevent him from having fun or feeling free, we just keep him from sinking, and smashing his pretty head against a boulder. The discipline we provide is like buoys in open water, if you will. It keeps things afloat and in balance. It works for us."

  "What about Danny? I doubt he agreed to the spankings."

  "Danny is still a boy. If it were up to him, he wouldn't have any structure, much less discipline. That's why he requires adults to make those decisions for him. Even so, he is rapidly becoming a man, and he knows what to expect while he chooses to live here. Once he turns eighteen, the situation will change for him. He will no longer be a minor in our care as he is fond of pointing out."

  "What will happen to him then?"

  "Then, like you, he will be considered a guest in our home. What he does outside of the house will no longer be our jurisdiction to preside over. The consequences he will suffer will be the real life ones. Until then, you may see him receive a lot more corporal punishment.

  "He does seem to get into a lot of trouble."

  "He has been testing limits. It's part of coming to terms with becoming an adult. I think we call it growing pains. In the meantime, he
needs to know we will continue to be the consistent and stabilizing force that will pull him back in line when necessary.”

  Ricky gave Mitch's words some thought. After some time he still wasn't sure how he felt about it. He hated to hear little Danny cry, and he certainly didn't want to see him hit, even if they were calling it spankings. But aside from being embarrassed, and a little grumpy afterwards, Danny never appeared to be afraid of them. Ricky secretly got a kick at how mouthy Danny could be to Mitch, the biggest out of all of them.


  Danny thumped about the cluttered room of his therapist's office until the older man motioned for him to have a seat. It was their usual routine. The husky man scratched his beard observing Danny's movements, and wondered when the young man was ever going to feel comfortable just settling in on his own. Terry had been a therapist for many years. He had long stopped the need to cross-reference his clients' every move by matching diagnosis with the standard therapeutic treatment. He always believed that counseling was more an art than a science, and as he became more confident in his profession, he learned to rely on his instincts more. His experience told him not to rush the teen. Fighting the process only prolonged it. Terry stretched out his legs and got comfortable.

  “ What do think about Ricky staying with you?” He let the question slide out as if it hadn’t been on his mind since the beginning of the session.

  Danny shrugged. “Not much.”

  “ I thought he was an exceptional young man.”

  “ He's okay.”

  “ Everyone seems to really like him.”

  Danny nodded, then got up from his seat. He started to roam around the room picking up knickknacks and pretending to be interested in them. The therapist leaned forward with his elbow on his knee. He rested his chin on his knuckles as he surveyed Danny's movements.

  “ Why am I still coming? Ricky is the one with real problems,” Danny finally said, uncomfortable with the silence.

  “ It's not a contest.”

  Danny sighed, and rolled his eyes. “I’m not having bad dreams anymore,” he announced.

  “ No?”

  “ I think you cured me.”


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