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All Night Long

Page 7

by Madelynne Ellis

  Ginny rested her head against the pillows. Not that it helped. If anything it seemed to make his aim worse. By the third spoonful, he’d stopped even trying to get it near her mouth, and had worked open the buttons of her blouse, so that he could decorate her skin with swirly patterns.

  ‘That’s going to be horrid to get off,’ Spook commented, while watching in obvious fascination.

  ‘No, it’s not.’ Ash proved the point with his tongue, licking away the swirl he’d made over her left breast. ‘See, easy.’ Taking that as a licence to continue, he made a larger swirl. ‘Open your bra.’

  Ginny gave him a questioning look. It wasn’t as if the guys hadn’t seen her half undressed in a compromising position already, but still, they were eating dinner.

  ‘Ah, come on. We’re all friends here,’ Ash coaxed.

  ‘Fine, but you all have to take off your shirts too.’

  Rock Giant was already bare from the waist up. Ash and Spook both stood and stripped off the shirts immediately, leaving Ginny unsure who to ogle fist. ‘Whoa!’ she said doing her best Keanu Reeves impersonation, as three very fine torsos were displayed to her.

  Her attention fixed upon Ash. Of the three, there was something about him and how he was put together that really grabbed her in the gut and made her pay attention. He wasn’t as ripped as Rock Giant, and he lacked Spook’s sculpted elegance, but there was still something very appealing about the way he was put together. He wasn’t all white and flawless, or decorative and hairy, just fit and real. Yeah, that was it. Ash was real.

  ‘Now you,’ he prompted, reminding her she was staring again.

  Ginny unhooked the front fastening of her bra, but left Ash to actually part the fabric. He did so with a whoop of delight and proceeded to decorate her nipples. Rather than lick the syrup straight off, he continued his elaborate design onto her stomach, going so far as to reach for the fastening of her kilt-like skirt in order to expose more skin.

  ‘Hang on,’ she reached out to stop him. Maybe it’d slipped his mind that she wasn’t wearing any panties.

  ‘Spook,’ Ash barked. The pair of them shimmied out of their jeans, leaving Spook sporting a pair of black shorts and Ash in his briefs. ‘Mmm.’ This was good. No. Better than good. Especially as Ash proceeded to unwrap her and turn her into his very own glazed cake.

  Ginny glanced at Ash’s bandmates as he worked his design magic. Spook sat pretending to read the local city guide, while Rock Giant had put aside the remains of his food and stared unashamedly at her naked body. It didn’t take a genius to realise he was aroused by what he saw. Given that his only garment was a white bath towel fastened around his waist, there wasn’t much to hide the hummock that formed beneath. Ginny reached for him, aiming to snag the edge of the towel with her fingers, but Ash protested when she moved.

  ‘You’re ruining the design,’ he complained.

  ‘Yeah, well, I was just looking for something to occupy my hands. It’s not like I can touch you at the minute.’

  ‘So, what, you were aiming to grope Paul instead.’ He looked slightly peeved, so she was surprised by his next action.

  ‘Hey, Rock Giant, be a gent. Show the lady what you’re sporting.’

  To her astonishment, Rock Giant unashamedly hooked his thumb under the knot in the towel. The edges parted, leaving her with an eyeful of everything beneath.

  Yup, he was big. The guys hadn’t been making that one up.

  She tried to focus on his tats instead. They ran down his thighs as well as across most of his upper body. He even had a lip print inked onto the base of his cock.

  ‘Christ, that thing never fails to scare me,’ Spook muttered. ‘How much length does one man need? I’m surprised you don’t pass out every time it stands up like that. It must drop the blood pressure in the rest of your body.’

  ‘Maybe I’m just less of a weed than you are.’

  Spook gave a grunt and returned to his book, refusing to be baited. Ginny’s attention returned to Rock Giant. God, that thing was huge. She wasn’t any sort of size queen, but even she had to admit it was kind of hot, just the way it stood up, looking so solid and vast. If she hadn’t hooked up with Ash, she freely admitted that she’d have been curious about trying it. Not that she was only interested in his cock. The rest of him was pretty fantastic too, all smooth lines and delineated muscles. And hair. She’d never much thought about whether she liked hair on a man, but she definitely liked it on him. It was pretty sparse on his chest, but thick down below and on his arms and legs.

  ‘Touch yourself,’ she suggested, pretty sure that Ash would object to her leaning over and copping a feel of his friend’s tackle, even if he had been instrumental in exposing it.

  ‘Touch myself how?’

  ‘You know.’ He did too, she could tell that from the grin tugging at his lips, but hell, if he was going to insist on making her spell it out, then she would. It wasn’t as if she was shy or anything. ‘Ring your palm around it. Let’s see some wrist action.’

  ‘How much?’

  ‘Not so much that you come.’

  He nodded. ‘And why’s that?’

  ‘’Cause she wants to suck it, you dope,’ Ash interjected.

  He certainly wasn’t wrong. The notion of sucking Rock Giant while Ash licked her all over had a very decadent appeal. Ginny licked her lips at the thought, then cringed, wondering if she was pushing this too far. She wasn’t sure how serious Ash had actually been when he’d been bouncing the idea of a threesome about. He didn’t look uncomfortable with how she was behaving, but his shoulders were more squarely set than they’d been a few minutes before, and she could feel a certain amount of tension in him.

  ‘Truly?’ Rock Giant asked. His smile stretched wider. ‘Women tend to get a bit scared of it.’

  Not her. What was she supposed to be scared of? That he might push it in too far? In her experience, big guys tended to be more considerate. The only thing holding her back was fear of pissing off Ash. She liked him too much to do that. She actually wanted to get a full night with him. Getting busy with Rock Giant was purely an of-the-moment thing, tempting because he was waving it about in front of her.

  ‘Let me shimmy round a bit,’ she asked Ash, to test out how he’d react. He’d know why she was asking. He wasn’t thick.

  ‘Suppose I can let you. As long as you do it carefully. Don’t damage my art.’

  He let her move so that she laid widthways across the bed, with her head on the edge, dangling over.

  ‘Go for it, if you want to,’ he said. ‘I’m cool.’

  Rather than question whether he meant it, Ginny took it at face value. Hey, she was here to have fun, after all, not to eye any of them up as a future boyfriend.

  ‘Are you going to be comfortable like that?’ Rock Giant asked as she reached for him.

  ‘You betcha.’ Her neck was supported, and she was at just the right height and angle. ‘Come here, now. Don’t be shy.’

  ‘Babe, I don’t think he even knows what that means.’

  If Rock Giant had intended to reply, his words were forgotten as Ginny took him in her mouth. Instead, he gave a low succinct whistle.

  His skin smelled of her apple shower gel, which was a little strange. She missed the masculine scent of his body, and the slightly salty taste of his skin. Still, he filled her mouth in a way she enjoyed, and moaned gratefully when she used her tongue on him. Curious, but she’d always enjoyed sucking guys off. She loved how responsive it made them. Rock Giant was plenty appreciative of her efforts, which in turn prompted her to work harder at pleasing him.

  ‘Fuck it, Ash! How come you always pick the best babes?’

  ‘Actually, I think you’ll find they choose me. It must be my good looks or something.’

  ‘Well, it’s certainly not your shit personality.’

  Ginny smiled despite having her mouth full. She loved the way these guys bantered. Despite the ribbing and the insults, it was obvious they cared about one another. Sh
e didn’t doubt they’d pull together to work things out over the band. The unknown part of the equation was Xane.

  She drew her mouth away from Rock Giant’s cock. ‘Do I get a say?’ she asked.

  They both bowed their heads to look at her. ‘I reckon it’s his tongue that attracts them.’

  ‘What is it, massive?’ Rock Giant asked. He eyed his friend as though he expected to notice for the first time that he had a tongue the length of Gene Simmons’s.

  ‘It’s what he does with it, silly.’

  ‘I’ve heard that before.’ Spook rose from where he’d been sitting, walked around the bed and perched beside Ginny. ‘Ash’s tongue is legendary in certain circles.’

  ‘I always thought that was because he couldn’t stop yapping,’ Rock Giant said, raising smiles and prompting several chuckles.

  ‘I just wish he’d put it to work.’ Ginny wriggled. ‘Enough with the glazing, let’s have some eating.’

  Ash raised his hands in surrender. ‘Yeah, but where to start?’ He surveyed the length of her body. Treacle swirls covered most of her torso, as well as the tops of her thighs and parts of her arms.

  ‘One on each nipple,’ Ginny suggested, throwing a sly glance at Spook. Sure, she’d been listening when Ash told her that Spook didn’t do sex, but that didn’t stop a girl from dreaming, and since three of them were already having fun, it seemed rude not to invite him to join in.

  Ash glanced across at his friend, a furrow in his brow. ‘What do you say, Troll boy? Is your tongue up to the challenge?’

  ‘You know I think treacle’s disgusting.’

  ‘But Ginny isn’t.’

  ‘Don’t feel you have to,’ she said. God forbid she should actually have to twist his arm or anything. Spook gave her a sideways glance. ‘Nah, not disgusting. Kind of cute.’ He pounced unexpectedly, claiming her left nipple by sucking it deep into his mouth. Ginny groaned. Oh, boy, was she in danger. The guy might not get as much practice as Ash, but that didn’t mean he wasn’t capable of absolute quality. And, not to be outdone, Ash followed suit and claimed her right breast. Unless her roommate arrived in the next five minutes, she was prepared to believe that all her Christmases had come at once. What other explanation was there? When she’d invited them back to her room for the night, she’d not actually believed this would happen. She’d thought maybe they’d sit around and drink, and maybe she and Ash would get frisky in a corner. She’d been up for more than that, but her personal fantasyland didn’t normally coincide with reality on quite such an epic scale.

  While Ash and Spook fought for dominance over her senses, Ginny struggled to keep her attention on Rock Giant. Thankfully, he didn’t seem to mind her moments of absence. He wasn’t forceful like she suspected Ash would have been. He didn’t demand her attention. He let her set the tempo and revelled in what she was prepared to give, even if that meant that part of the time she struggled to even clasp his shaft with her hands, let alone tantalise him with her tongue.

  She lost her focus completely within a minute or two when Ash moved away from her breasts and ventured across her body to lick away the patterns he’d made on her stomach, then delved between her thighs. Rock Giant slipped away from her in order to take himself in hand. She watched, delirious with pleasure at the sight of him working his fist back and forth on his shaft in steady strokes. He came over her in a matter of moments, but licked away the mess and finished with a kiss that stole her breath.

  Even so, it couldn’t quite rival the magic Ash was working, with a little help from Spook, who was still tormenting her nipples.

  Ash was magic. Pure, raw sex magic. She’d never known any other man who was instinctively so in tune with her body. Touches that shouldn’t have amounted to anything connected nerves she didn’t know existed, when Ash was the one doing the teasing. And then there was the fact that he was knock-out gorgeous too. Looking at him was like a feast for the senses on its own. That he was doing this with her – with a little help from his equally gorgeous friends – really did beggar belief. Why her? she ought to have asked, but the answer was simple. She’d struck lucky. Somehow her stars had aligned today. They’d even conspired to keep her best friend busy while she enjoyed this … this … whatever it was.

  Fun, said her pleasure centres.

  Nothing lasting, said her brain.

  But hey, she’d known that from the outset. It wasn’t as if she’d gate-crashed Black Halo’s dressing room looking for love. She’d been out to screw a rock star, and she was definitely doing that. Thank God Ash seemed to be on the same page as her. Maybe – she caught a glimpse of his face and was shocked by the dirty looks he was throwing his friends, and by his focus. Oh, geez, if she started something that caused a rift – eek!

  ‘My turn. Back off, fuckers.’ Not content to merely go down on her, Ash got to his feet and filled her aching pussy. He drove into her hard, shoving Spook out of the way so that he could glue their bodies together. The sticky residue left upon her skin locked them tight. Ash didn’t seem to notice. He just kept drilling into her, driving them precariously close to the edge of the bed with his motion, and then over it. For several, brief, wonderful moments, they stretched out, bottoms barely on the bed, heads a few scant inches from the floor, and it was absolute heaven. Then they both slithered downwards and landed with a bump.

  Even then it wasn’t over. Ash lifted her bottom and pressed deeper still. Their loins slapped together. His thick black hair fell forward over his face and tickled her skin, adding a subtler layer of sensation.

  ‘Tell me. Tell me how much you want it,’ he insisted, his voice hoarse with emotion.

  ‘I want you,’ she replied, and meant it. ‘I love the way you make my body jerk when you thrust inside me so your dick fills me up. It makes me wet just looking at you – the way your nipples are all teeny and tight, and your muscles flex under your skin when you move. I love that you’re so uninhibited, that if I say, “Bite me” or “Pinch me,” you’ll do it. You’ll understand. You won’t question it.’

  ‘And what else?’

  ‘You’re a rock star. You play lead guitar for one the hottest bands on the planet. Though, God knows, I’d fuck you even if you weren’t, even if you were nobody.’ Truly, that’s how hot he was. She was convinced women would want him regardless. Even if he were a removals man, or, God help it, a lawyer.

  ‘Is that true?’

  He seemed to latch onto her words as though he were starved of attention and needed the reassurance they brought.

  It was the truth, even though his mouth covering hers didn’t allow her to say so. When he broke off from kissing her some moments later, barely a coherent thought remained in her head. She was buzzing. Even her thoughts felt tingly. And they were bound together so perfectly. It all felt so good, all she could do was cling on to him and enjoy the sticky, crazy ride.

  ‘You’re the hottest thing ever. Hotter than your mates. Hotter than Xane. Hotter than the sun.’

  ‘I’m …’ Ash froze mid-stroke. His spine flexed, arching him up and away from her. ‘Oh, God!’ he blurted, astonished.

  Ginny watched him come, his eyes wide open, staring at her in a mixture of bliss and disbelief. Pleasure and fear combined and washed through his expression. Done in, when the rhythmic convulsions finally stopped, he slumped against her. Ginny squeezed him tight. It didn’t matter that she hadn’t come at the same moment, or that he seemed not to have noticed that fact, she was just glad she’d managed to give him something he so obviously craved.

  She didn’t comprehend exactly how significant the moment had been until she felt him shudder against her shoulder. He was trying to hold it in, but when they were lying this close together she recognised the sob for what it was.

  Ginny held him tighter still and nuzzled the side of his neck.

  She’d never known a guy cry after sex. Girls, sure, but not men.

  ‘I’m sorry,’ he whispered into her ear after a moment or two. ‘I meant to make it good for
you too. I got carried away. I’ll make it up –’

  ‘You don’t need to do anything. It was great. You’ve given me more than a fair share of pleasure tonight.’ Hey, he’d even given her time with his friends, when deep down she was suspicious about whether he’d actually wanted to share. ‘You don’t owe me, Ash.’

  ‘Don’t I?’ He lifted his head to look at her, met her gaze and only then seemed to believe the truth of her words. ‘At least let me clean you up.’

  ‘You needn’t.’

  ‘I want to.’ He lifted her in his arms and carried her to the bathroom.

  Chapter Seven

  Ash walked to the bathroom with Ginny in his arms. He knew the guys were giving him odd looks, and it wasn’t because he’d just fucked her in front of them. They’d seen him screw countless women in a whole variety of poses. It wasn’t anything to do with him letting them join in either. No, this time was different because he’d come. He’d come without having to push himself to the limits of his stamina. Nor had it taken three or four women to get him there, only one.

  Fuck if that wasn’t screwing with his head.

  For the first time in so long that he couldn’t actually remember the last time, he’d had sex like any two people might have sex, moving hard against one another, until climax had snuck up on him and stolen his breath way. OK, maybe it hadn’t been completely ordinary, most people didn’t invite their friends to participate and watch, but nevertheless …

  Ash struggled to keep the incredulous smile off his face, and the warm glow from spilling out of him in a stream of poetic froth.

  My God, with this woman it had actually happened, and not only once but twice. The first time, he’d thought it a fluke. This time … this time he didn’t know what to think. All he knew was that he’d come, and he hadn’t cared what he’d looked like, or thought about the words coming out of his mouth. Not that he thought he’d said anything terrible. Ginny wasn’t giving him funny looks and the guys were staring at him in wonder rather than ribbing him, so he presumed he’d avoided the hideous L-word.


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