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All Night Long

Page 8

by Madelynne Ellis

  Though at this moment maybe the L-word was appropriate. He felt pretty goddamned besotted.

  Ash gently lowered Ginny to her feet when they reached the bathroom, despite enjoying the feel and weight of her in his arms. He locked the door, in case Spook or Rock Giant decided to intrude, not because he was hiding or anything, but because he actually wanted some alone time with her.

  Who’d have thought it? Ash Gore craving snuggle time with a woman he wasn’t related to.

  ‘Are you OK?’ Ginny asked.

  Her look of concern irked him, because he didn’t want her upset, not when she’d given him such pleasure.

  ‘Course,’ he said cheerfully. He turned the taps on full in order to fill the bath. But the truth was that he wasn’t all right, his nerves were a shredded mess and he could barely stop himself shaking.

  Snap out of it, he warned himself. You had an orgasm. It’s not as if you’ve never come before. It wasn’t a new experience. Only the way it had happened was new, or newish. There was one woman in the past who’d done the same for him. One woman whom he’d worshipped and who had ultimately fucked him up so badly he hardly dared think about her even now.

  ‘I hope I didn’t overstep any marks,’ Ginny softly murmured. Her voice seemed to slide across his senses, leaving him tingling. ‘I mean by involving them. If it was a problem, I wish you’d have said.’

  ‘It wasn’t a problem.’ But they weren’t getting near her again.

  Water run and temperature tested, he offered Ginny a hand into the tub and watched her duck her head beneath the surface. She emerged again glittering with a thousand water droplets, her hair slicked back from her face. Even smeared with treacle, she was still very pretty; slender but not delicate, with curves where he wanted them to be. Her breasts were high and tempting, the nipples enormous and so much darker than the buttermilk colour of her skin.

  ‘I still have my stockings on,’ she noticed, kicking one leg out of the water.

  ‘I know.’ Water droplets clung to the fishnet strands, so they looked like spider silk hung with raindrops. Hark at him thinking all poetic. Maybe he’d be able to come up with a few lyrics for the band if Xane refused to climb on board again.

  Ginny shook her head at him, clearly bemused. ‘I think you’d better climb in too. You’re nearly as sticky as I am.’ She picked up a washcloth and squirted shower gel onto it. Rather than using it to wash herself, she held it across her palm, waiting to use it on him.

  Having already lost all his clothes, Ash stepped into the bath behind her. He hunched down and slotted himself around her so that she was sitting between his legs.

  ‘Um,’ she said, failing to spot any areas that needed cleaning since he was mostly to her rear. She settled for scrubbing his left knee and a bit of his thigh. ‘Are you sure you’re fine? You seem a bit … distracted.’

  Spaced out would probably have covered it more accurately, but he didn’t want to get into the details of why that was. He’d only known her a few hours. He didn’t want to share the reasons he felt punch-drunk in case she got the wrong idea. Not that he was altogether sure what that might be at present.


  ‘Stop asking me if I’m fine. You’ll give me a complex.’ He pulled her back against his body and took the cloth from her so that he could be a gentleman and clean up the mess he’d created. He cleaned the syrup from his own abs too, after which Ginny sank against him, a contented smile upon her lips.

  ‘I thought you said Spook never joined in,’ she remarked, while Ash was exploring the underside of her breasts.

  Spook, yeah. He’d been slightly surprised by that himself, but he didn’t pretend to understand his closest friend. He barely understood himself. ‘I said he didn’t have sex. No penetration happened, did it? I hardly think him sucking your boob counts.’

  ‘It kind of counts.’

  ‘Only if you consider this kissing.’ He pecked the curve of her cheekbone, hoping it would distract her enough to forget about Spook. For once, he didn’t want his wingman around.

  ‘Well, I still feel privileged. I’ll bet there are tons of his fans that’d kill for even a touch from him, and I had my nipple sucked.’

  ‘Hm,’ he grunted, not sure if she was deliberately trying to bait him or just being insensitive. What about what he’d shared with her? Wasn’t that important to her too?

  This is why you don’t get involved, Ash. Women were both flighty and wily. They batted their eyelashes and said, ‘I love you,’ then walked away the next day.

  Ginny turned slightly, so that she could see him over her shoulder. ‘Is it bothering you that I’m talking about him?’


  She turned more fully. ‘Yeah, it is. You could just ask me to stop.’

  ‘You can talk about whatever you like,’ he said snootily, knowingly shooting himself in his own foot.

  ‘Fine, I will. It was hot when you were either side of me, both sucking at once. I don’t think my nipples have ever felt so sensitive or blessed. It was like … I don’t know … just … wow.’

  ‘Do you want to fuck him?’ he asked, attempting to sound unconcerned.

  She made him wait for eternity for an answer, turning onto her stomach to face him and lifting her toes out of the water as though she were a mermaid, before giving a firm answer. ‘Nope.’

  Ash wasn’t sure he believed her. He’d met many women like Ginny. All right, not exactly like her, but of similar demeanour, and none of them were ever content with only doing one member of the band. He thought there was probably some type of groupie award for having had all of them, with maybe a super award if you managed to do Elspeth too.

  ‘What about Paul, do you want to do him?’

  ‘Know what?’ She ticked him against the side of his nose. ‘I’m happy exactly where I am. I just like to talk about things after sex. We can talk about how good you felt inside me, if you prefer. Don’t get me wrong, I enjoyed playing with your friends, but I kind of like you more. We fit together well.’

  Ash thought so too, which accounted for why he was getting interested again so soon.

  ‘Maybe you’d like the way you fit together with one of them more.’

  ‘Could be,’ she admitted. ‘But I don’t think I’ll try it. I’m content right here. Or I will be if you stop scowling and do something more productive with this here flannel.’

  ‘I was trying not to scrub too hard.’

  ‘By not moving at all?’

  Ash loaded up the cloth with another dollop of shower gel. ‘Turn back over, then. Your back’s already clean.’ He did a bit of washing, and then abandoned the flannel in favour of rubbing her nipples clean with his fingertips. He circled her nipples until they were both puckered up like two giant steeples and hard as pips against the centre of his palms as he cupped her.

  Ginny crooned as he leaned forward, trying to reach her with his tongue, but he just couldn’t manage it. Ash slipped one hand downwards instead to explore the tiny strip of hair on her pubis before squeezing a hand between her thighs.

  ‘I said you didn’t have to.’

  ‘And I said I wanted to.’

  It wasn’t simply about tit for tat any more; he felt he had something to prove. He wanted to eradicate all thoughts of Spook and Paul from her head. When she thought about tonight, he wanted her to remember him and nothing else.

  With that in mind, he sank his hand deeper into the water, so that when his fingers glided upwards he stroked up between her lips to pet her clit, and that intimate piercing of hers.

  Ginny squeezed her thighs tight around him. ‘You know I’ve come about a dozen times already?’

  ‘How about coming about a dozen times more?’

  ‘I’m not sure that’s possible.’

  ‘I reckon it is. Relax, let me see to it.’

  She did as instructed, closing her eyes while he tormented her little bud. It wasn’t long before she was sliding and rubbing against him and making all sorts of mo
ans, in addition to raising his interest.

  What he really liked about her, he decided, was that she was so forthright. She didn’t pretend. If something felt good she said so. She was prepared to fight her ground too, not just allow him to cow her because he was a mighty rock star. Most of all, he appreciated that she wasn’t all take, take, take. She gave too. Hence she wasn’t lying still and letting him bring her off. She was subtly working her magic on him. He was hard again without even noticing how it had happened. What was odd was that he didn’t feel an urgent need to put it somewhere. Normally it took him so long to come that the moment he was up he was looking for a way to make things happen. This time he had already enjoyed two fantastic orgasms, and that urgency simply didn’t exist.

  Ginny came hard against his fingers, making mewling noises deep in her throat that did crazy things to his normally iron-clad heart. Damn, he wasn’t sure one night was going to be enough, and he never, ever, knowingly went with a girl twice.

  Don’t do this, he counselled himself. Don’t let yourself get caught. It’ll work out the same as before. You’ll end up being hurt when she tells you, no hard feelings, but she prefers your mate. It happened all the time; women would offer to entertain him for the night, and then give him no more than an hour of two of company before they informed him that actually they were after Xane or Spook, or, worse still, a route into the party scene and some free drugs.

  They were always disappointed over the latter. Black Halo’s stage act might be inspired by the 1970s rock scene, but their off-stage antics were nothing like. Alcohol flowed post-show, but drugs didn’t feature. They were hard-working, mostly clean-living hard rockers. They collapsed into their bunks on the tour bus post-show and beat one another up playing online shooters, rather than disappearing into a drug-crazed, destructive haze.

  ‘If you keep thinking that hard, you’ll burst something,’ Ginny remarked. ‘Are you stewing over what’s happening with the band again? You said yourself it’s not worth thinking about until tomorrow.’

  No, he was leaving that to Spook and Rock Giant, whose voices drifted through from the bedroom. He shook his head.

  ‘About me? Us?’ She cocked an eyebrow.

  ‘I don’t do relationships,’ he snapped defensively, the response almost hardwired into him. At the opposite extreme to the women who were after him as a means to his friends were the ones who thought getting past first base with him meant he was about to offer them a wedding ring.

  ‘That’s good, nor do I.’

  Oh shit! You idiot! She might have sounded flighty, but he knew he’d irked her from the tiny creases that formed around her eyes. He couldn’t quite make himself retract the statement, though. Yes, she was something special, and she seemed to have him worked out, and yes, he could imagine spending time with her. A lot of happy times … but he wasn’t ready to risk jumping into anything serious, no matter how epic the sex was.

  Ash shook his head, trying to remove the fog from his brain that was starting to cloud up his mind with pink fluffy delirium. Next thing he’d be talking about love and dating, and that was plain ridiculous. Just because the woman knew how to make him come didn’t mean he wanted to marry her.

  Then again, where was the harm in offering her his phone number? He enjoyed her company. She didn’t strike him as the type to post it online, and he couldn’t deny he liked the idea of seeing her again.

  It’ll end in disaster, he warned himself. It always did. He’d fall hard and fast, and then she’d tear him to pieces. Maybe it would be best to simply enjoy tonight and leave it at that. He could leave in the morning with some very happy memories to sustain him.

  ‘So, how come he’s fine with sucking my tits but not with going the whole way?’ she asked.

  Ash groaned, recognising her return to the subject of Spook’s sexuality as a deliberate retaliation to his snub. ‘Didn’t we already have this conversation?’

  ‘Not to its conclusion.’

  ‘I don’t know,’ he grumbled. ‘You’d have to ask him his reasons. It’s not as if I need to know, since I don’t want to shag him.’

  ‘Don’t you?’ she teased, and giggled at the sour face he pulled.

  Ash rested his head against the side of the tub, and closed his eyes, suddenly feeling weary, but Ginny wasn’t prepared to let him off so easily.

  ‘Are there any guys you’d like to have?’ She wiggled against him, catching his interest with the rub of her bottom against his loins. ‘Maybe that’s why you find it so hard to get off with a girl.’

  ‘No.’ He paused a moment to straighten out his expression. ‘Men don’t tend to be curvy, and they don’t have these.’ He pointed to her breasts. ‘Nor do they look half so good in fishnets.’

  ‘Is that all it takes to hook your interest?’ She laughed good-naturedly. ‘I’m astounded that every Black Halo fan in existence isn’t wearing them.’

  ‘I guess nobody has broadcast that fact yet.’

  ‘Well, I’m afraid I’m going to have to take mine off before we go to bed. They’re wet now.’

  ‘Do you only have one pair?’

  ‘Do you only like me for my stockings?’

  ‘No, but they’re a definite bonus,’ he drawled, finding his sense of humour. Damn, if he was going to enjoy so little time with her, he might as well make the most of it, and that meant laying off the melancholy sandwiches. ‘I like you because you let me do this too.’ He nuzzled his cock against her bottom.

  Ginny gave a sigh of mock exasperation and splashed water at him. ‘You just keep on trying your luck, don’t you?’

  ‘I don’t know what you mean.’ It was his turn to grin. He ground himself more firmly against her, creating a nice buzz in his loins.

  To his surprise, she pushed back instead of reading him the riot act. Boy did it feel good riding against her.

  ‘Have you ever tried it?’ he enquired.

  ‘Yup. Didn’t like it. What about you?’

  ‘What’s not to like about sliding into a hot, tight space?’

  She leaned her head against his. ‘That’s not what I meant. I meant on the receiving end.’

  ‘Why would I …’ He squirmed uneasily, somehow unable to bring himself to lie, even though he had no real reason to admit the truth. Hell, he barely admitted it to himself, since it was a memory he preferred to forget. ‘Once, OK? Just the once.’


  He risked a quick look at her face. Her liquid gold eyes were half-closed, so he could only see a sliver of their colour beneath her eyelashes. ‘I didn’t much like it either.’

  His statement might have been more believable if he hadn’t been sporting an erection. His cock twitched in excitement over the buried memory. ‘I wasn’t genuinely interested in the other guy. It just happened. We didn’t pre-plan it or anything. I’m really not interested in guys.’

  ‘Sure about that?’ Ginny slid herself up and down against his length again.

  ‘The only reason he’s erect is because of you doing that.’

  ‘Liar.’ She rolled onto her stomach to face him again, which trapped his erection between their bodies. ‘Shall I guess what happened and why you’re so squeamish about it?’

  He expected her to concoct some vision of a debauched Hollywood party, where he’d been so off his head he was prepared to do anything with anyone. Instead, Ginny eschewed set-dressing and cut straight to the heart of the matter ‘I bet he sucked you off, and then he fucked you in the arse before you even realised what was happening, and gave you the two best orgasms in your life. That’s why you can’t forget about it, even though you didn’t really get off on the act itself, or being taken like that. I bet he’s someone you know really well too.’

  How did she know this stuff?


  ‘Second best,’ he corrected her, his mouth working before his brain properly engaged.

  Goddammit! Why was he admitting that?

  Ginny sat back on her haunches. ‘I’d be flattered
, but I don’t think you’ve elevated me to first position.’

  ‘Shit, I didn’t mean to –’

  ‘Sh!’ She silenced him with her fingertip. ‘Be honest now, where do I fit? Anywhere at all? And yes, I am totally fishing for compliments.’

  Pity he didn’t know which compliments to give without landing himself in even deeper waters. If he said she was anything other than first he’d look like an utterly insensitive dick, and if he said she was first he’d reveal himself as a liar.

  ‘Third – a very close third.’

  Ginny stepped out of the bath.

  Well done, you ignorant twat, now you’ve upset her. The only woman in years to get him in anyway whatsoever, and he’d screwed things up before the night was even half way through. ‘Ginny, wait. I’m sorry. Come back. You’re awesome, don’t …’

  She turned to face him, holding something she’d taken from her wash bag. Ash gaped at the little square package. His apology halted. ‘Seriously?’

  ‘You think I’m going to settle for being third? No way. I’m going to make this so good you’ll forget those other times ever counted. And that means we use this, or I give you a hand job with a fishnet.’ She climbed back into the water.

  ‘In the bath,’ he spluttered.

  ‘Why not?’ She sank back down on him, forcing his legs together so that she could straddle him. ‘You’re not afraid of getting wet, are you?’ She splashed his face.

  Ash wiped the water from his eyes in order to watch her roll the rubber over his shaft. Women didn’t dress him. He always took care of it himself. It was a relief to see that Ginny knew what she was doing, not to mention it was all kinds of sexy, watching her handle him like that.

  Once she had him properly attired, she rose on her knees, then shuffled over him and sank down slowly, until he filled her pussy right down to the hilt. At which point he stopped thinking about anything besides how wonderful it felt, and how desperately he wanted to rock his hips.

  Ash settled his hands upon her waist with the express intention of coaxing her to rise and fall. Instead, Ginny curled her fingers around his and drew his hands to her lips, where she kissed each digit.


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