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All Night Long

Page 9

by Madelynne Ellis

  ‘Feel me?’

  For a moment, he didn’t understand. He knew only warmth and the desire to buck. Then he did feel her, as her inner muscles fluttered around him and sucked him deeper.

  ‘You’re not in a rush, are you? Because I kind of like holding you captive like this. I like how you feel inside me. If we were in bed I think I’d like to tie you up all spread out for me. Imagine that, I could torment you for eternity – get out the nipple clamps and some other toys.’

  No. He wasn’t in a rush. He was perfectly happy to linger and let his fingers and toes prune, just as long as she was prepared to keep talking and hugging his cock like that. He loved the soft and gentle squeeze, the unpanicked indolence of it.

  ‘Shall we play a little game, Ash?’

  ‘A game? What sort of game?’

  ‘Who can hold out the longest.’

  Was that actually a game? Why would anyone want to play it? ‘Is there a prize?’

  ‘The winner gets another orgasm, in a setting of their choice and in the manner of their choosing.’

  ‘So, you’re going to dress all Moulin Rouge and fuck me until I’m delirious?’

  ‘No. You’re going to play Dracula. Game?’ She leaned forward to press a kiss against the centre of his brow.

  The prize was good enough to make it seem worth it, but really it wasn’t going to be any sort of competition. He could get her off in no time, and while he believed she could get him there too – eventually – she had already got him off twice, so she had her work cut out for her.

  ‘There is one rule. You’re not allowed to use anything other than your cock to make it happen. No wandering fingertips.’ She pushed his hands away to the sides of the bath. ‘No tongues.’

  Ash wiggled the tip of his tongue at her. OK, he admitted, he was intrigued. ‘So how exactly am I supposed to do this? You’re on top of me and you’re not allowing me to move at all?’

  ‘That’s right,’ she said laughing. ‘God, it’s so unfair, isn’t it? I’m going to make you come like a fountain and you’re complaining about it.’

  Chapter Eight

  Ginny didn’t mean to laugh, but Ash looked so confounded that she couldn’t help it. She smothered her mirth as best she could and focused on winning instead. It took all of her concentration to work her inner muscles around his shaft and not slip into a rhythm of rising and falling upon him instead. The former would get him off, the latter her, in very short order. Admittedly, she was almost tempted to let him win, so that she could grant him his prize fantasy, but this wasn’t only about fun – she intended it to make a few points too.

  Ash seemed to have a few mental blocks about sex and maybe about relationships in general. She wasn’t sure she could help him with the latter, but the former … Couldn’t he see that his strategy of working his way through multiple partners to achieve one orgasm was mental? He needed someone who understood him and his sexual quirks, and was prepared to work at pleasing him. Her gut instincts told her he needed someone he cared deeply about too.

  She’d bet any amount of money that the people responsible for his two greatest orgasms were both people he loved. Thus she didn’t have a hope in hell’s chance of ousting them from the top spots, but that wasn’t really what this was about. She wanted to please him, because apparently so few others did.

  All right, she wanted to please him in the vague hope he might like her for it too. She wasn’t going to make a fool of herself by suggesting that he made an exception to his no-dating rule, but she couldn’t deny she was fishing for an excuse to see him again.

  When a leonine purr rumbled in his throat, Ginny figured she was on the right track. His breathing shifted up a notch; the vibrations of his appreciative groans reverberated through his chest and into her hands where she had them pressed against him, holding him down so that she could feast on the sheer beauty of him. Ash was all angles and planes. A perfect V led down to his groin, where there was a suggestion of black hair. She liked that he was au naturel and not shaven to look like some barely legal youth. What was best was that his beauty wasn’t just about his body; he was cute too, when you got past the snarling exterior and all the black eyeliner and hair dye. His eyes were a pretty iris blue, flecked with splinters of hyacinth. He stared up at her, his mouth slightly open. His eyes were dilated so wide that they glittered almost black. His tongue touched his upper lip.

  ‘Kiss me,’ he begged.

  ‘That’s not what we agreed.’

  ‘It’s what I need.’

  Somehow, even though she knew it’d be better not to rush, Ginny found herself leaning forward to claim his soft, mobile lips. She held him and explored their surface a while before letting him slide his tongue against hers in a merry dance. He started to use his muscles too, flexing his cock inside her, so that they both sighed each time she squeezed.

  ‘I need to move,’ he insisted. ‘Please.’

  ‘All right, but slowly.’

  ‘Slowly is fine.’ He put one hand on her shoulder as they began a gentle sway, barely making ripples on the surface of the water. It felt good to hold him like this; affectionate, closer than she’d expected to get to him. She hadn’t gone looking for anything this intense, certainly hadn’t anticipated it.

  Ash kept a tight hold of her, one hand on her shoulder, the other on her hip. His gaze stayed intently focused on her as they swayed together, breaths sharpening, pleasure spilling out in a litany of groans. Slowly, slowly, their movements began to accelerate, but at the same time, neither moving too fast, neither outpacing the other or upsetting the delicate balance they’d wrought.

  ‘Can you come like this?’ she asked after a while, feeling her pussy respond and grow tight. If he couldn’t she’d slow it down again, find some other way to make this work for him.

  ‘You’re kidding me. Come closer.’ He gave an open-mouthed sigh and drew her tight against his body, wet skin to wet skin, his mouth moving against her chin as he sought the pleasure of her lips. ‘You’re undoing me, Ginny.’

  He suddenly gripped her tight. ‘It’s never like this.’ His breathing grew increasingly ragged as his cock flexed inside her.

  She almost said it, almost confessed. If we were together, I’d make sure it was like this all the time.

  The notion shocked her. She’d only planned to spend one night with the band. She hadn’t even specifically targeted him, but then she’d never expected to feel a genuine connection either.

  Ash released her from his tight embrace and pushed her away. ‘Ride me,’ he insisted. He bucked his hips upwards, lifting her and sending a wave over the side of the tub. ‘Hard. Take what you need.’

  ‘No, this is not –’

  ‘Do it. Seriously. I refuse to be a selfish bastard.’

  ‘You’re not. Don’t even think that. Ash, I want it to be good for you.’

  ‘Turn around.’

  Ash broke them apart. He yanked the plug from the drain and somehow managed to tip her onto all fours with him behind her. He pushed in and fucked hard, slapping their bodies together in a way that was so, so good, and yet so wrong.

  ‘I’m supposed to be blowing your mind.’ Instead her body was trembling from the strain of holding her own climax at bay.

  ‘Don’t fight it. Fuck! Oh, fuck!’

  They came, both of them quaking together, so that it was impossible to say who’d won, but that didn’t seem to matter, because they were both inhabiting that fluttery realm of sublime bliss.

  Tears glinted in the corners of Ash’s eyes when they finally collapsed, side by side, in the bottom of the now empty bathtub. Ginny reached up to smooth back the wet strands of his hair, in order to seek the truth of their connection in his eyes. It was there, shinning back at her: not love, not yet, but a whole lot of wonder and a genuine dose of affection.

  Sod it! She was a born risk-taker, and this was a risk she had to take or she’d regret it for ever. ‘What if I want more than one night?’

  Ash ticked h
is fingertip back and forth against her shoulder. ‘I don’t normally hook up with my … What I mean is that I don’t normally …’

  ‘It’s OK,’ she said, giving him an out. ‘I understand. All I mean is that there’s no reason why we shouldn’t see each other again, if we’re both in the same area at the same time, right?’

  He hesitated, looked torn and uncomfortable. ‘Sure. I mean I don’t really know what’s happening with the band, but if we play here again.’

  ‘I’ll come and see you. Maybe we can have dinner, or watch a movie.’

  He seemed floored by the concept, like he’d never been on a date or engaged in a non-sexual activity with a woman. ‘You mean meet up for a reason other than sex?’

  ‘Yeah.’ She propped herself up on one elbow. ‘I mean, if that’s OK. We could do both, if you like?’

  ‘Sex, dinner and the cinema?’

  ‘They don’t have to be in that order.’

  Ash kissed her brow, and the tip of her nose. He tipped his head to one side considering. ‘Want to watch a movie with me now?’

  She nodded. ‘It is getting kind of cold in here. It might be nice to cuddle under a duvet.’ Who was she fooling? It’d be more than nice. It’d be fantastic.

  ‘Is there anything good on the in-house selection?’

  Ginny pushed herself upright, and then swung one leg over the side of the bath.

  ‘No idea. I didn’t bother to look.’ It didn’t matter. She’d happily watch any old crap as long as she got to snuggle up close to him. Hell, maybe she was developing a romantic streak, because the idea of resting her head on his chest filled her with a warm fuzzy glow.

  The bathroom door handle rattled, making her grope for a towel. ‘Hey! Are you two ever coming out of there?’ When neither of them answered, Rock Giant pounded his fist against the wood making the entire door shake. ‘Are you dead in there? Come on, open up. I really need to piss.’

  ‘It’s all right, I locked it. He can’t get in.’ Ash wrapped her in the remaining bath towel, which left him only a skimpy hand towel with which to shield his assets. ‘We probably ought to open it. He has to piss every five minutes if he drinks more than a pint.’

  ‘I can walk down the corridor naked and try and find another one if you prefer.’

  Ginny covered her smile with her hand. ‘He won’t really do that?’

  ‘He might. With Rock Giant, you never can tell. If he can’t find one, he’ll probably knock on a random door and demand entrance. It’ll scare the beejeezus out of whoever answers.’

  ‘As long it’s only heart attacks we’re talking about, and not him pissing up the wall.’

  ‘I suppose there is that option.’ Rock Giant said, obviously having eavesdropped on their conversation.

  ‘No.’ Ginny scrambled to turn the handle. The last thing she needed was for him to get her banned from her favourite cut-price hotel chain.

  ‘Seriously, get your big butts out of there,’ Rock Giant continued to moan.

  Ash put his hand over hers and opened the door. ‘Actually, neither of us is possessed of a big butt,’ he remarked, getting in the big guy’s face. ‘And I’ll have you observe that Ginny’s is particularly dainty.’

  ‘Yes, teeny,’ Rock Giant muttered, pushing past them. He relieved himself without bothering to wait for them to leave.

  ‘Savage.’ Ash shook his head in despair. ‘Seriously, you couldn’t hold it another second?’

  ‘I’ve been holding it all the time you’ve been fucking. If you’re going to complain, maybe next time I’ll just intrude.’

  ‘Next time I won’t bother to invite you,’ Ash said.

  Ginny’s heart thumped. If he was thinking in those terms, maybe there was a chance for them after all. She grasped Ash’s hand while Rock Giant was busy using the sink. ‘Let’s watch that movie.’

  The duvet on her bed was a mess, covered in sticky brown splodges of treacle that would never come out. Spook had co-opted Dani’s bed and appeared to be fast asleep. Ash stole the clean duvet off him and swapped it for the treacle-stained one. He plugged the TV back in and grabbed the remote.

  Ginny perched on the edge of the bed and rolled down her stockings as she watched him move. ‘It’s going to involve some close cuddling, you know.’ The single bed was barely wide enough to let them sit side by side.

  ‘No probs.’

  ‘You have all the towels,’ Rock Giant complained, striding into the bedroom with his hands dripping wet. He scooped off the floor the towel he’d earlier had tied around his waist and used it to dry his hands. He looked at her and Ash getting comfortable, and Spook in the other bed, then gave a sigh. ‘Guess I’m sleeping in the van.’

  He returned to the bathroom to pick up his crumpled clothes. ‘Damp,’ he complained, pulling them on regardless.

  Ginny figured damp was an understatement, given how much water she and Ash had splashed over the side of the bath.

  ‘Won’t it be cold in the van?’ she asked, feeling guilty.


  Ash tossed him a bottle of whisky and Spook’s beanie hat. ‘It’s hardly midwinter. Tough guy like you, you’ll be fine. It’ll be just like sleeping on the tour bus, only quieter.’

  The harrumph Rock Giant gave in return led her to believe otherwise, but he left without further comment.

  ‘That was nice of him,’ Ginny observed. ‘He could have taken the floor. We should have suggested it.’

  ‘Don’t you want some alone time?’

  She cocked her head to one side to look at Ash. Of course she did. Not that they were alone, since Spook remained in the other bed. ‘Is he definitely asleep?’ she asked.

  Ash threw a cushion at him. When it failed to rouse Spook from his repose he concluded the sleep was genuine. ‘Let’s watch this movie, eh?’

  ‘What do you want on?’ Ginny rested her head against Ash’s shoulder. They only just managed to sit side by side. There were three choices that weren’t X-rated on the hotel channels. Ash opted for the kids’ movie to begin with, something a bit sappy and sweet about fellowship and family values, then turned over to the action adventure a few minutes later.

  Ginny watched without taking it in. The action on screen couldn’t compete with the drama raging inside her head. It felt right, lying pressed against Ash’s side, one leg hooked over his and her head resting in the hollow between his chest and his shoulder. It felt comfortable and secure and surprisingly exhilarating. There was something incredibly intimate about being together and not really speaking. It was the sort of thing long-term lovers did, not the actions of two people who were ostensibly only lovers for the night.

  Mostly though, Ash just smelled right. How crazy was that?

  ‘Are you asleep?’ Ash asked after a while, when her eyelids had begun to droop and she was dreamily cocooned in his embrace.

  ‘Not quite.’

  He stroked the side of her head down to her cheek, where his fingers curled against the contours of her face. ‘Say I was in town, how would I find you?’

  ‘I could give you my number.’

  ‘I guess, but I’ll warn you, I’m not good with phones. I always lose them.’

  ‘Or my email addy.’

  He shook his head. ‘I don’t like the anonymity of the Internet. You never know who you’re really talking to, or if you’re only talking to yourself. I hate how little verification there is about things.’

  She rubbed her tired eyes. She wasn’t sure if he was genuinely anti-Internet or concocting excuses for himself in advance, but then why bring up the topic of reaching her?

  ‘You know, for a rock star, you’re strangely out of touch with the modern era.’

  ‘Guess I’m more of a face-to-face guy. Maybe if you just gave me your address, I could pop by.’

  While having Ash appear on her doorstep would definitely elevate her street cred, she had a feeling it might lead to the sort of attention she could live without too. The last thing she needed was bricks t
hrough her window courtesy of jealous fans. And Dani wouldn’t be able to cope either.

  Shit! Dani!

  The realisation hit her hard. ‘What time is it?’ She sat upright and flailed a hand about, looking for her phone on the bedside table. It took a moment to realise she’d left it on the far side of the room.

  How could she have forgotten Dani? It was way late for her to be still out alone. ‘I should call her. Find out where she is, and why she isn’t here.’

  Ash blinked at her in confusion. ‘You mean you are actually sharing with someone? I only thought you mentioned her in case you needed an excuse to get rid of us because you’d figured out we were a bunch of hellish weirdos.’

  ‘I knew that before I invited you over. No, Dani’s real. Where the hell’s she got to? And where’s my phone?’

  ‘I see it. Stay there. I’ll fetch it.’ Ash left the bed. He dashed across the room naked and returned before Ginny had even put a foot on the floor.

  Back in bed beside her, he pulled her into his arms and tugged the duvet up to their armpits. ‘It’s cold not snuggled next to you.’

  Ginny settled her back against his chest while she checked her messages. Dani hadn’t sent anything, nor were there any missed call alerts. ‘Nothing,’ she muttered. That wasn’t at all like Dani, who normally reported her every move. ‘Shit! Do you think she’s all right?’

  ‘Is that her?’ Ash enquired looking over her shoulder at the photograph on her home screen. ‘I think I saw her backstage earlier. And I’m sure she’s fine.’

  ‘You didn’t –’

  ‘I didn’t what?’ He rolled his eyes. ‘No, I didn’t shag her. I didn’t actually speak to her. I just said I might have seen her.’

  ‘And she was OK?’

  He nodded. ‘Seemed to be.’

  ‘Was she with anyone?’

  Ash raised a hand and scratched his chin. ‘Yeah,’ he said hesitantly. ‘There might have been someone. A guy with dark hair.’


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