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Air's Passion [Elemental Magic 2] (Siren Publishing Menage Amour)

Page 4

by Daisy Dunn

  Walking to the front door, Nigel noticed a tiny camera partially hidden on the top of the door jam. Good boy, Simon. Hopefully, you hid the recording, too. Running to his vehicle, he grabbed his belongings and brought them into the house. The first item he went for was a large metal briefcase. Dialing the combination on the lock, the hasps released, and he opened the case. Electronic equipment filled the entire Hunter’s kit assigned to him by his superiors.

  Grabbing a voltaic device used to detect camera feeds, he searched through each room of the house hoping to find Simon’s handiwork. The mechanism started to beep a little faster as he neared the master bedroom on the second floor. Once inside the room, he narrowed down the search to the top portion of the closet. With his six-foot frame, he still couldn’t see the top shelf completely. Grabbing a chair sitting in the corner, he dragged it in front of the closet and stepped on the seat. Finally, he could see the contents and the recording equipment had been placed back in the darkest corner of the shelf. He retrieved the remote component and brought it down to the kitchen. I think it’s time to see what went on around here.

  An hour later, Nigel sat in front of his laptop reviewing the video surveillance for the first time. The front door camera had picked up a gorgeous blonde woman rushing toward the front of the house in a crouched position, with her arms above her head. A huge gust of wind with turbulent debris followed behind in her wake, building in size and power. Upon reaching the door, she swung her arms forward and the wind rushed by her body, blowing the door in. My God, the power this woman possesses is mind-boggling. He reviewed the tape over and over, noticing how the debris in the wind whipped around her form without ever touching her. She controls the wind. Pausing the video to get a clear shot of her face, his hand raised and touched the woman on the screen. Beautiful. Catching himself, he pulled his hand away from his computer and played the video again.

  Upon further review, he noticed a large man off to her side with dark hair, but couldn’t quite make out a clear face. Excited with his discovery, he knew he needed to send the video to his superiors. Logging into the syndicate’s online communication center, he contacted his commander, waiting a moment for the connection.

  Commander Tower appeared on the screen. “What have you got for me, Price?”

  “I’ve uploaded a video to you I found at Simon Jenkins’s last residence.”

  Nigel watched as Tower’s eyes lit up with bewilderment. “This video is unbelievable. I think Simon must have stumbled into something beyond werewolves. Good work, Price. I want you to find this girl and bring her to us alive. She has great power, so I would suggest heavy sedation with either a tranquilizer gun or chloroform, depending on how close you can get to her.”

  “I’m on it, sir.”

  “One last thing, don’t be an idiot like Simon. I suspect he’s been killed trying to take on this woman all by himself and not reporting in. If you need backup, say so.”

  “If I do, I’ll let you know. However, I didn’t become one of your top Hunters for nothing. I can handle this woman. Did you notice she has a companion with her in the video?”

  “No, I didn’t. I’ll be viewing this again.”

  “If you can have the lab clean up the video and make his face more discernable, I’d really appreciate the help. The more faces I have, the easier the search will be.”

  “I’ll send it to the lab immediately and have them try to extract a better picture for you.”

  “Thank you, sir. I appreciate it. Signing off.”

  “Signing off.”

  While he turned off his computer, his cell phone rang. His call display showed the landlord calling.

  “Hello, Tom.”

  “Hi, Nigel. The contractor is on his way unless this isn’t a good time.”

  “Actually, the timing is perfect. I’ll be waiting for him. Thanks.” Hanging up the phone, he strolled to the front window and peered out at his expansive front yard. Damn, I can’t wait until I get my hands on you, my dear. We’re going to have some fun together, aren’t we?

  * * * *

  Conner woke up early, showered, shaved, and headed downstairs for breakfast. Today, he planned to go to Elemental Magic, and ask Skye out on a date. After the way things ended last night at the bar, he expected her to run away, but he’d been told Ivy would help him. Whatever it took, he planned to make sure he had a date with her when he left the shop.

  Sitting at the kitchen table, Conner finished eating his breakfast when Dillon sauntered into the room with a huge smile.

  “Good Morning, Conner,” he practically sang his words.

  “What’s up with you?”

  “Nothing. Can’t a man be happy first thing in the morning?”

  “Not you. You’re usually grumpy and miserable. What happened last night while you were watching the woman’s house?”

  “I saw her.”


  “Sexy, beautiful, enticing, need I go on? She’s an air elemental, a real one with the power to command the air around her. She’s amazing.”

  “Did you talk to her?”

  “Yes, of course.”

  “Wait a minute, when you changed back from your cat form to talk to her, were you wearing clothes?”


  “Something happened between you two, didn’t it?”

  “I’ll never tell.”

  “All right, keep your secrets. I planned on telling you about what happened at the bar last night, but I think I’ll keep the information to myself. Besides, right now I need to brush my teeth and go meet someone.”

  “Do you have a date?”

  “Not officially, but I’m going to ask her out this morning.”

  “I can’t believe it. We only showed up in town yesterday, and already we’ve both found someone. You know, this is going to complicate our lives.”

  “Ya, I know, but what a beautiful complication.”

  Chapter Five

  Skye unlocked the front door of the shop and flipped the Closed sign over to Open. This morning, she woke up earlier than usual, and found she couldn’t take the smile off her face. Did last night really happen? Did I meet a shifter and a possible mate? This is almost too easy.

  A note had been left on the front counter from Flame, for Ivy and Skye, asking them to stock the shelves with yesterday’s shipment. Two large boxes sat in the middle of the showroom floor. Well, I guess it’s time to get to work. Nothing would faze her today. Feeling happier then ever, she went over to the new inventory and started going through the items.

  Fifteen minutes later, Ivy sauntered in. “Good morning, Skye.”

  “Good morning, sweet Ivy. How are you today?”

  “Sweet Ivy? Have you gone mad?” Ivy walked over to her with concern in her expression. “Are you all right?”

  “I’m feeling fantastic.”

  “You look wonderful, but what about last night? You were so upset when you left.”

  Blankly staring at Ivy, it took a moment to register what she’d been referring to. “Oh, yes, the kiss.” The kiss! I forgot about Conner. In her elation over her intimate encounter with Dillon, she forgot about the amazing connection she had with Conner. It had to be the heat washing through me. I want Dillon.

  The door opened to their first customer of the day. Skye looked up, her heart feeling as if it was pounding right through her chest. Conner. How did he find me?

  Staring at Skye, he waved sheepishly at the women. “Hi, ladies. Wonderful to see you two again.”

  “Hi, Conner. Look, Skye, it’s your special friend from last night.”

  I’m going to kill her. She must have told him where to find me. The memories of her wanton behavior in the pub last night came rushing back. Mortified, she briefly nodded her head toward Conner and then looked away, pretending to go through one of the open boxes with gusto.

  “I have to get something from the stock room. I’ll be right back,” Ivy said as she darted from the room.

  Oh, she is so g
oing to get it. Conner stepped up to Skye, while she kept her head down, working.

  “I’m sorry about last night. I hope I didn’t offend you in any way.” His voice bore a hint of shame.

  Feeling guilty he took the blame for her actions, she looked at him. Her gaze reached his eyes and found mischief and mystery in his intimate stare. “I’m the one who should apologize for last night. I’m going through this thing right now in my life and last night it reared its nasty head. I didn’t mean to come on so strong. In fact, I’m terribly ashamed I did.”

  “You have nothing to be ashamed about. Something happened between us last night. I felt the attraction as strongly as you did.” He took a bold step toward her.

  Mesmerized by his sparkling eyes, she remained in place. Step back from him. Move, feet, move. Her body paid no attention to her commands. The intense pull to this man confused her emotions. She wanted him, without question, and without the heat plaguing her attraction. “I felt the pull, too.” What? Skye, shut up.

  Conner took another step forward, bridging the gap between them. With him brazenly in her personal space, all she could do to keep control of her emotions was to look away. Placing his hand on her chin, he gently nudged her to face him. “Do you think we can go somewhere and talk?”

  This might be good. I’ll go out to a public place with him, and tell him I’m seeing someone. “All right, but I have to tell Ivy first.”

  Running to the back stockroom, Skye went to talk to Ivy. “You’re in big trouble, lady.”

  “What did I do?”

  “Don’t play the innocent with me. I know you told him where I work, and you also left me alone with him.”

  “You don’t seem to understand. We went out last night looking for a mate for you. You hooked him last night, and now he came in here to see you. I talked with him for a while after you left, and he’s crazy about you. Now stop being embarrassed by what happened and start dating this man.”

  “You don’t understand. I met someone else.”

  “What? When?”

  “Last night when I got home, he was naked in my backyard.”

  “Oh my God, Skye. I would call him a major creep. Stay away from him.”

  “It sounds a lot creepier the way I’m describing it. Listen, I’m going to try to get rid of lover boy, so I’ll be going for a quick walk around the block. I’ll see you in a little while.”

  “Think about what you’re doing.”

  “I am. My decision has been made.” Skye walked out of the stockroom and looked at Conner. Butterfly wings twittered lightly in her stomach at the sight of him. He’s so handsome. Wait, get a grip on yourself.

  “Are you ready to go?” he asked excitedly.

  “Yes, let’s go.”

  They wandered out of the shop and strolled along the quiet sidewalk. Brushing his arm against hers, she felt warmth emanating from deep within. Different from the heat she’d experienced yesterday, but still an erotic tingling clawing at her insides.

  Daringly, he reached out and slipped her hand into his. Pull your hand away. Again, her body didn’t listen to her stern command. His touch felt like magic, as if invisible strings gently bound their hands together. Well, I guess holding his hand can’t hurt.

  They wandered down the sidewalk, talking about the weather, the beautiful murals in town, and the upcoming events happening in the summertime. An hour had passed by, and they found themselves on a pathway meandering through a forest.

  Conner stopped, halting Skye in her tracks. Taking a step in front of her, he looked down into her eyes. Nervously, she met his gaze. Reaching up, he removed the clip holding her hair up in a bun. Running his fingers through her blonde mane, the locks fell wildly down her back.

  “I haven’t stopped thinking about you since I saw you yesterday outside the shop. I need you to understand, you’ve captured my heart. I’ve never felt this way toward a woman before with this instant attraction pulling at my soul. I want to get to know you better and be a part of your life, if you’ll have me.”

  His words rang out with sincerity and sweetness. Skye wanted to resist him, but the powerful force of attraction seemed to be at work, pulling their hearts together. The need burned in her to have Conner sear her lips with a kiss, touch her, and hold her. God help her, she wanted him. Maybe he’s the right man for me after all.

  Letting her guard down, she reached up and stroked his cheek. “Why don’t we see where this leads?”

  Lowering his head to hers, he captured her lips in a passionate kiss, while pulling her into his loving embrace. His lips devastated hers, showing no mercy as they feasted, thoroughly robbing her of breath. The wall she built between them shattered to pieces when he plunged his tongue into her moist depths, stroking her mouth to ecstasy. They couldn’t seem to get close enough to each other, as they erotically rasped their bodies together.

  Skye heard the sound of distant footsteps invading their moment, and she reluctantly pulled away from his lips. “Someone’s coming.”

  “I guess we should find a new spot.”

  “I live five minutes away from here. Would you like to come back to my place?” Momentarily shocked at her brazen request, she hoped he didn’t think ill of her.

  With his eyes lit up, he nodded his head emphatically.

  “Follow me.” Cutting through the brush, she walked along a narrow path not often used and a minute later arrived at her front street. She looked behind, and saw him emerge from the forest area. “My house is the third one down on the left.”

  With a devilish glint in his eyes, he grabbed her hand and brought it to his lips. “I can’t wait to be inside.”

  They headed to her house at a quick pace. Arriving at her front door, she pulled her key from under a flowerpot on her front step, unlocked the dead bolt, and walked in. He shut the entrance behind them and locked it. They removed their shoes then looked at each other with longing. With three bold steps toward her, he scooped her up in his arms and carried her to the plush couch in the living room visible from the front entryway. As if handling the most delicate glass sculpture, he placed her tenderly on the sofa.

  Standing up, he looked down at her and smiled. “How did I ever get so lucky finding you?” He unbuttoned his plaid shirt and let it fall to the floor behind him.

  She gasped at his physique. With muscular arms, a masculine, bare chest, and tight abs, she could barely contain her excitement. Oh Lord, he’s gorgeous. Briefly, his body reminded her of Dillon’s, but Conner’s appeared sleeker. However, they both possessed an agility and fluid grace in motion. He left her spellbound. A wave of guilt washed over her, but she quickly pushed thoughts of Dillon aside. Conner felt right, and for now, that’s the answer she needed.

  Unzipping her fitted yoga jacket, she took it off and the tank top underneath it. Longingly, he stared at her in her turquoise push-up bra. “You’re sexier than hell.” He reached down, removing her socks one by one. “You have the prettiest little feet I’ve ever seen.”

  While she was blushing at his compliment, he moved to her waist and unbuttoned her jeans. The zipper easily slid down, and he stripped her pants off her body. The lacy boy shorts she wore matched her bra, and his approval seemed quite evident from his sensual gaze.

  After he removed her sexy undergarments, she sat down before him naked, vulnerable. The urgency in him seemed to grow as he quickly husked his jeans and boxers. Admiring his impressive erection, she felt her lips clench in the slick, wet heat of her core. With their exposed bodies yearning for release, Conner knelt down between her legs and pulled her ass to the edge of the couch.

  The ache between her legs grew as he poised his body overtop of hers. His olive complexion appeared darker next to her creamy skin. Kissing her again, his tongue swept inside with a sweet invasion, while her fingers gently tugged through his hair. His lips eventually left hers and travelled down to her breasts, taking her rose-tipped nipple, and circling the taut length. Conner’s other hand worked its way down to the
cleft between her thighs. Skye arched her back, trying to encourage his fingers to play with every part of her pussy including her most sensitive spot.

  He obeyed her wordless command, penetrating her wet folds to stroke her swollen clit. Moaning under his burning touch, she needed to feel him inside of her. “Please, I need you to fill me up.”

  Without hesitation, Conner released her breast and placed his hand on his cock. Guiding his stiff rod to her outer lips, she noticed the pre-cum shining on his bulbous head now mingling with her juices from the slippery softness of her folds. She arched higher, and he buried himself to the hilt, filling her pussy full in one quick stroke. Crying out with pleasure, he drove into her over and over, the pace quickening with each thrust.

  His thumb remained on her clit, massaging it seductively, bringing on the explosive feelings begging to be set free. With her hand on his chest, she reached her peak as tidal waves of enormous power rushed through her body. Convulsing around him, he followed with an erotic release, flooding himself into her. A low growl sounded from his throat as he collapsed on top of her, holding her tight.

  Lying in each other’s embrace, they tried to catch their breath. Conner broke the silence of the moment first and whispered, “You were wonderful.”

  * * * *

  Ivy finished unpacking the second box and returned the empty carton to the stock room. Hearing the door open, she hoped Skye would be back so she could tell her something about Conner she didn’t get to mention earlier—he’s a shifter. Ivy’s men had sensed Conner’s ability, and spoke to her about it when they left the bar last night. They didn’t sense evil from him, and Ivy felt he would make a wonderful mate for Skye and a fantastic addition to their growing family.


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