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Saving Sadie

Page 19

by Honor James

  “I’m getting there. Still a little stiff,” he told her. “But my range of motion’s coming back. It’ll be a bit yet, babe. No running around quite yet, though the doc had me on the treadmill the last time and suggested I start using it, and the lighter pulley weights. As long as I have someone there with me, of course, just in case.”

  “Good thing that you always have Bryce or myself with you then, huh?” she asked with a grin. “Because I have to say that I’m more than happy to spend any time with you in the gym that you want. After all, I need to spend more time down there as well. I need to get some Yoga Blu Rays so that I can start on it as well.”

  “That’s a good idea, actually, they help with balance, something I’m having to work at. I keep wanting to compensate when the leg gets tired. The doc warned me about that, same with the idiot physio, which I already knew. I really need to find a physio that has a brain, and doesn’t treat me like a two year old.”

  “You really don’t like your physical therapist, do you?” Sadie turned her head so she could watch him better. “Why? What is it about them that makes you dislike them so much?” She wanted to know, needed to know what it was that he hated so much about his therapist.

  He stopped his stretching and turned a little to look at her. “You know when you meet someone for the first time, and you have this sudden sense that something’s not right? Like nails on a chalkboard, something is off and grates over your senses.”

  “Yeah, I know what you are talking about. I’ve met people like that in the past as well.” People that just simply made her whole being shift away from their lives. “So that’s what you felt with this person, right?”

  “That, and she keeps giving me these condescending looks. Like I said, she treats me like I’m a mentally deficient two-year-old. The fact she seems to believe she knows my body better than I do really is annoying. No, I’m going to find someone else who actually listens to what I say, instead of telling me how I should be feeling.”

  “I say you should do it. You know your body, Keagan. You have always known yourself better than I could ever hope to know myself so I say do it. Really, you should do it,” she repeated. “Don’t let anything hold you back. If you need I will help you find another one. If you want, that is.”

  “Absolutely.” He nodded. He did a couple more slow stretches then came to join her on the bed. He walked slower without the brace on, but he was walking so much better than mere weeks before. Easing next to her, he flopped onto his back. “I’d prefer someone that didn’t like patting me on the head. Not even kidding. She did it too often, and I snapped at her. Ended up getting told to behave myself, which was the last straw. I have no clue what sort of clients she’s had in the past, but she won’t be getting any more military referrals. That I can damn well guarantee.”

  “Oh lord. I think that I would have snapped at her,” she admitted. “I don’t like people to treat me as if I’m their pet or their child.” She shifted to look up into his face and asked, “Do you think that maybe she has a crush on you? Maybe that is why she acts as she does?”

  “If she did, that was not the way to earn any points with me, or any man I know. That shit is a major turn off, in a big way.” He rolled toward her, resting his hand on her hip, and then slid it up her back to draw her in closer. Keagan brushed a kiss to her shoulder. “All that sort of thing will gain her is a whack of rejection, and a lot of nasty language.”

  “Yep, ‘cause you are so totally taken it’s not even close to funny.” Sadie moved so that she was stretched out fully against him now. “You are, taken, that is.” It wasn’t a question, it was a statement. “And have been for a number of years just like I have and just like Bryce has been. The three of us are forever kind of package deal. Don’t you think?”

  “Don’t need to think about it,” he told her. “I know it as fact. I’ve been yours since the first time we met,” he said. Keagan slid his hand up, then down her back to cup her ass. Squeezing, he leaned in to kiss her, nipping at her lip gently.

  “I happen to love when you do things like this.” She rubbed her body against his and moved her hand up his chest and back down again. “I think that you should do something about the whole touching me thing. Especially now that we are pregnant, there is no reason not to, right?”

  “You say that like I don’t touch you on a regular basis,” he said. “I seem to recall a lot of touching going on of late. Not always with the end results of us making love, but definitely lots and lots of touching.” He slid his hand over her hip and moved to cup her pussy. A finger slid between her folds to rub at her clit.

  “I happen to love your touching, though. I love when you corner me, just because. I love when you touch me and you make me scream with pleasure,” Sadie admitted. “And it seems as if I crave your touches even more now.” Not just his but Bryce’s as well.

  “Keep talking,” he said. His finger slid back and forth over her clit. Kissing her again, he slid his finger further through her folds, and then into her pussy. The bed dipped at her back, and she knew that Bryce had joined them, his hands sliding over her skin slowly.

  Sadie moaned and moved in a bit closer to Keagan. “Oh mercy,” she whispered and opened herself even more to the men. “I really think that you both need to do all that you can to make me scream and then you both need to make love with me. Please?”

  Bryce chuckled softly behind her. “Not exactly a challenge,” he teased. He slid a hand over her ribs and moved his hand up to cup her breast. Squeezing, he tweaked her nipple while pressing a kiss to her neck.

  “Only because the two of you know just how to touch me in order to give me the most pleasure. Both of you know how to play and work my body like crazy. I am still learning your bodies, however.” Learning what made them tick, so to speak.

  “It’s such a lovely body we had to learn it quickly,” he said quietly. “Especially since we have missed so much over the years.”

  “Agreed,” Keagan said. Dropping little kisses on her cheeks, he brushed his lips over hers briefly. “You’ve matured beautifully, filling in in all the lovely spots a woman should.”

  “Well, you know.” She laughed then, she couldn’t seem to help herself. “I just became who I was always supposed to be, you just weren’t here the whole time to see it. You are here now, both of you,” she told them both happily.

  “Yes, we are,” Bryce said. “And we’re never leaving you again. You couldn’t pry us away from your side. Good times, bad times, and everything in between. I can’t wait to see you pregnant with our child, even with the risks, which we will do everything to keep as minimal as we absolutely can.”

  “That’s a very good thing, because I’m never letting you go either. I need you both in my life far too much.” She sobered at that and, taking a deep breath, nodded. “We are pregnant now, so now we just have to wait for me to get big, that’s when we will have to start to be very careful.”

  “We’ll be careful with you anyway, Sadie. You’re ours, our love, our heart, our very hope,” he told her. “Be ready for a lot of spoiling, a lot of times where we won’t let you do a damn thing, and when we will pamper you at practically every turn.”

  “I could totally get behind all of that,” she said happily. “I’m sure that there will be hours upon hours where you will both take turns rubbing the cream into my body, right?” Which she was perfectly fine with.

  “Among other things we’ve discussed and pre-planned. Now, do you mind paying attention to the attention we’re paying to your body? It’s very disconcerting to have you discussing other matters when we’re so intent on making you scream from pleasure.”

  “I’m very okay with paying attention to you both,” Sadie said with a smile. “In fact, I think that one of you should totally shut me up by putting your cock in my mouth. Is anyone interested?” She licked her lips, anticipation filling her along with need and desire.

  “Bryce hasn’t had the opportunity to feel your lovely tongue on him as
much as he should,” Keagan said. “I think you should take the opportunity to suck him off while I fuck your tight little ass. Don’t finish him, though. Let him finish inside your sweet little pussy.”

  “You have the best ideas ever, Keagan.” Sadie looked over her shoulder at Bryce and grinned. “So, what do you say, babe? Are you up for a bit of me sucking you until your toes curl?” She hoped so because now that Keagan laid that plan at her feet, that was exactly what she wanted to do.

  Bryce was looking at Keagan, a small frown on his face. “You sure, bro?”

  “Yup, I’m feeling good, and if I need to change position you’ll both know right off.”

  “Good enough for me,” Bryce said. Looking to her, he smiled, and leaned in to press his lips to hers. “Where do you want me, babe?”

  “However is going to be easiest. I just know that I need to be fucked. I need for you both to be inside of me fucking when we all come.” She was rearranging things slightly on them but could tell by the looks on their faces that they were good with that. “But you need to either turn me around, or I need to get on my hands and knees before you, babe.”

  “Let’s keep it easiest on Keagan, and I’ll spin around. You roll to face me, and then you can suck my cock while he fucks your ass. And it works well since it will keep all pressure off his leg.” Bryce sat up, spun around, and put his feet to the head of the bed. Then he wiggled up until his cock was in front of her face.

  She loved how inventive her men were. The moment that Bryce’s cock was in front of her face, she took him into her mouth and began to suck him for all she was worth. She was determined to give him as much pleasure as she possibly could in a short period of time so that they could all soon be joined together as one.

  She felt the pressure of Keagan’s fingers against her anus, the cold gel on his fingers lubing the way for her to accept him. She whimpered and pushed back against him, taking his fingers into her backside while sucking Bryce all the same.

  “Easy, sweetheart,” Keagan said quietly. He pressed his fingers deeper before withdrawing them from her ass. She felt more lube being applied then heard the sound of a condom tearing open. More pressure on her anus warned her Keagan was pressing his cock to her tight entrance.

  “Yes.” She hissed the singular word as she let out a breath between her teeth as Keagan began to fill her anus. Her hand was still working on Bryce, even if she had pulled her mouth from him a moment earlier. “So good.” She was pushing back slightly to allow Keagan full access to her body, and then put her mouth back on Bryce once again.

  “That’s it, Sadie. Take me in, take all of me,” he encouraged her. His hands on her ass spread her open to his constant push into her ass. Once he was in, he bent her top leg up a little and began to slowly slide in and out.

  She moaned and shifted slightly, moving so that she could take all of Keagan into her ass. She then put her mouth back onto Bryce and began to hum, teasing him as best she could while trying to keep up with the pace that Keagan had begun for them.

  “There you go,” he encouraged her. “God, I’ve missed sliding deep into your ass, so fucking tight, and all those muscles you can use so damn well.”

  In front of her, Bryce began to finger her pussy, pressing two fingers in while rubbing at her clit with another. He tortured her just as she tortured him.

  She moaned, the sound sending vibrations up Bryce’s cock and making her clench against Keagan’s cock in her ass. She became wild then, her body moving with theirs, her need growing and growing as she shifted and moved along with them.

  “Fucking hell,” Keagan said on a moan. His hand on her hip tightened, squeezing for a long moment before he loosened his hold. He moved faster, harder, pulling out to the tip of his cock, and then thrusting in deep.

  Fucking hell was right, she felt so perfect in this place with them. She couldn’t deny that this was always what she wanted. Them loving her as only they could or would ever be able to. “I would always chose the two of you, always.” She whimpered.

  “We know,” Bryce told her. His voice sounded strained slightly. “Sadie, babe, let my cock go. I think I need to be inside of you now. I need to feel your hot little pussy wrapped around my cock as I explode.”

  With one last lick up his cock, she released him, and she pulled from his cock so that he could move as he needed to. She was close, so damn close that it wasn’t even funny. “Hurry. Please,” she begged, pushing back on Keagan as she spoke.

  Flipping around, Bryce came face to face with her and pressed a kiss to her lips. Hiking her leg up over his hip, he rubbed his cock to her clit before pressing the head to her pussy. He let her mouth go and slid into her in a quick move.

  She loved the way that they moved, both of them as if speaking, but neither saying a word. The way that they filled her was to perfection and then they began to move. She clutched to Bryce’s shoulders as he and Keagan fucked her hard, fast, and with determination. It didn’t take her but a moment and she was screaming as she came in a fury.

  “God yes,” Bryce said. He slammed his cock into her harder, faster, clutching at her leg like it was a lifeline. “Again,” he demanded of her. Both men, apparently with the same goal in mind, to have her orgasm twice in a row.

  Never able to tell them no, Sadie moved with them, her body rubbing against Bryce’s just enough to cause friction against her clit and she was soon whimpering again. Keagan pushed harder into her anus and she saw stars. She screamed, her pussy and ass clutching both dicks hard as she exploded around them.

  Their yells were nearly drowned out by the roaring in her ears. She felt Bryce spilling his seed deep into her pussy, while she felt the throb of Keagan’s cock in her ass. A shudder from Keagan’s body rippled through to her as they all collapsed, panting for air.

  “Perfect.” It was all that she could force out of her shaky lips as she lay there between both men. “You are both utterly and fully perfect.” They both knew her body, likely better than she did, and that was pretty amazing in her mind.

  “Hardly,” Keagan panted out. “Together, though, we’re pretty damn close.”

  “I think I blew something out,” Bryce muttered. “Fucking hell, I’m seeing stars.”

  Keagan’s breathless laugh rattled her around. He slid an arm around her waist and squeezed her close, pressing a kiss to her shoulder. “Let me clean up, and then we can get some rest. Little mother definitely needs to get some sleep.”

  “Sounds like a plan.” She didn’t want to let Bryce go, not now that he was inside of her. She hugged him and whimpered when Keagan pulled out of her body. “Yes. God, that feels so right.” And wrong, him leaving her felt so wrong.

  He smacked her ass, hard, before rolling off the bed. Turning her head, she watched him make his way, with care, of course, to the bathroom. He was only gone maybe ten minutes before he walked back to the bed and slid in behind her. “You should get some sleep, sweetheart.” Keagan drew the covers up around them all and got in close to her so he was pressed to her back.

  “Sleep does sound good.” Sadie had her eyes closed and was nuzzled in closer to Bryce with Keagan holding her close as well. “Good rest. Tomorrow we can talk over names for our babies, and figure out whose last name they will have.” She was mostly teasing them, mostly. “I love you both, now rest well,” she said as she drifted off to sleep.


  “I have to agree with Jacobs, all three look to be a good fit with us,” Michael said. They were finishing up their Monday morning briefing on prospective projects coming their way. “Have them come in for interviews, and we’ll see if they like us well enough to take us on.”

  “Already set it up for Thursday,” Jacobs told him. Everyone looked at him. “Oh come on, I know you all well enough by now to know you were going to want to talk to them. Give me a little credit.”

  Snorting out a laugh, Harker shot Bradley a look and saw similar amusement in his friend’s eyes.

  “You could have waited
until I’d at least read their files,” Michael groused.

  “And chance losing them to one of those asshole type companies that are more mercenary than what we are? Hardly,” Jacobs retorted. “Besides, had you not been on board I’d have called them up and told them where you lived so they could prove otherwise.”

  Markham snickered at that. “I have a feeling they wouldn’t have been ready for Gigi, though.”

  Probably not, the woman was a force all her own. While she might have a look about her that suggested frailty, or even weakness, the woman had a spine of steel. She’d have kicked their asses for trying to get into her home, and likely left them clutching their nuts in agony while she got Michael to deal with them. Either that or she’d use the back of her skull to rearrange their faces.

  “Are you dissing my wife?” Michael demanded.

  “Hardly,” Markham said. “She’s lethal all on her own. Hell, Yoshi still flinches in memory whenever she comes around.”

  “Ha, ha,” Yoshi muttered. Poor guy had been on the receiving end of Gigi’s lethal head butt. He’d forgiven her for the most part. Unless one of the guys mentioned the “incident” to him, then he tended to get grumpy again.

  “Quit bugging Yoshi about it already,” Connor said. He looked and sounded amused as well. “She was fighting to get to her man. You know any of our women would have done the same in a similar situation.”

  “Piper definitely would have,” Cutter commented. He wore a grin on his face, obviously thinking about his very pregnant wife.

  “Any of them would if it came down to it. They’re all scrappers at heart, especially when they are fighting for the one, or ones, they love. Now, let’s get down to business and finish this up,” Michael said. “I’d like to get home to my wife at some point today.”

  Laughter and agreement rounded the table before they put their minds on task.

  An hour later, Harker stopped by his office and found Yoshi in there. “What’s up?” He asked in concern. The other man looked…off. Not quite the right word, but for the normally composed man, it was fitting at the time.


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