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Saving Sadie

Page 20

by Honor James

  “Timmons thinks he has a lead on our hacker,” he said. “He’s all fired up to hunt the person down, and was going to head off on his own. But I talked him into letting me go with him as backup. I wanted to give you guys a heads up where we’d be in case we put out a 911 for assistance.”

  “Have you told Michael yet?”

  “Yeah, already briefed him on what little Timmons has shared. He’s particularly closed mouthed on this, which worries me.”

  It was worrying them all. Harker had a feeling Timmons already knew who the hacker was, but the man wasn’t talking. Unfortunately, the rest of them didn’t have the necessary skills to get through his layers of security on anything to see what he might have found. If he’d even left anything to be found.

  “Well, you know we’re only minutes away from being on a plane. So keep a watch on him, and let us know if we need to come riding to the rescue.” Watching Yoshi, Harker had the feeling that wasn’t all that was bothering the man. “What’s going on, Yosh?” he asked softly.

  Shaking his head, Yoshi shot him a look, and Harker watched the mask fall back into place. The perfect blend of amusement, and fuck-off-or-die. They all had the mask with variations to them, and they all used them depending on the situation. “Nothing.”

  Grunting at that, Harker stepped into the man’s personal space. “You know that if you need to talk, you can come to me, right?”

  “Of course,” Yoshi said.

  “Good. Then go and keep a leash on Timmons.”

  Moving to his desk, Harker watched Yoshi pause at the door, then leave the office. Something was on the man’s mind. But he knew better than to push, at least in this situation. If it was anything else, he’d have pushed and pushed until he got answers, no matter the consequences. He didn’t have the inclination to do that with Yoshi just yet. Maybe later.

  For now, though, he had plans to get home and spend time with Sadie. There was also the little matter of the names she kept coming up with for possibilities for their baby. So far he and Bradley were not overly fond of any she’d suggested. He was pretty sure she was trying to push their buttons, though, now if only he could prove it.

  * * * *

  Sadie looked up when Bryce and Keagan entered the room. “So what about the name, Robin?” She had been teasing them with the names for the last few weeks. She enjoyed it as well. She placed her hand on her belly and shifted on the couch. “Oh, or maybe Murphy?” She knew that neither name would be good, they would give her issues with it just as she liked it.

  “How was work? Oh, and did you bring me home Choco-Tacos?” The ice cream was something she craved all the time right now, but that was the only sweet she craved now. Damn it all to hell and back again. “And did you guys find more people for your business?”

  Bryce hefted a bag as he valiantly tried to cover up a sneer. Keagan was shaking his head as he took a seat at the table.

  “We did find a couple more, all three of Jacob’s suggestions, actually. They’ll be in for interviews later this week,” Bryce told her. Passing her the bag, she peeked in to see the containers of ice cream. “As for the names…”

  Both men shared a look, then turned to her and shook their heads. “No,” they said in unison, the word very final sounding. Their expressions said they weren’t going to lie down and let her walk over them for those two names. Which was pretty much what she’d figured would happen. Silly men, they actually thought she didn’t know that already.

  “Aw, come on. Really?” She pouted and then grinned. “What have the two of you thought of for names? Junior?” She snickered. She knew that neither wanted to name their son Junior. “We need to figure out a name sometime before he starts school, you know.” She wished she was teasing, but she wasn’t, not really. None of them had been able to come to a name yet and it was driving her crazy.

  “You keep assuming it’s a boy,” Keagan said. “It’s still too early to know one way or another, and you know it, babe. Hell, we haven’t even gotten a doctor’s appointment yet to verify you are pregnant, and it could be a little girl.”

  “He has a point,” Bryce told her. “It’s only been a few days since you did the whole pee-on-a-stick thing. I’m thinking Petunia for a girl though.”

  “Oh, or Gertrude,” Keagan said. “Good old-fashioned name.” His lips were twitching though, so she knew he was yanking her chain.

  “I think that we should name her Rose and a boy Red.” She was teasing. “And I have a doctor’s appointment next Tuesday at nine a.m. so you both need to be ready for it.” She dumped onto them, grinning and getting up and walking to the kitchen with them so she could have ice cream.

  “Tuesday works for me,” Bryce told her. “Might be a little tight for Bradley, though, he’s got a meeting with his new, potential, that is, physio at eleven. We’ll need to break a few laws to get across town to that, I have a feeling.”

  “I like Rose,” Keagan said. “Definitely not Red for a boy, too many possible connotations on that one.”

  “He can push his visit back with that woman,” Sadie said with a shrug. “I like Rose, too. Now we just need to figure out a name for the boy. Oh, what about Henderson?” She so loved to tease the boys, it made her happy to watch their faces as they grumbled about the names she came up with.

  “No,” Keagan said.

  “He’s not meeting with her, babe. He’s meeting with a new therapist, a guy one of the others recommended. And definitely no on the name,” Bryce said.

  “Well then you two come up with a boy name since I came up with the girl name. It’s either that or else I’m going to let the boys come up with a name for him.” The guys had all been ever so helpful in giving name suggestions, tweaking the noses of Bryce and Keagan as they did so.

  “We’ll come up with something. Anything’s better than some of the shit that they’ve been coming up with.” Keagan made a face and huffed out a breath. “Anything’s better than Kermit, for the love of God.”

  “Aw, come on. That was a pretty spectacular name.” Okay, so she was teasing, mostly. “Now, can I please have my ice cream?”

  “As long as you stop taking suggestions from Markham on names. He has no fucking vote,” Bryce said. At her nod, he pulled a spoon out of the drawer and passed it to her. “Go for it.”

  She looked at the spoon and frowned. “I don’t need that.” Not with the taco-shaped ice cream. She took it out of the pack and began to munch on it, the waffle cone in the taco shape was just right to hold onto. “Oh-so good. Thank you guys.”

  Keagan snorted and watched her. “You really should have used the spoon, babe. It might have kept some of that off your face,” he teased.

  Bryce tossed the spoon back in the drawer. Turning, he got her a napkin, wet it slightly, and handed it over. “This you will definitely need.”

  “I happen to like getting it all over myself,” she teased him with a grin. She did, however, take the napkins from him and continued to eat her ice cream. She watched the men as they put the groceries away and smiled. She was happy. Fully and completely happy. Life was finally where it should have been so long ago.




  Born in the mid-seventies, Honor has always had a love for the written word. Whether she is reading a book from another author or writing a story of her own, she is always letting her mind expand and delve into possibilities. It all started off as scribbles for her, then a phase of poetry before she found her true calling in the erotic paranormal genre where her imagination is only limit.

  Since beginning her journey as a published author in 2011 Honor says she has learned a great deal about herself and writing. She believes that it’s a neverending journey, the mind always wanting to learn and to grow. With that comes a better skill and smoothness to her writing she’s discovered and begun to enjoy more with each story she creates.

  Thankfully, as she puts it, she has a job that gives her plenty of opportunity to
write whatever comes to mind with very few interruptions. Her biggest supporters are, as always, her family. Her two children and her husband are continuously providing her with laughter and joy, making the time she takes to write a little bit easier. Without them and their support she knows she wouldn’t be half the author she is today.

  For all titles by Honor James, please visit

  Siren Publishing, Inc.




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