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The Baby Beneath the Mistletoe

Page 16

by Marie Ferrarella

  Suddenly Tony was afraid again. Afraid that after laying his soul bare, she’d back away at the last second. “I know it’s a big decision—and sudden. You can take as much time as you need.” As long as you give me the right answer.

  She nodded. “That’s fair.” And then she raised her eyes to his. “Is now too soon?”

  He was aware that he was holding his breath. “Depends.”

  She touched the tip of her tongue to her lip. “On what?”

  He looked into her eyes and thought he knew. Or was that just wishful thinking?

  “On the answer.”

  Her self-restraint disappeared. “How’s yes?”

  “Yes is terrific.” His arms tightened around her. “And so are you.”

  “Hey, when you’re right, you’re right.” She laughed, standing up on her toes to be closer to his mouth. “And you are right,” she whispered just before he kissed her. “The right one for me.”


  “So?” Not being one to stand on ceremony, Bridgette pounced on Tony and Mikky the moment they walked in the door.

  “Give them time to get their coats off, Ma,” Angelo admonished.

  Even as he said it, he knew it would do no good. He had to admit they were all curious as to how things had gone between Tony and Mikky. It seemed to him that the couple were the last ones to realize how good they were for each other and how good they looked together.

  Impatient, Bridgette waved her hand at her son, dismissing his reprimand. “The coats they can always take off. This is important.” She got in between Mikky and Tony, helping Mikky off with her coat, her eyes bright. “Did he ask you?”

  Tony shrugged out of his jacket. “You know, if I hadn’t already, Aunt Bridgette, you would have just ruined it for me.”

  She didn’t see it that way. Lifting her head regally, she countered. “No, if you hadn’t, my asking would have forced you to take her aside and do it.” And then she smiled broadly, looking from one to the other. “But you did do it, didn’t you?” Overjoyed, she clapped her hands together. Nothing she liked better than another wedding—unless it was another baby. And now there would be both. “I can tell by that look in both your eyes. You asked and she answered, and now my family is even bigger than it was this morning.” Opening her arms, she enfolded Mikky.

  “You can still back out of this, you know,” Shad confided to Mikky, talking to her over Bridgette’s shoulder. “You don’t know what you’re letting yourself in for.”

  Bridgette released her, only to pass her on to Angelo and then Shad. It seemed as if everyone was taking a turn hugging her. Hugging him. And then they were beside each other, arms linked.

  “Oh, I think I know,” Mikky assured Shad. “I have a big family, too. And there’s nothing in the world like it.”

  “No,” Tony agreed, looking at her. “There’s not.”

  Alessandra walked into the room, carrying Justin. “Someone here to see you.”

  Recognizing them, Justin’s smile widened even more. Mikky made it to his side first. She took him into her arms. God, but he felt good. “Hi, big guy, I’ve missed you.”

  “Yeah, me, too,” Tony murmured.

  “Look.” Alessandra pointed to the doorway. “Mistletoe.”

  They both looked up to see the sprig hanging down over them. Technically, it looked as if it was directly over Justin, who was between them.

  Mikky smiled as she looked at Tony. “I guess we can’t disappoint them.”

  “Them?” Tony echoed. “I was thinking of me.”

  As their lips met directly over Justin’s downy blond head, oblivious to the sound of applause all around them, neither of them was disappointed at all. And knew they would never be again.

  ISBN : 978-1-4592-5986-7


  Copyright © 1999 by Marie Rydzynski-Ferrarella

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