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Wolf Creek Alpha (Texas Pack 1)

Page 13

by Ellen, Jo

  “I don’t know. I have the early memories now of my second family, but I don’t remember leaving them. My last memory is of working at that hotel until your dad found me.”

  After Anna left, Robert asked Dunstan if he had the ability to shift through space.

  “No, I’ve never been able to do that. I can shimmer so no one can see me, but not travel. Maybe you have to be full fae to do that,” Dunstan answered.

  “Maybe, but if you want, we can leave right now. I can shift us both,” said Robert.

  “Rather you than me,” Rafe muttered.

  His brothers laughed, they knew how much he hated traveling like that.

  “What’s he talking about?” Lisa asked.

  “I’ll tell you in a minute. You two need to be discreet. A wolf pack isn’t going to welcome an unknown wolf asking questions, even though you’ll have a light fae with you,” Rafe stated.

  “No shit,” said Dunstan.

  Robert stepped over to Dunstan and took his arm. Lisa saw a shimmer and then they were gone. She was amazed.

  “That is so cool! How’d he do that? What’s it like?”

  “The fae can travel through space and time with a thought is how it was explained to me. It’s a freaky way to travel. You’re going faster than the speed of light. Not a pleasant way to travel,” Rafe told her, shuddering.

  “Just because you’re a wimp, doesn’t mean everyone else is. She may like it,” said Ian.

  Laughing, Lisa told them she wanted to try it sometime. Rafe just shook his head, telling her she was crazy.

  Dunstan and Robert appeared at the end of an alley, in the quaint town of Altus. Dunstan shook his head, feeling slightly dizzy.

  “That always leaves me off balance. Like my DNA just got scrambled,” Dunstan said.

  “It did. I just always hope I get it put back together correctly,” Robert said, joking.

  Robert had deposited them near a pub, thinking that would be the best place to start their search. Entering, they went up to the bar, ordering two beers. Casually looking around, they saw that most of the patrons looked to be locals. No tourist here.

  With both of them being able to ‘see’ wolves, it didn’t take long to notice the two guys playing pool. They ambled over to the men with Robert asking if he could play the winner.

  The men knew what they were, and were not happy seeing that Dunstan was dark fae. All wolves were friendly with the light fae, but were suspicious of the dark.

  “Why are you hanging around with him?” One of the men asked.

  “He’s not your enemy. His wolf overcomes his other half,” Robert told them.

  Dunstan could tell they were surprised. He’d forgotten he had his wolf part hidden. He was so used to hiding his wolf, he’d done it unconsciously. Now he removed his shimmer so they could see his wolf.

  “I’ve never met a half fae, half wolf before. Although I did know a woman…” he stopped talking.

  Dunstan knew they were talking about his mother. It was time to let his defenses down and tell them who they were. He didn’t have time to dance around the bush.

  “My name is Dunstan. I have a sister named Anna, whom I’ve just found. Our father is Ciar. From what we’ve learned, my mother escaped with Anna and left her with your family,”

  “I’m Robert, Queens’s guard and protector. I can vouch for this man. He only wants to find his mother and make sure she’s safe.”

  The men looked at each other. Dunstan was sure these were the two brothers Anna had told them about.

  “Anna told us she was raised by the Stewart family and they treated her like a daughter. Also, there were two brothers, Sean and David. Is that who you are?” asked Dunstan.

  Robert thought it looked like the brothers were speaking to each other telepathically. Seeing they were twins, Robert figured that was probably how they were able to do that. He hadn’t heard of families being able to do this, but he knew mates could. Interesting.

  “I’m David and this is Sean. You’re lucky the Queen’s guard is with you, otherwise we would have ripped you open on sight.”

  “Nice, yeah, I’m used to that reaction from other wolves,” said Dunstan.

  “Is there somewhere private we can talk?” asked Robert.

  “We’ll go out to the house. You two can follow us,” David stated.

  “We don’t have a car. We traveled here kind of fast, if you know what I mean,” smiled Robert.

  Sean told them they could ride with them. Going to the parking lot, they all climbed into his pickup. Sean informed them that they had a cattle ranch a few miles outside of town.

  “Isn’t that difficult, being wolves and all? I’d think you couldn’t get near them,” said Dunstan.

  David explained they had an aunt that could cover their scent. She was part witch, he explained.

  Robert and Dunstan glanced at each other. Now they knew who had probably concealed Anna’s memories.

  They pulled up in front of a ranch style house with a long porch. Robert saw there were a man and woman in rocking chairs relaxing on the porch.

  “Wait here. I need to tell my dad who you are. He’s liable to attack first and ask questions later,” Sean said to Dunstan.

  Dunstan just sighed. Wolves. But he understood. His wolf wasn’t too happy being in another’s territory. He sat in the truck while the others went up to the porch. Watching them, he saw the older man glance his way, and then motion for him to get out.

  Walking up to them, he paused warily as the man eyed him up and down. It wouldn’t do to have a fight with his sisters adopted family.

  Causally, the older man stuck out his hand. “I’m Bob and this is my mate, Eva. We knew your mother.”

  Dunstan was floored. He hadn’t expected it to be this easy. Now he didn’t know where to start. Bob invited them in, going to sit in a big recliner.

  Sean went and got everyone a beer, while they all sat waiting.

  “You’re looking for your mother. I knew you’d come wanting answers someday. She told me about you. She said she made you leave and promise to never go back,” said Bob.

  “I broke my promise. I had to go back to see if she was okay. She wasn’t there and I was afraid he’d killed her. I just found my sister. I never knew she’d had a baby.”

  “So now you want to know why she came to us,” Bob said looking at Eva.

  “She was my best friend,” said Eva. “We grew up in the same pack in Utah. I left my pack when I met Bob and moved here with him. We always kept in touch, even though we didn’t see each other anymore. It wasn’t easy.”

  Eva paused, taking a sip of her beer. She wasn’t looking forward to explaining to Dunstan his mother’s fascination with Ciar. She hadn’t understood it at the time either.

  “Your mother met Ciar in Scotland. She was on a trip to visit relatives there. I personally think he must have somehow hidden his dark side. You know of course, us wolves can see whether a fae is dark or light. He fascinated her. He had some kind of charisma thing going on, and she fell hard. He is not her mate, but she didn’t care.”

  “Maybe he used some kind of compulsion on her, I don’t know. Wolves wait their entire lives to find the One, and she wasn’t any different. Once she agreed to go to his castle, that was it, they disappeared. It was a long time before I heard from her again. I think he did care for her, or maybe he had some kind of obsession. I’m not sure which it was.”

  Dunstan felt sorry for his mother. It sounded like she’d been cheated out of the life she should have had.

  “She called me when she was able. He allowed her the freedom to go see her family, but only after you were born. He did this while keeping you with him. He knew she would come back for you. That’s how I knew who you were. She’s very proud of you. I’d like to believe she escaped when she brought Anna to us. I’m sorry, I can’t help you with your mom’s whereabouts, she wouldn’t tell us where she was going. It was her way to keep Anna safe.”

  He couldn’t help thi
nking about how Anna was conceived. Had his father forced her? He sat there burning with anger. He would kill him if he could.

  “I can tell by your expression what you’re thinking,” Eva said. “No, she wasn’t raped. I think in his own way, he loved her and she him. But it was all consuming with him. There was no space left for you or Anna. You saw their relationship from a child’s perspective. It was complicated. Even though she cared for him, her children were more important to her. I’ve hoped she found her mate in the time since she left Anna here,” Eva said quietly.

  While Dunstan thought about all he’d learned, Robert asked for information on her family in Scotland. Robert realized then that he’d never heard their mother’s name.

  “What was yer mother’s name, lad?” asked Robert.

  “Ena, Ena O’Connell,” Dunstan answered.

  Robert got the name of the town where Ena had family in Scotland. They also got the address for the Utah pack. She probably never went back there, but they would need to check and see. He decided he would travel there on his own, after he took Dunstan back to the castle. He would get more cooperation from any wolves he met if Dunstan weren’t around.

  They thanked the Stewart family, letting Eva know that if they found Ena, they would tell her. Taking hold of Dunstan’s arm, he transported them back to the great room.

  Rafe came out of his office, hearing them arrive. Sitting once again, Robert told him all they had learned from the family.

  “You certainly found them quickly,” Rafe said.

  “We’re lucky they live in a relatively small town. Had it been a big city, we’d still be looking,” Robert said.

  Robert told him about her family connections in Scotland and Utah. When he said he’d be leaving immediately to search for her, Dunstan stood to say he was going with him.

  “I’m going alone. Wait, listen a moment. I’m going to be trying to find a woman in hiding, with a bunch of wolves that won’t be cooperative if you’re there. The Stewart family was different. They knew about you and it was a small group of wolves. Now we know what we’re up against. It will be a much larger den in Scotland. They may know of you also, if she is there. But if not, I don’t want them to clam up thinking they’re protecting her,” Robert said.

  “He’s right,” said Rafe. “Besides, you’d be better off here protecting Anna. After tonight’s revelations, she’s going to need all of us to get through this.”

  Dunstan wanted to go, but understood why he should stay there. Robert disappeared again before he could argue anymore.

  Rafe and Dunstan sat and talked for a while. It helped Dunstan to talk about what he had learned. He was getting a picture of his father he had never imagined. They both went to bed, hoping to get some sleep after all they had learned.

  Chapter 13

  Lisa woke up to a kitten biting her fingers. Boy, they sure have sharp teeth and claws, she thought. She jumped in the shower, looking forward to meeting the seer, Melissa.

  Stephanie, Amy and Sarah were in the dining room eating breakfast when she arrived.

  “Good morning, ladies,” she said smiling.

  “You’re in a good mood today. Nice dreams?” asked Stephanie.

  “Don’t remember them. I just woke with a good feeling. Where is everybody?” asked Lisa.

  “Let see. Colin’s at work, of course. Ian is patrolling the grounds, looking for bad guys. Devlin is probably holed up in his office. Haven’t seen Anna yet. Guess that’s everyone.”

  Lisa narrowed her eyes, “You are so delightful to be around. Where’s Rafe, you little instigator.”

  “Right here,” he said from behind her.

  He moved in to kiss her good morning while Stephanie smirked. The girls started giggling asking for a kiss from uncle Rafe. He went over to Sarah first, playfully pulling her pigtail while kissing her cheek. Moving to Amy, he blew raspberries on the back of her hand.

  Lisa grabbed a banana from the counter to eat for breakfast. She never was a big eater early in the morning.

  “Is that all you’re having? Give me a minute and I’ll make you some eggs,” said Rafe.

  “No thanks, this is fine. What time is Chase coming with the seer?” she asked.

  Rafe pulled ingredients together to make an omelet. “Sometime around one. After helping Anna last night, are you up to this today?”

  “I’m fine. In fact, I want to try a little experiment. If you two are open to it, I’d like for you to think about something and see if I can pick it up. But only if you guys are comfortable with me being in your heads,” Lisa said.

  “Pick me, pick me,” Stephanie had her hand raised in the air like she was in school, waving it around.

  “I guess Steph is going first,” Lisa said dryly.

  Stephanie squinted her eyes closed tightly. Lisa almost laughed out loud looking at her face.

  “Um, you don’t have to think so hard, Steph. Just relax.”

  Stephanie opened her eyes and stuck her tongue out at Lisa. She closed her eyes again, looking more relaxed.

  Rafe slid an omelet in front of Lisa while she wasn’t paying attention. Lisa absently lifted the fork to her mouth, watching Stephanie.

  After swallowing her mouthful, Lisa calmly said, “Row, row, row your boat.”

  Amazed, Stephanie told her she had been singing that song in her head. Then she told Lisa to see if she could send her thoughts to her. Concentrating on her kitten, Lisa tried sending this to Stephanie.

  “I got nothing,” Stephanie said disappointed.

  “That’s okay, now I know a little more than I did before. Hey Rafe, this omelet is good, thank you. I didn’t think I was that hungry,” Lisa said smiling apologetically.

  Rafe nodded while finishing up cooking his omelet. He sat at the table, telling Lisa to read him now. He casually stared eating, while Lisa stared at him.

  Lisa gasped, glancing away from him. Her cheeks were bright red. Looking back at him, she saw he was grinning.

  “Aw come on, none of that. Little ears you know,” Stephanie complained. “I’ll expect a detailed report later.”

  Taking a sip of her juice, Lisa informed Stephanie there was nothing to tell. “I didn’t see anything,” she lied defiantly.

  Rafe sat eating, not saying a word. Lisa decided she would get even. She closed her eyes, concentrating. Hoping it would work on him, she sent him a mental picture of her in the shower. She slowly ran the soap up her arms, lifting her face to the spray. Then she picked up her loofah, running it gently across her stomach.

  She heard Rafe choke on his breakfast and opened her eyes, smirking at him.

  “I sure wish I could hear this conversation,” Stephanie said as she lifted Amy from her highchair.

  “I don’t know what you’re talking about,” said Lisa.

  Lisa picked Sarah up and took her to the sink to help get her cleaned up.

  Rafe cleared his throat, his eyes smoldering. “It worked. Lisa can send her thoughts to me. That’s all I’m saying.”

  Stephanie looked from one to the other. “That’s so cute, young love.”

  “Oh, shut up,” Rafe and Lisa said together.

  Laughing, Stephanie asked Lisa if she wanted to come outside for some finger-painting with the girls. They gathered up the paint and paper, moving outside to the patio table.

  Lisa thought this would be a good activity for her kindergarten class. She’d have to check in to getting some smocks for all the kids though. They were a colorful mess by the time they were done. Placing all their ‘art’ on the table, using small rocks to hold them in place. Stephanie guided the girls inside, being careful not to touch anything. She decided the best way to clean them was to put them both in the bathtub together.

  After washing up, Lisa stopped by her bedroom to get one of her paperbacks. Settling in on one of the couches in the great room, she was absorbed in her book when Rafe and Ian came in.

  They were discussing Dunstan’s mother. Lisa waited for them to finish, then a
sked what had happened after Robert and Dunstan left. Rafe told her what he’d learned, also letting her know Robert had left to see if he could track her down in Scotland or Utah. Stephanie had come in after putting the girls down for their nap and listened in.

  “So we still don’t know if she’s alive,” Lisa sad sadly.

  “I think she is. She went to a lot of trouble to get her children away, and from what Anna’s adopted mother says, I don’t believe he’d hurt her,” said Rafe.

  Hearing a car door slam, Ian went to look out the window.

  “Fuck!” he said succinctly.

  Rafe got up to see what had pissed Ian off. “Shit! What’s she doing here?”

  Of course, Lisa and Stephanie had to go and see for themselves. She saw Chase and a beautiful woman standing beside the car. There was also a pretty young blonde woman leaning against the hood, looking exasperated.

  “That’s Cindy,” Stephanie whispered.

  Oh, so this was the she cat Rafe had dated. Lisa was instantly on her guard. There were some bad vibes coming off this woman, she thought. Trying to look at her objectively, she could see why any man would want her. She was tall and thin of course. Were those real? Nah, those boobs were just too perfect, she thought snidely.

  Rafe and Ian had gone outside, so Stephanie and Lisa ran to catch up.

  “Rafe!” Cindy threw herself at him, wrapping her arms around his neck.

  Okay, this bitch is going down, Lisa thought. She stepped forward, intending to rip her way from Rafe. Before she could, Stephanie grabbed her arm, shaking her head.

  “Stay back, she’s a cougar. She could claw you before we could stop her,” Stephanie said quietly.

  “I’d like to see her try,” said Lisa angrily.

  While they’d been talking, Rafe had firmly grasped Cindy and put her away from him.

  “What are you doing here?” he demanded.

  Ignoring Rafe, Cindy looked over to Ian, winking.

  “Hey, Ian, miss me?”

  “Not in a million years,” Ian said.

  Rafe looked over at Chase. “Why is she here?”

  Chase apologetically answered, “She said she wanted to see Robert and begged me to bring her with us.”


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