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Wolf Creek Alpha (Texas Pack 1)

Page 14

by Ellen, Jo

  Rafe knew Chase had a hard time saying no to any woman. What a mess. Now he had to figure out what to do with her.

  “Robert isn’t here and I don’t know when he’ll be back. Chase and Melissa are here for a meeting, so you can stroll on the grounds or wait in my office,” Rafe said uncaring.

  Cindy’s eyes narrowed. She finally noticed the two women standing there. “Maybe I’ll just hang around with Stephanie until Robert returns,” she said to Rafe.

  “Sorry, I have plans,” Stephanie said, snubbing her.

  “Who is this?” she demanded, looking at Lisa.

  Stephanie answered before anyone else could. “This is Lisa, my best friend and Rafe’s mate,” she said looking maliciously at her.

  Cindy looked shocked. Then she demanded, “Mate? I don’t see any mark on her,” she sniffed disdainfully.

  “What does she mean by mark? Someone forget to tell me something?” Lisa asked.

  “If you were his mate, you’d have his mark on your neck.” Looking Lisa up and down, she said “Couldn’t get him to mark you? I can see why, a little on the hefty side, aren’t we,” Cindy said sweetly.

  “Why you scrawny little ass licker!” Lisa yelled trying to get around Rafe. He had moved to block her from attacking Cindy.

  Lisa struggled as Rafe clamped an arm around her waist.

  “Chase, get her out of here, now. No one insults my mate. Cindy, don’t show your face on my property again. Be glad I don’t let her go, she’d kick your ass,” Rafe stated.

  While Chase grabbed Cindy, forcing her back into the car, as Lisa continued to struggle and shout at her.

  “I hope you choke on a fur ball, you litter box slut!” Lisa yelled.

  Chase yelled at Melissa to call him whenever she was ready to go back.

  Rafe finally released her as the car pulled away. She turned around and punched him, since he was laughing so hard. Both Ian and Stephanie had joined in, while Melissa had gone to sit on the porch.

  “Litter box slut?” asked Melissa. “I don’t think I’ve heard that one before,” she said grinning.

  “It’s all I could think of on short notice,” she mumbled. Turning to Rafe, she demanded, “You dated that bitch in heat?”

  “Technically, she’s not a bitch, you know, since she’s a cat shifter,” Stephanie said helpfully.

  “Stephanie,” Rafe commanded. “Not now. Please excuse us for a moment. Ian, take Melissa inside. We’ll be in shortly. Let’s go for a walk.”

  “No thanks, I’ll go inside with the others,” Lisa said fuming.

  Rafe ignored her statement and taking her hand, pulled her along. Lisa huffed beside him, just to make sure he knew she was pissed.

  Arriving near the pond, he tugged her hand until she sat on a bench placed between the trees.

  The entire time they walked, Lisa had been muttering under her breath. “I should have zapped her skinny ass.”

  Rafe was struggling to hold in his laughter. She was mean when she got mad, he thought.

  “I dated her for a little over a month. Only until I realized the side she showed me was not who she really was. I broke it off, and haven’t seen her socially since,” he declared.

  “Socially? So you’ve seen her since. Hmm, could that have been when you and Robert went to see Chase? I just bet she was all over you. Her kind doesn’t know the meaning of not interested,” she said.

  “You certainly have her figured out. Yes, she was there. But I want nothing to do with her. She may be physically pretty, but she is ugly on the inside. I think she really did come here hoping to see Robert. She was trying to sink her claws into him when we left.”

  Lisa knew she was being unreasonable. You should never have to meet someone’s ex, she thought.

  “How would you like to meet one of my old boyfriends?” she asked.

  He growled, “You don’t want to go there. I’d rip them apart.”

  “Now you know why I’m so mad. Not only was she beautiful, she pissed me off. Just so you know, I’m not good at meeting old girlfriends,” Lisa said firmly.

  “It shouldn’t happen again. I can’t think of anyone local I’ve dated. I tended to stay away from women in my pack or those who lived in town. Too many complications,” he said.

  Rafe put his arm around her shoulder, tucking her head under his chin. They sat like that, watching some ducks swim across the pond. It had a calming effect on both of them.

  “We’d better go back. No telling what Stephanie will say to Melissa. I don’t want to scare her off,” Lisa said teasing.

  “Are we good? I don’t want any of Cindy’s crap coming back to haunt us,” he said.

  “We’re good. Just do me a favor? Don’t mention her name to me again,” Lisa insisted.

  Lisa straddled his lap and placed her arms around his neck. She stared into his eyes, making sure he understood. Seeing his acknowledgment, she leaned in to kiss him.

  Rafe settled his arms around her. Relieved they no longer had to worry about Cindy, he intended to enjoy the moment. She was made for him, he thought. Counting the days, he was surprised it had only been five days since he’d met her. He felt like he knew her so well. She was funny, kind, beautiful, and had a mean temper. He realized he was smiling.

  Lisa felt his smile, pulling back she asked, “What are you thinking?”

  “I was thinking about you. You complete my life,” he said simply.

  Lisa felt her eyes water, “That was sooo sweet,” she said.

  They heard a loud whistle. “I believe we’re being paged,” Rafe said as he sat her on her feet. Rising beside her, he took her hand once again to go back to the house.

  Lisa sat on the sofa beside Melissa, giving her a small smile. Robert moved to sit on Melissa’s other side. Reaching for Melissa hands, Lisa gently grasped them before starting.

  “I want you to relax and see if you can focus in on the vision you had before. Open your mind and let go of your worries. Oh sheesh, I sound like a hypnotist. Sorry, I drifted. Okay, just close your eyes and I’ll see if I can help you see more,” Lisa said.

  Once again, Lisa pushed her mind outward, seeking entrance into Melissa’s head. This time it was different. There was no wall to get through, no grey mist. Lisa assumed it was because Melissa was much more open than Anna had been.

  Seeing a bluish colored mist, Lisa opened herself up and went through the haze. She saw several images, moving so fast, she couldn’t focus on them. She worked on slowing down her movement, trying to see the pictures.

  Realizing one of the scenes was of the pond, she moved toward it, trying to focus Melissa’s attention there. She felt Melissa mentally move in beside her. She thought it best to stand aside while Melissa sorted through the vision. Lisa would let her interpret whatever it was that she saw.

  Feeling Melissa move away mentally, Lisa made the decision to pull back out of her head. She opened her eyes, waiting for Melissa to focus back on them. They all waited quietly while Melissa gathered her thoughts.

  Dunstan came in and stood quietly by the mantle. Melissa looked over at him, her face registering shock. She studied him, realizing he wasn’t the man she saw in her vision, but a very close resemblance.

  “Melissa, this is Dunstan. I’ll give you his story later. Dunstan, Melissa. She’s the seer from Chase’s clan,” Rafe said.

  “I’m sorry for staring. It’s just that you look like the man in my vision, only different,” she sighed, frustrated.

  “He looked a little older than you, but his expression was different. Not happy, almost sad, but scary too,” she tried to explain.

  “My father,” Dunstan said flatly.

  “What did you see? Anything that would help us?” asked Rafe.

  “He was standing at the pond, staring up at the castle. I saw Lisa come out the front doors. It was as if she was in a trance. She was walking towards him, unaware. He had his hands outstretched, like he was pulling her,” Melissa said.

  Lisa was scared. Crap. S
he didn’t think she would be the one he was after. Why me? She looked at Rafe, wondering if he would be able to keep her safe.

  “I won’t let him touch you,” he said adamantly.

  “I think he was using the waters to control her. I don’t know if I’m right, it just seemed that way,” said Melissa.

  Rafe moved closer to Lisa, wrapping his arms around her. Stephanie reached over to hold her hand, letting her know she was there for her.

  Dunstan asked what they were all thinking. “Why would my father want you? Have we been wrong all along, thinking it was Anna he wanted?”

  “Power,” said Ian. “He wants to use her power for something. If the pond made him stronger, imagine having control of a witch with so much power.”

  Rafe decided right then that he was sleeping in her room. If Ciar managed to call her to him somehow, he wanted to be there to stop her from going.

  “Move the guards around the castle and pond. I’m not worried about the outer property. I’ll be staying in Lisa’s room. Have the fae guards at the pond, not the castle. Ian, I want you and Devlin sleeping in the hallway. Sorry, but I can’t take any chances with her.”

  “I understand, and I’ll tell Devlin,” Ian said.

  Rafe looked at Lisa, expecting an argument about him staying in her room.

  “I’m no idiot, but I am a big chicken. I have no problem with you in my room, and them in the hallway,” she stated firmly.

  Stephanie started laughing, breaking the tension in the room. “Y’all don’t know it, but Lisa was always the one with the blanket over her head when we watched a scary movie together.”

  “You’re my sister now, I’ll protect you with my life,” Ian told her sincerely.

  Lisa had tears in her eyes at Ian’s words. She went over and hugged him, thanking him quietly for his support. Other than her parents and Stephanie, she couldn’t think of anyone else that cared for her so much. She didn’t include Rafe, she had come to believe he really did care for her, but it was too new. Now she had to decide if she cared as much for him.

  Looking at Rafe, Melissa asked if she could stay there for a while. “I’d like to help in any way I can.”

  Rafe assured her it was fine, telling her he would call Chase to let him know.

  “I never did take you for that horseback ride. How about we go now? I can gather up some food to eat whenever we get hungry,” Rafe said, hoping to get her mind off this latest development.

  Devlin had come in to hear the end of their conversation. “Great, I love picnics!”

  “As much as I’d love your company, the invitation was for Lisa,” Rafe stated dryly.

  Laughing, Lisa told him that she would love to go riding. “Let me go change my shoes and remember, I don’t have a lot of riding experience.”

  Ian was telling Devlin what had transpired, while Stephanie showed Melissa to a room. Rafe grabbed his cell phone and called Chase on his way to the kitchen.

  “Man, I’m sorry about that crap from earlier,” Chase said. “Cindy told me it was important she see Robert. I didn’t think she’d turn into a shrew, though. She’s always been full of herself, but that was just downright bitchy.”

  Rafe was looking through the fridge, trying to find food to take with them. “She crossed a line insulting Lisa. You are always welcome here, but don’t ever bring her here again,” Rafe ordered.

  “I won’t. Let Melissa know I’ll pick her up whenever she’s ready to come home.”

  Rafe hung up and started searching for a backpack to carry their food. Finding one, he had everything put away when Lisa walked in.

  “I’m ready,” she said smiling.

  She’s so beautiful, he thought. Whenever she smiled, her whole face lit up. He hoped some time alone with her would help her forget the threat. He had a feeling of dread in his gut. He could fight a physical threat, but if Ciar attacked her magically, he wasn’t sure how to protect her. He hoped Robert returned soon. He would feel much better with him as backup.

  “I’ll be ready in a minute, I just want to go talk to one of the guards,” he said.

  Lisa watched him go out the front, heading to the pond. I wonder what that’s all about, she thought.

  Rafe found one of Robert’s guards, Niall, and asked him to follow them on one of the horses. He explained why he needed him there. Niall was happy to get a chance to ride again. He’d missed his horses back home in Faeire.

  “I’ll meet you at the stables; just let me go get Lisa.”

  Niall was waiting in the stable, having saddled his horse and had started saddling another for Lisa.

  “Lisa, this is Niall, one of the Queen’s guards,” Rafe introduced her.

  “My pleasure,” he said. “I’m told this mare’s name is Sadie and that she’s very gentle,” he looked questionably at Rafe.

  “She’ll be fine. Not a mean bone in her body,” Rafe said.

  Once everyone was all set, they headed out slowly. Rafe was leading the way, with Lisa following and Niall bringing up the rear.

  Rafe could have brought Devlin along for backup, but he wanted the fae guard in case of a magical attack.

  Lisa didn’t have to do much. The mare automatically followed the lead horse. Niall had dropped back, watching over them, but giving them some privacy.

  They wound their way through the woods, crossing a small stream easily. It was beautiful here, peaceful. Lisa rode with surprising ease. She glanced back every once in a while to make sure Niall was still with them. He would smile and nod, and then go back to scanning the area.

  Rafe slowed when they came to an open area, motioning for Lisa to come ride up bedside him.

  She gently tapped Sadie’s flanks, getting her to move forward. Thank goodness she’s an agreeable horse, she thought, as Sadie followed her command smoothly.

  “This is where my brothers and I would come to fight. We’d change and then work on our attack skills. It would get a little brutal sometimes, so we came out here to hide our fights from Mom,” he grinned.

  “I bet she knew what you were doing, you know,” Lisa said.

  Niall had ridden his horse across the clearing, going around the perimeter to check the area. Rafe knew he was trying to give them some time alone.

  “Well, when we’d come home bruised and bloody, I guess that may have given us away,” he said ironically.

  They had already been riding for an hour when they arrived at the clearing. Rafe dismounted and went to help Lisa from her horse.

  “Hungry?” he asked as he placed a blanket on the grass.

  “Yes, I haven’t eaten since that omelet this morning,” she said.

  “What? I’m not taking good care of you. Sorry, I should have made you something for lunch,” Rafe said shaking his head.

  “Rafe, you don’t have to take care of me. I would have made myself something if I were hungry. Now forget about it. Where’s Niall gone? It would be rude to eat without him.”

  “He’s in the woods, keeping an eye out. Don’t worry about him; he wouldn’t want to be a third wheel.”

  Shrugging, Lisa reached for the fruit Rafe had brought. He handed her a sandwich and water bottle to go along with it. Simple food was so much better out in the open air, she thought.

  After eating, Rafe packed away their trash, and then pulled Lisa between his legs so she could lean back against him. She sighed, thinking this was the life. She had her back against his chest, with his arms folded around her stomach.

  Lisa laid her head back against his shoulder. Her eyes drifted closed as she nodded off. She woke feeling Rafe nibbling on her neck. She murmured her pleasure, tilting her head back so he could reach her lips. It was as he was kissing her she remembered where they were.

  She pulled back quickly, looking around. “Um, where’s Niall?”

  Laughing, Rafe pulled her back. “He’s out there patrolling. Relax, he’ll only glance this way once in a while to make sure we’re still okay,” he quipped.

  “Ha ha. Very funn
y,” ignoring Rafe, she yelled out for Niall. “There’s food left if you’re hungry!”

  Niall came riding in from the far side. Sliding neatly to a stop, he jumped off his horse, bowing to Lisa.

  “Thank you, my lady. I could use a little sustenance,” he said grinning.

  “Cut the crap,” Rafe snorted. “This isn’t medieval England.”

  Lisa laughed, liking this fae warrior. She dug into the bag, digging out a sandwich and water for him. Niall ate quickly, not wanting to spend too much time leaving the area unprotected.

  Suddenly, both Rafe and Niall stood, sensing danger. Rafe bristled, pulling Lisa up and behind him. Niall transformed in to the Queen’s warrior he was, wearing his kilt with his sword in his hands.

  “What is it?” Lisa asked worriedly.

  “It’s not a fae, I think he’s human,” said Niall. “Rafe, take Lisa and hurry back. He’s across the way now, in the woods. I’m going to transport myself where I felt him last.”

  “No!” Lisa shouted, turning to Rafe. “We can’t leave him alone.”

  “He knows how to fight. My first priority is you,” Rafe said ignoring her pleas as he leapt on his horse. Pulling her up, he placed her in front of him, protecting her with his body.

  They flew through the woods, Rafe guiding his horse with proficiency through the forest. Lisa kept trying to glance back, hoping to see Niall. It was awkward with Rafe’s huge body blocking her and the trees flying by so fast.

  Out of the blue, Lisa heard a shot. Was someone out hunting? She heard Rafe grunt, but he kept going.

  They were still fifteen minutes from the castle when Rafe abruptly pulled the horse to a stop. He jumped from the horse and handed Lisa the reins. Glancing down, she saw blood soaking his shirt across his chest.

  “Oh my God! You’ve been shot!” she cried, trying to slide off the horse to help him.

  “No! Stay on the horse. I need to shift. I’ve lost too much blood. Stay on the path, it’ll lead you straight back to the castle. I’ll follow along behind. If I slow down, keep going. Don’t wait for me. Promise.” He was speaking in short sentences.

  Rafe started pulling off his clothes. “I’ll send a warning to my pack. Now go!”


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