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My Forever

Page 22

by J. L. Perry

I can see the concern on her face. “Would you like me to take you to see a doctor?”

  I give her a small smile. “No, I’m fine. I’m probably just coming down with something.”

  I pick at my banana bread and try not to look at Michelle’s breakfast. Once we leave the café, she asks me if I am still up to going shopping. I tell her I am fine, even though I don’t really feel too good.

  “We still have nearly two weeks until his birthday,” she says. “How about we skip it for today, and go and relax by the pool at my place for a few hours.”

  “Okay,” I reply gratefully. I am feeling a bit tired so relaxing sounds good.

  Michelle asks me to wait there while she runs into the pharmacy to grab something. She comes back out after a few minutes, carrying a small paper bag. We walk to our cars and I follow Michelle to her house.

  Once we arrive, we make our way into her kitchen. I sit down at the breakfast bar. She puts the kettle on, then walks over and stands in front of me. She is looking at me with a strange look on her face.

  “What?” I ask.

  “Please don’t be mad,” she says, “but I want you to do something for me.” I must have had a strange look on my face because she laughs. “Don’t worry. It is nothing bad.”

  She walks over to her handbag and pulls out the paper bag she’d picked up from the pharmacy. She opens it up and places the contents of the bag in front of me. I look down. In front of me are three different kinds of pregnancy tests. Stunned, I look at her. “What do you want me to do with these?”

  “Pee on them, silly,” she replies with a smile.


  “After seeing you sick this morning, I just have a feeling and want to make sure. Humour me,” she says, smiling. The sickness I was feeling this morning at the café did remind of when we were in Italy on our honeymoon.

  “I don’t think I am pregnant,” I say, “but if it will make you happy, I will do it.” She hugs me, then grabs my hand and leads me to her bedroom.

  She sits on her bed while I go into the bathroom. Once I’ve peed on all three sticks, I line them up on the sink, then wash my hands. I walk back out to her room and sit on the bed next to her. “What do we do now?” I ask.

  “Wait,” is her reply. She is reading the brochures that came with the tests. She looks over at the clock next to her bed so she can time it.

  I feel sick in the stomach while we wait. God, Angel is still a baby. I’m not sure if I am ready to become a mother again, especially after everything we’ve just gone through. When it is time, Michelle grabs my hand. “Do you want me to come in with you?” she asks. I nod. I don’t want to talk because I am afraid I might cry. She follows me into the bathroom.

  “One pink line is negative,” she says, “and two pink lines means it is positive.”

  My hands are shaking when I pick up the first stick. “Holy fucking shit,” I mumble as I turn and hold the first stick up for Michelle to see.

  “I knew it!” she screams, jumping up and down. I pick up the other two, with the same result. I feel my whole body start to tremble when it finally sinks in. Michelle puts her arms around me and holds me tight.

  “It is going to be okay,” she says as we hold each other. “At least now you have the perfect present for Logan,” she adds. She grabs my hand and leads me back out to the kitchen.

  “How about we have a cup of tea and talk about it,” she says. I nod. I’m not sure how to feel about all this. I am happy, but it also scares the shit out of me. Things are just getting back to normal between Logan and I. Honestly, I’m not sure if we are ready for another baby yet.

  We sit by the pool with our tea and talk. Michelle is a great friend. When I explain how I am feeling, she’s very understanding. I am so lucky to have her. She gives me some great advice, which helps me relax just a little bit.

  “I don’t think I will be able to keep this from Logan until his birthday,” I say.

  “Of course you can. We will go to the doctor’s and get confirmation. It’s only ten days away. Think of how happy he’ll be if you can just hold off until then to tell him. You were worried about what to give him for his birthday, and this is just perfect. I can’t believe I am going to be an aunty again,” she squeals with excitement. I have to laugh.

  I sit there and think about what she said. Ten days is an awfully long time to keep something like this from him.

  “How about I take him away this weekend for his birthday, instead of next weekend,” I say. “Then I won’t have to keep this from him for so long.”

  “That could work,” she replies with a smile.

  Once we finish our tea, Michelle says, “Come on. Let’s go to the studio so we can make all the reservations.”

  We both go in my car, and I will drop her off at home later. Once we get there, the first thing I do is call the doctor. I want to make an appointment to see him ASAP. Then we go online to search for somewhere nice that I can take Logan for the weekend.

  Once all the reservations are made, we decide to get some lunch. After we eat, we go shopping for some sexy lingerie for me to take on the trip. I plan for us to spend the whole weekend in bed, so there is no need to buy anything else.

  A few days later, Michelle comes with me to my appointment. The doctor confirms that I am pregnant. Because I’m not sure when my last period was, he does a quick ultrasound. By the size of the foetus, I am roughly six weeks along.

  Because of the long hours Logan’s been working, we don’t get to see a lot of each other over the next few days. That makes it easier to keep my secret. Even though I feel guilty for keeping this from him, it hasn’t been too bad. I still go for my run in the mornings, but I go whilst Logan is having breakfast. I don’t want to risk getting morning sickness in front of him; otherwise, it will ruin my surprise.

  Friday rolls around quickly. I called Claire a few days ago to check Logan’s schedule. I wanted to make sure that he wouldn’t be finishing too late on Friday. I explained to her that I planned to surprise him with a weekend away for his birthday, so she assured me that she would make sure he leaves work at a decent hour.

  Claire calls me about 4:00 p.m. to let me know that he will be leaving the office soon. Everything is set. Our bags are packed, and Michelle and Lara are here. They’ve come over to pick up Angel, but I know Logan will want to see her before we leave so I ask them to hang around until he arrives home.

  I am going to miss my little girl. Logan will, too. We can’t imagine our life without her and now, in less than eight months’ time, we will have another little addition to our family.

  I’ve come to terms with being pregnant now and I am actually excited. I knew that Angel wouldn’t be our only child, but I just would have planned it better. After everything that has happened with Angel’s birth, I pray that everything will go smoothly this time. I missed it all when she was born so, this time, I want to experience everything.

  It’s not long before Logan arrives home. He is surprised to see Michelle and Lara there. We are all sitting in the lounge room, and I am holding Angel. I am trying to get as much cuddles in as I can before we leave. Even though she is in my arms, the withdrawals have already started. He kisses us all, then notices the suitcases sitting by the elevator.

  “What’s going on?” He looks a little worried, so I smile at him.

  “I am taking my gorgeous husband away for the weekend,” I explain. “Michelle and Lara are here to pick up Angel, but they waited for you so you could say goodbye to your little girl.” The smile on his face is priceless. He staring at me and I can tell that there are dirty thoughts going through his mind.

  “It is kind of an early birthday present,” I say. “Your mum is having us all over next weekend for a birthday celebration, so I thought we could go away this weekend…just the two of us.”

  The grin is still on his face as he walks towards me. He bends down and kisses me, then takes Angel out of my arms. The way he is looking at me gets me so hot and bothered. As muc
h as I am going to miss Angel, I just want to get out of here so I can get him naked ASAP.

  We all leave together. Logan and I walk Michelle, Lara, and Angel to the car. I can tell by the way he is looking at her that he is going to miss her as much as I am. Once Angel is strapped into her baby seat, we kiss everyone goodbye. In my ear, Michelle whispers, “Good luck.”

  I hug her tight. “I love you, Michelle.”

  “I love you, too, sis,” she says with a smile.

  Logan and I stand there and wave as they drive off. He has his arm around me. He looks down at me, seeing the tears in my eyes. “I am going to miss her,” I say, wiping my face.

  “So am I, baby,” he replies with a sigh, then pulls me in for a hug. He rests his chin on top on my head, moving his hands down my arms and grabbing my arse. When he pulls me against his body, I can feel his erection pressing against my stomach.

  “You won’t have much time to think about that when you see all the dirty things I am going to do to you this weekend,” he says with a smile, looking into my eyes. That sexy look of his still makes my insides flutter, even after all this time.

  I put my hands on either side of his face, brushing my lips against his. “Bring it on, hot stuff,” I say.


  A few hours later, we arrive at the suite I’d booked. Of course, I booked the biggest and most luxurious one I could find, overlooking the ocean. It is breathtaking.

  Just like I requested, the champagne is chilling in the bedroom. Logan pulls me into his arms. “Thank you for organising this, babe. As much as I am already missing our little girl, spending the weekend in bed with you couldn’t make me happier.”

  I smile at him as I look into his beautiful emerald green eyes. “Well, you are a very hard man to buy for, so this is part one of your birthday present.”

  He raises an eyebrow at me. “Part one?” One side of his lip pulls up into a sexy smirk.

  “Yes, part one.”

  “How many parts are there?”

  “Four,” I reply with a shrug.

  “I hope one of those parts includes you,” he says.

  “Most definitely.”

  Smiling, he walks over to the side of bed and pops the cork on the champagne. He pours us both a glass, handing one to me. I clink glasses with him. “Happy birthday, hot stuff,” I say with a wink.

  Logan takes a sip and then pulls me to him. He brushes his lips lightly against mine. “Have I told you how much I love you today?” he whispers, nuzzling my neck.

  “Yes,” I reply. “But I don’t mind hearing it again.” He takes my glass out of my hand and puts it on the table beside the bed. I am glad he didn’t realise that I haven’t taken a sip. I’m not ready to tell him that I am pregnant just yet. That is going to be part four of his present.

  He crushes his lips to mine and pulls me in tight. I can already feel his hardness pushing against my stomach. After a few minutes, I pull away. “Now for part two,” I say, falling to my knees. I reach up to undo his belt, pulling it through the loops of his pants. I throw it onto the floor, then reach for the button. I look up at him and he is smiling down at me.

  He runs the back of his hand gently down the side of my face. He doesn’t say anything, but the look on his face is enough to melt me into a puddle on the floor.

  I pull down the zipper of his pants and they pool around his ankles. I pull his boxer briefs down next, causing his erection to spring fee. I look up at him again, licking my lips. The smile on his face and the desire in his eyes makes the heat pool between my legs. I lick his shaft, and he buries his hands in my hair.

  “Oh, fuck,” he groans, throwing his head back. I grab the base of his cock and guide the rest of his length into my mouth. The loud moan that escapes him makes me smile. I love doing this to him. He guides my head back and forth as he pumps into my mouth.

  “You are so good at this, baby,” he breathes.

  I can feel his cock twitching in my mouth, and I know he is close. I tighten my grip on him and suck harder. I massage his balls with my other hand, and he throws back his head with a loud groan as he comes in my mouth. He tells me how much he loves me, as he body shakes from his orgasm.

  He puts his hands under my arms and pulls me up to my feet. “That was fucking amazing,” he says, kissing me.

  I start to undo the buttons on his shirt, and he grabs the bottom of my top. I slap his hand away. “Not yet,” I say. “That is part three of your present.”

  He grabs my arse and pulls me against him. “I can’t fucking wait for part three then,” he says into my mouth.

  Once I remove his shirt, I push him back onto the bed. I pull off his shoes and socks, before removing the pants that are still around his ankles.

  “Now, for the next part of your present,” I say with a smile. He props himself up on his elbows, a smile on his face.

  Before we left, I had put on the sexy lingerie I’d bought, under my clothes. I am going to do a sexy striptease for him. My lingerie is red, his favourite colour. It is a strapless lace corset that pushes my breasts up, and is matched with a tiny lace thong and red lace thigh-high stockings. I also have red high heels to wear, which I haven’t put on yet.

  I walk over to my handbag and retrieve a smaller bag and my iPod. I downloaded some sexy music on it this morning. “I will be right back,” I say with a wink, quickly disappearing into the bathroom. Once I have put my stockings on, I slip into my red heals. I search for the song I want and press play. As I walk back over to stand in front of him, I can’t help but smile when I notice the look of desire on his face.

  I slowly undo the buttons on my top, swaying to the music. Slowly, I push the fabric of my top over my shoulders and let it fall to the floor.

  “Do you know how fucking sexy you are?” he says with a smile. I let my eyes wander over his sexy body, not surprised to see he is already hard again.

  I kick off my shoes, and slowly move my hands down my body, keeping my eyes on him. The look on his face as his eyes wander over my body lets me know that he is definitely enjoying my little show. I reach up and remove the elastic from my hair and shake my head, my hair falling down around my shoulders.

  I move my hands down my body again, and slowly roll a stocking down my leg. I bend over, sliding it off over my foot. After running my hands back up my leg, I do the same with my other stocking. Logan growls as I stand back up.

  As I look over at him, I notice he’s taken his cock in his hand and is slowly stroking it. I let one of my hands drift downwards, sliding it down the front of my panties, and the other slowly moves up my body to cup one of my breasts. Watching him stroke himself and my own hand rubbing between my legs, is such a turn on. I throw back my head and moan. When I open my eyes, the look on his face is almost my undoing.

  “That is so fucking hot, baby,” he groans, licking his lips. “Come here.” The music on my iPod has switched to another song, but I don’t turn it off. I walk slowly over to the bed and climb on top of Logan. He pulls down my head and captures my mouth.

  “I wish I could have filmed that,” he says against my lips. “That was the sexiest thing I have ever seen.”

  He flips me over and rains kisses down my jaw, before running his tongue down my neck. He grabs one of my legs behind the knee and wraps it around his waist. I moan again as he thrusts his hips against me. Logan gently bites one of my nipples through the sheer lace of my corset. He then runs his tongue over my stomach, before swirling it around my belly button.

  After moving to the side of the bed, he stands over me, then hooks his thumbs in the side of my thong and gently pulls it down my legs. The way he looks at me makes my body shiver with anticipation. Logan picks up one of my legs and runs his tongue from the instep of my foot all the way up the inside of my leg. When he reaches the top of my thigh, he growls before repeating the same action with my other leg.

  He places both my legs over his shoulder as he kneels beside the bed. He grabs my hips, pulling me over to the side
of the bed. He kisses from the knee all the way up to my inner thigh. I can’t take it anymore. I need his mouth on me.

  “Please,” I beg. What he is doing to my body is amazing, but I need more. Finally, he put his hands under my arse and pulls me up to his mouth. As his mouth descends, he slips two fingers inside me.

  “You are so wet, baby,” he breathes. I bury my fingers in his hair and move my hips against his mouth.

  “Oh, god,” I moan, as I feel my body rising to that magical place already. He is so fucking good at this, and knows exactly how to please me.

  “Yes. Come for me, baby,” he groans, as my inner muscles clench around his fingers. I’ll say one thing about being pregnant. The orgasms are mind-blowing. Logan kisses his way back up my body and settles between my legs. “You are so fucking beautiful…just perfect,” he whispers, as he plunges into me. I tug on his hair and pull his mouth down to mine.

  “Fuck me hard,” I beg. I can already feel my body rising again.

  “Oh fuck, you turn me on so much,” he replies before flipping me over so I am straddling him. Sex with him is always amazing, but sex when you are pregnant is something else altogether.

  I throw my head back, screaming out his name as another orgasm takes hold of my body. “Oh…oh…god, yes,” I scream, shattering around his cock again.

  “Oh fuck, Brooke,” he screams as he pumps into me harder, before coming inside me.

  I collapse onto his chest, trying to catch my breath. “That…was…amazing,” I say.

  “Mmmm,” is his reply, as he puts his arms around my waist and holds me tight. He kisses my cheek, as he gently pulls out of me. I don’t move. I’m too exhausted.

  I wake up a few hours later and I am still in the same position—lying on his chest. I raise my head to look at him. He is sound asleep…with a smile on his face, I might add. I desperately need to pee, but I can’t move because his arms are still clamped tight around my waist. I gently kiss his beautiful face until he opens his eyes.

  “Hey, beautiful,” he says with a raspy voice.

  “I need to pee,” I say with a smile.


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