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My Forever

Page 23

by J. L. Perry

  “Oh, sorry,” he replies, letting go of my waist.

  I quickly jump off him and run to the toilet. One thing I don’t like about being pregnant is the constant peeing. That and the morning sickness, of course. I love everything else.

  Once I am finished, I wash my hands and remove my corset. I turn to go back to the bedroom, but stop when I notice my sexy husband leaning against the door frame, watching me.

  “I believe there is one more part to my present,” he says, raising one of his eyebrows. I smile at him.

  When I think about his last present, though, the nerves settle in. I know he will be happy about the pregnancy, I only have to look at him and Angel to see how much he loves being a father, but with everything that happened with her birth, I am a little apprehensive about telling him.

  He must have noticed the change in my expression because he comes over and wraps me in his arms. “Is everything okay?” he asks. I slide my arms around his waist and rest my head on his chest, but I don’t answer his question.

  He pulls his head back so he can look at me. “What’s wrong, baby?” he asks. “And don’t tell me nothing because I can see that you are worried about something. I didn’t hurt you before, did I? I was pretty rough.”

  “Of course, you didn’t,” I reply. “I loved it.”

  “Well, then, what is it?” he asks. I just shrug. “Please talk to me, baby. If something is worrying you, I want to know.”

  “I am just a little nervous about giving you the last part of your present.”

  “Why would you be worried?” he asks, confused.

  “I don’t know,” I reply. “I hope you are going to like it, but I am also worried that you won’t.”

  “Well, I have more than loved everything you’ve given me so far, haven’t I?”

  “Yes, but this is a little different,” I reply nervously.

  “Now I am intrigued,” he says. “Please don’t tell me you bought a strap-on and you are going to do some crazy, freaky shit to my arse.”

  I can’t help but laugh. I slap his arm, my face blushing. “Don’t be disgusting,” I say.

  He starts rattling off all these other crazy suggestions. By the time he is finished, we are both laughing hysterically. As I wipe the tears from my eyes, he wraps me in a robe. Once he’s put a robe on, too, I lead him back to the bedroom.

  I sit him down on the bed and make my way over to my handbag. I pull out a small silver box. I’d put the ultrasound picture into a small silver frame and put it inside the box.

  I can feel my hands shaking as I walk back over to the bed. Once I am seated beside him, I pass him the box. “I hope you like it because, unfortunately, I can’t return it if you don’t.”

  He smiles at me as he unties the ribbon. “As long as it is from you, babe, I know I will love it.” He lifts the lid and removes the frame from the tissue paper.

  “Is this the ultrasound picture from when you were pregnant with Angel?” he asks.

  I just shake my head. “Logan, I am pregnant,” I say in a quiet voice. I look up at him to see him staring at me.

  “We are going to have another baby?” he asks. I nod. His lips form the biggest smile I’ve ever seen. “Oh, my god,” he says, standing up. He picks me up off the bed and swings me around, making me giggle. Once he places me back down, he put his lips on mine. “You have made me the happiest man on earth,” he whispers. “I love you so much, baby.”

  He looks down at me, wiping the tear that is running down my check. “Why would you think I wouldn’t like this present?” he asks softly.

  “I don’t know,” I reply with a shrug. “With all the drama we had with Angel’s birth, I was just a bit scared how you would react. Plus, we are still getting used to having our little girl, and I was worried that this might be a bit too soon to expand our family.”

  Logan puts his finger up to my lips. “Shhh, baby. There is nothing about having another baby with you that would upset me. I know there were difficulties with Angel’s birth, but they were circumstances out of our control. This time, things will be different. I promise you that. This time, things will be just as we planned they would be last time. This baby is a product of our love, and I couldn’t be happier. It’s the best present you could have given me.” He gently kisses my lips before pulling me in for a hug, stroking my hair and holding me tight.

  “I wish you would have given me the present before we had sex,” he says. “I was pretty rough with you. I hope I didn’t hurt you or the baby.” His comment makes me laugh. I knew that, as soon as he found out about the baby, his overprotectiveness would rear its ugly head again.

  “You didn’t hurt us,” I reply. “I wish you wouldn’t worry so much.”

  “You are my life,” he says. “How could I not worry about you?” Before I have a chance to answer him, there is a knock on the door.

  “Are you expecting someone?” he asks.

  I’d ordered room service when I made the reservations because I knew we wouldn’t want to leave the room tonight. “It’s probably just room service,” I reply, walking towards the door.

  Logan comes up behind me and grabs my hand. “Let me get it, baby,” he says. “I don’t want anyone seeing my wife in a robe.”

  He is being ridiculous because I am completely covered. But I know how possessive he is when it comes to me, especially with other men, so I let him have his way. It is his birthday weekend, after all, and I don’t want to upset him. I roll my eyes at him before I turn around and walk back into the bedroom. He smacks my arse as I walk away.

  “Thank you,” is all he says.

  The food smells delicious. I’ve purposely stayed in the bedroom, waiting for the food to be set out. I am starving. Pregnancy seems to do that to me. When I hear the waiter leave, I make my way out to Logan.

  “This food looks wonderful, babe,” he says. “You certainly went to a lot of trouble.”

  I walk up behind him and put my arms around his waist. “You are worth it,” I say with a smile, resting my cheek against his back. “I wish I could have done more for your birthday, but you are so hard to buy for because you have everything.”

  He turns around so he is facing me. “What you have done for me is perfect,” he assures me, gently brushing the back of his hand down my face. He doesn’t have to say anything else because the smile on his face says it all.

  Logan pulls out my chair and motions for me to sit down. “I need to feed my wife and my son,” he whispers in my ear as I take my seat.

  “What if it is another daughter?”

  He sits opposite me. “Honestly, I don’t care either way, as long as it’s healthy. But I know you’re having a boy. I was right about Angel being a girl, remember? I’m right this time, too.” He smiles and I roll my eyes at him.

  “Well, we will find out in about eight months,” I reply.

  I know he won’t want to find out the sex of the baby ahead of time. We discussed this when I was pregnant with Angel, and we both thought it would be more of a surprise to wait.

  After eating, we call Michelle to check on Angel. We know she’s fine, but we miss her. Michelle tells us how much they are enjoying looking after her. She and Craig have been trying to have another baby for years but, unfortunately, she hasn’t gotten pregnant yet. She is happy with just having Lara, though, so she isn’t too upset. She always says that if it is meant to be, it will happen.

  We spend the next two days mostly in bed. We do venture out occasionally to eat and walk along the beach. It is a perfect weekend.




  It has been a week since Brooke took me away for my birthday. It was such a great weekend. As much as we missed Angel, we needed that time alone. I love my wife so much. Things are great between us again. Life is good.

  We still miss Chris, and that will never change. He was such a big part of our lives, especially mine. From time to time, I still find myself reaching for the phone to call him
to pick me up from work or to take me to a meeting. When this happens, I get that sinking feeling in my gut, knowing that I will never see him again. I hate those times, but I don’t want to ever forget him, either. I try not to think about the accident so much, and just focus on the good times we had together over the years. They say that time heals all wounds, so we will just take it one day at a time.

  Today, we are going to my mother’s to celebrate my birthday. We haven’t told them about the baby yet. Michelle is the only one that knows. I am stoked about being a father again. I know Brooke is worried about the birth because of what happened the day Angel was born, but I know things will be different this time.

  Both my girls are strapped into their seatbelts, and we are on our way to my mother’s. I reach over and grab hold of Brooke’s hand. She looks so beautiful today. She always looks beautiful, but pregnancy really agrees with her. She is glowing.

  “Are you excited about telling the family about the baby?” I ask.

  She looks over at me and gives me one of her beautiful smiles. She still takes my breath away. “I am,” she replies. “I’ve spoken with my dad and your mum a few times this week, and it was hard not to say anything.”

  I pull her hand up to my mouth and kiss her knuckles. “I know, baby. I had the same problem.”

  I look behind me and into the back seat where our little girl is asleep and I can’t help but feel happy. I am a lucky bastard to have such a wonderful family. I never thought being a husband and a father would be so rewarding. When I think about what my life was like before I met Brooke, it really was empty. I thought I was happy back then, but I now know what true happiness is.

  When we pull into the driveway, my mum comes out to greet us. She throws her arms around me. “Happy birthday, son,” she says before she kisses me. She reaches over and pulls Brooke into a hug, as well. “Now, where is my beautiful granddaughter?” she asks, as she pushes through us and makes her way to the car. Brooke and I both smile at each other.

  While mum unstraps Angel, I help Brooke grab the food we’ve brought with us. My mum insisted that we didn’t bring anything, but Brooke loves to cook. She said that because it is my birthday, she felt she needed to contribute something. I don’t mind because she also made some of her cupcakes. I love her cupcakes. I know Lara will be happy about that, too.

  Once we are all inside, I am happy to see that Jill is there with Brooke’s father. They are becoming quite serious and I couldn’t be happier. I talked to Jill a few days ago about still working for me, and she assured me that she isn’t ready to retire just yet. We agreed that we would cut down on her hours a bit so she could spend more time with John. I told her if they wanted to go away or anything, just give me some notice and I would arrange for her to get the time off.

  My mum gets us all drinks while we wait for Michelle, Craig, and Lara to arrive. Once we are all seated around the kitchen table, I whisper to Brooke and ask if she is ready to share our news with everybody. She gives me a nod and squeezes my hand under the table. When she doesn’t say anything, I presume she wants me to tell everybody.

  I look over at my parents fussing over Angel. My dad has changed so much over the past year. I think being away from his toxic sister has helped. I stand up and pull Brooke up beside me. I put one of my arms around her and bring her close. She looks up at me and smiles.dp

  “Brooke and I have something we need to tell you all,” I say. Everyone goes quiet and looks at us. “This wasn’t exactly planned, but we couldn’t be happier,” I add, smiling down at Brooke. “We are expecting another child.”

  Everything is quiet for a few seconds, then my mother squeals. She is the first to jump up and make her way towards us. Everybody else follows. I can tell that they are happy for us.

  Later that night, it is time to head home. Spending the day with my family was great. I feel like the luckiest man on earth. I have a loving family, a beautiful wife and daughter, and another child on the way. I would love to have a son, but don’t really care either way. I love Brooke and my little Angel, so another daughter will not bother me at all. I know Brooke would like a son, but she will be happy either way, too. I just want us both to experience a normal childbirth this time round.


  The next few months fly by. Work is busy like always, and Brooke is starting to show. She is always beautiful, but there is something about the sight of her carrying my child. I know I sound like a lovesick fool, but I just can’t help it. I love her so damn much.

  Brooke is taking the day off today and bringing Angel into the office. Her studio is thriving, and she’s had to hire a few more teachers to help cope with all the extra classes. I am so proud of how well she is doing. I knew she would do well, but the level of success that she has had surprised us both.

  Her students love her. That doesn’t surprise me, though. She has such a big heart and is so easy to love. Brooke loves all her students, and goes out of her way for all of them. Her free Tuesday classes are still a huge success, and she even received an award from the local council for her contribution to the community. She makes me so proud.

  I ask Claire to clear most of my afternoon appointments because I want to have a nice lunch with my wife and daughter without any distractions. We spend the evenings and weekends together, but I miss them during the day. Angel is growing so fast and is such a happy little thing. She’s always smiling, like her mother, and she has the sweetest little laugh that just melts my heart.

  When I hear Claire squeal, I know they have arrived. It has only been a few weeks since she’s seen Angel, but she just adores my little girl. She doesn’t have children of her own and when I see her with Angel, I sometimes wonder why. I know Claire and her husband are dedicated to their careers, but they would make such wonderful parents.

  When I walk out of my office, I can’t help but smile. Claire is holding Angel and kissing her all over her face. My beautiful wife is smiling at them. When she turns and sees me, her smile widens. “Hey, hot stuff,” she says, making her way over to me. I look over at Rose and she is smiling at us. I pull Brooke in for a hug and a gentle kiss. I really want to kiss her deeply, but that will have to wait until I get her into my office.

  “Hey, baby,” I reply, nuzzling into her neck. God, I love the way she smells. Angel is giggling at Claire and Rose, who has now joined them. Angel looks over at Brooke and sees me.

  “Dada,” she squeals, and throws her arms out for me. My heart swells with pride. I make my way over to her and throw her in the air. She squeals and laughs some more. I pull her into me as she claps her hands and I kiss her chubby cheeks.

  “How’s my little princess?”

  I look over at Claire and she has her arms out, an eyebrow raised. “Stop hogging her,” she says. “You get to see her every day. Now give her back.” Smiling, I kiss Angel one more time before I hand her back.

  “I’ll give you ten more minutes with her,” I say. “Then we will have to leave. I have reservations.” I grab Brooke’s hand and lead her into my office. At least while Claire and Rose are fussing over Angel, I get to kiss my wife the way I have been wanting to since I left home this morning.

  As soon as I close the door, I pull her into my arms and kiss her deeply. “I’ve missed your lips, baby,” I breathe against her mouth. “I am so glad you took the time away from the studio to spend the afternoon with me.”

  “I’ve missed you,” she replies, running her hands through my hair. I run my hands down her sides, then cup her arse. I want to pull her hard against me, but think better of it. I know the baby is safe inside her, but I still worry about hurting her.

  Instead, I walk backwards towards my desk with her so I can pull her into my lap. I have made love to her in my chair a few times over the last two years, and it is still my favourite chair because of that. I know we can’t go that far today, but I still want to hold her and kiss her. I am so hard for her, it is almost painful. She turns me on so much.

  Once I
am seated, I pull her gently down onto my lap so she is straddling me. I deepen the kiss, and she does one of her sexy little moans. Then she reaches down in front of her, stroking my cock.

  “Oh fuck, baby,” I groan. “If you don’t stop that, I will have to take you on my desk.”

  She pulls out of our kiss and smiles at me. I know she wants me as much as I want her. Even after all this time, we both can’t seem to get enough of each other.

  She gets up off my lap and gets down on her knees between my legs. She reaches for my belt buckle and undoes it before moving to unbutton my pants. Brooke smiles up at me as she does.

  “What are you up to, baby?” I ask with a smirk. I have an idea what she’s up to, but I want to hear it from her. Instead of answering me, she licks her lips.

  Fuck me!

  Immediately, I feel my cock twitch. Just the thought of what she is about to do almost makes me come. I lift my hips so she can pull my pants and boxer briefs down around my thighs. Before I get a chance to say anything, her mouth is on me. I feel my eyes roll back in my head as I sink my fingers into her hair.

  “Fuck, baby, you drive me wild,” I groan. I start pumping into her mouth. She knows just what I like and it feels so good. I am one lucky bastard.

  It doesn’t take me long to come. I try to pull out before I empty in her mouth, but she won’t let me.

  “Fuck, baby,” I breathe, as she licks me clean. I try to pull her back onto my lap, but she stands up.

  “We better go if you made reservations,” she says, straightening her clothes.

  I stand up and pull up my pants, then pull her to me. I crush my lips to hers. “I love you so much,” I whisper.

  “I love you, too,” she replies, pulling back and smiling at me. She straightens my tie and helps me put my suit jacket on before we leave my office. She pinches my arse as we walk to the door.

  I stop and plant a soft kiss on her lips. “I am going to fuck you so hard as soon as I get home tonight,” I whisper in her ear.

  “Oh,” she replies with a smile, “I’ll be looking forward to that then.” She winks at me as she walks around me to open my office door.


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