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My Forever

Page 24

by J. L. Perry

  I have a wonderful lunch with my two girls. Just being around them is my favourite thing in the whole world. I also love that I get to show them off to my staff when we return to the office. I am so proud of them both.

  After stopping off at a few floors to show off my girls, Brooke comes up to the top floor with me because she wants to say goodbye to Claire and Rose before she takes Angel home. When we get back to the office, we are surprised to find Rose gone. Claire informs us that Rose’s twin brother had been in an accident, and she left to go to the hospital. Brooke seems upset when she hears this. “I hope it is nothing too serious,” she says.

  Unfortunately, Rose calls me later that night to let me know that her brother did not survive the accident. Apparently, he’d been crushed when a wall had collapsed at the construction site he’d been working at. The poor thing is devastated and I tell her to take off as much time as she needs.

  When I get off the phone, I call Claire and ask her to send some flowers to the family, and to find out from Rose if there is anything we can do. I also ask her to arrange for somebody to fill in while she’s gone. We have a lot of big cases over the next few weeks, and I don’t want to put any more stress on Claire. She already has enough on her plate.

  Rose is a nice girl and I feel bad for her. I’ve never been as close to her like I am with Claire, but she is a good worker and a loyal employee. Rose and I have more of a professional relationship. Claire is not only my P.A., she is my friend. After all I’ve gone through with Brooke and Chris, I know exactly how Rose is feeling and my heart goes out to her.

  I am worried about telling Brooke, though. I know she didn’t know Rose’s brother, but I saw how upset she was when we were at the office. I hope it doesn’t bring back too many bad memories for her.

  Her sessions with the psychologist have been going great, but I know that the feelings are still all there. She’s just learning how to deal with them.

  Brooke is upset when I tell her, but she takes the news better than I expected. After we put Angel to bed, I run a bath. I want to use this time to talk to her and make sure that she really is alright. She has faced a lot of death in her life, but I want to stay on top of this. I don’t want her regressing because she has come so far.

  When I get to the office the next morning, Claire updates me on everything. She spoke with Rose at length last night, and has arranged for some flowers to be sent from everyone at the office. Rose is going to let her know when the funeral is, and Claire and I will go to show our respect. She also informs me that the agency is going to send a temporary employee over later that morning to fill in for Rose.

  After Claire spends a few hours working with the temp, she comes into my office. We have a big case coming up next week, and she wants to go over a few things. I ask how the new girl is doing, and she tells me that she is a fast learner. She is young, but the agency we went through is very professional, so I’m not too worried. It will probably only be for a few weeks anyway. Poor Claire has enough work of her own to do, so anything to lighten her load is good.

  I’ve been busy this morning and haven’t had time to go to lunch. Early in the afternoon, I ask Claire if she wants to have lunch with me so we can go over the files we’ve been working on. Claire lets the new girl, Kristy, know that we will be out of the office for an hour. She leaves her mobile number with her in case there is a problem while we are gone.

  It is beautiful day outside, so it is nice to be out of the office for a while. While we are walking to the restaurant, Claire and I are talking about the things we still have to go over before our big case. I am deep in thought when Claire elbows me. “Isn’t that your aunt?” she asks. I follow her line of sight and notice my aunt standing next to her car, glaring at me.

  “Yeah, that’s her,” I reply, as I turn my head away. I have nothing to say to somebody that has hurt my family so much.

  “Boy, she doesn’t look very happy with you,” she says.

  I just shrug. “No great loss.” I’m not about to tell Claire how messed up my father’s sister is.

  Once lunch is over, Claire heads back to the office. I need to go to the jewellers to pick up the eternity ring I ordered for Brooke. Our one year wedding anniversary is in a few days. I’ve already organised for Brooke’s father and Jill to watch Angel, so I can take my beautiful wife out for a romantic dinner.

  I can’t believe that we have been married for a year. It has gone so fast. We’ve been through so much together, but our love for each other is still as strong as ever. Most couples wouldn’t survive some of the things that we’ve faced, but it has just strengthened our bond and our love.


  Friday rolls around pretty quickly. Tonight, I am taking Brooke out to celebrate our first wedding anniversary. Technically, it’s not until Sunday, but we’ve decided to take Angel up the coast with us, to my parents’ cabin, for the weekend. It has been a while since we’ve been there. We both love it by the lake, and this will be Angel’s first time.

  As luck would have it, Rose’s brother’s funeral is scheduled for today, as well. Brooke insists on coming to the funeral with Claire and me. I’m not too happy about this. After everything with Chris’ death, I am still worried that she isn’t ready. She got really pissed at me when I tried to stop her from coming, so I relented. I know she just wants to show her respect to Rose and her family, but I am still worried.

  Brooke has organised to leave Angel with Michelle at the studio while we go to the funeral. Claire and I leave the office at 10:00 a.m., making our way to the studio to pick up Brooke.

  The funeral is sad, as expected, and I really feel for Rose and her family. I’ve never met her brother, but it is a shame to see his life cut tragically short at such a young age.

  After the funeral, we drop Brooke back off at the studio. Even though she assures me that she is fine, I still ask Michelle to keep an eye on her for me.

  On the way back to the office, Claire and I grab some lunch. Since we’ve been out of the office most of the morning, we have a lot of work to catch up on. I don’t want to be held up tonight because I need to get home, shower, and change for our 7:00 p.m. dinner reservations.

  I haven’t told Brooke where we are going, but I told her to be ready by 6:30 and to dress nice. A few weeks ago, I asked Claire to pick up some tickets for the ballet tonight at the Opera House. This will be her second time going, and after the reaction she gave me the first time I’d taken her to the ballet, I know she is going to love it. I always said that I would take her again one day, but it just hadn’t happened yet.

  By 5:30, I am caught up on most of my work. I still have a few things I need to do, so I will have to take my laptop with us to the cabin, and put a few hours’ work in over the weekend.

  Claire had left early because she needed to file some papers at the courthouse on her way home. I grab my briefcase and head out of my office and into the reception area. Kristy is still working. She standing at the fax machine with her back to me. I clear my throat before telling her she can finish up for the day. She jumps when she hears my voice and puts her hand on her chest. I quickly apologise for scaring her.

  She explains that she still needs to finish up a few things before she leaves. Even though there are still other people working in the building, I don’t want to leave her up here alone. Every night, I like to lock up my office and top floor before I leave.

  I look at my watch. “How long do you think it will take? I have plans for tonight and I really need to leave ASAP.” She looks nervous as I speak to her. I wonder if she is scared of me.

  I try to treat all my employees with respect. Even though she is a temp and has only been with us for a few days, I still treat her like I would anyone else. She has worked hard whilst she’s been here, and I respect her for that. During that time, I’ve done nothing that I am aware of, that should make her nervous or scared of me. I smile at her and ask her to buzz me when she is ready to leave.

  She says that she won’
t be any longer than fifteen minutes, so I walk back into my office to call Brooke. I know I will hit some traffic on the way home, so I want to let her know that I might be a bit late. I haven’t spoken with her since I left her at the studio after the funeral, so I am anxious to check in with her and make sure she is okay.

  She seems happy, and I am relieved. Michelle texted me in the afternoon to tell me that she had seemed fine all day. Hearing it in her voice just now only confirms it. She has come so far since her depression, and I am glad that it is behind us now.

  We talk for a while. She is trying to get me to tell her where we are going tonight. Brooke always says she doesn’t like surprises, but she always gets excited when I tell her we are going somewhere. I think she just uses that excuse to try and get the information out of me.

  When I look down at my watch, it is just after 6:00. Shit! Kristy said it would only take her fifteen minutes, so I buzz her to see if she is nearly ready. When she doesn’t answer the phone, I walk back out to reception. She is no longer at her desk. After looking around and not being able to find her, I look up the employee records.

  I search for her mobile number so I can call her. I really need to leave, but I don’t want to lock up the office in case she has just stepped out to use the restroom or something. The computer at her desk is still logged on, so that tells me that she hasn’t left yet.

  When her mobile number goes straight to voicemail, I call security downstairs to see if she has left the building. When he tells me that she ran out of the building looking upset about ten minutes ago, I’m surprised.

  Maybe she received a phone call that had upset her and she needed to leave. I can’t say that I’m not pissed that she left without telling me, though, since she knew I was waiting on her.

  I log off her computer and grab my briefcase before locking up. I don’t have time to find out why she ran out like that, but I will definitely talk with her Monday morning. If I’m not happy with her explanation, I will ask Claire to contact the agency and have her replaced.

  Being the CEO of the company, my personal receptionist has an important position, and there is no room for incompetence. Rose or Claire have never let me down like this.

  The traffic is horrendous on the way home and I am angry. We will be pushing to make it on time to dinner and then get to the Opera House before the ballet starts.

  When I pull up at the penthouse, I decide that I will call the restaurant and order our meals ahead of time, so we won’t have to wait too long when we get there. After explaining our situation to the owner of the restaurant, he assures me that the food will be ready when we arrive, and he will personally make sure that we make it out of there in time to make it to the ballet.

  I’m not sure what Brooke will feel like eating so I order a bit of everything. Of course I know what sort of food she likes, but a pregnant Brooke is another story altogether. Her tastes change constantly.

  I wanted to stop off and get her some flowers on the way home, but things don’t always go according to plan. As soon as I step into the elevator, I try to calm down. I don’t want my bad mood to ruin our night. It is a special night for us, and I want it to stay that way. After everything we have gone through since our marriage, we deserve it.

  I want to show Brooke how happy she makes me, and how much I love her. Even though I tell her this every day, they say that actions speak louder than words.

  When I step off the elevator, I plaster a smile on my face. It has been a shitty day, but I’m not about to show it. When I walk into the dining room, I find Brooke and her father sitting at the table, laughing, and Jill feeding Angel in the highchair. Brooke still takes my breath away.

  She is the first one to notice me walk in and she rewards me with the most beautiful smile. She gets up off her chair and walks over to me. I wrap my arm around her waist and kiss her. “I’ve missed you, baby,” I say. “I am sorry that I am running late.”

  She gently traces the side of my face with her hand. “I have missed you, too,” she replies with a smile.

  Angel turns in her highchair when she hears my voice. “Dada!” she screams with a mouthful of mushed up vegetables, which are now running down her chin. We all laugh as I make my way to her. I kiss the top of her head.

  “How’s my little princess?” I ask. She claps her hands and smiles at me. Just being here with both my girls makes all of my anger quickly disappear.

  Brooke tells me that she’s laid my clothes out on the bed, so I give her another quick kiss before heading upstairs to take a quick shower and shave.

  Once we are finally on our way to the restaurant, I grab hold of Brooke’s hand and bring it to my mouth. “You look beautiful tonight, Mrs. Cavanagh,” I say, kissing her knuckles.

  “You don’t look too bad yourself, Mr. Cavanagh,” she replies. “Actually, you look totally edible.”

  “I might just have to remember that when we get home later tonight,” I tease.

  “You can count on it,” she replies with a wink. I can already feel my erection straining against my pants.

  “Insatiable as ever, babe,” I say, smiling over at her while I try to adjust my pants.

  The restaurant has everything I ordered waiting for us when we arrive. It is a beautiful dinner. With Angel and the studio, our time alone is few and far between, and I look forward to moments like this. Once our second child is born, I know our alone time will be even less.

  Before we leave to go to the ballet, I want to give her the eternity ring I bought for her. Unfortunately, I hadn’t found the time to plan what I am going to say to her, so I just speak from the heart.

  After reaching over the table and putting her tiny hand in mine, I look into her eyes. “I know our official anniversary isn’t until Sunday, but I want to give this to you now. It is my promise to you that I will love you for eternity. This last year, being married to you, has been the best year of my life. You have given me a beautiful daughter, and we have another child on the way that will complete our little family. I couldn’t be happier. You’ve given me your heart, baby, and I will be forever grateful for that. I love you so much and look forward to spending the rest of my life with you. You are my heart…my soul…my everything.”




  Logan is speaking to me straight from the heart and, as much as I try, I can’t hold back the tears that pool in my eyes. It is part pregnancy hormones, part happiness. His words touch me deeply. I love him so much, and after everything I’ve put him through, I am so lucky that he still loves me like he does.

  Once I found out about Chris’ death and the depression set in, I wasn’t sure if we would even make it to our first anniversary. But now I know that we will have a lifetime of anniversaries.

  Our love for each other knows no bounds. I am sure of that. After everything we have been through, I am positive that there is nothing life can throw at us that we can’t handle, as long as we’re together.

  After Logan finishes his little speech, he pulls a small box out of his pocket and hands it to me. My hands shake as I open it.

  “It’s an eternity ring,” he says. “I had it made by the same jeweller who made your wedding and engagement rings.”

  It is beautiful. I take it out of the box and pass it to him so he can put it on my finger. It is a band surrounded by diamonds, and it fits perfectly with my wedding and engagement bands. Once he slides it onto my finger, he kisses my hand.

  “I love you so much, baby,” he says, intertwining our fingers together.

  As I smile at him, I notice that he has tears in his eyes. I stand up and walk to his side of the table. I’m not big on showing my affection in public, but I don’t care today. I grab his hand and he stands up. I wrap my arms tightly around his waist, as I kiss him with all the love I feel in my heart. “I love you so much,” I whisper against his mouth.

  After we leave the restaurant, we make our way back to the car. I ask Logan if we are going home an
d he just smiles at me. I should have known better. As much as I miss Angel, she will already be in bed so there is no point in going home just to see her. Plus, I love my one-on-one time with my sexy husband. Once our next little one comes along, our alone time will be even less.

  Whilst Logan is driving, I try to find out where we are going, but he won’t tell me. He just keeps giving me those sexy little smirks that I love.

  Once we pull up to the Opera House, my heart starts to race. “Please tell me we are going to see the ballet,” I say, hopeful. When he gives me a big grin, I can’t help but clap like a child. He grabs my hand and pulls me towards his lips for a kiss.

  After helping me out of the car, he hands the keys over to the valet. Logan laces his finger through mine as we walk inside.

  “Are you happy, baby?” he asks. Happy isn’t the right word. This will be my second time at the ballet and if it is anything like the last time he brought me, it will be wonderful.

  “You’re so good to me, hot stuff,” I say, wrapping my arms around his waist.

  “You know there is nothing I wouldn’t do to make you happy,” he replies, as he leans down and kisses the top of my head. I lace my fingers through his again, squeezing his hand. He does make me happy. All…the…time!

  I am so lucky to have him. This being my second marriage, I know that all relationships aren’t like ours. What we have is truly special.

  The ballet is fantastic. During the intermission, I tell Logan I need to go to the ladies’ room. That endless need to pee is getting on my nerves.

  Logan walks me to the restrooms and says that he will wait over there, as he points to the wall across the room. Once I am done, I make my way back to him. He is talking on the phone as I walk towards him, a look of concern on his face. He doesn’t notice me until I am standing in front of him. As his eyes meet mine, he gives me a forced smile. He says good-bye to whomever he is talking to and hangs up.


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