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Page 7

by Gordon, M. E.

  He was right. I had been comfortable in front of him all weekend. It was the nasty girl that lived in the corners of my mind, who liked to mess with the image I had of myself, that was fucking things up. She liked to remind me of the constant judging from the media. She also liked to sneak flashbacks, of kids making fun of me, to the fore front of my mind every once in a while.

  I’m going to have to have a talk with her. An eviction notice is surly on its way.

  His hands slid up my thighs and pushed my skirt up so it wrapped around my waist. “You are crazy, crazy for thinking that I want anything other than what is in front of me right now.”

  “Spencer, all this kind of killed the mood, don’t you think?”

  I jolted up as his fingers found their way inside me.

  “Doesn’t feel like it to me,” he purred.

  I couldn’t help the faint sigh that escaped my lips as a warm calm came over me. Fucking magic fingers.

  “You wasted thirteen minutes. Now you only have seventeen minutes left to get my pants down, I suggest you get started.”

  I didn’t know how he did it, but fuck he could take me from enraged and embarrassment to turned on in mere seconds. I tossed the spanks on the floor of the SUV wishing to god they’d just melt into it, as I begin working on his belt.

  Seventeen minutes later, and I could proudly scratch another fantasy off my list. The cool winter air was welcomed as Spencer cracked the window. Sweat beaded off both of us as I collapsed against his chest. I had managed to make it through another embarrassing obstacle with Spencer. Doubt girl was definitely getting evicted. I didn’t need her anymore. I had Spencer, I felt comfortable in my skin and I was ready for the world to know it. I dare anyone to say something.

  Chapter 10


  The driver pulled up to the apartment complex. Taking a deep breath, I opened the door and made my way up to Maggie’s front step. I can do this, just dinner. No feelings are involved. I needed to make her feel good, get all the information she had, call it a night, and then call Natasha.

  Before I could knock on the door, it opened. Maggie stood there with a hand still on the door knob, and the other on the door frame protectively. She stuck her head out and looked in either direction. There was a paranoid expression on her face, which instantly put me on edge.

  “Are you okay, Maggie?”

  Her eyes locked on mine, and she shook her head. Grabbing my hand aggressively, she pulled me inside and slammed the door shut, locking it behind her. All right, now I’m really starting to get anxious.

  Clearly something had spooked her. She was still in the same clothes she wore earlier in the day, her eyes were puffy as if she had been crying, and her hands were visibly shaking.

  Sitting next to her on the couch, I took her hands in mine to offer what little comfort I could. “Maggie, what happened to you?”

  “They know--they know you’re snooping around, and that you aren’t who you say you are.”

  My heart caught. Shit, my cover has never been blown this fast. “Who knows?”

  “I don’t know. They had their face covered, but they threatened me, told me I would lose my job if I told you anything.”

  Fuck, I needed this girl to stick with me. I can’t lose the only lead I have. “You’re still going to help me right?”

  “Simon? That’s your real name right?”

  I nodded over at her, another lie to cover my ass.

  “I thought you looked familiar, but I didn’t put everything together until I was threatened. You’re in love with Elizabeth Monroe, aren’t you? And all of this is a way to get back at Spencer for stealing her from you, isn’t it?”

  Damn, I did not come here prepared for all of this. I was done with lying. The only way Maggie was going to give me anything was if I was honest with her. “Yes, I’m in love with Elizabeth, and I am going to do everything in my power to make her see Spencer for the bad guy that he really is. Elizabeth is only going to be hurt by him, and I don’t want to see it happen. She belongs with me. I screwed up, and I’m trying my best to fix it the only way I know how.” I paused racking my brain as I tried to figure out how to save this fucked up situation. “Listen, Maggie, you are the only one who can help me with that.”

  Standing from the couch, I turned away, facing the door. God, just thinking about Spencer’s hands all over my Belle makes me sick. And to know that this woman sitting behind me could have everything I needed to win her back. I was desperate. I kneeled in front of Maggie, taking her hands in mine, looking deep into her eyes. “Please, you have to help. I can’t lose her, not when I might be so close to winning her back.”

  Maggie’s brows scrunched together, and she bit down on her lip, as if fighting a battle in her own head over whether to help me or not. “Okay, I’ll tell you what I know, but it’s going to be he said, she said, and I do not want my name in it. I’ll tell you everything, but you’re on your own for proof, because I’m pretty sure there isn’t any.”

  “That’s fine, anything will help.”

  I sat back next to her on the couch and readied myself for whatever was about to leave her mouth.

  “It was the end of our senior year, and Spencer had been with this one girl the entire year. They were always together. They genuinely seemed like they were in love with each other. One night, some guy had a huge end-of-the-year party, invited just about everyone. You can imagine the kind of party it was--rich kids with an unlimited amount of money to waste. Well, to make a long story short, I wasn’t invited. So I picked up a shift at the police station where I was learning the ropes of secretarial work. It was early only seven when a group of people came in the station. Three cops had Spencer in restraints. Even in the restraints, he looked like he was going to break free from them. Anyway, I overheard them saying he nearly killed a kid. Later, I found out that he had walked in on his girlfriend sleeping with some other guy. I guess he snapped. Tossed the girl off the guy. She hit the wall so hard she broke her arm, and then he nearly beat the guy to death, until someone pulled him off.”

  So Mr. Goody Two Shoes nearly killed a man, beat a woman, and his father made sure to make it all disappear.

  “What happened to the kid? His parents didn’t press charges?”

  “Nope, he was from my side of town. I heard a rumor that Spencer’s father paid them off big time, along with the girlfriend. It’s like as soon as it happened, everything disappeared. No one talked about it, no one reported it, and Spencer walked out less than an hour after being brought in.”

  “What happened to the kid he beat, did he make it? Or?”

  “Oh, he made it through his injuries. He ended up marrying the girl. Supposedly, she had been seeing him for a long time. She was just embarrassed that he was poor, but once he got his hush money from the Salvatore’s, I guess she was more than happy to make things work.”

  “Thank you so much, Maggie. I won’t tell a soul I got any information from you.” I stood from the couch, pulling her to stand with me and hugging her tightly with appreciation. “I just want to see people pay for what they have done.’ It’s not right for him to get away with everything just because he has money. He might have changed over the years, but someone like that can’t hide their demons forever.”

  I kissed her cheek and headed for the door. I let myself out and walked toward the waiting car. My hand was inches from the handle and a chill went down my spine. Not one to question my instincts, I turned around to see a figure leaning against the door of a very expensive Mercedes.

  “Simon Sullivan--Or is it Collin, maybe Nick? When are you going to get it through your head--I won.”

  “Trouble in paradise so soon, Salvatore? If there isn’t any yet, there will be.” I took a step toward him. I wasn’t afraid of him. I was younger, probably in better shape, and if he tried anything, I wouldn’t hold back. Elizabeth wasn’t there to stop me.

  “Did you find what you were looking for?” he asked also moving from the shadows
of his car closer to me.

  “Oh, you mean the fact that you nearly killed someone because they were sleeping with your girlfriend, who was cheating on you long before you caught her in bed with another man?” Laughing? He’s laughing about this? “You’re a real class act, Salvatore, hitting women--”

  “Shut up. You don’t know what the fuck you’re talking about.”

  “You sure about that? What do you think Elizabeth’s going to think about it after she finds out who you really are?”

  Before I could react, Spencer had me backed up against the car, his fists curled around my jacket.

  “Do it.” I spit the words at him, tempting him to take his rage to the next level. “I’m sure Elizabeth is just going to love hearing that you beat me to a pulp, after discovering who you really are. And your daddy isn’t going to be able to pay me off like he did that poor kid.”

  His face fell and his hands slid from my body and into his hair. “If this was fifteen years ago, I would have killed you. But that’s not who I am anymore. You might not believe this, but I am doing all I can to not be that guy.”

  I didn’t believe him for a second. His shitty “woe is me” bull crap might work with Elizabeth, but he didn’t fool me. “Soon your secret will be out. I’m playing for keeps and the thought of Elizabeth being with someone with your temper and a history of hitting women--I’m sorry, I can’t let that happen. I still love her, and I will not stand by, knowing you could potentially hurt or kill her because you have a bad day.”

  The sound of flesh hitting flesh rang in my ears and I fell back against the car. I brought my hand up to my face and tasted blood on my lower lip. Licking my bloody lip, I looked over to Spencer. That fucking asshole actually punched me.

  Spitting the hot iron blood from my mouth, I stepped closer. “You’re done, Salvatore. Even if she doesn’t believe me, I have faith that you’ll screw it up all on your own. You don’t deserve her. You’re nothing but a spoiled little rich kid stuck in a thirty-year-old’s body. She’ll resent you for ruining her life, because you know you will, and you better believe I’ll be there to comfort her.” I spit again, just missing his perfect shoes.

  Chapter 11


  “Gia?” I called loudly as I walked through the door. “Hey, are you here?”

  I knocked on her door but heard nothing. When I called her cell, it went straight to voice mail. I couldn’t believe she was acting like this. I knew she was upset, but this was a bit dramatic.

  Getting comfortable, I sat on the couch to watch TV. An hour later, the door opened. It was Gia. She threw her stuff on the table before walking past me.

  “Hey,” I said, sitting up straight from the couch.

  “What?” she spat back, irritated.

  “What’s your problem? I get that you’re upset things didn’t work out with Teddy, but you kissed Charles. You can’t blame that on Spencer.” I watched as she grabbed a bottle of water and shrugged her shoulders.

  “I’m moving out. I guess this is my two week notice.”

  I stood from the couch, tossing the blanket I had over my lap down. “You’re moving out over this? Gia, come on, talk to me, don’t be ridiculous.”

  She shrugged again. “My internship in New York wants me to come early. They’re helping with my living arrangements, and I can’t turn it down. Plus, I need a change of scenery.”

  I stared across the room at her. Her expression was vacant. We had gone from doing everything together to--hell, after that weekend, I felt like I didn’t even know who she was any more.

  “Well, I’m sorry to see you leave early. I thought that we’d have another month to hang out.”

  “Oh, you’re sorry to see me leave? I guess you’ll have to find another shoulder to cry on when Spencer leaves you again.”

  “Why can’t you just be happy for me? Are you jealous?”

  “Ha, that’s rich. Me, jealous of you? I don’t think so, darling. Never been, never will,” she said, taking a swing of her water.

  “Are you sure they don’t need you to be in New York tomorrow?”

  “If only,” she said under breath but loud enough for me to hear.

  “If I wasn’t such a nice person and remembered how great a friend you could be, you’d be living on the street tonight, honey! You keep that in mind while you’re sleeping in that nice plush bed that I bought. And when you hear the crisp cold wind blowing against the window, you remember who pays for the heat that’s keeping you all nice and cozy while you sleep. Try to remember who’s kept the sturdy roof that’s over your head while you drift off to dreamland. So please, try to keep all that in mind after you slam your door in my face again.” I walked past her and into my room, slamming my own door before she could do the same to me.

  I sat at my desk and tried to calm my nerves. I wanted to go out there and slap her back to normal. My phone started buzzing from the pocket of my sweat shirt. Simon was calling again. I didn’t have the patience to talk to him then. Eventually, I was going to have to, but not yet, I wasn’t ready. Hitting the end button, I placed my phone back in my pocket.


  The week went on, day in and day out. Spencer came home two days after he’d left. We established a nice routine together. He’d pick me up from interning, we’d go to his place and have dinner, and then he’d bring me back home. Gia was keeping her distance from me and the condo. We hadn’t spoken since the night she told me she was moving out. Boxes started piling up in her room as she prepared to move up north to New York.

  Standing outside her room a few days later, I watched as she threw some books in a box. I didn’t believe for a second that her internship wanted her to come early. No one else was asked to leave early. She was lying. I’d come to the conclusion that she hated me so much that she was going to throw away all her savings to move to New York a month early.

  “Gia,” I called, gaining her attention.

  She looked up from the boxes in front of her, but quickly went back to packing.

  “Why are you doing this? I know that you don’t have to leave yet. You can stay here, we can work this out.” I had hit an all-time low, I was begging.

  Tossing another book in, she glanced up at me. Moving her hair off her face, she sighed. “Beth, I need to move on. I can’t live here. I see your brothers everywhere. I miss Teddy too much--I just need to start over,” she confessed, finally revealing the real reason why she was packing and moving to New York early.

  “I’ll tell them they can’t come over anymore. Please don’t leave because of them,” I begged.

  “I’m sorry I said all those nasty things. I guess I am jealous of you. I’m jealous that you and Spencer are together and happy. I wanted that with Teddy, and I took it out on the easiest people I could, you and him.”

  I walked into her room and sat down next to her and the boxes. “It’s okay, I know it’s tough, and I understand that you need to get away.” I sighed and looked around at the mess in her room. Clothes were everywhere, books were scattered, and boxes were only half packed with things hanging out the sides. “So, how much more do you have to pack?” I asked, smiling at her.

  Hitting my shoulder with hers, she gave me a relieved smile back. “I know. It’s pretty bad in here. But on a positive note, now that you’re going to help me, it should be a cake walk,” she said, wiggling her eyebrows.


  I held Gia in tight bear hug. “Remember you can come home anytime you want. Your room will be waiting for you. Call me when you get settled in. I’m coming to visit in three weeks, don’t forget.”

  The day had arrived. Gia was getting ready to get on the plane that was going to take her to New York and her fresh start. She had found a nice loft that was close to her internship. She had showed me pictures, and it seemed right up her alley. Close to everything--shops, food, clubs. She was making her dreams come true.

  “I know, I know. All right, I’m officially on my own when I walk down there,” she sa
id, pulling back from me as she looked down the hallway that would lead her to her plane. “I love you, Beth, thank you--for everything.”

  “I love you too! I’ll see you in three weeks!” I pulled her back to me and hugged her tightly.

  I’d never had a best friend till I met Gia freshman year of college. I was a loner before I’d come to college, but when I opened up to her that first semester in our crappy dorm room with no heat, I knew that I was going to have a friend for life. I watched as she pulled her bag down the long corridor. She was starting a new chapter in her life, and so was I. I was going to have to embrace being in the spotlight when I was with Spencer and use it for good. I was scared but I knew between my family, friends, and the man I loved, I was going to be fine.

  I turned in the opposite direction and started making my way back to where I had entered. Rounding the corner, I ran right into Charles.

  “What the hell are you doing here?” I asked, taking a step back.

  “I--umm--I just wanted to make sure she--I mean, you--got home okay,” he stuttered.

  Raising a questioning brow at him, I wrapped my arm around his and started walking. “Un-huh, sure ya did. Come on, Romeo, let’s get some coffee.”

  He didn’t have an option really. He was coming with me whether he wanted to or not. We sat down at a table in the large eatery inside the airport.

  “Charles, I told you she’s leaving to get away from you, to start over,” I said, sipping my drink.

  “I know you said that, but it doesn’t mean I have to listen to it. She’s making a mistake in leaving,” he said, matter-of-factly.

  “Oh, brother of mine, what am I going to do with you?” I glanced around the large space and noticed that a few people were staring at us. I brushed it off and tried to act normal.


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