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Fallen for You

Page 9

by Carlie Sexton

  “Yeah, that’s a great story,” he said, tucking her hair behind her ears. “So did Kate have any stories to share?”

  “It’s really exciting. Kate hasn’t had a boyfriend for a long time. Years, I think. But she’s recently met two new guys who both seem interested in her.

  “Oh, really? That is exciting. She’s an attractive girl so I am sure that she doesn’t have any trouble getting men to notice her.”

  “Well, I think that she is a nice young woman. If neither of her two new beaus work out, I think that we should find someone for her.”

  “I like that idea. Do you have anyone in mind that you think would be well-suited for her?”

  “Not yet, but I’m going to work on it. Rose looked at Roger with a gleam in her eyes. She loved being a match maker.

  “I’m going to take a shower,” he said. “I need to get cleaned up and then we can get some dinner before we go to the club.” He gave Rose a kiss on the lips and let go of her.


  While Roger was trying to come up with a plan to get rid of Rose, she was trying to take their relationship to the next level. She would start spending an extra night here and there at his place and eventually she would move in with him. She already had many personal items at his place and he had let her have space in the closet in the second bedroom. Once they were living together, she would start suggesting that they get a house together. That would pave the way to marriage. If only he didn’t feel so uncomfortable with her children. But her parents would raise her children if she asked. They already did so much for the girls as it was. He rarely saw her daughters and she didn’t want to push them on him. She wanted him to decide that he wanted to be their stepdad. He was such a wonderful father to Jacob. But, so far, he had shown no interest in having her daughters in his life.

  Her plan was in place. To ensure it came to fruition, she had stopped taking her birth control pills over a month ago. Getting pregnant would seal the deal. She was confident that Roger would marry her if she was carrying his child. She would play it out for the next few months. He would never know. He would just think it was an accident like Jacob. It was almost the middle of September. She should be pregnant in no time at all. She had gotten pregnant easily with both of her daughters. There was no reason to think it would be any different now.


  Roger needed a shower to reflect. As the hot water glided over his muscular body, his mind worked overtime. How had Kate gone from no boyfriend to two possibilities in such a short time? Well, he knew how. She was incredibly gorgeous and every guy she encountered probably wanted to get in her pants. The only reason that she didn’t have a boyfriend up until now was that she didn’t want one. He was going to have to act fast if he didn’t want any competition. But getting rid of someone takes careful preparation. He had to devise a “to do” list and get prepared. He needed to keep his face in front of her, so he would be on her mind.

  Suddenly, the shower door opened, startling him a little. Rose stood there before him, wearing only a smile. She stepped into the shower and began kissing his chiseled chest. She slipped her hand around his shaft and began stroking. Roger closed his eyes as sensations flooded his body. He had visions of Kate. He wanted her hands around him, her mouth devouring his, her juicy breasts pressed against him. He was quickly aroused by these thoughts. He lifted Rose up and she wrapped her legs around him. He pushed her against the shower wall. He found her clit and began to tantalize it with his finger. He slipped a finger inside her to find her already in his favorite state of being-drenching wet. He began slipping his hard cock in and out of her. He kept invading her mouth with his because he didn’t want to look at Rose. In his mind, he was fucking Kate. He increased his speed and force. She let out a moan and came all around him. He could feel her pulsing and squeezing him. Within seconds, he was unloading his juice into her and making a guttural sound. He opened his eyes to find Rose wrapped around him. Disappointment struck his heart. Soon, Kate would be riding him. He felt it deep in his bones.

  “That was great,” she whispered in his ear.

  “It’s always great with you, Rose,” he said, forcing a grin. He now knew what he had to do. He gently placed Rose’s feet on the shower floor. They both had a plan. But only one of their plans was going to be executed.

  Chapter 9

  It was 6 p.m. when Charlie walked through the door utterly exhausted from a long day. She took her heels off as soon as she closed the door. The aroma of dinner wafted through the air, drawing her toward the kitchen. She put her purse and keys on the sofa back table and joined her roommate. Kate was so glad to see her. She needed to talk about Mark and Neil. She was making her famous chicken stir fry and brown rice. Well, it was one of the few things she knew how to cook.

  “Hey, how was your day?” Kate asked, knowing it couldn’t be anywhere near as exciting as hers had been.

  Charlie opened the refrigerator and took out a bottle of Moscato. “It was long and tedious,” she said, taking two wine glasses out and holding them up to Kate.

  Kate nodded.

  “Our meeting this morning was three hours,” Charlie continued. “I thought at one point I was going to nod off, it was so boring. But, being in HR, I need to stay upbeat and keep the troops rallied.”

  Charlie poured the wine and handed a glass to Kate. “It looks like we are going to be doing some layoffs,” Charlie added after taking a long drink. She savored the wine for a moment. The sweet taste was just what she needed.

  “Oh, that’s too bad. Is your job in jeopardy?”

  “Not that I am aware of, but you never know. I just hate to see hard-working people lose their jobs, but the company is not making as much money as it used to.”

  “That seems to be most companies nowadays,” she commented, adding some salt to the stir fry.

  Charlie nodded. “Enough about the doom and gloom of my day. How was your lunch date with Neil?” Charlie asked, hoping for the best as she took another sip of wine.

  “It was so amazing. We had a wonderful time together at lunch. He held my hand and was very attentive. We talked for a long time and went for a walk along the bay. He even came to Sinfulicous with me to buy bath products. It was so much fun to be with him. I really like him. He is undoubtedly the sexiest guy I’ve ever gone out with. I’m really looking forward to seeing him tomorrow night. But he wasn’t the only interesting part of my day.”

  “What do you mean?” Charlie asked tilting her head.

  “Well, Mark, that super-hot guy at SDSU, bought me coffee and walked me to my car after class. He was very adamant about his intentions of wanting to get to know me. He came right out and said that he was interested in me. I gave him my phone number. He even tried to kiss me, but I gave him my cheek just like with Neil last night.”

  “Wow, you have gone from no guys to two guys in like a nano-second! You’re smoking hot,” Charlie said. She touched Kate with one finger and made a sizzling sound. Both women giggled like school girls.

  “Well, right now Neil is in the lead. He’s smart, successful, confident—a real man. Mark still has a harem following him around. Part of me feels like he is a player and I am the next piece in his game. It was just exciting to realize that he is attracted to me.”

  “Take your time. It’s not like you have to be exclusive with either of them. You know in your heart what is right for you. But I think that Neil sounds like just what the doctor ordered. I am so happy that you are interested in men again. I was really worried about you, but I didn’t want to push you too hard. I know that everyone heals in their own time. It looks like you are ready to live again,” Charlie said, a loving smile on her face.

  Kate’s eyes filled with tears. But they weren’t tears from pain and sorrow for a refreshing change. They were tears of happiness. “Charlie, I am so happy. It has been so long since I felt hopeful and happy. Thank you so much for all of your support over the last couple of years. I don’t know what I would have done without you,” Kate
choked out, hugging her best friend. She held Charlie tight. Charlie had been her lifeline when everything seemed to go dark and jagged. She was a ray of light that Kate had held onto. Charlie kept her sane when everything else seemed to be crazy.

  Charlie hugged Kate back. “I will always be here for you. You are my best friend. I just want you to be happy.”

  “After we eat, we’re going to have to pick out an enticing outfit for your date with Neil tomorrow night,” Charlie said raising her eyebrows up and down again suggestively.

  “Oh, Charlie, I’m just going on a third date with Neil. I didn’t say I was ready to have sex with him. You know that I have only been with one person,” she said, shrugging her shoulders. She was madly in love with that one person and thought she would be with him forever. But that wasn’t what fate had in store for her. He was gone and she would never see him again.

  “I know,” Charlie said, resting her hand on Kate’s arm. “But you’re going to have sex eventually. You’ve made it pretty clear that you are attracted to both Neil and Mark. I’m not saying that you should sleep with Neil on your third date, but chances are if you go out with him for any length of time, you’re going to.”

  Charlie had a good point. When Neil fed her the cheesecake last night it wasn’t just the cheesecake that was creamy. The memory of it made her insides a gooey mess. He was so damn sexy.

  “You’re right, Charlie. I am going to have sex at some point and, honestly, I’m finding Neil to be irresistible. When he looks at me with such intensity and longing I just want to rip his clothes off.”

  “I know what you mean. Mitch has the same effect on me.”

  “Well, dinner is ready. Let’s eat.”

  They each dished up their food and sat down at the table. Charlie refilled their wine glasses and raised her glass to make a toast. “Here’s to great friends, great food, and great sex. May you have some of the latter very soon.”

  They clinked their glasses together and each took a sip.

  “Since I’ve been out of the dating world for a while, what is the acceptable time to wait? Do guys really expect sex within the first couple of dates?” Kate asked, looking mildly perplexed.

  “Well, that’s going to depend on you. You shouldn’t do anything that makes you uncomfortable. Take your time and don’t rush things. Sometimes it’s good to make the guy wait.”

  “Sounds like good advice, but I am so incredibly attracted to Neil that I’m afraid if I start kissing him, I won’t be able to stop. I had a dream about him last night.”

  “A sex dream?”

  “Yes, it was sexy and it had quite an effect on me.”

  Charlie laughed. “I’m thinking that you might just want to dive in head first and have some earth-shattering sex with Neil. I know you waited a long time to do it with David, but you were kids. Now you’re a woman.”

  “Well, we’ll see what happens tomorrow night.”

  Chapter 10

  Friday morning came quickly. Kate knew that she would see Mark at school. Why did thinking about him give her such a tingling sensation? This was crazy to have such an attraction for two men. She got into the shower and carefully shaved her legs. She and Charlie had chosen her black pencil skirt with a halter top for her to wear on her date with Neil. The skirt was on the shorter side and the halter top was bright pink. The halter top showed just enough cleavage. It was Charlie’s top. It fit very snuggly, highlighting her curvaceous body. Charlie guaranteed that it would have Neil eating out of the palm of her hand. When she had tried on the outfit last night, she felt very sexy in it. She added a short black sweater to the ensemble in case she got cold. Her black strappy heels completed the look. But, for now, she needed to dress in her work clothes and get herself to school.

  Kate walked into class expecting to see Mark, but he wasn’t there yet. The classroom was abuzz with students talking about their plans for the weekend. One of the graduate students was throwing what was promised to be a legendary party.

  Mark ended up being a no-show. He didn’t attend their second class together either. She wondered if something was wrong, but had no way to contact him. She might have to wait until Monday to find out if he didn’t call her before then.


  Mark woke up feeling groggy. He turned over and saw the form of a woman next to him in bed. His first thought was of Kate, but he knew that it wasn’t her lying next to him. Last night came crashing back. He had met up with Missy, or Michelle, or Melanie, who the hell could remember? He saw her at the gym and they got to talking. They had Rhetorical Theory together. She gave him the signal that she wanted him. She kept touching his arm and she laughed at everything he said, even if it wasn’t that funny. So he went home with her, had a few drinks, and took her to bed. She wasn’t a bad lay. He did enjoy himself, but she wasn’t the one he wanted. She was easy. Now it occurred to him that Kate might find out. He was going to have to keep the two of them apart even though he and Kate weren’t in a committed relationship. He didn’t want to risk proving to her that he was a ladies man. Why did he always make his life so complicated?

  He saw the time on the clock and realized that he had missed both of his classes this morning. He was pissed at himself. He was going to have to come up with a good excuse before he talked to Kate. Maybe something that would get her sympathy—like the stomach flu.

  Just then, what’s-her-name began to stir. She turned over and greeted Mark with a big smile. He figured that since they were both in bed, he might as well have sex with her again before he left. He had already missed his classes.

  “Do you want to take a shower?” she asked.

  “Definitely!” he said.


  Walking out of class, Kate overheard a conversation between two of her classmates.

  “Oh my god, Tish, you are never going to guess who Melanie hooked up with last night!” Jennifer said.

  “Is it that gorgeous guy Mark who everyone drools over?” Tish asked.

  “Yeah, can you believe it? I saw them leaving the gym together and Melanie texted me on her way home that he was following her. She was planning on doing it with him.”

  “Lucky her,” Tish responded.

  Kate had her answer. He was a player just like she had felt in her gut. She was disappointed, but glad to know the truth. She hurried away from the two girls so that they wouldn’t notice that she was eavesdropping. Their conversation had just solved her dilemma.


  Kate got to work on time. She left her outfit for her date and her tote bag in security and then she punched in. She hoped that the day would go by fast. She was excited about her evening with Neil.

  When she walked into the children’s department, the other women were waiting to quiz her about her coffee date with Neil. Natalie had informed them about it yesterday. Their questions came at her like rapid fire.

  “So how was coffee?”

  “Do you like him?”

  “Did he kiss you?”

  “Did anything else happen?”

  “Have you talked to him since?”

  “Did he ask you out on a date?”

  It was like 20 questions. They were all talking over each other. It was good that things were slow and no customers were around. It usually didn’t pick up until the afternoon.

  “Let me see. Coffee was great. Yes, I do like him. He tried to kiss me, but I turned my head. Nothing else happened,” she said shaking her head. “We had a lunch date yesterday, and we have a dinner date for tonight,”

  Kate smiled and laughed at their inquisitiveness. She was so fortunate to have people in her life who cared so much about her.

  “Where is he taking you?”

  “Is that what you are wearing?”

  “Please tell me you brought clothes to change into. We should do some shopping at lunch.”

  Kate had to chuckle again. How she loved her co-workers. They were so great. “We are going to PF Chang’s. No, I’m not wearing this outfit. I brought some
thing to change into. But shopping at lunch still sounds good anyway. I might need a few more outfits,” she said, bubbling with enthusiasm.

  The rest of the day went by quickly. Fridays were usually busy and, before she knew it, it was 6:45. She punched out, collected her clothes and headed to the employee bathroom to change and add some make-up. She looked at herself in the mirror, thinking that tonight could be the night she had sex with Neil. The thought sent a jolt of warmth throughout her body. It was 7 o’clock when she stood back and took a good look at herself. She was showing a little more cleavage than she was used to, but this is what she brought. She was glad to have her sweater to “cover up” if needed.

  She made her way to PF Chang’s. As she walked in the door, she saw Neil waiting for her. His eyes lit up like the Fourth of July as she approached. She could tell by the expression on his striking face that he liked her outfit. He got up quickly and greeted her with a kiss on the cheek. She breathed in his intoxicating scent. He was wearing Obsession, her favorite cologne. She loved the scent and wanted to drink more of him in.

  He took her hand. “I’m so glad to see you. You look stunning. You’re going to turn every head in this place,” he said through a devilish grin. Holding his hand made her heart pound. She could feel the warmth spreading throughout her body. She was having a hard time fathoming the powerful effect he had on her. But she decided to open herself up to whatever the evening presented. She was going to try not to shy away from this experience with an extraordinary man.

  “Thank you. You’re looking rather handsome yourself.” Neil was wearing jeans that showed off his firm backside and a fitted black button-down shirt. His muscular frame filled out his shirt very well. She was looking forward to having his muscular body pressed against her at some point in the evening.


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