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Fallen for You

Page 10

by Carlie Sexton

  Neil had called ahead so his name was next on the list. As they followed the hostess to their table, Kate took in the beautiful ambiance of the restaurant. The tiles on the floor shimmered with a golden hue. Elegant lanterns hung from the ceiling, giving off a luminous glow. The artwork reflected the restaurant’s Asian theme. The restaurant was a very busy and loud with patrons enjoying themselves.

  The hostess sat them in a circular booth. Neil scooted as close as he could to her. Then he took her hand again and gently kissed each knuckle like they were a rare delicacy. She felt chills go down her spine. She felt heat rise down below. Wow, he’s so sexy. How was she going to keep her composure tonight?

  “Your waiter will be with you in a moment,” the hostess said as she scurried away.

  “So, do you eat here very often?” she asked. What a stupid question? she chided herself. Dating lessons are a must.

  Neil smiled as if he knew she was nervous. “I’ve eaten here a few times with friends, but I’m not a regular. I thought it would be a good spot since you work in the mall.”

  “That was very considerate of you.”

  “Well, I’m a very considerate guy.”

  Just then the waiter showed up. “How are you two doing tonight? Can I get you some wine or perhaps a mai tai?”

  Neil looked at Kate. “What kind of wine do you like?” he asked.

  “I tend to like the sweeter wines. I love Riesling.”

  “We’ll have a bottle of Riesling and an order of spring rolls to start.”

  “Excellent choice, sir,” the waiter said, turning away to get their order started.

  Kate opened her menu, hoping to have a distraction from Neil’s intense gaze. “So what’s your favorite thing to eat here?”

  “Everything that I have tried has been great. I don’t think you can go wrong with any item. We could get the dinner for two. These are the choices,” he said, pointing to the middle of the menu.

  “I love sweet and sour shrimp.”

  “Perfect. I’ll get the orange chicken.” He was glad to get that out of the way. Now he could hold her hand again and get to know her better.

  Kate, remembering her dating tips from Charlie’s boyfriend Mitch, put her hand on Neil’s arm and began slightly stroking her fingers back and forth. “So were you close with your family when you were growing up?” she asked, looking intently into his eyes.

  Kate could tell by Neil’s expression that he loved the feeling of her fingers gliding up and down his arm. “My parents adopted me when I was three weeks old. My mom was not able to get pregnant and she desperately wanted children. I think that my dad indulged her by letting her adopt my sister and I. Somehow I always had the feeling that he didn’t care either way if he had a family or not.” He stopped for a moment, but her gaze urged him to continue. “I knew from being a very small child that I was adopted. Although they were very loving and did their best, I always felt like something was missing. My sister seems to be better adjusted than I am. I have been contemplating finding my birth mother for a long time, but I don’t want to hurt my parents’ feelings. I think it would crush my mom to know that I wanted to find the woman who gave me up.”

  “So you felt growing up that your dad really wasn’t into being a family man?”

  “Yeah, he was selfish with his time. He didn’t have any patience with us. My mother gave us much more attention than he did. She went to all of my soccer practices and games, took us to the movies, and planned all of our extra-curricular activities. Sometimes I felt like my dad just tolerated me. He was better with my sister, but she worked a lot harder to please him than I did.”

  “That must have been so hard for you,” she said, her hand now planted firmly atop his.

  “It was, but now that I am grown, we have a much better relationship. I work with him at his firm. We see each other every day and go golfing together about once a month. Now we have a mutual respect for one another.”

  The waiter showed up with the wine. He opened the bottle and poured each of them a glass. “Your spring rolls will be right up. Have you decided what you would like for dinner?”

  “Yes, we’re going to have the dinner for two with sweet and sour shrimp and orange chicken.”

  “Would you like egg drop soup or salad?”

  “We’ll each have egg drop soup,” Neil said, looking at Kate for confirmation that he’d made the right choice. She nodded.

  “It also comes with dessert. Do you want to order that now or later?”

  “Later,” Neil said, dismissing the waiter. He handed her a glass of wine and picked up his. “Here’s to second chances,” he said with his signature devilish grin.

  “To second chances,” she echoed, clinking her glass to his. They each took a sip of wine. “Mm,” she softly moaned. “The wine is delicious.”

  Kate could feel the heat between them. She decided a moment apart might be a good thing so that she could collect herself. “I’m going to go to the ladies room,” she said softly, leaning into him, breathing in his scent.

  “Okay,” he said, sighing heavily.

  The love-starved part of her wanted him to follow her in there and lock the door behind them. She knew he was watching her walk away. Her head was working overtime to convince her body to take things slowly. A battle was raging inside of her just from sitting next to him.

  The bathroom was empty to Kate’s relief. She looked at herself in the mirror. Being so close to Neil had set all of her nerve endings on fire. She had never been so attracted to a man. Of course she had been attracted to David, but he was more of a guy. She also found Mark very attractive, but he was a guy too. Neil was a full-fledged hunk of a man with a panty-dropping smile. She loved how he had opened up about his childhood. She wanted to know everything about him. His vulnerability gave her the hope that she, too, could open up and be vulnerable.

  She returned to the table to find that the spring rolls had been delivered. She sat down next to Neil in the same spot she occupied before going to the ladies room. Neil dunked a spring roll into the sauce and proceeded to feed her. She took a bite. Then he dunked again and took a bite himself. It was pure pleasure to have him feed her. She let out a small sound indicating that the food was good. Suddenly, it seemed that Neil couldn’t take it anymore.

  “If I don’t kiss you now, I feel like I’m never going to,” he said, taking her head in his hands and pulling her face to his. Before she knew it, he was kissing her passionately. His mouth devoured hers like he was tasting food for the first time. His tongue invaded her mouth and captured her tongue, stroking it rapidly. She surrendered to him and met his passion with her own. Then his kisses slowed. She could barely breathe, her was heart racing, and she felt her muscles clench deep below. He slowly pulled away, breathing heavily. He put his forehead to hers.

  The waiter showed up with their food, interrupting their passionate moment. They parted from each other as he put the dishes down on the table.

  “Can I get you anything else?” he asked.

  “No, I think we’re good,” Neil said.

  Kate was a little relieved that their food had arrived. She didn’t want things to go too fast.

  “I’m sorry for being such a brute. I just can’t help it. You have bewitched me. You intrigued me from the moment you hung up on me on Wednesday,” he said, taking her hand in his. “I’m not accustomed to women saying ‘no’ to me. I didn’t like it, but at the same time it was a huge turn-on.”

  Suddenly, she wasn’t very hungry for food. She was hungry for him. His honesty was so sensual to her. “So, what are you accustomed to other women doing?” she asked with a coquettish beam on her face. She couldn’t wait to hear the answer to this.

  “Well, honestly, I expect them to succumb to my charming ways and do what I want,” he said, making no apologies.

  “It sounds like women have spoiled you, Neil Statton. I must inform you now that I am not like other women.”

  “I have gathered that,” he sai
d, taking a bite of his chicken. She took a bite of her food too. She liked this playful interaction. She wanted to get to know all of the different sides to this intriguing man.

  “So, tell me about your last boyfriend,” he said. Kate choked a little on her food. Her last boyfriend had been her only boyfriend. David. Did she really want to talk about David just yet?

  “It’s been a long time since I have had a boyfriend,” she said, feeling shy about divulging too much too soon.

  “Really? How long?”

  “Almost three years.”

  “You mean to tell me it has been nearly three years since you have had a boyfriend? I find that hard to believe. How have you managed that?” he asked. He was shocked.

  She sunk down a little in her seat. The words of her friends came crashing over her to be open, enjoy life, take a chance.

  “I was nursing a broken heart. My boyfriend and I met our sophomore year of high school. We dated until our sophomore year of college. Then things ended suddenly.” Keep it short, sweet and to the point. He doesn’t need to know all of the sorted details just yet.

  “Wait a minute. Are you saying that you have only had one boyfriend?” he asked. He looked astonished.

  “Yes, I have only had one boyfriend,” she said, sighing as she took another bite of her food. There, it was out in the open. At least part of it. She wasn’t ready to disclose how things had ended. Hopefully, he wouldn’t ask.

  “So, does that mean that you’ve only been with one guy?” he asked, lowering his head slightly and raising his eyebrows.

  She knew what he meant by the tone in his voice. He meant sexually. “Yes, I have only been with one guy,” she said, letting the words waft up to the ceiling. How had the conversation become about her sex life? He sure was inquisitive.

  A look of elation crossed Neil’s face momentarily. “You must have made an art out of avoiding men.”

  “Why do you say that?”

  “I guarantee you that just about every man in this restaurant wants to have sex with you, but most of them are probably too intimated to do anything about it.”

  “And you’re not intimidated?” she said, feeling strangely confident. Perhaps it was the wine making her brave.

  “No, like I have said, I am used to getting my way,” he said.

  Just then the waiter showed up to ask what they wanted for dessert. Neil looked over at Kate. “I got some dessert for us back at my place, a red velvet cheesecake,” he said, his eyes overflowing with desire. “That is, if you would like to come over.”

  Answering all of his questions had made her a little skittish. She looked at the waiter. “I’ll have the Great Wall of Chocolate,” she said.

  “And, for you, sir?” the waiter asked, knowing Neil had struck out.

  “I’ll have the same,” he said flatly.

  “I’m going to go to the ladies room again,” she said. Neil nodded. She needed to get a hold of herself. She wanted to go back to his place. She wanted him to make mad passionate love to her. But he had indicated that he liked a challenge. At least for tonight, she would hold out and be just that.


  After dinner, Neil walked Kate out to her car. He put his hands on her waist and pulled her to him. It felt so good to have her body pressed up against his. She could feel his desire for her. His strong arms held her tight. She felt safe with him. She didn’t know why. She barely knew him, but his confidence and strength drew her in.

  “Please have dinner with me tomorrow night,” he said inhaling her essence. “I would love to cook for you. I will be a perfect gentleman. I promise.”

  “Okay,” she said, although agreeing to dinner at his place was against her better judgment. How was she going to withstand his charms? The kiss in the restaurant nearly did her in. She was in unchartered waters. She had only had sex a few times with David before –

  “I’ll text you my address with directions. I live in La Jolla. What time are you working tomorrow?”

  “Nine to five.”

  “Great. Then I’ll expect you between five-thirty and six. I can’t wait to make my specialty for you,” he said, his eyes blazing with carnal lust.

  She figured that his specialty was him on a stick. “Sounds good. I’ll see you then,” she said swallowing hard.

  He let go of her a little and planted a very soft kiss on her lips, keeping to his word of being a perfect gentleman.


  As Kate climbed the stairs to her apartment, she saw that Roger’s door was open. He came out onto the landing just as she reached the top step.

  “How was your day?” he asked.

  “It was great, just tiring.”

  “Oh, well you look really great. Did you have a date after work?

  “Yes, I did.”

  “How was it?”

  “I had a great time.”

  “Oh, good. Is it serious?”

  “Not yet. I just met the guy this week. It was our third date.” She didn’t want to give too much away. It was a balancing act being friendly and guarded at the same time. She wanted to give Roger the benefit of the doubt since she had met Rose.

  “Well, if you want to come in, I’ll be happy to rub your feet for you. I’m really good at it. At least that’s what Rose says.”

  “Thanks for the offer, but I just want to take a shower and go to bed,” she said. What the hell is he thinking? I don’t want him to rub my feet.

  “Well, good night,” he said.

  “Good night.”


  Roger recoiled and returned to his apartment, where he stretched out on the sectional. His disappointment reached the depths of his stomach. Why wouldn’t she let him get close to her? Rose wasn’t spending the night and some alone time with Kate would do his body good. Obviously, offering to rub her feet was a little too forward. He would have to come up with a more subtle approach. Giving up wasn’t an option. She was the woman who would make his life complete. She was perfect for him, even if she couldn’t see it yet.

  Unfortunately, she looked like she had been on more than just a regular date. He could tell by how she was dressed. She had pulled out all the stops to impress the man she was seeing. He clinched his teeth at the thought of her going out with another man. Fucking another man. How could she do this to him? He was going to have to keep wearing her down. He would go check on her later when all was quiet and she had drifted into dreamland. One thing was for sure. She had occupied many of his dreams both awake and sleeping.


  Charlie and Mitch were curled up on the sofa watching a movie when Kate came in and shut the door behind her.

  “How was your date?” they asked in unison. They looked at each other and laughed. This was a side effect of being together for so long.

  Kate sighed a dreamy sigh as she leaned against the door. “It was wonderful. He’s cooking me dinner tomorrow night at his place.”

  “Oh,” said Mitch. “It looks like our Katie is going to get some tomorrow night. Good for you,” he said with a smile and a wink. Kate joined them by sitting down on the oversized love seat.

  Charlie elbowed Mitch. “Do you think he expects me to sleep with him?” Kate asked, both shock and hope in her voice.

  Mitch laughed out loud. “Girls are so naïve. Of course he wants to have sex with you. Have you looked in the mirror lately? There aren’t many straight guys who wouldn’t want to take you to bed.”

  “Well, that doesn’t mean I’m going to sleep with him. But he is the first guy I have really wanted since David. Well, with the exception of Mark,” she said. Why did thinking of David still bring forth tears?

  Charlie moved over to the love seat to hug her friend. “You don’t have to do anything you don’t want to. Just be true to yourself.”

  Mitch piped in, “Have a good time. And tell him I’ll kick his ass if he does anything to hurt you. You are like the little sister I never had.”

  “Thanks, Mitch. I’ll keep that in mind. Not to change
the subject, but you’re not going to believe what Roger just offered me,” Kate said.

  “What?” asked Charlie, imagining the worst.

  “He offered to massage my feet. Don’t you think that’s a little weird?”

  “Well, Roger has been overly friendly since we first met him,” Charlie said.

  “I think that he has a crush on you,” Mitch said, laughing. “He’s probably just doing whatever he can to get into your pants,” he offered. “That’s how guys are. We have a one-track mind.”

  “Well, he has a girlfriend. She happens to be someone that I like very much and I don’t want to hurt her by playing footsy with Roger. Plus, it is becoming very annoying that he always has his door open and wants to talk every time I am on the landing.”

  “I know,” said Charlie. “He has left me alone since he met Mitch. But since he hasn’t seen you with anyone, maybe he thinks he has a chance with you,” she said with sympathy.

  “I guess you’re right,” Kate said with a shrug. “I’ll try not to let him bother me. I am sure he’s harmless. He’s probably just a shameless flirt.”

  “Well, that’s going to change as soon as he sees you have a boyfriend,” Charlie said coyly.

  “That’s a nice thought, but Neil’s not my boyfriend yet.”

  “He will be soon enough,” Mitch stated. “You girls seem to get your way when you want to. The poor bastard doesn’t stand a chance,” he said, gleaming at Kate. “He’ll be one lucky bastard if he becomes your boyfriend.”

  Chapter 11

  The doorbell rang. Kate waited anxiously for the door to open. She had been thinking about Neil all day, wondering if he would keep his promise to be a perfect gentleman. She was confused about what she wanted from him.

  Neil opened the door and his eyes immediately moved up and down her body. “Wow! I thought after seeing you last night that there was no possible way you could look any more beautiful, but you have managed to prove me wrong,” he said.


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