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Untrusting Hearts: A Contemporary New Orleans Romance

Page 2

by Hartt, Madison

  She shook her head at the feelings she was having. It was her first trip to New Orleans and she should be looking at the sights, not sneaking peeks at Gage Pichot. Still, she found her eyes drawn to his powerful legs as he worked the accelerator and the sight of his strong hands on the wheel. His clean nails, trimmed short. His curls of dark hair on his wrists, disappearing beneath his jacket sleeve. His expensive watch and the absence of a wedding ring. And then there was the fact that his arm grazed hers when he changed lanes or turned a corner. Even this innocent contact put her senses on high alert. There was no denying the appeal of this man.

  They had left the airport behind, driving down Airport Road, which in turn changed to Interstate 10. Jade observed that Gage managed to keep an even distance at all times from the car in front of them; now that they’d left the airport she saw that he hardly used the foot pedals. He must have noticed her interest because he said, “The car has adaptive cruise control which regulates the speed of the vehicle in line with the speed of the vehicle in front. Just about drives itself.”

  “Wow! That’s cool,” Jade said, before looking over her shoulder as Maylene asked a question.

  “So, Jade, how was your flight? They didn’t serve a meal, did they?”

  “Oh, the flight was perfect, no turbulence at all. And no, we weren’t in the air long enough for a meal, though they did pass out a miniature bag of nuts and drinks. I had a Coke.”

  Maylene made a few other polite inquiries and Jade responded in kind.

  Mr. Pichot said little, but she felt the press of his silent scrutiny. His eyes held tacit suspicion each time he looked at her. She was convinced, inexplicably, that if they were alone, he would be interrogating her. Was she being silly or was her intuition accurate? The notion was rather intriguing, she decided, as she wondered what was going on in the man’s handsome head.

  “I was hoping you’d be able to spend the summer here, Jade. Is there any reason you have to return home so soon?” Maylene probed. “We have so much to talk about, so much to learn about each other. Two weeks is hardly any time at all! Couldn’t you possibly extend your visit?”

  “I’m afraid not. I still have some issues that need to be addressed over Grandma’s death,” Jade told her, a sad look sweeping her face.

  “But I’ve made so many plans. Just visiting the sights will take more than two weeks.”

  “I’m sorry, Maylene.”

  “We have such amazing attractions, you know,” Maylene enticed. “Places that should be enjoyed at leisure.”

  “I’m sure it’s all fascinating,” Jade said, tearing her eyes away from Gage’s profile. “I’ve looked at tourist sites online since I took up your offer to visit, and know I won’t be able to squeeze all them in. I’d love a longer visit, but it would be impossible.” She stared out the window at the darkening city.

  “Perhaps you’ll change your mind,” Maylene said brightly.

  Jade smiled at the woman’s optimism. She explained that she needed to hit the computer when she returned home to get her resume out to employers and be available for interviews. “The little bit of money I have put away won’t last long.”

  “It sounds tedious,” Maylene remarked.

  “Well, it’s a necessary evil,” Jade assured her with a small chuckle, “if I plan to eat, that is.”

  “I suppose you’re right.” Maylene shrugged.

  Jade couldn’t help but notice that Gage hadn’t participated much in the conversation. His face remained set and impassive as she and Maylene chatted. She didn’t know if he was usually this reticent, or if Maylene wasn’t giving him a chance to speak. The latter was most probable. Jade figured the man could be quite glib if the situation called for it. She was Maylene’s niece and he probably felt he shouldn’t insert himself into family discussions, so he ignored her for the most part.

  About twenty minutes into the drive, Gage exited the interstate, made a right onto Esplanade Avenue, and drove under the overpass. They had gone only a short distance before Gage turned into a drive and stopped to enter a code that opened the wide wrought iron gates. They swept past the entry, up a brick driveway, and stopped before an immense three-story white mansion, with three tall gables above. The beveled windows were adorned with deep gray shutters. “Here we are, ladies,” Gage said. He got out and walked around to open the passenger door for Jade and Maylene.

  Jade was confused. This couldn’t be Maylene’s house? Impossible. Jade had noticed that several of the large dwellings they’d passed were Bed & Breakfasts. Maybe she wasn’t going to Maylene’s. Maybe they’d reserved a room for her here. But, a place like this would be expensive. She mentally scanned her finances, thinking she might have to shorten her stay, but kept these thoughts to herself. She’d have to see how it all played out, but she was a bit thrown by this development.

  As Gage held Maylene’s arm, the three made their way up inlaid brick steps to a porch with fluted columns. She was introduced to Parker, the butler who greeted them at the door, accepted the keys from Gage, and stepped outside to bring in her suitcases from the car.

  They entered a small foyer with wide doorways on either side. The wood floors were polished to a soft glow. Straight ahead, a wide blue runner covered all but two feet on either side. A stunning crystal chandelier was the centerpiece of the hallway. Standing just inside a doorway was a thin quiet girl in a neat navy blue and white uniform. She allayed any doubts that this was Maylene’s home when she greeted the woman warmly. “Madam, will you be requiring dinner immediately?”

  “I believe so, Ciana. Jade? Would you like to freshen up? I had Philomene hold back our meal since we knew you’d be coming in rather late.”

  “No, I…I’m fine. Well, I would like to wash my hands first, if you could direct me to the restroom.”

  “Of course, dear.” She turned to Gage. “Would you show Jade to the downstairs lavatory?”

  “I certainly will,” he answered and gestured for Jade to follow him. He was silent as he led her down a long hallway and pointed out the correct door.

  When Jade returned, Maylene noticed the perplexed look on the girl’s face.

  “Jade,” Maylene exclaimed. “Are you alright?”

  “Yes, yes. I’m fine,” Jade finally managed. Before her trip, Jade had envisioned a much different setting. She’d assumed she’d be sleeping on a sofa, or perhaps an air mattress on the floor. She never imagined Maylene in this immense home. She’d figured the woman would live in an apartment or condo. “This house is magnificent. But you told me you’d given up your home.”

  “And I did. I sold our summer home after Jean Pierre passed.”

  “Oh, I understand….” She spread her hand out, encompassing the entire house. “I just hadn’t expected something so…lavish.”

  The older woman smiled indulgently and took her arm. “It’s just home to me; I’m sure you’ll grow accustomed to it quickly. Come with me.”

  Jade was fully aware of Gage walking behind them. She decided to go with the flow as Maylene led her down the hall to a vast dining room. The end of the room featured a bank of windows, covered in beautiful soft blue drapes. One wall contained a massive sideboard, its gleaming surface holding an array of covered dishes. The walls opposite the windows and sideboard were filled with artwork. A pale gray, almost silver, rug ran the length of the table; a delicate floral pattern graced each corner. The table could seat twelve but tonight only three places were set. Jade thought she saw reluctance in Gage’s expression and suspected he’d like to be anywhere than here.

  As Jade’s eyes returned to the table after admiring the room, Gage whispered softly enough that only she could hear, “Totaling up the assets?”

  Jade gasped. “What did you say?”

  “You didn’t catch the question? I didn’t realize I’d stuttered.”

  “Oh, I caught it. I just don’t understand why you’d say such a thing.” She came very near slapping the man but just managed to keep her hand at her side.
  “So innocent,” he murmured contemptuously.

  Jade shook her head, stunned. Luckily, Maylene had been inspecting the covered food and missed the exchange. Jade counted quickly to ten and then walked over to stand next to her aunt. “Is there anything I can do?”

  “We’re eating buffet-style tonight, so all you need to do is wait until Ciana removes the covers.”

  As if on cue, the girl came from the kitchen and revealed the dishes.

  Maylene gestured toward the offerings. “We kept it simple: Louisiana beef stew, rice, and salad.”

  Jade, who had been a little worried about being served crawfish or some such thing, smiled happily. “It looks wonderful.”

  “Well, take a plate and help yourself.” Maylene went first, placing rice on her plate and covering it with stew. The salad went to the side. Jade followed her lead. She placed a small amount of rice on her plate and ladled on a bit of stew. She started to move to the salad but then decided she wanted more stew. Gage had reached for the ladle at the same time and their hands met, his cupping hers for a moment. Tingles raced through her and she could feel her face flush. Jade jumped and pulled her hand away. What was wrong with her? It wasn’t as if she’d never had her hand touched by a man before. Her response to this man was especially perplexing considering the rude remark he’d made earlier. She concentrated on filling her plate and carried it to the table. Everything was delicious, including the sweet tea that was served. Conversation centered on the different things there were to do in New Orleans.

  When the meal was finished, they adjourned to the adjacent sitting room. Pocket doors were slid closed to allow the servants to move about without disturbing conversation. Jade noticed a small white fireplace with a marble mantle. Comfortable, overstuffed furniture and glass-topped tables faced the hearth. The artwork was soft and warm, subdued fields of flowers and cloud-topped mountains. Lamps lit the room, lending the space a cozy feel. Jade imagined how pleasant the room would be in the daylight with the sun shining in.

  “So, Jade, I understand you recently lost your grandmother.” Gage picked up his coffee cup from an end table.

  “That’s right. It still hurts to think she’s gone, that I’ll never see her again.” Jade, who had just taken a sip of hot tea, blinked hard to keep her tears at bay.

  “Were you close?”

  “Very. My parents died when I was quite young and my grandparents raised me. Grandpa passed away about ten years ago. It was hard on Grandma, and on me. We were all that was left. My uncle drowned in a boating accident years ago, so we were it. But it was harder on Grandma. Her health started failing after Grandpa’s death. Towards the end, she needed twenty-four hour care. She wanted me to put her in a nursing home, but I wouldn’t have it. I cared for her until one day she simply didn’t wake up.” Tears now rolled down her cheeks and she swiped at them with a hand.

  Maylene stood, left the room, and returned with some tissues. “I’m sorry, honey. I know life hasn’t been gentle with you and we shouldn’t have made you talk about it.” She tossed Gage a look of reprimand. “Especially not your first night here.”

  “It’s okay,” Jade said. “It’s on my mind, whether it’s mentioned or not. It just hurts, being alone.”

  “Well, you’re not alone anymore. You have me.” Maylene patted her on the shoulder.

  “You’re right.” Jade forced a smile. “And we need to get to know each other so it is necessary to touch on these topics. To change the subject, didn’t you write that you and Mr. Dubois ran a restaurant?”

  “That’s right. Jean Pierre and I opened our first restaurant when we were newly married. JP’s Oyster Bar.” Maylene smiled at the memory.

  “First? You have more than one?”

  “You didn’t know?” Gage looked skeptical.

  “Know what?”

  “JP’s is a chain scattered across the entire south. You’ll find them all the way through Georgia and even Kentucky and Tennessee. They are world-renowned; I don’t see how that information could have escaped you.”

  Maylene turned a flabbergasted look on Gage. “Gage, how could she possibly have known? I’m sure I never mentioned the name of the business.”

  “No,” Jade assured her, tossing Gage an indignant glance. “You didn’t. Actually, I gleaned from your emails that you were, how should I put this, having trouble making ends meet.”

  “Oh, my gracious!” The older woman laughed softly. “Can you just picture it, Gage? Jade arrived thinking she’d have to help wait on tables, or maybe wash dishes.”

  “Yes, I’m sure she expected just that. Probably thought you lived in a shack.” His dry tone was just short of sarcastic. Jade looked at him. His brown eyes were unfriendly and the lips she’d thought seductive earlier were drawn in a tight line. He made a point of checking the time on the mantle clock. “I think I’ll excuse myself now.”

  “Oh, don’t be silly,” Maylene said. “It’s early yet; stay awhile. I’ll have Ciana refill our drinks and serve dessert.” Before he could get in another word, Maylene had risen and left the room.

  Normally, Jade wouldn’t be at a loss for words with a near-stranger, but Mr. Pichot left her feeling disconcerted. He obviously didn’t want to be here and wasn’t hiding the fact. She couldn’t fathom a reason for his hateful attitude. She could only assume he had better things to do. Perhaps he’d been compelled to cancel personal plans and didn’t appreciate giving up his evening. Or maybe he’d taken an instant dislike to Jade, which might at least partially explain his attitude. But even surly, he still exuded a near-irresistible sex appeal. In a way, it was maddening.

  Gage stood and moved around the room restlessly. When he sat again, he chose a place at the opposite end of the sofa from Jade. He stared openly, studying her like a bug under a microscope.

  Calmly, Jade stared back. She nearly sucked in a breath as she took in his whiskey eyes and long lashes. She could drown in those eyes if given half a chance, if he’d only show her a glimmer of warmth, something to hint that a kinder personality existed beneath his abrasive surface. He didn’t have the body of a muscle builder, but she could tell his abs were well defined, even through his shirt. She longed to run her hands over them, an impulse she immediately squelched. He was a man in fine physical form, fit and strong. Yet there was an edginess which showed in his movements. She could tell he wanted to be up and going. But Maylene was his boss, so he stayed.

  Conversation might ease some of the tension in the room, but Jade couldn’t think how to start one. To confront him about his earlier remark would only set things between them more firmly on the wrong track. Perhaps she could get him to open up about his job. She still didn’t know what part he played in Maylene’s business. She was just about to ask, when he spoke.

  “I hope you remembered to bring some casual outfits.” His eyes traveled over her attire. “You won’t be comfortable trudging around in dress clothes when you get to the sightseeing part of your visit.”

  Happy he’d broken the ice, she responded, “Of course. I tried to pack for every contingency. Dress to casual and in between.”

  “Good, good.” He sounded dismissive. “Let’s talk about tomorrow. After I finish with a quick job I have at work, I’ll be here to get you and Maylene. Probably about nine o’clock.”

  Her heart sank. “You’re picking us up?”

  “That’s right.” He came close to smiling, but missed it by a fraction. “I’ll be escorting you.”

  She now thought she had a handle on the reason for his animosity. Maylene had pressured him into taking time off work so he could show them around. Jade sympathized with his resentment but thought he had no right to take it out on her. It would serve him right to have to haul them around; he needed a lesson in courtesy. With Maylene there, he’d be forced to behave politely. The idea gave her a twist of wry satisfaction. Nevertheless, she wanted to let him off the hook, and do herself a favor at the same time. Putting up with a sullen tour guide was not her idea
of fun.

  “Listen, Gage,” she began. “There’s no need for you to be inconvenienced. I do appreciate your offer, but I think we can manage on our own. I printed out a list of things to do in New Orleans and …”

  “Forget the obligatory objections. No sense in wasting the time or energy.” He cut her off. “I’ll be here by nine and that is that.”

  She lifted an eyebrow in mild surprise. “That is that, is it? Do I have a choice in the matter?”

  He scowled. “About as much as I do.”

  She blinked a few times, stung by his words. “So you’d prefer not to spend time with us, is that what you’re trying to tell me?”

  “I never said anything of the sort. I’m just telling you plans have already been made for us.”

  “I’m sure that’s not true; we both can make up our own minds,” she corrected.

  “Obviously, you don’t know Maylene very well yet.” He laughed and shook his head, finding amusement in her words.

  A flush bloomed in her cheeks. “That’s true enough. But I hope to get to know her. That’s why I’m here.”

  “Is it?” He draped an arm over the back of the sofa and turned slightly. His eyes probed hers. “So you had no idea Maylene was… well-off?”

  “Well-off?” Jade asked, parroting his tone.

  “Loaded? Flush? Well-heeled?” His smirk angered her. “Wealthy?”

  “I know what it means,” she snapped. “And no, I didn’t know until I saw the house.”

  “It was just happenstance that you found your long-lost distant relative and began emailing her soon after her interviews about JP’s were plastered all over the internet?”

  “I don’t know what you’re talking about; what interviews?”

  “Interviews about Maylene and Jean Pierre, and their story of success.”

  “I didn’t see any such interviews, but I’d like to, if you can tell me what to look for, or I could Google them.”


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