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Untrusting Hearts: A Contemporary New Orleans Romance

Page 3

by Hartt, Madison

  “Yes, do that. It should be easy to find them. Perhaps you could check the history and bookmarks on your computer.”

  She bristled at his rudeness but determined she’d not allow him to rattle her. It was obvious he thought she was lying. She wasn’t dense. He clearly thought she’d come here with greed in her heart. And she wasn’t happy about it. She felt so uncomfortable and unwelcome, if it weren’t for Maylene, she’d get up and walk out. Then her stubborn streak reared its head and she decided she wouldn’t allow his insinuations to spoil her trip. Through gritted teeth, she said, “You’re mistaken.”

  He pressed a fingertip to his temple, as if a thought just occurred to him. “Oh, wait, I remember now. You claim you’ve never heard of the most famous oyster bar in the south.”

  Jade’s face reddened with anger. “Just exactly why would I have heard of them? I don’t live in the south. By the way, the home I live in is paid for and I have funds put back from the insurance proceeds to cover my living expenses until I find employment. Stop trying to make me sound like poor relations begging at the door for a handout.”

  “Isn’t that what you are?”

  Maylene returned before Jade could respond, followed by Ciana who carried a tray with plates of cheesecake. Oblivious to the waves of hostility flowing between her guests, Maylene sat down and smiled as Ciana passed out the dessert. “Does anyone want a refill on their drinks?” Maylene asked as the maid gathered up the tray and prepared to leave the room.

  “No thank you,” Jade managed to say with a smile.

  “Nothing more for me either.” Gage wolfed down part of his dessert and rose. “I really must go. My work won’t finish itself.”

  “You’re leaving?” Maylene plainly disapproved of Gage’s manners but chose to let the matter slide. “Well, if you must; we’ll just have to carry on without you.”

  Gage shook Jade’s hand and squeezed out a civil goodnight. He gave Maylene a peck on the cheek and left the room. A sense of relief spread through Jade. She hadn’t realized how tense she had been until he was gone.

  “I don’t know what I’d do without Gage. Isn’t he divine?” Maylene gushed. Pride shone in her sapphire eyes.

  “He’s quite good-looking.” Jade took a bite of cheesecake to keep from having to say anything more.

  “And such a joy to be around. Too often, handsome men grow large egos. Not Gage. He’s never let it go to his head. Unpretentious and ever so pleasant.”

  Jade couldn’t believe Maylene was describing the man who’d just left. If that was unpretentious and pleasant, she’d hate to see him on a bad day! Of course, he’d have to be at his best in front of Maylene or she wouldn’t keep him around. So why was he taking them sightseeing? Maybe he hoped to woo Maylene’s niece so he could become part of the family. Given the way he’d treated her, Jade thought that possibility unlikely. Or maybe Maylene had simply ordered him to do it and he had no choice but to comply.

  Jade was still angry over his conduct toward her, but choked it down and kept her voice even. “Is there any reason just you and I can’t see the sights together?”

  “Oh, honey, I’m not up to that much walking. We’ll do some things, but Gage works for me and as CFO of the company he likes to do little things to keep me happy.”

  “You mean you’re not going with us?”

  “Not tomorrow, dear, no. But you’ll be in good hands with Gage. The two of you will have a fine time.”

  “I really don’t want to inconvenience him.” Jade took a drink of her tea, which was now lukewarm, to cover her surprise at the lofty position Gage held in Maylene’s company and her disappointment that Maylene would not be accompanying them. As she pondered this development, Maylene continued speaking.

  “I assure you, he doesn’t mind. Besides, he only lives a few blocks from here and I’m sure he can handle his job responsibilities from home tomorrow. It’s really not out of his way to come for you and I know he’s looking forward to it. You wouldn’t want to disappoint him, would you?”

  “Well, no.” Disappoint Gage? Jade almost snorted. She’d like to do more than disappoint the man; she’d like to make him disappear for the rest of her stay.

  Maylene sighed, a faraway look on her face. “When Jean Pierre fell ill, Gage spent a lot of time here at the house. To begin with, they would work together, Gage on the computer and Jean Pierre on the sofa. Eventually, as my husband’s health deteriorated, Gage relocated nearby in case he was needed. We grew even closer during that sad time. Gage is more than an employee, he is like the son we never had. I don’t know how I’d get by without him. I’m so grateful he’s a permanent part of my life.”

  Jade shuddered to think that Gage would be around so often. Now, with Maylene unable to do much of the sightseeing, she’d have to go with Gage and deal with his attitude. She wished he’d act more like he looked. The old adage ‘handsome is as handsome does’ wasn’t necessarily true. And to top it off, Maylene talked like he was a regular fixture at the house. She’d probably have to be near him most of her visit. Lucky me, she thought wryly.

  Deciding to avoid some of this quality time with Maylene’s golden boy, Jade said, “I’d really rather stay home tomorrow and spend the day with you. I want to get to know you better; after all, that’s why I’m here.”

  Maylene shook her head adamantly. “We can visit in the evenings. During the day, you should be out exploring our wonderful city. I know you’ll simply love New Orleans.”

  Well, she’d tried. Gage had warned her that she wouldn’t be able to sway her aunt and he was right. She’d just have to go along and try to enjoy herself.

  Jade yawned.

  “Oh, dear, you must be exhausted. Let me show you to your room.” Maylene stood. “Just leave the dishes,” she continued as Jade started to clean up. “Ciana will take care of things.”

  Jade relented and followed Maylene into the living room to a wide stairway carpeted in a rich coffee brown, which they took to the second floor. “My room is here,” Maylene explained, gesturing to a partially open door at the top of the stairs. “Your room is at the far end.”

  Their footsteps were cushioned by the thick rug and there was a hush about the house. Maylene opened the door to a large, rectangular room. Jade tried to act nonchalant as her aunt let her into a beautifully adorned space.

  “All the bedrooms have their own baths.” She indicated a door not far from the bed. “If you need anything during the night, just press this button.” She motioned to an intercom. “Ciana will come right away.”

  “I’m sure I’ll be fine.”

  “Still, now you know.” She came up to Jade and placed a hand on each side of her face and looked deep into her eyes. Maylene’s were misty. “I’m so glad you’ve come, dear. We’re going to have such a grand time.” She kissed Jade’s cheek and swept out of the room.

  Jade took a few moments to locate her luggage in the walk-in closet. She decided to pull out her night things and leave the rest to unpack in the morning. Debating over a shower or the Jacuzzi tub, Jade decided on the shower. Three jets of water washed away the day’s tensions and left her contented and sleepy.

  She pulled her cell from her purse, folded her bedding back, and sat on the edge of the soft mattress to call Jeff and let him know how her first day had gone.

  “Jade? How’s things?”

  Jade smiled upon hearing Jeff’s voice. Something familiar to end her day. “I’m fine. But I’ve got to tell you, Maylene wasn’t what I was expecting.” She kept her voice down so as not to disturb anyone.

  “How so? Is she a juju witch?”

  “No, doofus,” Jade laughed. “She’s wonderful. And, she’s rich.”

  “Rich? I thought she owned a restaurant.”

  “She does. But not just one. A whole chain. Have you ever heard of JP’s Oyster Bars?”

  “Sure. Me and my buddies ate there when we went to Mardis Gras that one time. Delicious. And you say your aunt owns them? All of them?”

>   “It would appear so.”


  “Yay, I guess.”

  “Something wrong?”

  “No, it’s just that she seems to have some idea of setting me up with Gage Pichot. Turns out he’s her CFO.”

  “That guy,” Jeff said quietly. “For some reason, I had the idea he was a manager or head waiter. Something like that. So he’s a big shot, eh?”

  “Yes, but he’s a jerk.”

  “A good-looking jerk?”

  “Unfortunately. At least the view is nice, even if the personality sucks.”

  “Typical. He sounds like one of those dudes women are always falling for. Better be careful. He might break your heart.”

  There was a beat of painful silence. Jeff was hardly in a position to issue that kind of warning.

  “He’s not what I’d call typical.” She let her words hang for a moment, then shifted topics. “But, whatever, let me tell you about my bedroom. It’ll give you an idea about the rest of the house, which is huge, by the way.”

  Jade proceeded to describe the room in detail; the floral wallpaper, the plush carpeting, and the doors on each side of her room that led out onto the front balcony. “Everything is ultra-posh, really opulent. I’m still half in shock. It’s like a manor house.”

  “Hey, that’s great. But I gotta go; Melvin is waving wildly at me. You have a great time, Jade. Call me tomorrow.”

  “I will. Bye, Jeff.” Jade turned her phone to silent and walked across the room to plug it in to charge. She peeked out the nearest balcony door. Lights were off in most of the houses lining the street, but here and there a soft glow shone behind windows. Her toes dug into the carpeting, luxuriating in the feel, as she returned to the bed and climbed in. She smiled as she realized her nightgown matched the rose color in the wallpaper, and reached up to turn off the bedside lamp.

  She hoped she’d sleep well. She needed to be on her toes to match wits with Gage tomorrow. Maybe it was only natural he would be suspicious. She had nothing to worry about; she wasn’t guilty of the motives he’d attributed to her. And before long, he would realize that. The thought comforted her and she slipped into sleep almost as soon as her head hit the pillow.

  Chapter 4

  Jade opened her eyes, blinked at her surroundings, and remembered she was in New Orleans. She felt a rush of excitement as she glanced at the clock. Eight o’clock and she hadn’t budged at all since she’d closed her eyes the night before. She stretched, enjoying the comfortable bed, unwilling to get up just yet. After a few minutes, she arose, slid her feet into a pair of slippers and headed for the bathroom to perform her morning routine.

  As Jade returned to the bedroom, she decided she wanted to dazzle Gage. When she searched through her luggage, her enthusiasm waned. As she shook out each piece and hung it in the spacious closet her disappointment grew.

  She’d chosen her wardrobe with functionality in mind, rather than style. There was nothing wrong with any of her clothes other than the fact they were plain. She longed for something chic and formfitting right now. She should’ve bought some new outfits for the trip, but she’d splurged instead on the hand-held photo scanner, something she’d felt she’d need more than clothes.

  With a sigh of resignation, she chose a pair of Capri pants in a drab tan and an ivory button-up shirt. She was glad she’d brought some colorful jewelry. At least she could add a bit of panache to the otherwise colorless garb. Rummaging through her case, she selected a necklace of multi-colored beads and matching earrings.

  Brushing her hair in front of the dresser’s mirror, Jade was pleased as her honey-blonde tresses cascaded over her slender shoulders in shimmering waves of perfection. At home, Jade didn’t use a lot of makeup. But today, she spent extra time with eye shadow, blush, and mascara. After applying a coat of deep pink lipstick to her full lips, she stood back to observe the results. Smiling, she nodded. She was ready. She gathered her purse, camera, and a light sweater and headed out of the room. Pausing on the landing, she inhaled a mouthwatering combination of aromas that had wafted upward, signaling breakfast.

  As anticipated, she found the sideboard featured a wide assortment of dishes, including sausage, hot cakes, scrambled eggs, fresh fruit, French toast, delectable pastries, and crispy bacon. Maylene had already filled her plate with orange wedges, eggs, and sausage links. Jade, too nervous to eat much, took some fresh fruit, a pastry, and a couple of pieces of bacon.

  She’d just taken her first bite when Gage arrived, annoyingly ahead of schedule. She assumed it was because he was accustomed to being prompt, not because he was eager to spend the day with her. He breezed in with an air of efficiency and filled a plate with French toast, bacon, and some fresh fruit.

  Jade studied him surreptitiously from under her lashes. The casual slacks and dark short-sleeved polo shirt flattered his muscular physique as if they’d been designed especially for him, and his roguish grin might have sent her reeling had she not endured his disagreeable mood the night before. She detected a trace of his compelling cologne on the air and found it strangely moving. Steeling herself against its pleasurable impact, she gave no outward sign that she was even aware of Gage’s presence.

  “You’re looking lovely today, Maylene.” He squeezed her shoulder on his way to his seat and the older woman gazed upward, an adoring expression on her face. His intense gaze traveled across the table and settled on Jade. He addressed her in a tight voice. “Good morning.”

  She responded in kind, her tone as strained as his. For several minutes, silence ensued as they ate.

  “What’s our first stop?” Gage asked Maylene.

  She laughed lightly. “If you think I’m going to follow you two around today, you’re sadly mistaken. I told you that last night. You won’t be going anywhere that I haven’t already visited. I’m sure nothing’s changed since the last time I was out and about. Anyway, I’m down in the back today. I can barely sit, let alone hike around town.” She rubbed the lower part of her spine and grimaced unconvincingly.

  Repressing her mirth at Maylene’s outrageous fakery, Jade decided to use the same tactic to get out of leaving with Gage. “I’m sorry you feel bad, Maylene. Would it be better if I stay here with you? We haven’t even had time to get acquainted.” She was looking at her aunt, but she could sense Gage’s movements.

  He pushed his plate away and picked up a spoon to stir his coffee. It clinked a few times against the cup. “You are aware I’ve already rearranged my schedule to accommodate these outings, are you not?”

  “Actually, no. I wasn’t aware. But, I certainly wouldn’t want to inconvenience you in any way.” Her emerald eyes met his rich brown ones. His glittered with anger and his obvious resentment gave her a jolt. What was eating him? She’d given him an out. Maybe he wasn’t catching on. “Listen, Gage,” she said, as if presenting a logical argument. “One of the things I want to do while I’m here is capture some of Maylene’s memories. I brought my laptop and scanner to make copies of family photos and memorabilia. Since Maylene is staying home anyway, I could use this time for my project. I can take pictures of any items that are too large, or too delicate, for the scanner. This way will cost a lot less than taking them to a shop. Besides, Maylene may not want some of the older material to leave the house...” Her voice trailed away when she noticed her words were having no impact. He wasn’t buying any of it.

  “Please don’t bicker. This is all my fault, sweetheart, and I want so badly for you to go. Why should you miss out on all the adventure? That would hardly be fair to you.” Maylene’s voice wavered and she put a fluttery hand to her cheek. “After all, I can’t help it if my back hurts and I can’t go with you.” The tension seemed to recede somewhat at Maylene’s words.

  Gage chuckled. “I guess you’ve already figured out that she’s pulling your leg, Jade. She’s spry as a mountain goat.”

  Maylene affected a look of outrage. “You rascal. You know me too well.”

  “Well enough to
know you’ll get your way.” His lips curved in a shrewd smile as he looked at Jade. “For instance, I can assure you, Ms. Broussard, that regardless of your well-presented objections we are going sight-seeing. Together. Today. You and me.”

  “It isn’t necessary for you to taxi me around,” she declared. “I’m sure I can find Metairie Cemetery and the St. Louis Cathedral on my own. Surely there are streetcars and trolleys running to most of the places I plan to visit, if not I can call a cab.”

  “Have you any idea where the family is laid to rest?” Maylene asked, one eyebrow arched in what looked to be amusement.

  “Well, no.”

  “That’s why you need a guide,” Maylene said.

  “And while we’re there, you can take lots of photographs to organize on your computer,” Gage said dryly.

  “Okay, I’m convinced.” Jade pushed her chair away from the table. Her continued resistance would only upset Maylene.

  He stood and gestured toward the doorway. “Shall we?”

  “Would you please excuse me for a moment? I’d like to freshen up before we leave.”

  “Of course,” Gage replied.

  Maylene interjected, “That’s perfect. There are actually a few matters I need to discuss with Gage before he goes.”

  Jade smiled an acknowledgement and stepped from the room. The last time she had spoken to Jeff, he had repeated his promise to check on her house. She knew that, in spite of his work schedule at the Green Dragon, he usually woke early. After freshening up, she dialed his number as she descended the stairs. She wanted to reassure herself everything was fine at home.

  He set her mind at rest by telling her he’d stopped by her place after work the night before. “The water heater hasn’t sprung a leak; nobody broke in the back door; and you didn’t leave your curling iron plugged in,” he said with a laugh. “Everything’s fine. I’m going to swing by there before I go to work tonight, too. You just have fun and leave everything here to me.”

  “You’re right. It’s just that I’ve never been away like this.”


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