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Three Sisters Series: Ringside

Page 2

by LaVerne Thompson

  “Wow! Someone likes boxing,” Atlanta said as she looked at his walls, covered with photos of his boxing glory days and another pair of boxing gloves hung on the wall behind his desk.

  “Yeah, kinda.” He chuckled to himself.

  “Hey!” She got up and walked over to one picture.

  It was his last fight, the one that broke his nose and ended his career. No, he wasn’t a wimp. Just a bit vain at the time. But it had been time to walk away. Sometimes one of the hardest lessons to learn in life was when to walk away. But he did it and never regretted it. His first book that hit the New York Times bestsellers list two weeks after its release was called “Learning to Walk Away”.

  “This is you! You boxed?”

  Her incredulous cry broke his brief trip down memory lane. “Don’t say it like that. I went a few rounds in the ring.”

  “Didn’t like getting that handsome face of yours messed up, huh?”

  Boy, did she hit the nail on the head. It should have bothered him, but it didn’t. Heck, she thought he was handsome. That turned him on more. But she didn’t have to do much other than just be to turn him on. “You can say that. So you want to know about the author of your book?” He wanted to change the subject. He wasn’t thrilled about his career choice at the time. It was one of the reasons he got into writing self-help books, after he stopped boxing.

  “Yes, yes. You know her right?”

  She returned to her seat and sat forward, eyes brightening, clutching the book even tighter to her ample breast. Ah, innocent eagerness. He mentally sighed. He didn’t want to lie to her, but at the same time he wanted to get to know her some more. Maybe get to know her real well.

  No. He should go ahead and tell her the truth. Tell her why he wrote the books and why he used his grandmother’s name and not his own. If he wanted to start something with her, lying to her was no way to begin. And he wanted to start something with her, something that would last a hell of a lot longer than one night. Besides, maybe the reason she read his books was because they meant something to her. He would like to think so. He would like to think he meant something to her.

  “Now, I know she lives here,” Atlanta said. “Does she come here? If she does, then this is going to be my new hangout.”

  “Uh…yeah…yeah. This is the kind of place she hangs out in.” Well, it was when she was alive.

  So much for starting off on the right foot.

  Chapter Three

  Hank glanced at himself in the mirror while Atlanta used his private bathroom to freshen up. He wouldn’t have been surprised to see a huge sign over his mouth that read: INSERT FOOT HERE. Damn, he can’t believe he’d said that. Now what?

  This woman obviously came here looking for answers in her life, and who is the first person she meets in her journey to self discovery? A low-life, lying ex-jock. Real good.

  He needed to tell her. It was early enough. He could say, “Hey! Guess what?”

  She came out. “Okay, I have to get going. Would it be better to call first to see if she’s here or can I just drop by?”

  Groan. “Um, hey you’re always welcome to stop by anytime. We serve breakfast too. The bacon and scrambled eggs are famous.” Talk about a noncommittal response. Sheesh!

  Atlanta got her stuff and headed toward the door. “Okay, maybe I’ll see you for breakfast tom…”

  He couldn’t let her just leave without telling her the truth. Stall, he had to stall. “So are you staying in town?”

  “I guess so. But I hadn’t really made any arrangements. Can you recommend a place?”

  “Sure can. In fact, why don’t I take you there? After all, you did have one beer.”

  She laughed. A girlie, sexy laugh. He didn’t know they still made them like this. “Oh come now, I’m not intoxicated.” She rolled her eyes playfully.

  “I know, but I enjoy talking to you and want to talk some more.”

  She smiled at him. Yes, at him. The warmth seeped all the way to his groin. This woman was going to be the death of him. He’d gotten harder in the last few hours than he’d been in a long time. “Let’s go then. I’ll tell the staff I’m leaving.”

  Wow! Atlanta hit pay-dirt! Not only did she come to the right place where Hannah Grimes hung out, but she met someone that knew her and he was fiiiiinnne! And taking her to a hotel. Hmmm. Maybe not a smart move. This was her problem. Too impulsive. Not thinking. She knew what she could do.

  “Would you mind very much if I called my sisters to let them know I arrived safely?” she asked as they walked to the back parking lot.

  “No. Go right ahead. I’m sure they’re worried about their…are you the youngest, middle…”


  “Ah,” he threw his head back and laughed. “Yeah, you better call and let them know. I’m sure they’re worried sick. By the way, did they know you were coming here?”

  “Yes.” She lied, but hey, she had to play it safe. Besides, this is how Ted Bundy started. At least quite a few people in the restaurant had seen him with her, so if anything were to happen, he’d be the first person the cops questioned. She took a deep breath. What the hell was she doing? She stopped.

  “Wait a minute. I’ve changed my mind. What would I do with my car? How would I get it tomorrow?” She shook her head. “No. I think it’s better if you just give me the directions.”

  “Or you could follow me.”

  “Oh. Okay, that works. My car’s on the other side of the lot.”

  He stopped in front of a black two door Mercedes sports convertible. “I’ll give you a ride around to the front so you can get your car.” Using his remote he unlocked the door, holding it open for her. “You can call your sisters from your car and just let me know when you’re ready to follow me.”

  She got in and watched as he walked around to the front of the car. Damn, watching him move was mouth watering hot. He got in the car and drove to the front of the building. “There’s my rental, the red Mustang.” The space next to it was empty so he pulled in. She got out and into her car. As she shut the door, she reached for her cell in her purse.

  She called Syd first. “Hello girl!”

  “Hey Syd, hold on.” She dialed Brit connecting them both. “Hello!”

  “Hey there! Watcha up to?” Brit asked.

  “I’m in Santa Rosa, New Mexico.”

  “What?” they cried in unison.

  “Yeah, I’m on a search. I’m looking for Hannah Grimes.”

  “Hannah Grimes? Oh, that self-help author. Girl, what are you doing looking for her?” Syd asked.

  “I want to talk to her. Her books really speak to me. They make sense. I believe she has answers that I’m looking for.”

  “Wow, Atlanta. I didn’t realize…”

  “I know, Brit. But my life seems to be all over the map. I need a little guidance. You know, something to point me in the right direction. I think I found it in her books. I just have a few questions to ask her. And guess what?”

  “What?” they asked.

  “I found a guy here who owns a bar and grill and he knows her! In fact, she comes in the place every now and then.”

  “Hey, way to go!” Syd said. “Looks like you might be on to something. Well, you know we hope nothing but the best for you, baby sis.”

  “That’s right and if there is anything you need, we’re right here. You don’t have to drive for miles to find us either,” Brittany reassured her.

  Atlanta laughed. “Okay you two. I have to go. I’ll call you after I speak with her. Hopefully that’ll be in a day or so.”

  They disconnected. She sat there a moment and felt herself tearing up. Her sisters were always there for her. But there were times like now she wondered if her life was so messed up that even her own flesh and blood couldn’t help.

  For years she’d heard the same old rhetoric. “You’re young. You have plenty of time to find yourself. Enjoy life.” Well, that was fine when she was eighteen. Her sisters were not that much older than s
he but they’d already found their passions in life. Syd built planes! Brit owned a magazine and traveled for her business! All under the age of thirty, and they seemed satisfied.

  She was twenty-five and she didn’t have any idea what she wanted. Sighing, she put her cell away, refusing to give into a pity party. Rubbing her eyes, she stopped when she felt a pair of eyes aimed her way. She got herself together mentally and physically, and signaled to Hank. “Okay, lead the way.”

  He smiled and started his car. After five minutes on the road, they pulled into the driveway of what looked like a resort, more than the little hotel she had in mind. A valet came and took their keys.

  Atlanta got out of her car and walked over to Hank, who had already gotten out and was talking to another man in uniform. She tapped him on the shoulder.


  “Um…I was just going to stay at one of those cute little motels.”

  “Oh, like the one in Psycho?”

  “You are kidding, right?”

  “Look, nothing but the best for a woman with such determination and gumption. Besides, I have a little bit of pull here. It won’t cost you anymore than a motel. And here you have room service and access to the spa amenities. Which will all be part of the grand opening package.”

  “Wow. So this place is new?”

  “Yes. It’s only been opened a month, so they’re still trying to lure folks here instead of the more popular areas.”

  They headed toward the front desk, the porter coming behind them with her suitcase. After she registered and got her key, she turned to say good night to Hank, but he just took her key and her hand and headed to the elevators.

  She had no choice but to follow; which was no hardship. They made their way to her room; after the porter left, they just stood there in the entryway looking at each other.

  Atlanta had the urge to invite him to stay. She could stare at him all night and not tire of the view, besides she wanted to pump him for more information. It seemed like everyone knew him, and she felt safe with him.

  “Um…would you mind if we talk?”

  “That’s why I brought you here.” He winked. He handed her her card key, and gestured for her to walk farther into the room. She took a few steps and actually looked at the place for the first time. “Wowwee! This is niiiice.” She put her purse down on a low table and walked around. It was a suite, done in traditional contemporary furnishings in earth and terracotta tones. The carpet was thick and plush, and when she glanced into the bedroom there was a crystal chandelier in the center of the room.

  The king size bed had at least ten pillows with braided piping around the edges piled on it, and the rest of the bedding was just as ornate. Brown, gold and copper damask. On the wall opposite the bed was what looked like a sixty-inch plasma television.

  She could live here.

  “Hank, I don’t know what to say. We just meet, and…”

  “Shhh. There’s something I need to tell you. I’ve been wanting to tell you since I first saw you with that book.”

  Okaaay. Maybe this was a mistake.

  Chapter Four

  Hank looked into those big brown trusting eyes. He just felt sick inside.

  She drove all this way looking for a woman who no longer existed, except in his heart and now she trusted him enough to have him in her room, alone.

  Life sucked.

  Well, it was now or never. He needed to tell her before things went too far. It was still early enough. He could explain why he didn’t say anything back at the restaurant.

  Yeah, he could tell her his publisher insisted he remain incognito, he didn’t want people to know. Yeah, that was good. And it was the truth. Although the contract didn’t specifically address it as a secret, only that he use an approved alias, and his publicist only allowed written interviews. But verbally his publisher made it clear it was better if the general public didn’t know Hannah Grimes was actually Hank Gaines.

  “What is it Hank?” She touched his arm and his body hummed to life once again.

  “Um…um…I…ahem…I was just curious. I want to know why a woman like you would read a book like that. I mean, it was written for people who are basically lost in life. Who don’t know themselves?” Damn! Way to go Hank.

  “Well, that’s me.” She moved away and sat in a chair. He grabbed its mate and slid it beside her. “You see, I have no direction in life. I’m just sort of floating around. Like I said, I’m the youngest of three sisters, and they’re doing great things with their lives. In fact, they were both younger than me when they found their paths in life.”

  “Me? I didn’t even have a road map let alone a path — until I found her books.” She held up her book with the back cover facing him. His grandmother’s piercing light blue eyes looked right at him. The same color as his own.

  “I’ve had more jobs than a cat with nine lives, and lived in more places than most people see in three life times. I’m sorry for going on like this. You probably don’t understand. I mean look at you. You were a champion boxer and now you’ve got a very popular restaurant with great calamari. You’ve probably always had a plan.”

  Hank shook his head slowly. “That’s where you’re wrong. I do understand. More than you know.”


  “Everyone is lost at some point and everyone is learning something new about themselves everyday. Hell, if we had the answers to everything in life, there would be no point in living.”

  “Wow!” Atlanta jumped up. “That’s just what I read…let, me see…uh…oh! Life is a Never Ending College Course. You must have read it. Huh?”


  “Oh, you don’t have to be embarrassed. I think it’s kinda sexy.”

  “You do?”


  “You know what?” He leaned forward and reached for one of her hands. Prying it away from the book.


  “I think you’re sexy too. I hope whatever path you find, I’m walking beside you.” Even before the words left his mouth, he knew he spoke truth.


  Oh God. Not the misty eyes! Before he realized what happened, he’d pulled her closer until she was sitting on his lap. He released her hand and she wrapped it around his neck, pulling his head toward hers. Not that he needed any encouragement.

  The moment his lips covered hers, he felt the shock in every neuron in his body. He groaned like a starving man and took the kiss even deeper. Sinking even further under her spell.

  Atlanta wiggled her body, pressing against his ever growing erection. That brought him back down to earth. He pushed her off his lap with a force he didn’t intend. She stood there staring at him, confusion written across her face.

  “I…I am so sorry. That was way out of line.” Hank stood up and ran a shaking hand through his hair. He went to the wet bar, not so much to get something to drink, but to have a distraction. He had no idea what the hell was happening to him, that he made a pass like that at a stranger. But he wasn’t sorry and given half a chance he’d do it again, and then some.

  “Tha…that’s okay. I guess we’re both impulsive people.”

  “That’s no excuse. You’re here on a very important journey. I took advantage of it.”

  “I wasn’t actually fighting you off,” she said with a smile.

  His face warmed. “Thanks. I’m flattered.” He actually blushed. This woman did things to him that no other had ever done. “But I don’t want to rush.” All true. He needed to get his bearings. He felt like a boxer in the ring again but with no bell to strike a time out. He needed to call one. “The night is still young. You wanna take a tour of the place? Unless, you want me to leave so you can rest.”

  “Are you kidding? I’m too excited right now to rest.”

  That’s what he was afraid of. “Well, let’s work off some of that excitement. Besides, you don’t want to go to bed on a full stomach. That burger will stay with you for a while,” he chuckled.
br />   “And what a great burger it was. I’ll have to buy a couple of them for my trip back home.”

  Back home! She couldn’t go back home. He was just getting to know her. And he still had to tell her the truth. He just needed the right moment. Before they slept together. And they would sleep together. Think fast Hank.

  “I’ve been driving all day. Let me change into something else, then we can take that tour,” Atlanta said moving toward her suitcase.

  “Okay, great.” Hank sat down hard in his chair. Think, think.

  A few minutes later, Atlanta came out of the bedroom, dressed in jeans and a tight pink sweater with beading around the neck. The outfit accentuated all her curves.

  “Okay I’m ready.”

  Hank got up and went to the door. “Uh…you know tomorrow is Sunday. The restaurant is real busy, you know church and all of that. The author is really careful about making appearances…”

  “Ahh…she likes to lay low.”

  That was an understatement. “Yeah, you may be able to catch up on a few ‘Z’s.”

  “Okay. But I’ll still come by for breakfast and at least I can visit with you for a minute. You’re the only friend I have here and it’s great that you can help me out.”

  That last statement felt like a kick in the gut. “Yeah, okay then,” he said clapping his hands to together. “Let’s look this place over.”

  She walked out ahead of him and they made their way to the elevators. At the lobby they stopped at the front desk. “Pardon me, is there someone that can show us around? My friend here is new in town,” Hank said placing his hand on the small of Atlanta’s back.

  “Oh, of course, Mr. Gaines. Wait right here.” The man behind the counter scurried off.

  “Talk about service.” Atlanta smiled as she looked through one of the many brochures on the counter.

  Chapter Five

  Atlanta needed some space. Her body was getting way too comfortable around Hank. That kiss upstairs nearly fried her brain. What was she thinking?


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