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Three Sisters Series: Ringside

Page 3

by LaVerne Thompson

  Again, just being her usual impulsive self. But it was so easy.

  Despite Hank being an ex-boxer with hands that were calloused and hard, they were gentle and sure on her body. He knew just were to touch — and where not to. If he had moved his hands just five inches south, he would have been apologizing for more than a kiss.

  She watched him as he paced back and forth. A restless soul. She wasn’t sure if that was his nature or if he was still upset about what happened, or rather almost happened. She hoped it wasn’t the latter. Besides, she was kinda hoping they could take this tour alone.

  “Oh, Mr. Gaines, it’s so good…”

  “Ah, yes, we would like a tour if it’s not too much of an imposition.”

  “Oh, no sir. We’re at a lull right now. We can start with the hot tub areas.”

  “Oooh, hot tubs!” All kinds of thoughts flew in her head. The main one being, what did Hank look like au naturel? He might not have been doing any sparing lately, but his body still looked like it could go a good fifteen rounds…of hard pounding sex.

  Okay, she needed to stop this. She was here for one purpose and one purpose only. Find this author and ask her some questions. This was her problem in the first place. She couldn’t stay focused. But it was kinda hard at the moment with someone that looked like they could be on the cover of Sports Illustrated, or Playgirl.

  They followed their tour guide toward the back of the resort and came to an oversized oriental-style door. It was covered with three-dimensional carvings of dragons and Foo dogs engraved in gold on the corners. “This leads to our mudroom, hot tubs, and saunas areas.” The guide opened the doors.

  “As you can see, the rooms are separated by gender. To your right are the men and to the left, the women.”

  Atlanta looked down the women’s areas. The place was empty. The walls were covered in Asian wallpaper featuring scenes of Geishas, dragons, and lotus blossoms done in reds and black against a stark white background. “Wow, I would have expected a more Southwestern theme.”

  “Oh, it’s been done,” the man said putting his hand on his hip. “We wanted to stand out from the rest. Give the guests a sense of going to a foreign land without leaving their own backyard.”


  They continued on their way and soon stood in front of a pair of ornate doors. This had a sign on it that said Private. “Now this is for couples only, there’s another one at the end of the hall we can also use for couples.” He looked at his watch. “They are getting things set up in there for a couple now. So we can go in and have a quick look.”

  They walked in and sure enough, there was the cleaning crew washing the tub, large enough for four, and getting towels and other paraphernalia together.

  “Now these waters as well as the saunas and whirlpools are all from the natural springs. As you know, they have healing properties.”

  Atlanta barely heard him. She was too busy walking around the tub. She was imaging her and Hank sitting in there with a glass of Champagne.

  When she looked up, Hank was staring at her with such intensity she wanted to melt right into the floor.

  “Um…do you have to reserve these?” she asked coming over to where they stood.

  “Oh, but yes. They’re included in a package. You can choose the couples or if it’s just you, the women’s. It comes with detoxification massages, mud bath, body facials and regular facials.”


  They moved on to another room. “This is the sauna room. We do have an extensive workout program. So when you’re done with your routine, you can come here. This one is for the women, and across the hall over there,” he pointed, “is the men’s. Which includes a basketball court.”

  “This is all really nice,” Atlanta said.

  At the end of the tour, they were right back where they started, in the lobby.

  “I really liked the tour. I will definitely check out one of these packages before I leave.”

  “And I hope your experience will be a good one. Now if you will excuse me.” He shook her hand. “It’s been a pleasure meeting you.”


  “Just a sec,” Hank said as he caught up to the man who had already moved away. They walked off even farther and were discussing something she couldn’t hear. Since she couldn’t be nosy, she wondered back to the counter to look at more brochures.

  After a few minutes, Hank returned. “So, what do you think? Nice huh?”

  “It’s really nice. And the man was right, it feels like you’ve left Santa Rosa and you’re in a completely different country.”

  They headed back to her room. Once outside her door, she hesitated a bit. “Well, I guess I better go to bed. I’ve been up for twenty hours straight.”

  “Take a bath and crawl in between the sheets?” Hank said leaning against the door.


  “I have a better idea,” he said in a raspy voice she hadn’t heard since meeting him.

  “Oh?” she said, trying to keep the nervousness in her voice down.

  “Why don’t you try the hot tub? The hot water will do those muscles good. Your legs must hurt from all that driving. You can relax in there.”

  Atlanta thought a moment. Hot bubbling water would relax her muscles. And she was dying to sample the amenities. “I think I will take you up on that. Let me go in and put on the appropriate clothing. But wait, I should call first to see if they have a tub available.”

  “Not to worry. It’s taken care of. Just come as you are, they have everything you need downstairs. Just toss your purse inside.”

  She did and took Hank by the arm. “Since you have had a long day, it is my job as a citizen of Santa Rosa to make your stay here as memorable and enjoyable as possible.”

  “Well so far you’re doing great.”

  They headed back downstairs and went to the spa entrance. “Wait. That guy said you needed to make reservations a week in advance. How were you able to get me in?”

  “Oh, I asked him to do me a favor and pass on that Santa Rosa spirit.”

  Atlanta remembered him talking to the guy after their tour. He more than likely asked a favor and got one of the hot tubs available.

  As they walked the halls they passed the “his” and “hers” spas. “Aren’t I going in there?” She pointed.

  “I got you a better deal.” They made their way to the couple’s spa.


  “You don’t mind, do you?”

  Would a thirsty woman say no to a tall cool drink of water on a hot summer night? “N…no of course not.”

  Hank closed the door behind them. “Oh, so we are not disturbed…” He held up a Do Not Disturb sign and reopened the door to hang it outside on the doorknob.

  Atlanta sat on the edge of the tub watching the water swirl and bubble. A Champagne bucket complete with Champagne, two glasses and a plate of chocolate covered cherries, sat on a tray beside her. She glanced up to see Hank staring at her through hooded eyes. “Hank I…”

  “Shhh.” He sat down next to her and took her hands in his. “I know I’ve only known you for less than a day, but I feel I have a connection with you and this isn’t just a line. I would like to share a moment with you. We can play it by ear and see where it leads later.”

  “I do feel a connection, but we’ve known each other for only what? A few hours? I mean, I don’t…”

  “I know you don’t and I won’t judge you if you decide to take that leap. I’ll be here to catch you.”

  Hmm, that wasn’t a bad way to fall, at all.

  Chapter Six

  Atlanta sat on the edge of the tub as he began to undress. “Aren’t you going to get undressed?” he asked unbuttoning his shirt.

  “I wanna watch you first,” she smiled.

  “Ahh, a bit of a voyeur. I like.” He undressed slowly in front of her, playfully doing a striptease dance. He tossed his shirt to her and she caught it with enthusiasm. Bringing it up to her nose and inhaling d

  She giggled when he tossed her his belt. Slowly, he pushed his pants down past his thighs. A look of hunger and desire in those now large brown eyes appeared on her face.

  Leaving his briefs on, he kicked his pants aside and stepped toward her. “Would you do the honors?”

  She tossed the shirt and belt in her hands on a bench. Standing toe to toe in front of him, she stuck her thumbs on both sides of his briefs. Making sure her nails scraped his sides, she lowered the cotton material, freeing his erection. He let out a low moan of relief that was met by a look of satisfaction on her face.

  She continued sliding his briefs down, lowering her body as she did, but not focusing on his rising sex. When she got his underwear down to his ankles, he stepped out of them and kicked them aside. He bent down and took her wrists. “Stand up, it’s your turn.”

  Atlanta stood up, and he took a small step back to keep only inches between them. She started pulling off her blouse.

  “Wait.” Hank grabbed her hand. “I don’t think I can stand a floor show right now.” He finished taking off her blouse, then went to work removing her bra. Reaching around the back first, before realizing it fastened in the front.

  “Hmmm, someone hasn’t had enough practice at this,” she said.

  “Humph! I was getting to the front. I just like to start with the back first.”

  As he unhooked her bra, his knuckles brushed against the soft skin of her breast, causing her to arch into him. When he finally removed it, he bent down and took a dark hardened nipple in his mouth. He heard Atlanta make a feminine squeak and went to the other nipple and gave it the same attention. “Mmmm, tasty.”


  He lifted his head and saw Atlanta pointing to her jeans. “I’m a little impatient too.”

  “I aim to please.” He smirked and started unzipping her pants. “I promise to behave. At least until we get in the hot tub.” He drew her pants down, stopping to kiss her thighs, and biting them playfully. “Sorry, I couldn’t resist.”

  She stepped out of her jeans, and took his hands. “Let me finish. You seem to have self-control issues.” Laughing, she shimmied out of her panties.

  “Mercy.” Hank took Atlanta by the arm and brought her toward him. “I just want to feel you against me.” He leaned down and kissed her shoulders, eyeing the hot tub, which was now filled with hot steaming water. “Let’s get in before we start something we can’t finish.”

  They climbed in, sat down, and leaned back. The water felt heavenly against his skin, but Atlanta felt even better. Hank placed his arm around her shoulder. “You like?”

  “Mmm-hmm,” Atlanta said with her eyes shut.

  “Let’s not forget our little treat.” He leaned over the other side and grabbed the Champagne and chocolate covered cherries. The bottle was still cold when he picked it up and poured a glass for her. Handing her a flute, he then poured one for himself and lifted it. “Here’s to letting oneself go and blowing caution to the wind.” They clinked glasses. He took a cherry and waved it in front of her mouth. She stuck out her tongue and guided the cherry in.


  “Wow,” she said. “You must really read her books.”

  “Hmm? Oh, yeah. Well…”

  “I’m so glad you talked me into this and was able to get a reservation with such short notice.”

  “Well, I do have a confession to make.”


  “I’m part owner of the spa.”

  Atlanta’s eyes went big. “What?”

  “I was trying to tell you but you were so caught up earlier.”

  “But you could have told me at some point.”

  He felt her shoulders tense, and saw the anger level rise in her eyes.

  “I was going to mention it. You see, it’s kinda awkward, a dude, like myself owning…”

  “Ahhh, I see.” He felt her relax. “Why are you so embarrassed by your accomplishments? So what? You’re an ex-boxer that owns a great restaurant and a wonderful spa. I think it’s real sexy.” She sipped her Champagne.


  “Yeah.” She scooted closer to him. “I think it’s real sexy when a guy has a sensitive side to him.” She kissed his temple, then his cheek. “I think guys…like… that…make…great …lovers.”

  “Th…that so? Well, I got…more…news…” When she moved to nibble at his ear, he was done. That was his weakness.

  He put his glass down and took her face in his hand. Lowering his head, he devoured her mouth, splashing water out of the tub in the process.

  “Mmm, you’re a better kisser than you are a bra remover.”

  “I’m good at other things too.” He stood up, bringing her with him. “I have a better place we can do this.”

  “Really? Where?”

  He stepped out of the tub and helped her out. “In there.” He cocked his head toward the far side of the room. There was a door with a sign on it that read Private Shower.


  The shower was all beige tiled walls, with multiple showerheads, more than large enough for them to wash in. They stepped into the stall and he turned the shower controls on. “Now this is more like it.” The many showerheads sprouted to life and water cascaded over Atlanta’s nude form.

  “How’s the temperature?” he asked.


  “Good, cause it’s about to get hotter,” he said, just before he pressed her against the shower wall, and allowed the water to flow over their bodies.

  Hank pressed his body up against her, so close even a sliver of paper couldn’t pass between them. The only way they could be closer was for him to be inside her. And he wanted to be. But he hadn’t come prepared and he forgot to ask her. Of course, there were other fun things one could do in a shower.

  There was a little shelf near the door that had a variety of body washes. He stepped away from her and grabbed one, pouring some of the liquid in his hands. “Turn around,” he said. When she did, he smoothed his hands down her body, kissing and licking her scrumptious skin. After he placed a kiss on her delicious ass, he turned her around and stood. He gave her a quick kiss and then moved to her chest, all the while soaping her entire body. By the time he reached her belly button, her hands were in his hair, gripping it tightly.

  At last, he made his way to her thighs and nudged her legs apart with the side of his face. She got the hint without being told and spread her them wider. When he planted a soft kiss at her opening, she jerked, almost knocking him off balance. He braced himself again and parted her damp folds, now wet from her own moisture and not the shower. With one swipe of his tongue, he licked her hardened bud.

  “Oooh! Hank!”

  “Shhh, you don’t want the staff coming in here wondering if there’s something wrong, or do you? Are you a bit of an exhibitionist too?”


  He chuckled and continued his assault.

  “That’s it. Ooh yees!” She raised one leg and placed it over his shoulder, opening herself up more to him, pushing her hips, making him go deeper. Much better access. Her nails dug into his shoulders, and his balls tightened to the point of being almost unbearable. But right now, this was for her. He would have his chance soon enough.

  “Ahhh! Ahhh! Hank, I’m coming!”

  “That’s the plan, baby.” He removed his lips from her clit. “You need to hang on to something baby, before you knock us both down.”

  Before she could get a good grip on one of the railings, Hank sank his tongue in her again and flexed it. That was her undoing — and his.

  “Oh God! Yeees!” Her leg on his shoulder dropped down to the floor, as her body slid down the wall, while at the same time knocking him onto his butt. The warm water running over their bodies was a welcomed relief, refreshing and revitalizing. They were both panting heavily, trying to catch their collective breaths. It was going to be a bit of a challenge to get out of there without looking half guilty.

  After si
tting on the shower floor as the water cascaded over them for what seemed like hours, they got up and dried each other off.

  “We need to get outta here,” Hank said as he rubbed the towel over Atlanta’s back.

  “Aww. And we were having so much fun.”

  “Oh, that was only round one. We have several to go. We just need to switch rings.” He gathered up their clothes and stuck them in a laundry bag. He tossed her one of the huge terrycloth robes hanging beside the door. “Come on, we can take the private elevator.”

  “What about our clothes?”

  “The spa will launder them and return yours to you by morning.”

  Hank opened the door and looked to either side, making sure the hallway was clear. He pushed the door open wider motioning to Atlanta to come to him. Taking her hand, they ran down the back way to an elevator with a keypad. He punched in his code and when the elevator arrived, they stepped in.

  “Ever make love on an elevator?” Atlanta asked with a mischievous gleam in her eyes.

  “Yes, but that’s not happening tonight. I want something soft beneath me besides that luscious body of yours.”

  “My soft body under your hard body.”

  “That’s how I like it.”

  “I can live with that.”

  Chapter Seven

  This man had her body humming like a fine tuned engine. That would explain why she grabbed the lapels of his robe and pulled him to her. Her tongue found its way into his mouth and met his. He backed her up against the elevator wall and grabbed one leg to wrap around his waist. Just as his hand parted her robe the elevator stopped and the doors began to open.

  Atlanta dropped her leg from around his waist, straightened her robe and walked unsteadily out of the open elevator door. But he was right beside her.

  “Here, this way.”

  He guided her to her room. “Wait!” she said. “My key card, I left it in my pants pocket.”

  “Not to worry.” He reached into his pocket and took out a key card. “It fell out when I gathered up our stuff so I just stuck it in my pocket.”

  “Has anyone ever told you, you’re too much?”


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