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You Can't Hide

Page 11

by Wendy Davy

  “Then why—”

  He cupped his palm around the nape of her neck, brought her face toward his and kissed her so suddenly and deeply she lost her breath. The shock of his lips against hers brought an awareness tingling throughout her body. Even her toes felt the effects.

  When their lips broke apart, he rasped, “Thanks for believing in me.”

  “What?” Dizzy from his unexpected kiss, Cara fought to understand his words. “I was just sitting here.”

  “Yes.” He chuckled. “And you didn’t scream when I lifted you into the boat. You didn’t scoot away from me as if I had some kind of disease.” He smoothed his thumb over her cheek. “But best of all, you trusted me to get us through the creek and home again.”

  “I don’t know what to say.”

  “You don’t have to say anything. Actions speak louder than words.”

  Cara couldn’t agree more. His actions tonight had cemented him a place in her heart. She was about to admit as much, but he released her, pressed the throttle, and steered the boat around another bend.

  By time they arrived at the house, Cara had savored his kiss in her mind, replaying the moment at least a dozen times. One glance at Gage’s features, and she expected he hadn’t gotten away free and clear from the kiss either. His nose glowed pink from the cold, but his warm smile indicated his thoughts were lingering on her as well.

  When he cut the engine, Cara helped him unload their luggage. “It’s nice to be back. I feel safer here.”

  Gage picked up his cane, climbed up on the dock, and glanced toward the darkened house. His smile faded. “Let me check out the house before you go in.”

  Cara swallowed down her sudden reluctance to be left alone. He was only acting for her benefit, after all. “I’ll wait here.”

  Within a few minutes, Gage stood under the porch light, giving her the all clear. They were safe—at least for a little while.

  She tugged her jacket closer around her, hurried to the porch, and Gage ushered her inside. Fully awake from the cold air and the exhilarating kiss, the implications of what could’ve happened tonight hit her full on. “Thank you, for what you did back at the truck. Not many men would’ve shown me that kind of respect.”

  Gage stepped close, placed a finger under her chin, and gently lifted. “Respecting yourself and your body, is not only a good idea, it’s what God wants.” His appreciative gaze darted over her. “You are worth waiting for.”

  Cara’s throat dried, and she couldn’t speak.

  “Your future husband, whoever he may be, is one lucky man.”

  I want it to be you. She wanted Gage McKenna with every fiber of her being. But, could she tell him as much?

  God willing, Jonas would be arriving soon, and she may not get another chance. Before she had time to second-guess herself, she placed her hands on his chest as she placed her heart on the line. “When Santiago aimed his gun at me, I was not only afraid of losing my life. I was afraid of losing my future. And it became clear, I want that future to be with you.”

  Gage’s gaze held steady on hers, but he remained silent as if he wanted to say something, but couldn’t form the words. And then Cara sensed him withdrawing as an unreadable mask fell over his expression.

  He gently removed her hands from his chest. “We don’t always get what we want.”

  Her stomach dropped, and an ache formed inside. “But, the way you kissed me—”

  “It was a kiss, Cara. Not a proposal.” He dropped her hands and spun on his heel. Then, he was gone.


  Gage’s restraints held him trapped against a cold, hard table. Rain from an afternoon shower dripped through the barred windows and leaked down the gray cinderblock walls. His gaze followed the droplets, his thirst almost as painful as his broken bones.

  Mercado grew taller as he loomed overhead, his face becoming distorted. “Who are you protecting?”

  Gage forced his bruised, swollen eyes to remain open. “You will be held accountable for what you’re doing. If not in this life, then in the next.”

  Mercado lifted the sledge hammer, and Gage took an agonizing blow to the leg. Bones cracked, and white hot pain erupted.

  Gage exhaled, but no sounds emerged from his throat.

  Mercado’s lips curled into a feral grin. “Perhaps you need further motivation.” His voice sounded hollow as if coming from a long corridor. “Bring her in.” He ordered his men.

  Had Mercado discovered his wife’s betrayal? Gage strained to see. A guard covered in military fatigues brought a woman inside the cell. But, it wasn’t Eve. Blonde hair hung in disarray over a beautiful, young face, and eyes the color of the sea begged Mercado for mercy.

  “Cara…No!” Gage’s voice rumbled as powerful as thunder, yet he could not move to save her as Mercado’s hands wrapped around her throat. “No! No! No!”

  “Gage.” Cara’s soft voice flitted from above. “Wake up. You’re scaring me.”

  Gage woke suddenly, his body covered in sweat. He sat upright, clutching sheets beneath his palms. He took in ragged breaths as his vision focused. He wasn’t inside Mercado’s cell. He was home, and the sun’s early morning rays cast a soft glow on Cara’s features.

  Her wide eyes held concern, and hesitation. “You were having a nightmare. I heard you calling out, from upstairs.” She crossed her arms over her modest nightgown and looked toward the door as if she wanted to flee.

  He couldn’t blame her after last night. She’d taken a risk in telling him how she felt, and he’d thrown it back in her face. “I’m sorry.” He smoothed a hand down his whiskers and then rubbed the nape of his neck. “I didn’t mean to scare you.”

  Or, hurt you.

  But, he had on both accounts. He’d never forget the pain etched on her face. “Cara…about last night.”

  “Don’t worry about it. I tend to overreact at times.”

  He wanted to assure her that she hadn’t overreacted. He wanted to plan a future with her too, but he’d panicked when she looked at him as if he could give her the world. Right now, all he could give her was a secluded life at a remote beach house, surrounded by nothing but the sea.

  “You didn’t imagine anything. What’s happening between us is real. It just can’t lead anywhere.”

  She nipped her lower lip as it trembled. “I should get dressed.” She averted her gaze and slipped from the room.

  Gage’s conscience grew heavy, but he couldn’t lead her on. That wouldn’t be fair to either of them. Frustrated from his dream, and his conversation with Cara, he threw aside his blanket and climbed from the bed. His pulse had yet to return to normal, the images of Mercado with his hands on Cara burned in his memory.

  He put pressure on his left leg, thankful the excruciating pain from the nightmare hadn’t carried into reality. The ache had lessened overnight. Perhaps he could do without his pain medication today. He lifted the bottle and rattled the pills. If he could just get through one day without them, he’d consider it a success.

  He set down the bottle and checked his cell phone for missed calls. Nothing. Jonas hadn’t called yet, but Gage expected some kind of communication during the morning hours. He needed to know what had happened at the compound, and if Jonas had retrieved the evidence against Mercado.

  Gage took a quick shower before heading to the living room, hoping to smooth things over with Cara, but she hadn’t returned downstairs. Unsettled, he neared the large windows and took in the view. With calm, easy waves rolling in from the surf, the ocean showed more reserve than usual; fitting for a day that held the promise of unseen danger.

  “Did they find Santiago?” Cara had slipped into the room so quietly, Gage hadn’t heard her.

  She no longer looked vulnerable. She’d pulled her hair into a tight ponytail and had dressed in a form-fitting lavender sweater and dark-colored jeans. She showed no emotions, as if their relationship had reverted to all business.

  A pang of regret stabbed him. He wanted the open, loving Cara back. B
ut, he couldn’t undo what had been done. For now, he needed to concentrate on the question she’d asked. “I haven’t spoken with the detective yet this morning.” He checked his watch. “It’s still a little early to call.”

  “Do you think Santiago could be close?” She peered out the window.

  “It’s more likely he’d try and contact Mercado for further instructions. Santiago isn’t the type to strike out on his own.”

  “But, his brother has been killed. He won’t be in a normal frame of mind.”

  “True. Santiago could be blinded by grief, and bent on revenge. But still, he’d have to have time to find this address.”

  “Since you’re a federal agent, do you keep your address private?”

  “As private as possible, but the Internet is the enemy when it comes to privacy.”

  “So we’re just going to wait around here until Santiago finds us?”

  Cara didn’t sound too fond of the idea, and Gage didn’t like the prospect either, but they had little choice. “Jonas is on his way. We need to be here when he arrives.”

  At the mention of Jonas’s name, Cara’s countenance brightened. “Have you heard from him?”

  “Not since we spoke last night. Let’s get some breakfast, and then I’ll call Jonas, and then the Baltimore P.D.” Gage entered the kitchen and dug out a frying pan. “Mind grabbing the eggs for me?”

  Cara removed the eggs from the fridge and slid them onto the counter. “That’s a little nicer way to ask than the first time.”

  Gage cringed as he recalled asking her to make herself useful. They’d come a long way in understanding each other in a short amount of time. “How does fried sound?”

  “You know they’re my favorite. Sounds like you’re trying to make amends.”

  “I am.” Gage lowered his voice. “I never meant to hurt you.”

  “I assumed too much.” Her cheeks ripened with a hint of embarrassment. “Guess I can blame it on the inexperience you were talking about.”

  Yet another of his not-so-great moments. “I was trying to intimidate you a little on the beach that day when I told you how much more experienced I am. Sorry.”

  “Ah, so you admit you’re not perfect.”

  “I never said I was.”

  “Fair enough.” A hint of a smile played at her lips.

  He returned her smile, and the awkwardness between them faded. For the first time since waking from the nightmare, Gage began to relax.

  Until the satellite phone rang.

  A knot formed in his stomach as he retrieved the phone from his pocket. He checked the caller ID. “It’s Jonas.” Gage connected. “McKenna.”

  “We’ll be there within half an hour.” Jonas’s voice sounded on the line. “Can you meet us with the boat?”

  “Of course.” Gage’s protective instincts kicked in. “Were you followed?”

  “Not directly, but since Mercado knows you’re alive, he’ll probably guess where we’re headed.”

  “That’s what I figure, too. We’ll meet you at the pier.” He disconnected and met Cara’s gaze. “Breakfast will have to wait. We’ve got company coming.”


  “Just so you know”—Cara climbed into the boat after Gage—”Jonas is going to figure out we’ve kissed each other.”

  Gage paused in untying the ropes from the cleats. “How? Are you going to tell him?”

  “He’ll just…know.” She shrugged. “It’s a twin thing.”

  “That’ll just give him reason to deck me twice, then.”


  “Yeah. Once for taking you to your apartment where we were ambushed. The second for crossing the line with you.”

  She scoffed. “I’d hardly call a kiss crossing the line.”

  “Knowing Jonas, he won’t agree. He’s rather protective of you.” Gage released the ropes. “I didn’t even know he had a sister until he called, asking me to look after you.”

  Cara sat beside Gage, in the usual spot. “Don’t feel bad. He’s kept secrets from me, too.”

  Gage paused before cranking the ignition. “He kept his career a secret for good reason. Don’t hold it against him.”

  “I’m not making any promises.” The cool breeze sent a chill across her skin, and she leaned toward Gage. Then she thought better of it and scooted in the opposite direction.

  “Back to that again, are we?” He wrapped an arm around her waist and tugged her close. “I wouldn’t want you to go overboard.”

  Sensing that wasn’t the only reason he’d embraced her, Cara directed a pointed stare at him. “You’re giving me mixed signals. Either you want me, or you don’t.”

  A muscle in his jaw ticked as his features clouded over. “It’s not that simple.” He started the motor and set the throttle to high, effectively blocking out further communication.

  Frustration mounted. Gage cared for her on some level. But, if he couldn’t see past his present to the future that could be waiting for them, what could she do?

  Lord, let this all work out the way You want it to in Your timing, and in Your will. Help Gage see he has a future, and it doesn’t have to be spent alone.

  They arrived at the boat ramp, but no cars were parked in the lot. Cara’s stomach twisted as her mind refocused on the danger lying ahead.

  Gage docked the Carolina Skiff and cut the engine. “They should be here soon.”

  Cara looked around the open marshland and all the places someone could hide. “I feel like we’re targets out here.”

  “That’s because we are.”


  Cara fidgeted as time stretched, and Jonas still hadn’t arrived. Although she’d already checked twice, her gaze kept returning to the old abandoned house, searching the broken windows for signs anyone could be hiding inside. She didn’t see any tell-tale movements, but her nerves tingled anyway, as if someone was watching.

  When she couldn’t take anymore, she turned to Gage. “Shouldn’t we call Jonas to find out how long he’ll be?”

  “We’ve only been here five minutes.” Gage counted the number of lifejackets on board, and then stored them within easy reach.

  “You’re not planning on needing those, are you?”

  “Not at all. It’s regulation. We have to have enough for each person aboard.” Gage also checked the gas level in the tank.

  “You’re anxious, too.”

  “A little.” He admitted as he scanned the area.

  Cara rubbed damp palms over her jeans. “I can’t wait to see Jonas. It seems as if it has been weeks.”

  “We’ve been through a lot in the last couple of days.” Gage perched on the driver’s seat, braced his elbows on his knees and laced his hands together. “Makes it seem longer.”

  Cara wondered if he referred to how their relationship had transformed from business to personal, but refrained from commenting as a black sedan drove along the graveled road, and parked near Gage’s truck.

  She started to climb from the boat, but Gage placed a restraining hand on her arm. “Let’s make sure it’s him.”

  Jonas emerged from the driver’s side, and Gage released her.

  Cara sprang up onto the dock and ran toward him, relief and anticipation quickening her steps. She plowed into his open arms. “I didn’t think I’d ever see you again.”

  Jonas gave her a tight squeeze, and then set her back. “I’m glad to see you too, but we need to get moving.” He crossed to the sedan’s passenger side and opened the door. A woman about Cara’s height emerged, but that was the only way they resembled each other. This woman had dark hair, wore a long, flowing opalescent dress, high heels, and designer sunglasses. But, while her outward appearance spoke of wealth and influence, her tentative smile gave Cara the impression she had a kind spirit.

  “Hello, I’m Cara.” She held out a hand. “Jonas’s sister.”

  The woman placed a gentle, cool hand in Cara’s. “Jonas told me we’d be meeting each other. I’m Eve Mercado.”

sp; At the mention of Mercado’s name, Cara’s insides churned, but she kept her smile in place. “I’m glad you’re here.”

  A boy scrambled from the backseat and shielded his eyes from the morning sun. “Mom, can we go for a boat ride with Mr. Gage?” He pointed to the Carolina Skiff and at Gage who remained within.

  “I think that’s the plan.” Eve looked toward Jonas for affirmation.

  Jonas ruffled the boy’s dark hair. “Go ahead Carlos. Gage is waiting.”

  With a quick glance and a show of dimples toward Cara, Carlos ran toward the dock, and Eve wobbled after him, balancing on her heels in the rough gravel. “Be careful.”

  Once the two were out of earshot, Cara turned to Jonas. “Does Mercado know you have his family?”

  “Yes. I’ll explain how we got away later.” Jonas grabbed a backpack from the car and then took Cara’s hand. “Let’s get going.” He tugged her toward the boat.

  Cara looked ahead in time to catch a glimpse of Eve in Gage’s arms. A shocking sting of jealousy shot through her, and then she reminded herself she didn’t have any rights to the man. He’d made that clear last night.

  The hug lasted a brief moment, and then Gage turned his attention to Carlos. He knelt before the boy, and gave him a high-five. Carlos giggled, acting as if they’d been long time friends.

  Eve and Carlos settled into the rear of the boat as Jonas and Cara approached. Gage turned his attention to Cara. He held up his hands, as he’d done before to help her into the boat.

  Cara braced herself for his familiar touch and backed down the ladder. He gripped her waist, and she eased down until her feet touched. His hands lingered on her longer than necessary.

  Jonas raised his brows at Cara. “Looks like he’s been treating you well.”

  “Good to see you, Jonas.” Gage saved Cara from having to comment, and she gratefully took her seat. “Thought for a while there I might have to get another partner.”

  Jonas leapt into the boat, his boots landing with a solid thud. “You won’t find another one like me.”


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