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You Can't Hide

Page 12

by Wendy Davy

“No doubt about that.” Gage’s smile stretched across his face.

  The two men shook hands and clapped each other on the shoulder.

  “Thanks for keeping an eye on Cara while I was gone.”

  Gage sat beside Cara, shoulder to shoulder. He gave her knee a gentle squeeze. “It was my pleasure.”

  “Oh, really?” Jonas tilted his head.

  Cara’s face heated, and she removed Gage’s hand from her leg. “Aren’t there more important things we should be discussing? Like how we’re going to survive if Mercado shows up.”

  “She’s got a point.” Jonas sat on the front platform, as all the seats were taken. “We’d better get to the house.”

  Gage agreed, and after checking that his passengers were secure, he turned the boat’s key and the engine rumbled to life. He set the throttle high, and they rushed along Foley Creek. It wasn’t until they’d reached the house that Cara thought about Eve’s lack of luggage.

  Once Gage cut the motor off, Cara asked Eve, “Did you have a chance to bring your things with you? Clothes or anything else?”

  Eve shook her head. “We had no time. We barely made it out alive.”

  Carlos seemed oblivious to the conversation as he leaned over the boat’s side and swirled a stick through the water.

  Cara softened her voice. “How much does Carlos know about his father?”

  “Not much. I wanted to protect Carlos as much as possible. He doesn’t need to know what kind of cruelty Alejandro is capable of.” Her voice sounded hollow and full of pain as she watched Carlos climb out and skip toward the house. “He deserves to be happy.”

  “So do you.” Cara squeezed Eve’s delicate hand. “Let’s pray this is a new beginning for you.”

  “Oh, it will be. No matter what happens, I won’t be returning to Alejandro.” Eve removed her high heels and accepted Jonas’s help from the boat.

  Cara climbed out, and they walked side by side off the pier.

  Eve adjusted her sunglasses. “I’ve waited so long for my freedom. Jonas has saved my life in more ways than he’ll ever know. And Gage protected me, too. You’re lucky to have both of these men in your life.”

  Cara agreed, but didn’t know how long that would hold true. After all this was over, she might not ever see Gage again. She pushed aside the unwelcome thought. “Well, as I said. I’m glad you’re here.”

  Eve offered a warm smile. “Jonas said I’d like you.”

  “Come on inside. Let’s get a drink and figure all this out.” Cara led the way in through the back door as Gage and Jonas finished securing the boat.

  Once everyone was inside, Gage brewed a fresh pot of coffee. Jonas and Eve sat side by side on the couch as Cara gathered some papers and a pencil for Carlos. He settled in the other room to draw.

  “So Jonas, how did you get away from Mercado?” Gage handed out mugs filled with steaming coffee. “Cara and I thought we’d have to come to Columbia to rescue you.”

  Jonas sat straighter, as if his pride had been injured. “I was the one who had to rescue you, remember?”

  “How could I forget?” Gage sat in a recliner and ran a hand over his leg. “The pain reminds me every day.”

  “What do the surgeons say about your recovery?” Jonas leaned forward, grasping his mug.

  “Given time, the pain will lessen. But, I won’t ever regain my full range of motion.”

  Jonas averted his gaze, as if he knew what that meant to Gage’s career.

  Eve’s skin paled. “I’m so sorry, Gage. I feel as if it’s my fault.”

  “Don’t.” His voice came out raw with emotion. “Mercado is responsible. No one else.”

  Jonas smoothed a thumb over his coffee mug. “What happened with Santiago and Rafael? Did they follow you to Cara’s apartment, or were they already there?”

  “They were waiting.” Gage gave an abbreviated version of the attack in Baltimore. “That reminds me, I need to call Detective Ramsey. See if he has an update on Santiago’s whereabouts.”

  “I’d like to know where he is, too.” Eve wrapped her arms around her small waist. “Santiago is almost as dangerous as my husband.”

  Gage withdrew a business card from his pocket and placed the call. “This is Special Agent Gage McKenna. Did you find Santiago?”

  He listened a moment. “I understand. Let me know when you have an update.”

  Cara waited until Gage disconnected. “Do they have any leads?”

  “They’re looking for a vehicle that was stolen from your neighborhood. They think Santiago might’ve taken it.”

  “That means he could’ve followed us.” Cara looked to Gage for reassurance.

  “I was careful. We weren’t followed last night.”

  “Santiago would most likely contact Mercado before doing anything on his own, anyway.” Jonas set down his mug on the coffee table and clasped his hands. “He doesn’t make decisions without Mercado’s approval.”

  “That’s what Gage said, too. But, Santiago might make an exception in this case. He blames Gage for his brother’s death.” Cara’s insides quaked as she recalled the shooting.

  Eve cleared her throat and tugged at one of her gold earrings. “Alejandro must attend a meeting in New York. He was scheduled to leave Columbia this morning. He and Santiago may have made arrangements to meet somewhere.”

  “That’s entirely possible.” Jonas tapped his foot as if anxious for a resolution. “When’s the meeting?”

  “Sometime tomorrow, I think. Alejandro fears Serrano more than the U.S. authorities. Otherwise, he wouldn’t have risked entering the States.”

  Cara took a sip of coffee, hoping the warmth would soothe her rattled nerves. “How did Mercado capture you anyway? How did you escape?”

  Jonas sat back and crossed his ankles. “Mercado found Eve inside his office with the ledger in her hand. I walked in and Mercado used Eve as a shield. A guard disarmed me. My hands were tied. But, Mercado made a grave mistake in underestimating Eve.” He winked at her. “She grabbed scissors from his desk and stabbed him in the leg, giving me a chance to take care of the guard. Eve grabbed the guard’s gun and hit Mercado over the head with it. Knocked him out cold.”

  “How did you get away? Isn’t it some kind of guarded compound?” Cara stood and paced the room.

  “We took Carlos and hiked through the jungle.” Eve chimed in. “We were able to make it to Cartagena and purchase new clothes before boarding our flights.”

  Gage shifted, and massaged his knee. “You mentioned Eve had the ledger. Do you still have it?”

  Jonas smiled as if he’d won a coveted prize. “I’ve got it in here.” He unzipped his backpack and handed over the evidence.

  “This notebook’s been the cause of a lot of pain.” Gage held it tight. “If only we knew it existed earlier.”

  “I would’ve told you sooner, but I didn’t know until recently.” Eve wrung her hands. “I walked in on Alejandro while he was writing in it. He pretended it was nothing, but I knew better. That’s when I contacted Jonas about it.”

  “Without your help, we’d still be looking for something concrete to use against him. Now that we’ve got the ledger and our testimonies, Mercado doesn’t stand a chance.” Jonas rubbed his palms together. “I’m looking forward to the trial.”

  Eve nodded. “Me, too. I’ll do anything to keep Alejandro away from us.”

  Gage thumbed through the ledger’s pages. “This has everything we need. Names. Dates. Locations. We need to get this turned in.”

  “I called the DEA’s Philadelphia Division on the way here. They’ve already agreed to provide witness protection.” Jonas’s gaze darted between Eve and Cara.

  “That’s great.” Cara sat on the sofa. “Eve and Carlos will be safe.”

  “And you will be, too.” Jonas nodded toward her.

  “What do you mean?”

  “The DEA has authorized protection for you as well.”

  A nervous fluttering began in her stomach. “I’m al
ready being protected.”

  Gage stopped flipping through pages. “Why now? They wouldn’t before.”

  “After the incident with Santiago, they agreed Cara was at risk.” Jonas’s gaze met hers. “You’ll need to pack up your things, we’re leaving this evening.”

  Her stomach dropped. “But, I’m safe with Gage.” Leaving the island to be sent to an unknown place, with unknown agents didn’t appeal to her in the slightest. “I’d rather stay here.”

  Jonas’s brows arched. “That’s not exactly the reaction I expected. A couple of days ago, you didn’t even want to come here. What’s happened between you two?”

  Gage returned the ledger to Jonas, and then raked his fingers through his hair. His intense blue gaze zeroed in on Cara. “You should go.”

  Pain knifed through her, causing an ache as deep as an ocean ravine. She looked through the window, focusing on waves crashing into shore. How could Gage dismiss her so easily?

  “Guess neither of you are going to answer my question.” Jonas tucked the ledger back into the bag. “How are you doing Carlos?” He called.

  Carlos sprinted in, and showed Jonas the picture he’d drawn. “This is Papa playing catch-the-lizard with me. Is he coming to visit here, too?”

  Eve’s face paled. “Let’s talk about that later. Want to go play on the beach? We can build a sandcastle.”

  “Yeah!” Carlos ran out the door, and Eve trailed behind.

  Jonas looked between Gage and Cara, cleared his throat and then followed the others outside.

  Gage crossed the room and sank onto the sofa. He took up Cara’s hands in his. “Now that we have the ledger, the DEA will assign a team to apprehend Mercado. The safe house is a temporary arrangement, until he’s detained and can no longer come after you.”

  Cara straightened her spine, but couldn’t force herself to pull from his warm grasp. “I’ve been perfectly safe here. Why should I go?”

  “They can provide twenty-four hour protection. I can’t.”

  “I…wasn’t expecting this.” She jerked up her head. “What about you? Will you come with us?”

  “I’ll be fine here.”

  “Alone. But, that’s the way you prefer to be, isn’t it?” She stood, ripping her hands from his.

  “Cara, that’s not fair.” Gage stood, picked up his cane and steadied himself, inches from her.

  “You said yourself, life isn’t fair. It’s just a matter of what you choose to do with what you’ve got. You can decide to have joy in your life, or not. You can decide to start living again, or not. What are you going to choose?”


  The closer the time came for Cara to leave, the sicker Gage felt. His stomach roiled, tension knotted his muscles and his leg even gave him a fit. It seemed as if his entire being was urging him to stop Cara from leaving; his heart, mind, and even his body. But, Cara’s safety came first.

  Earlier, she had carried her suitcase downstairs and left it at the back door as if resigned to leave. For the past two hours, she’d kept her distance, only sending a few glances his way. Eve and Carlos had spent the afternoon on the beach, and Jonas had kept guard over them all from the watchtower.

  Gage stepped onto the back porch, intent on giving Jonas a break, but the briny air blew stronger than usual, and he lifted his gaze toward the sky. Dark clouds threatened in the distance.

  He signaled to Jonas, and within a few minutes, Jonas joined Gage on the porch.

  “Looks like a storm’s moving in.” Gage gestured toward the horizon.

  “I noticed. I think we’d better get moving earlier than planned.” Jonas made a fist, cracking knuckles. “But I’m not leaving until I get a shot at you.”

  Gage didn’t understand at first, and then he remembered. “Right. For taking Cara straight into Santiago’s hands. Go ahead, get it over with.” He widened his stance, and held his arms at his sides.

  Without preamble, Jonas slammed his fist into Gage’s jaw.

  Pain erupted, and Gage tasted blood.

  A woman’s sharp intake of breath had them both turning around.

  Cara stood in the doorway, mouth hanging open. “Jonas! What are you doing?”

  “Don’t worry about it. It’s a guy thing.” Jonas rubbed a hand over his knuckles.

  “You hit him.” She looked from Jonas to Gage and then back again. “Why?”

  “For putting you in danger.” Gage rubbed his aching jaw. He’d actually been surprised it had taken this long for Jonas to come after him. If the situation had been reversed, he would’ve slugged Jonas the first chance he got.

  Cara’s lips tightened and a deep V formed between her brows as she looked at Jonas. “Well, while you’re at it, might as well hit him again.”

  “What for?” Jonas and Gage spoke in unison.

  “For kissing me.” She picked up her suitcase and strode past them toward the pier, hips swaying and head held high.

  “I knew it! I could tell the moment I saw you two together.” Jonas reared his arm back for another strike.

  This time, Gage caught Jonas’s fist, stopping the blow. “I let you hit me the first time, because I regret putting Cara in danger. But I don’t regret kissing her. I’d kiss her again if she’d let me.”

  “Is that so?” Jonas narrowed his eyes.

  The two squared off, standing eye to eye. Years of mutual respect hanging in the balance.

  “Oh, please.” Cara returned and broke the tense moment. “I kissed Gage first.”

  Jonas blinked. “You did?”

  “Yeah. And I’d do it again if he’d let me.” She mimicked Gage’s answer and swept into the house, dismissing both men.

  A tense moment passed and then Jonas dropped his arm and cracked a smile. “I suspected you two would get along.”

  “Does that mean you’re OK with it?” Gage couldn’t believe the turnaround.

  “Sure. She kissed you first. It’s only fair you kiss her back.” Jonas grinned and strode away, calling over his shoulder, “I’m going to get Eve and Carlos. Meet you at the boat.”


  “Men.” Cara shook her head as she checked for any belongings she might’ve left behind. She gave the bedroom one last glance. Strange enough, the military style room had grown on her. She’d slept deep last night, until Gage had woken her.

  He’d seemed so vulnerable this morning, waking up disoriented. She’d felt sorry for him. But, not anymore. The little scene on the porch had taken the sympathy right out of her.

  How men could settle disputes with their fists, she’d never understand. But, Gage’s words still resonated within. He’d told Jonas he would like to kiss her again.

  Lord, why can’t Gage see he needs someone to share his life with?

  Cara took the steps down to the living room, and found Jonas. “Is it time?”

  “I’m ready if you are.” He tossed his backpack over his shoulder.

  “I’ve packed everything. I guess we might as well go.” She followed Jonas outside. The evening air had a slight chill to it, and the scents of rain carried on the breeze. She looked around, enjoying the serene atmosphere, possibly for the last time. An ache grew inside, and the longing intensified as she spotted Gage near the pier with Carlos.

  Gage ruffled Carlos’s hair as he knelt before the boy. “You be brave and look out for your mom, OK?”

  “I always do. She says we’re going on an adventure.” He picked up a broken reed and swished it through the air like a sword.

  Eve’s soft laughter carried through the air.

  Gage’s smile disappeared as Cara approached. He winced as he stood, and he leaned on his cane. “Cara…”

  She held up a hand. Any parting words he might offer would stir up emotions she wasn’t prepared to confront. “Please don’t say goodbye yet.”

  He inhaled a deep breath, nodded, and then motioned for her to step before him onto the pier.

  His gaze burned Cara’s skin as she carried her suitcase past him. The tide was in
, leaving easy access to the boat. Thankful she wouldn’t need Gage’s assistance, she stepped inside and helped Eve and Carlos settle into the front.

  Jonas and Gage followed at a distance, discussing something in hushed tones until Jonas suddenly stopped. “Wait. I left my binoculars in the watchtower. I’d better get them.”

  “Make it fast. The wind’s picking up.” Gage’s hair whipped around his forehead, and his clothes fluttered in the breeze.

  The temperature dropped, and Cara shivered. “I hope this doesn’t turn into another wet ride.”

  Gage gave her a knowing look, as if remembering the first night. “I’ll run inside and get some raingear, just in case.” He tossed her the boat keys. “Go ahead and get the engine warmed up. I’ll be back in a sec.” He hurried off the pier, and across the sandy property.

  Cara pushed in the key, and cranked the engine. The motor roared to life, and the pungent scents of gasoline and motor oil swirled around them.

  “I’ll be glad when this is all over.” Eve adjusted her dress as the wind blew it around. “I can’t wait to see my family again.”

  “Where are you from?”

  “New York.”

  “I assumed you were from Columbia.” Cara commented.

  Carlos tugged on Eve’s hand. “Momma, we’re floating away.”

  Eve’s hand flew to her chest. “Oh, no. Carlos, did you…?”

  “I’m sorry. I was just playing with the ropes like Mr. Gage did when we got here.”

  One quick glance told Cara that Carlos had untied the ropes from the cleats, leaving the boat vulnerable to the swirling tides. “No problem. I can drive us back.”

  Carlos cuddled against his mother, and she smoothed her son’s hair. “It’s all right.”

  “Cara!” Jonas’s booming voice caught Cara by surprise.

  She looked toward the watchtower. Jonas stood at the top railing, waving his arms over his head. He said something else, but she couldn’t hear above the engine’s sounds. She cut the motor and cupped her hands to her mouth. “What?”

  “Look out! Behind you!” Jonas’s voice sounded panicked.

  Cara twisted around. The current had sucked them deeper into the creek, but there seemed to be no imminent danger. Confused, she looked back toward Jonas, but he’d already begun to descend the steps.


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