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Ask Me No Questions

Page 8

by Dixie Lynn Dwyer

  Her heart was pounding inside of her chest as she looked up into Coast’s green eyes. He stepped closer, eyes squinted, a determined, angry expression on his face. She wondered if he’d heard her conversation. He’d obviously seen her get rid of the phone. Shit, this wasn’t good. How could she be so stupid?

  “Did you hear me, Cassidy?” he asked and stepped closer. He placed his hands on the railing behind her, and she tilted back. There was nowhere to go or run to.

  “Are you spying on me?” she asked him.

  He looked her body over and the blouse she wore. The gentle breeze cascaded against her skirt and her blouse, parting the collar.

  “I can’t seem to take my eyes off of you, Cass. You’re too appealing.” He pushed a strand of hair behind her ear.

  “Please don’t do this. I already told Cash I’m not interested.”

  He pressed against her and cupped her face between his hands.

  “Cash told me about the kiss and about the trouble he thinks you’re in.”

  “I’m not in any trouble.” She tried turning away.

  “A burner phone? Being secretive? I’d say something is up. You even have Red covering for you.”

  “Please, Coast. Respect my privacy.”

  “Not if you’re in danger. We can protect you.”

  She went to shake her head, but he had other plans. He was so attractive with his green eyes, blond crew-cut hair, and muscular body behind the pale cream dress shirt he wore. He smelled really good too. Too good.

  “I don’t need protection,” she told him with a stern tone.

  “I think you do.”

  Before she could pull away, Coast was licking his lower lip, drawing attention to his mouth. Her next thought was of being kissed by him and how it was a really bad idea. But when he lowered slowly, giving her every opportunity to turn away, she just couldn’t. Instead, she allowed Coast to kiss her.

  * * * *

  Coast was lost in her kiss and the overwhelming power of emotions and attraction he had for Cassidy. He was more than concerned for her. Every instinct in his body told him she was in trouble and pretending that everything was all right.

  Coast pressed her against the railing, felt her hands caress up his waist then against his chest. She applied a little pressure, obviously wanting to slow things down. He wanted the opposite.

  She pulled from his lips. “Damn it, Coast. I can’t do this. I can’t get involved with you or Cash. I can’t do this right now. I can’t.” She tried pulling away.

  He grabbed her wrists and held them up and against his chest.

  “Don’t push me away. Don’t minimize what’s happening between all of us. Tell me what’s going on. Tell me about Houston.”

  “I can’t, Coast.”

  “I want to know what has you so scared that you’re willing to throw away a chance at something great. Cash, Stryker, Memphis, Orlando, and I have been waiting for a woman like you to come into our lives. Now you’re here, we all feel the attraction, and you’re pushing us away. I want to know why you were talking on a burner phone. Why are you trying to hide like someone is after you? Who were you talking to? Are there police involved? Come on, Cassidy. Let us help you.”

  She shook her head side to side.

  “Damn it.” He scolded and looked away but then looked back at her. These feelings, this attraction was too powerful to let slip through their hands. His team wasn’t here to back him up. He had to do something.

  “Can you at least admit to the attraction you feel for us? Can you do that?” he asked.

  She held his gaze and turned her hands as he held her wrists against his chest so that her palms lay against his pectoral muscles.

  “I feel it, Coast. I definitely feel it.”

  He was relived, and it made him want to push for more answers.

  “Then tell me about your life back in Houston. Tell me why you came here and what happened.”

  She looked away. He felt desperate.

  “Fine. We’ll work on that another day. Right now we need to explore these feelings. You need to get to know all of us and realize you can trust us. Then maybe you’ll answer our questions.”

  “Please don’t ask me anything. Please don’t push. It’s my business, my problem, Coast. I don’t want or need you and your team, or even Red, involved.”

  “I like you, Cassidy. I feel a connection to you, and I just can’t stop myself from asking questions about your life because I want to know more.”

  “You have to respect my wishes, Coast. Ever here the saying, ‘ask me no questions’?”

  “And I’ll tell you no lies? Yes.”

  “That’s the way it needs to be right now. It’s how I need it to remain in control.”

  He raised her hands up to his mouth and kissed her knuckles. When he released her hands, he wrapped his arms around her waist and pulled her close.

  “You can take a chance, and I’ll respect your wishes. For now.”

  He leaned down and kissed her softly before he took her hand and began walking away from the railing by the pond. As soon as he had the chance to confide in the others, he would tell them what had happened today and how much Cassidy needed them in her life.

  * * * *

  Coast had to leave to head back to work for a little while, but as they met up with Gia and her men, they told him about Casper’s later.

  “I’ll see you there, and I’ll let the others know,” Coast told her and then leaned forward and kissed her softly on the lips.

  As he walked away, Gia grabbed her arm.

  “Oh my goodness, looks like some major changes have been happening since we last talked.”

  Cassidy smiled softly. “I guess so.”

  “You don’t seem thrilled. Don’t you like Coast?” Gia asked.

  “I do. As I like Cash, Memphis, and Orlando, but the timing isn’t really right. I’m not certain that I’m staying in town, as I mentioned the other day.”

  Gia made a sad face as she hugged Cassidy’s arm and began walking with her and away from her men. They didn’t seem to mind as they talked among one another.

  “Maybe you might reconsider. You know, re-evaluate your concerns and your plans. I can tell you that when I first came here I was running from my past. I had some bad stuff happen to me in New York. My ex wanted to share me with his partner, a gangster who wound up coming here looking for me. I was assaulted by a coworker looking to force himself on me. It was one big mess after the next. Thank God I had my cousin Teddy and, of course, Garrett, Gunner, Wes, and the crew they know. I would have wound up dead. So take it from me, if there are some concerns or danger hanging over your head, Tranquility is the place to be. Those men, Coast, Orlando, Memphis, Cash, and Stryker are all good men you can trust. Maybe give them a chance. Who knows? They may be your happily ever after.”

  Cassidy couldn’t believe what Gia was telling her or how much confidence she had in Cash and his team. She was also curious about Gia’s past.

  “You said you had an ex-boyfriend after you and some gangster? How did you resolve everything?” she asked.

  Gia explained about what happened to her in New York, about her calling Teddy and then changing her name. Cassidy had thought about doing that, too, but she wasn’t willing to change her name or remain in one place to document everything. She went on to describe the sexual harassment at work and then trying to hide everything from Teddy, Garrett, Wes, and Gunner. It had nearly cost her her life.

  “Gia, could I trust you with something? Would you promise to keep it a secret? I think you’ll understand, and maybe that’s what I need right now,” Cassidy said, wanting to take this chance with Gia.

  She seemed so kind and honest, and she’d had similar experiences. Cassidy was following her gut. She really didn’t want to leave this town or these people. She liked it here. She could see herself living here forever. Maybe with Coast and the guys? She gulped the lump of emotion from her throat as her heart pounded inside of her chest, and Gia
promised to help her as best she could.

  Cassidy explained about meeting Blaze and having a relationship and then what had happened.

  “Cassidy, it’s not your fault. He wasn’t even a patient of yours or a client, and you should know better than anyone that a lot of soldiers are resistant to accepting they have a problem. Not going to the police to file a restraining order and document his actions because you’re a Marine and didn’t want to look weak is crazy. Marine or not, you’re a woman, a human being, and you felt, feel, in danger because of this man.” She leaned closer and held Cassidy’s arm.

  “For crying out loud, he held a gun to your throat and told you he would kill you. He needs help.”

  “I know that. I tried getting him that help, and it backfired. It didn’t help that his friends cover for him and protect him. I had to quit that great job in Houston and leave my best friend, Lynn, all because he started threatening her too and getting more intense with me.”

  “But you came here, and now you have me as a new friend, Deanna, and then of, course, Cash, Coast, Orlando, Stryker, and Memphis too. You would not have met them and perhaps found real men to learn to love if you hadn’t left Houston.”

  “I guess that’s a way to look at it. But I can’t accept their advances. I can’t think about getting involved with multiple men when I have this situation weighing on my shoulders. I won’t put them in harm’s way. It’s not their battle. It’s mine.”

  Gia touched Cassidy’s hand.

  “Honey, that’s what these men do. Do you know how unique, how strong a ménage relationship really is?”

  Cassidy hadn’t a clue. She knew about the little things. The relationships she’d witnessed in Houston. Like with Lynn, Chris, and Jim. How they cared for her and took care of her. The way their eyes lit up when she entered a room and how Lynn doted on them with respect, love, and compassion.

  “I know what I’ve seen. I can tell it’s unique. It’s like the men all take part and share in caring for the woman and making sure she’s safe and loved.”

  “Exactly. It’s even more unique, and maybe even extra important, when the men served in combat together. They did everything as one team, one unit, one family, and then they open their hearts, let down their guards for one very special woman.”

  Cassidy felt the tears reach her eyes. She quickly looked away, and Gia squeezed her shoulders.

  “See, honey. You get it. You’re fighting taking the chance at that with Coast, Cash, and the team because you’re trying to be so tough with your own situation. But think of the chance they’re taking. Think about how protective they are of one another and of Stryker. He’s the loose cannon. He’s the one who feels he isn’t good enough for anyone. You could be the key, the one woman they could all let their guard down with and love. Wouldn’t that be worth fighting for?”

  “Oh God, Gia, but how do I know? How do I know if this is right? How do I know that they won’t hurt me or toss me to the side, maybe even hate me when they learn about my problem? A man wants to kill me. He will stop at nothing to find me. I know that, and my focus has been on running and keeping out of his reach. I can’t expose these men, your friends, to something so bad and dangerous.”

  “They’re Marines, Cassidy. They’re soldiers through and through, and if they like you the way I think they do, none of the problems, or your fears, will stop them from making you theirs. Can’t you take a chance and see what happens? Can’t you trust them enough to let go, to follow your heart and see where it leads?”

  “And if they hurt me too?”

  “Love is all about chances. You served your country. You’ve seen your share of violence, death, and all that goes along with being a Marine, a trauma nurse, and a woman in the field. You can’t tell me this is scarier than all of that?”

  Cassidy chuckled and looked at her hands then back to Gia.

  “Stryker is pretty damn scary.”

  Gia laughed. “He’s pissed off at the world. You’ll get through to him.”

  “Our first encounter didn’t go so well. I pissed him off, and he pissed me off.”

  This time Gia chuckled. “Sounds like the making for something magical to occur.”

  Cassidy laughed and shook her head. “You’re the most optimistic person I’ve met.”

  Gia shrugged her shoulders.

  “I almost died. More than once. Life is too short to not embrace what’s around us. To not take a chance on love, like I did with Garrett, Wes, and Gunner. Take the chance, Cassidy. At least you’ll never have any regret or ask yourself what would have happened if you’d followed your heart instead of allowing fear to hold you down.”

  Cassidy nodded and then headed through the fair looking at all the vendors until the parade began.

  She absorbed it all. The way everyone was smiling and enjoying the parade. The laughter of children, the numerous ménage relationships she could easily pick out, and the feeling of being home, of being part of somewhere like she never had before. Could she take a chance and stick around? Blaze was more than likely going to wind up behind bars for a while. That gave her some time to think and to see if getting involved with the men was right. Like Gia said, at least she would know if she took that chance instead of wondering what would have happened if she had.

  * * * *

  Memphis was walking along the side street looking for Cassidy along with Orlando. Coast had called them and told them about the conversation with Cassidy today. He’d mentioned her using a burner phone and about not wanting to share her problems. She was in trouble, and that didn’t sit right with any of them.

  “Do you see her?” Orlando asked Memphis. He couldn’t believe how excited he was to find her and talk to her. He paused a moment, catching a glimpse of Gia first.

  “There’s Gia. Cassidy must be close. They were going to be hanging out together before they headed to the barbecue at Casper’s,” Orlando said to Memphis.

  Memphis glanced around as they continued walking and caught sight of Cassidy. She was by the sidewalk where the VA table was set up. She was talking to Jack Walker and one of Deanna’s husbands, Teddy.

  “There she is,” Memphis said, and he and Orlando made their way closer.

  They watched Jack shake Cassidy’s hand.

  “So I’ll see you later at Casper’s. We’ll talk more. I can’t wait to learn more about you,” he said, and Memphis felt his gut clench and his temper flare.

  Was Jack hitting on their woman? The fact that Memphis looked at Cassidy as belonging to him and the team had him holding back a moment. But the scene didn’t stop Orlando.

  “There she is. We’ve been looking all over the place for you, baby.” Orlando then pulled her close, leaned down, and kissed her.

  Memphis saw the shocked expression on Jack’s face, and then Teddy chuckled.

  Orlando slowly released her lips and then cupped her cheek.

  “You look beautiful,” he said.

  Cassidy’s cheeks were bright red, and she seemed off kilter.

  Memphis stepped forward. “He’s right. We were looking all over for you. How is everything going?” Memphis asked her.

  Orlando let her go, and Memphis brought her fingers to his lips. He kissed her knuckles and held her gaze.

  “Fine.” She then looked at Jack and then at Orlando, who had a shit-eating grin on his face. He had felt the same jealousy Memphis had. Memphis just knew it. But instead of panicking and stepping back a moment, Orlando had made it quite clear to Jack, and anyone else looking around eavesdropping, that Cassidy was taken. He’d have to thank Orlando later.

  Memphis held her hand then said hello to Teddy and Jack.

  “This is really nice. A lot more crowded than last year,” he added.

  “Sure is. We’ve been busy all day long,” Jack told him as more people approached the table and Jack’s assistants helped them with information.

  “Shall we walk around a bit before we head to Casper’s?” Memphis asked Cassidy as he absorbed her pr
etty face, her hazel eyes, and the way her hair moved gently in the gentle breeze.

  “I was just finishing up talking with Jack. So, Jack, I’ll see you later.”

  “Sure thing. I look forward to it,” he replied, and Memphis squeezed Cassidy’s hand as they started walking away with Orlando and Teddy.

  “I’m going to catch up with Deanna and the kids. I’ll see the three of you and I assume the rest of the team in about an hour,” Teddy said and winked at Cassidy.

  “Thanks for introducing me to Jack. He’s a very nice guy.” Cassidy said, and Teddy smiled wider.

  “Sure thing.

  He said goodbye to Memphis and Orlando and then Orlando placed his hand on her waist as they walked.

  “So, I missed you,” Orlando told her as they strolled down the street together.

  Memphis felt her trying to pull her hand from his.

  “Did you really?” she asked Orlando with a chuckle.

  “Sure did. Don’t you believe me?” Orlando asked, stopping her by the parking lot between the buildings. She looked up into Orlando’s eyes, and Memphis released her hand.

  Orlando cupped her cheeks and stared at her mouth.

  “I heard you bumped into Coast this morning. That you feel the same way we all do about you.” He looked over her lips and her skin. “That we want more.”

  Orlando touched his lips to hers, and Cassidy gripped Orlando’s wrists as he held her face. Orlando kissed her deeply, and Memphis couldn’t help himself. He pressed up against Cassidy and ran his hands along her waist then kissed along her neck.

  Suddenly Cassidy pulled back.

  “Oh God, we have to stop. It’s too much. We’re in public,” she said, sounding embarrassed.

  “You taste too delicious to just take a small sample,” Orlando told her then took her hand. He began leading her farther into the parking lot. Memphis chuckled.

  “In fact, I think we should head way back toward the tree line where no one else can see us. That way, I can really have a good taste of you,” he said, and Cassidy planted her heels into the ground and gave Orlando’s arm a light tap as she chuckled.


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