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Ask Me No Questions

Page 9

by Dixie Lynn Dwyer

  “Get out of here. You’re crazy,” she told him.

  Orlando pulled her into his arms, and she gasped. “Crazy about you.”

  He lowered his mouth and kissed Cassidy again as Memphis stood watching. But Memphis didn’t mind at all, especially as he witnessed Cassidy hugging Orlando back then kissing him in return.

  When Orlando finally seemed to be ready to share, Cassidy tried to sidestep away from Memphis. But Memphis was too quick for her. He snagged Cassidy around the waist from behind and nuzzled her neck, absorbed her perfume, and began walking forward with her in his arms.

  “What can we do for an hour before heading to Casper’s? Hmmm…” he teased then suckled her neck, making Cassidy giggle and try to pull away. Her laughter lit up his heart, and Memphis knew things were only going to get better. They just needed to gain her trust and learn who she was running from and why.

  * * * *

  Cassidy hadn’t laughed so hard in years. But sitting on the bar stool surrounded by Orlando, his team, and a bunch of other retired soldiers, she couldn’t help but enjoy herself. The stories they told were ridiculous. But the best stories were the ones where the guys argued over who’d been caught doing some pretty crazy things to pick up women.

  She thought she might laugh so hard she’d fall off the stool when one of the guys claimed to have the largest penis and was willing to challenge any of the other guys, with money, to prove him wrong. All the while he kept his eyes on her, teasing Cash, Memphis, Orlando, and Coast, knowing that they all had a thing for her.

  “Please don’t. Totally not necessary,” she told the guy, placing her hand toward him. As he began to unbutton his pants and ask if she was sure, she nodded and covered her eyes.

  “Charlie, get the hell out of here. She’s taken,” Cash said very firmly, and they all got pretty quiet.

  But she didn’t correct Cash or deny his statement. Instead, she locked gazes with him as the guys walked away, apparently feeling uncomfortable with Cash’s statement and her dead stare at Cash.

  He stepped closer and reached out to tug on a strand of her hair.

  “You got all those guys so riled up. They can’t take their eyes off of you, and that can’t happen.”

  “I didn’t do any such thing. I think it was the four of you who got them going.”

  Coast placed his hand on her thigh where her legs were crossed.

  “I think you gained some admirers, starting with Jack. You were talking to him for an hour,” Cash said to her.

  She looked up into his eyes.

  “He was asking me if I was interested in a job.”

  “A job here in town?” Orlando asked her.

  “Yes. Only part time for now, but it’s kind of like a counseling thing.”

  Cash caressed her cheek and then gently gripped her chin.

  “You thinking of accepting his offer and sticking around longer?”

  She tried looking away, but Cash didn’t let go. She stared up into his eyes.

  “I’m not sure, Cash. I really think it would be better to leave now. I’d hate to make commitments that, sooner or later, I’d need to break.”

  * * * *

  Her words hit him hard. Was she saying the same thing in regards to them?

  He leaned forward and kissed her softly. When he released her lips, he held her gaze.

  “We’re not going to let you disappear on us. We’ve waiting too long for a woman like you to show up. We’ve got too many plans for you.”

  “Plans?” she asked.

  “Oh yeah. You’re going to be pretty busy. It’s a full-time job being the girlfriend of multiple soldiers,” Coast told her.

  “There’s going to be long walks through the park, some horseback riding on the ranch, even nights out to dinner or days spent grabbing lunch in town then just enjoying being in our arms,” Orlando said to her.

  Cash immediately saw her eyes well up with tears.

  “Sounds like you all have it planned out.”

  She lowered her eyes, and Cash cupped her cheeks. He held her gaze and saw the emotion and so much more. He felt for this woman. He wanted her in every way. It was as if he knew she belonged to him and the others. He wanted everything with her and hoped that this worked out.

  “We know what we want, Cassidy. That’s you,” Cash told her.

  “All of you,” Coast added.

  Cash leaned forward and kissed her. When she wrapped her arms around his neck and kissed him back, he was overjoyed with relief. It would work out. Nothing would stand in the way of their happiness.

  Chapter 8

  Cassidy had a hard time sleeping. She got up at five to go out for a run to clear her head. She was all aroused and giddy thinking about the guys. Orlando, Cash, Memphis, and Coast had been relentless in trying to get her to come over to their place last night after Casper’s.

  God, she’d been tempted. But what kind of message would that send these guys? She wanted to do this right. The thought gave her a bellyache.

  She’d been over this a thousand times last night. It wasn’t fair that this was happening to her. That she was attracted to four men and wanted to get romantically involved and felt she couldn’t. Blaze was out there. Blaze would not just forget about her. She’d known that night when she looked into his evil eyes that he was serious. He would kill her and himself. He would kill anyone who was with her or kept her away from him.

  Thinking about Blaze made her feel fearful. As she ran a little faster, she felt the hairs on the back of her neck stand up. Glancing around, she couldn’t see anyone. She was imagining things. Blaze didn’t know where she was. Blaze was hopefully in jail. When she got back to the cottage, she would call Lynn.

  As she made it over the final hill before the long stretch of road toward the ranch, she heard the sound of a diesel engine and knew a truck was coming. Sure enough, it was Memphis. He slowed down, but she kept jogging at a more relaxed pace, keeping up.

  “Hey, gorgeous. What are you doing out this early?” he asked as he leaned over the steering wheel and stared at her out the passenger window.

  “What does it look like I’m doing?” she asked, teasing him.

  “Hopefully jogging to my place where Orlando and I can cook you breakfast.”

  “That’s okay. I should shower first.”

  “I don’t mind you all sweaty, baby. You look really sexy in those short shorts.”

  She chuckled.

  “Come on now. Say yes to breakfast,” he pushed.

  “Can I shower first and meet you there in thirty minutes?”

  “Sure thing. We’ll start cooking up the bacon.”

  She waved, and he honked the horn as he stepped on the gas and headed toward the second driveway then up it. She turned at the first driveway made of stone and headed to her cottage. She picked up her pace. She didn’t want to take too long. She had wanted to call Lynn, but it was still early. She’d try her later. She couldn’t believe how excited she was or how quickly her mind wandered to what she should wear.

  She really did like these men and wanted to impress them. That was becoming obvious.

  * * * *

  Stryker looked out the window. Orlando told him that Cassidy was coming over for breakfast. He was feeling uneasy. He didn’t like company, and he especially didn’t like women coming over here. She would stare at him. Maybe ask what had happened to him or why he couldn’t walk without pain. She’d been a nurse in the military. She probably saw men like him as weak and not worthwhile.

  Women wanted strong men. Physically perfect men. Men who could show off their agility and strength to impress them.


  The last thing he needed was a beautiful woman like Cassidy to be here. They never brought any of their women around. Hell, they didn’t want to be so cruel to him. They were his brothers, his team, and they always looked out for him. So why were they even allowing this woman into their lives and, now, into their home?

  It had to do with what he’
d heard last night. His brother and the team had been talking about Cassidy late last night. She was in some kind of trouble and set on leaving town soon. He didn’t want his team getting hurt by some woman who didn’t have her shit together and had baggage too.

  He would see what she was all about. She wouldn’t fool him. He knew fakes and frauds when he saw them. Those damn therapists his father and team sent over here time and time again were full of shit. They didn’t know war. They never saw combat or engaged in it. They hadn’t sustained lasting physical, never mind emotional, wounds from combat. He had.

  He caught a flicker of something from the window and turned to look out of it. Sure enough, there she was. She wore a pretty pale blue skirt that reached right above her knees and a tank top and blouse in white. Her hair cascaded down her back and over her shoulders as a gently breeze made it bounce to and fro.

  She looked angelic.

  She didn’t look like a soldier. A Marine.

  That thought made him nervous and uptight. He got mad. She wasn’t perfect. She had problems and issues like everyone else. But she was pretty to look at. He wouldn’t engage in conversation with her. He would watch her to see how truthful she was and see how that body, those good looks, and even charm were all his brother and team saw in her. He could see deeper. He was good at reading people and seeing things others didn’t. It was what had kept him alive in the military and what made it possible for him to be left alone so he could handle his condition in peace.

  * * * *

  Cassidy walked up to the front porch, but before she could knock, Orlando was there to greet her. The man looked hot. His dark hair was slicked back, and he wore blue jeans, cowboy boots, and a snug-fitting, blue plaid shirt. He had rolled up the long sleeves to his muscular forearms. His brown eyes sparkled as he looked her over then swept her into his arms and kissed her.

  She hadn’t expected such a greeting, but it seemed this was how Orlando would greet her every time he saw her. His sweet hello-kiss turned into a full-fledged assault on her mouth as he plunged his tongue deep and ran his hands along her body.

  She was caught up in the feel of it all, including being in his arms and feeling so aroused and possessed.

  Someone cleared his throat and pushed the screen door open.

  “You didn’t even give the poor woman a chance to come inside.”

  Orlando released her lips and caressed a hand along her backside.

  “I was hoping she would come right here in my arms,” he teased, and she felt her cheeks burn. Her pussy was leaking cream, and her breasts felt full and aroused. Orlando was right on target, and he didn’t even know it.

  She pulled back, only for Memphis to take her hand and pull her closer. He cupped her cheek and looked over her outfit.

  “I don’t know what I like more, the short shorts or this skirt.” He leaned forward and kissed her. Once again she was lost in that kiss, and in embracing the scents, the feelings, and emotions that consumed her with Memphis too. He was so big and muscular. The man could pose in cowboy calendars.

  She felt Orlando press up against her from behind then she felt his hand move under her skirt against her thigh.

  “The skirt is more accessible. I think I like it more.”

  She wiggled out of their holds and fixed her skirt.

  “I thought you invited me over for breakfast.” She placed her hands on her hips. She tried to pretend to not be turned on. Who was she kidding? She was undressing them with her eyes. She could practically wipe the drool from the corners of her mouth.

  Orlando grabbed her hand and pulled her along.

  “We did. We were just hoping we could have you, too, besides bacon and eggs,” he teased.

  “Orlando,” she scolded, and Memphis chuckled.

  “I have to tell you, sweetheart, you bring out a side of Orlando I don’t think any of us have seen.”

  “That’s true. It’s sickening.”

  Cassidy was shocked to see Stryker there. He sat at the table, scruff on his face and a sour expression to boot as he held a cane and stared at her. That expression of his was so effective. She didn’t want to stare at him or allow his attitude to affect her.

  “Good morning, Stryker. It’s nice to see you again.”

  Orlando pulled out a chair for her. “Make yourself comfortable, Cass. Memphis and I will take care of breakfast.”

  “Coffee?” Memphis asked, and she shook her head.

  “Water is fine. Thank you.”

  She caught Stryker watching her so she glanced at him.

  He immediately turned away.

  “So how long of a run do you do each morning?” Orlando asked her.

  “Usually six to eight miles, but today I went a little farther.”

  “You got up early. I heard your back door slam closed,” Memphis said.

  “Really? It was pretty early. About five, I think. You were up?” she asked him.

  He held her gaze as he brought over a plate of toast, along with butter and jam.

  “I couldn’t sleep.”

  “Me either,” Orlando said and brought over the bacon.

  She couldn’t help but read into their statements and their eyes. Were they thinking about her as much as she was thinking about them and Cash and Coast too?

  Orlando reached out, placed his fingers under her chin, then lowered to kiss her. It was slow and soft, and when he released her lips, he held her gaze. “Couldn’t get you off my mind. It was torture.”

  She felt her belly tighten and her nipples harden from his words. But then a spoon fell to the floor by Stryker. She turned that way, saw him struggle to reach it, and got up and got it for him. On her way up, he gripped her wrist.

  “I don’t need your help.” He released her wrist, and she placed the spoon onto the table.

  “It appeared you did. My bad.” She went to sit back down. The man was a force, and for some ungodly, insane reason, when Stryker touched her, when she’d absorbed his cologne as he grabbed her wrist, she felt something. She must be losing her mind.

  “A simple thank you would have sufficed, Stryker,” Orlando commented.

  Stryker shot him a look.

  “I could have gotten it,” Stryker said firmly.

  “So, Cass, where were you stationed most often?” Memphis asked, obviously trying to change the subject.

  “I was mostly in the Middle East. Did some time on my first two tours in Germany at a hospital where we treated more serious injuries. You know, to get them well enough to be transported back to the states.”

  Memphis and Orlando sat down, and they all started making plates. She noticed that Orlando served her bacon first before himself, and Memphis served her eggs before anyone. Stryker just sat there. She couldn’t help but wonder if he were eating. He needed to eat to be strong.

  “That’s impressive. Had a few buddies that wound up in Germany,” Memphis added.

  “Had a few who never made it there,” Stryker said under his breath.

  She looked at him from across the table.

  “It’s never easy losing our fellow soldiers. It’s all part of it I guess.”

  “Is that what they teach you as a nurse? That we’re just another number, another lost body who can’t fight another day?” Stryker got aggressive with her.

  “That’s not what she’s saying, Stryker,” Orlando said, but Cassidy held her hand up.

  “None of the soldiers I met and saw during my tours were just names and numbers. We all did our best,” she replied to him.

  He held her gaze. He let his eyes graze over her breasts, and she picked up the fork and took another bite.

  “Garrett said you worked with one of the best ER surgeons in the field,” Memphis said to her.

  “I did. Dr. Reynolds is amazing. He’s still active, although I think he’s going to retire soon. He doesn’t want to get shipped out of the country again. He’s getting older, and it’s just too much physically and emotionally.”

  “It must be ni
ce to just walk away. You never feel the pain or have the reminders of combat from scars or not being able to feel whole again. Maybe I should have become a nurse.” Stryker crossed his arms in front of his chest.

  He had such a dark, mean expression. He looked ready to kill. She didn’t want to think about Blaze, but he came to mind. Not that Stryker had that look, but it was pretty damn close to it. She felt as if he was trying to rattle her on purpose. Maybe he thought his father and his team wanted her to counsel him and help him. Maybe that’s why it seemed he set out to rile her up.

  She held his gaze as she thought about it, and he raised one of his eyebrows at her as she stared. It was a few seconds of silence as he waited for her response to his comment.

  “Nah, you don’t seem to have the patience or right bedside matter,” she said to him. Memphis and Orlando chuckled.

  “She’s right. You’ve always had a bad attitude. Although Cash would be the one to confirm that,” Orlando told them.

  “You don’t know me. You think you know me because you worked with a doctor in the Corps and handed him bandages and ran around doing errands?” Stryker asked, leaning closer to the table.

  His eyes bore into hers, and she felt on the defensive and ready to protect herself.

  “I’m sure her job consisted of more than that,” Orlando said, but it wasn’t with much enthusiasm.

  She was starting to feel as though these men might be like lots of other soldiers who assumed very little of her capabilities as a nurse, as a soldier and a Marine. She felt her blood pressure rising.

  Cassidy was getting really annoyed. She wanted to tell him all about her experiences and about being shot and nearly dying and how she had numerous medals and commendations for her bravery. That would show this angry, nasty Marine who he was talking to. Instead, she bit her tongue and waited to put him in his place.

  “Her silence says a lot,” Stryker pushed.

  “I worked in a triage unit in Iraq not too far from the front lines. I did a hell of a lot more than passing out bandages. I did a lot of things I don’t like thinking about because they sadden me. Why don’t we make a deal, Stryker? You don’t tell me about what I may or may not have done in the Corps, and I won’t ask you about how you sustained your injuries and how insane I think you are for giving up when true Marines never do.”


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