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The Dark Kingdom (Sage Trilogy, Book 2)

Page 7

by St. Clair, Julius

  Ignoring the stares and increased whispers upon his recognition, he navigated the crowd until he saw his friends, just sitting and staring off into space. As soon as Leidy saw him though, she removed Jennings’ arm from around her and leaped into James’.

  James hugged her back tightly and he couldn’t fight back his tears any longer. He cried into her shoulder bitterly as he squeezed her shoulders. Leidy wailed and Jennings soon joined them, throwing his jock reputation to the side. No one would remember. It was time of mourning for all…

  * * * * *

  “Where is he buried?” James asked carefully. They had been weeping for so long that he had long forgotten the purpose of his arrival. Leidy picked at the grass.

  “There were too many bodies,” she said. “We had to burn them.”

  “I’m going to miss him,” James replied, staring up at the sky. “When you weren’t around, Leidy, he would make me laugh to no end.”

  “He was a jolly guy,” Jennings laughed. “It didn’t matter what people said about the two of us being together. He made me forget how much life sucked…well, considering last night; it wasn’t so bad I guess.”

  “I don’t even think my store made it,” Leidy sighed. “All that work for nothing.”

  “Not for nothing,” James laughed. “If it wasn’t for you, I wouldn’t have gotten so big and strong.”

  “Speaking of which,” Jennings sat up further. “Who was that we saw last night? It wasn’t the James I knew.”

  “The Academy did me good,” James chuckled. Leidy leaned on his shoulder.

  “Guess your father was right after all.”

  James wasn’t sure what to say to that. Jennings laughed and shook his head.

  “Seriously, what was that? You were like a superhero or something.”

  “I’m a Sage,” he declared proudly. He now had Leidy and Jennings’ undivided attention.

  “Do tell,” Leidy said.

  “We don’t have time to get into all of it. The Princess is due to speak in a few minutes, but I’ll explain everything I can.”

  James stood up, looked around him at all the sad faces and decided to go against his better judgment. He unleashed his eidolon with a flash of light, making the whole crowd erupt in gasps and terror. Some began running away but James held up his hand.

  “Don’t worry,” he shouted. “I’m not here to hurt anyone. I’m just trying to show you something.” James cleared his throat.

  “Here in the Kingdom of Allay, we all have the ability to become Sages, people with the power to do things like this – take their souls and fashion it into a sword. And you all know me well. If I can somehow become this warrior of immense power, you can too. I’m no different than any of you. Actually, I was worse off…but this is what I’ve learned to become in the Academy. And how you do it is that you have to let go. Of your fear, your troubles, your terror. Look within yourself, find that person that brings you up, not tears you down, and strengthen that person. And with that powerful man or woman at the helm of your life, make this decision: don’t live for you. Don’t strive to just achieve great things for you and you alone. Live for others. Die for them. And you will find that you have the power inside of you to defeat anything that seeks to oppress us. Think of last night.”

  The crowd murmured, still staring at his eidolon, glowing like a beacon.

  “To fight against such enemies, you must become Sages. Nothing less will do. Don’t settle. Each of us has this power inside of us. We just have to bring it out.”

  “Will you show us? Train us?” Someone called out from the crowd. James shook his head.

  “No. Because no one could train me. Think about it. I was hard-headed. Worthless. A slacker of the highest degree. I received endless knocks on the head and teaching from my father, from all of you and it did me no good. It wasn’t until I was forced to face who I was and make a decision for myself that my life changed. I had to choose whether to achieve greatness, or die in depression. And I chose greatness. I won’t lie. It was a long process, and because I had slacked for so long, the road was harder than it needed to be, but in the end, I learned to believe not only in myself, but all of you. Suddenly the words you’ve tried to relay to me rang true, and I appreciated the kindness you’ve shown. But none of this would have happened if I didn’t go through the journey on my own. You will have to do the same.”

  The crowd was speaking amongst themselves louder this time, pointing at his eidolon and themselves. James could already see the seeds he planted beginning to germinate. He had once felt the same rise within him. In such a common place as the village of Allay, there was nothing to look up to, to strive for. But seeing this slacker before them with an eidolon shining bright in his hand, they were already saying within themselves and to each other…

  “I can do that.”

  As James sheathed his eidolon, he felt his fellow warriors suddenly appear behind him. Walking forward and then standing next to him side by side, they revealed themselves to the Kingdom of Allay formally.

  Arimus. Kyran. Chloe. Dominic. Achan. Scarlet and James.

  These were the Sages of Allay, and not one villager in attendance would forget the sight of them. Should the Kingdom strive on, the image would be seared into their minds forever. The Sages of legend had not been destroyed and made extinct. Here they stood, still endangered, but strong and ready for battle. Their protectors still here, igniting a passion in the core of their being, giving them something to strive for. The villagers, with nothing left to look to, would reach for higher, and in their hearts, they declared loudly:

  These would not be the last of the Sages.

  Chapter 4 – Gone

  The crowd hushed and looked to the castle, which had been nothing more than a dead zone for the last two decades. They had not looked to it simply because they knew no one was there to speak. But today was different. In the aftermath of their turmoil, a voice from the past would talk to them, and usher in a new age for them all.

  As the crowd, both villagers and Sages looked to the sole balcony of the castle, jutting out a castle tower and extending out toward the meadow, they waited. And then they saw her step out. James couldn’t help it. His jaw dropped, and Arimus just chuckled as soon as he saw it from the corner of his eye.

  If anyone had showed him months ago, that the woman now standing on the balcony was the Princess of Allay, there would have been no question.

  She approached the balcony’s end gracefully, with eyes closed and a blushed face. Her hair was still curly but it had been washed and shined. Her face had been scrubbed and her freckles seemed to twinkle like stars. The dress she wore was elegant and majestic, a royal purple silk that hung on her shoulders like a King’s robe. The dress was very much like a bride’s, complete with frills, a beautiful array of colorful flowers decorating the belt running across her waist and a veiled train falling down her legs and extending far behind her. Her hands were gloved in the same purple silk. In her right hand, she carried the crown of her father, glistening from its vast spread of diamonds and choice rubies. In her left, she carried only a piece of paper.

  When she was in full view of her people, the last glimpse of the sun descending in the distance and the shadows of the evenings coming out to play, she opened her eyes. Her emerald green eyes were full of life and vibrancy. They were washed in tears, and she struggled to maintain her composure as she cleared her throat and prepared to address her Kingdom. James couldn’t hold his breath any longer.

  “She’s beautiful,” he sighed in awe as each of the Sages looked to him. Only two showed any expression. Dominic scowled and Achan smiled.

  The crowd took a deep breath, and their Princess spoke to them all for the first time.

  “I love you all,” she finally said, nearly breaking into tears. She cupped her mouth with the crown but then bit her lip and straightened up. The crowd nearly joined her in her weeping.

  “I’m sorry,” she laughed nervously. “But I had to tell you. Be
cause I needed you to know before I explain what must be done…”

  The people waited for her to continue.

  “Nearly twenty years ago, our Kingdom was crippled. And we’ve been recovering ever since. It was thought that the Sages had been extinct, and there was no hope for Allay. I can tell you now that that is not true. Standing amongst you are the last of the Sages. Only seven.”

  The crowd looked to them, still standing tall.

  “And now the hard part…” she said, nearly breaking again as she picked up the piece of paper in her left hand. “This is a letter I received three years ago. It reads as follows: My dearest daughter, I don’t have time to explain everything, but I have risked my very life to get this into your hands. Catherine, your mother and I are safe, but that is not what’s important. I’ve learned that Zen-echelon is behind the spread of the ether over this world, the ether that now travels to Allay. I’ve learned that the ether is a result of Zen-echelon’s use of their powerful stone, and they seek to destroy us all, both body and soul. Time is short. In five years, they plan to release a force that will destroy us all, as soon as the ether has covered each Kingdom. They are ruthless, and care nothing for our lives. Our only hope is if you should get the five stones of each Kingdom, for when they are brought together, their collective power counteracts one another and they become vulnerable. Only then can they be destroyed. I don’t care how it is done, but done it must be. If Allay or any other Kingdom seeks a life in this world or the next, this must be done. I am sorry for putting this burden upon you…signed Cornelius Herald…my father.”

  James examined the crowd as he thought over the contents of the letter. Why did Zen-echelon hate them all so much?

  “The ether my father speaks of now covers most of the forest outside Allay’s walls. Within two years’ time, it will cover the Kingdom. That I promise you. My mentor, Arimus and I have studied this letter in detail and have determined that these are the words of the King himself. But now we are faced with a choice. We can ignore these words and wait, and hope that they are not true. Or we can act. My Sages and I have chosen the latter. And this means we must also do something horrible to ensure the success of our mission…we have to leave you.”

  Any whispers in attendance now stopped as the villagers’ fear suddenly renewed.

  “We know how scared you must be, especially after last night. And there is no guarantee it won’t happen again. Next time we may not be there to defend you…tomorrow morning, we are leaving Allay.”

  Leidy and Jennings turned to James in horror. All he could do was nod in return. It was for the good of everyone…

  “To go to each Kingdom and enact my father’s plan,” Catherine said loudly. “We don’t have a choice…but you still do. You can sit and wait for our return in fear, or you can fight for yourselves, as you’ve done for all these years…if you love me, if you love this Kingdom, if you cherish your lives, you must fight for them. You must take up arms and rebuild. We must all become the people we once were and show the world that we are not afraid of what may come. From this point on, you are all soldiers. Warriors. Men and women of prestige and honor. There are no more villagers. No more citizens. You are the army. The infantry of Allay!”

  The villagers did not respond at first, unsure of their own voices crying out into the night air less they be heard by enemies unseen. But then a voice shouted loud and unashamed, a roar that caught them all off guard. James could not believe his eyes.

  It was his father.

  And then Jennings joined. Then Leidy, who simultaneously slapped the back of the head of the man next to her. And he cried out too.

  Then another, and another.

  Soon the village erupted in shouts of war and battle. And then the Sages joined the rally, roaring with all their might. Within a minute, an entire Kingdom was shouting in unity, and whomever could be watching or listening from outside the Kingdom walls, would grow afraid.

  Catherine smiled and then joined her people, pumping her fist into the air.

  Then she threw the crown into the crowd, and the shouting died down as they stared in shock at the ornament lying in the grass. Catherine spoke up boldly.

  “That is my father’s crown. And it is supposed to be mine. I was to have it put upon my head when I took over as queen. But on this mission, I will first and foremost be a warrior and a Princess second. And even now, I don’t deserve the honor of being made your queen. As a husband chooses his bride, you will choose your queen, or your king. Decide amongst yourselves. Should I return, and you determine that I am the best suited for the position, I will accept, but that is up to you to decide. From this moment on, I am a soldier, just like you.”

  And with that last word parting from her lips, she ripped the dress from her body, and threw it behind her. In its place was armor, thin purple armor that was worn, dirty and battle scarred. Catherine reached up and ran her hands violently threw her hair, messing it up to the best of her ability, then her armor to gather dirt, and then her face, rubbing the grime well into it. She finally wiped her hands all over her pants and then stood up straight and sighed in relief.

  “There she is.” James thought. “That’s the Catherine I know.”

  “Good-bye,” she waved to the people and then blew them a kiss. “I love you all.”

  And then she turned and disappeared into the darkness, possibly never to be seen again amongst the villagers. They didn’t gasp or cry out this time. They spoke with more confidence and boldness, asking each other when they were going to begin training. Who was going to be their leader…taking care of business. James smiled as Arimus placed a hand on his shoulder.

  “Our job is done here,” Arimus said. “We must prepare for tomorrow.”

  James nodded and waved a good-bye to Leidy and Jennings. They leaped up and hugged him one last time. He embraced them back and then pulled them away. He had to focus now.

  They understood his silence, and reluctantly went back into the crowd, finding their place in the Kingdom. And before he turned around to leave with his fellow warriors, he happened to see through the crowd…a stare. His father, glaring at him with a clenched jaw. James had no emotion to give him and they just stared at each other for a moment before his father’s face softened.

  He nodded in James’ direction and placed a closed fist to his heart.

  James didn’t nod back, but raised his head and then turned to leave.

  With his back to his father, and the coast being clear, he smiled.

  And allowed the tear to escape…

  * * * * *

  The night had been a sleepless one, which made him angry considering he probably wasn’t going to get much out in the forest. Maybe in the other Kingdoms, if he wasn’t being chased or fighting…

  James took a deep breath and sighed as he walked through the empty dorm hall. He had neglected his packing the night before so he had to hurry this morning, and he had no breakfast so his stomach was weeping uncontrollably. James ignored it and reinforced the knapsack on his shoulder. The contents fell hard against the breastplate he wore under his white wool cloak.

  Standard Sage issue.

  Every Sage received a wool cloak of a different color like the one Arimus wore to conceal their identity, but if they engaged in battle, there was no point in being subtle. They each wore pieces of lightweight armor underneath, not enough to protect them from deep cuts, but certainly the shallow ones. Each of them had received color specific armor also, except for Scarlet and Catherine who both wore purple. Catherine had insisted that she be aligned with her cousin and Scarlet, though scowling, smiled with her eyes.

  Arimus had his blue armor with matching cloak. Achan his red. Dominic his bronze. Chloe her green and Kyran his black, of course. James had the white armor. A representation of his eidolon, his soul. He wasn’t sure what the white hot light that came from it meant, nor the black rose keychain, but he would devote plenty of time finding out. He was ready to begin training.

  He fi
nally made it to the courtyard and winced when the Academy doors closed behind him. It could be the last time he would hear them, or see the school itself. This was it. There was absolutely no turning back now.

  Standing before them were the other six Sages and Catherine, waiting on him, and surprisingly smiling at him as he approached. Well…except Kyran.

  “Sleep well?” Kyran commented as Chloe nudged his arm. James walked to Arimus and nodded. He was ready. The group instinctively formed a semi-circle around their leader as the winds began to pick up. James shuddered and listened attentively.

  “This is it,” Arimus said, a smirk breaking through his long, grey beard. “The day we’ve talked about for the last three years. As we embark today, I can’t think of a greater group of people I would rather lay my life on the line with. You are my friends, but more importantly, fine warriors.”

  The group remained stoic and listened.

  “But enough with the kind words. Here is the reality. If we fail, the world dies. For every one of us that falls, our chances at success diminish significantly. We can’t afford to lose one. The odds are stacked insurmountably against us. And do not underestimate anyone. Languor has shown how powerful their soldiers can be if they set their minds to it. Keel was one, and he did much damage to our Kingdom. Imagine thousands of him engaging us in battle. Prattle is not made up of warriors, but they are silver tongued. Remember Alexander. Remember the plan he executed in the forest and on Allay. Imagine thousands of him. They may not be able to defeat us in physical combat, but certainly in matters of the mind…

  “…And I don’t have to tell you in depth of Quietus. The siege of 88 is evidence enough. They alone nearly wiped us off the earth. They alone, killed thousands of Sages. We are six. Even now I shudder at the thought of entering that dark Kingdom. Our entire group could fall at the hands of one…just one…and finally, we have Zen-echelon. I know nothing of them but this: if they are not afraid to wipe out four other Kingdoms in one fell swoop, knowing the knowledge I just relayed to you, then they are a force that is not to be taken lightly…but even with all my warnings…even with this small number, we can succeed. The Sages of yesterday lived a life of luxury, even Lakyrmos himself. Allay was in the prime of its life. They didn’t have to fight the way we will now. And with so much riding on our shoulders, with this hunger for success fueling our eidolons, we can achieve feats they could only dream of. Remember that we limit ourselves. Remove those limits. Right now.”


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